The ElectriFly™Compact E-Box was designed to use the Hobbico
TorqMaster™LC sealed battery (HCAP0800) or other sealed
batteries of the same size and to fit the Great Planes®ElectriFly
Triton™charger (GPMM3150) or the Hobbico Quick Field Charger
MKII (HCAP0290). Fitting any other charger may require
modifications to the box.The battery connectors on the chargers will
also need to be changed to banana plugs (HCAP0310).
❏ 1. Slide the sealed battery into the bottom of the Compact
E-Box, connect the spade connectors to the battery and replace
the hatch screws. Note the polarity of the battery (red spade
connector goes with red wire and positive battery terminal).
❏ 2.Spread the sides of the box slightly, to allow the charger to
slide down, then slide the charger into position.
Note: If using the Triton charger, glue in the square spacer as
shown.Also, change the alligator clips to banana plugs (HCAP0310).
❏ 3.Install the handle and the screws.Cut the charger’s battery wire
to length and solder banana plugs on it. Plug the charger in. Be
certain to match wire and plug colors to respect polarity.To turn the
Triton charger off, unplug one of the leads.
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