Technical Data
Fan Swept Area: 2.71 in2 [17.5cm2]
Maximum rpm: 50,000 rpm
Housing Inner Diameter: 2.14 in [54.5mm]
Outer Diameter: 2.23 in [56mm]
Complete Assembly Weight (no motor): 1.3 oz [37g]
Welcome to the exciting world of Electric Ducted Fans (EDF)! The HyperFlow is a new EDF design created by Great Planes
using the latest technology to fi t onto smaller EDF airplanes. The HyperFlow was created with ease of use in mind, as well as superior
performance using either a brushed or brushless motor. Great Planes offers several different motors that you can use to tailor the fan’s
performance to meet your needs. This EDF can fl y airplanes as small as 10oz [280g] to airplanes as big as 35oz [990g] depending on
the chosen motor. Flying speeds have been measured to be from 55mph [88km/h] to 110mph [185km/h]. You can now fl y modern jets
and fl y them in a realistic manner–fast.
Great Planes
Model Manufacturing Co. guarantees this product to be free from defects in both material and workmanship at the date of
purchase. This warranty does not cover any component parts damaged by use or modifi cation. In no case shall Great Planes’ liability exceed
the original cost of the purchased product. Further, Great Planes reserves the right to change or modify this warranty without notice.
In that Great Planes has no control over the fi nal assembly or material used for fi nal assembly, no liability shall be assumed nor
accepted for any damage resulting from the use by the user of the fi nal user-assembled product. By the act of using the user-assembled
product, the user accepts all resulting liability.
If the buyer is not prepared to accept the liability associated with the use of this product, the buyer is advised to return this product
immediately in new and unused condition to the place of purchase.
To make a warranty claim send the defective part or item to Hobby Services at the address below:
Include a letter stating your name, return shipping address, as much contact information as possible (daytime telephone number, fax
number, e-mail address), a detailed description of the problem and a photocopy of the purchase receipt. Upon receipt of the package
the problem will be evaluated as quickly as possible.
Entire Contents © Copyright 2007
Hobby Services
3002 N. Apollo Dr. Suite 1
Champaign IL 61822 USA
GPMZ0194 for GPMG3910/3911 V1.1

The following measured performance data has been achieved using the stock intake lip and 90% FSA exhaust duct.
# LiPo Cells Voltage Current Power Static Thrust RPM Effl ux Effl ux
Speed Speed
Motor: Brushed Speed 370BB (GPMG3910)
3 11.1V 10.3A 114W 240g (8.5oz) 29,000 32 m/s 72 mph
Motor: Brushless 20-40-3500 (GPMG5140)
2 7.4V 8.7A 64W 215g (7.6oz) 27,000 28 m/s 63 mph
3 11.1V 15.7A 174W 400g (14.2oz) 35,800 46 m/s 103 mph
Motor: Brushless 24-33-4875 (GPMG5170)
2 7.4V 17.2A 127W 330g (11.6oz) 32,300 41 m/s 92 mph
Motor: Brushless 24-45-3790 (GPMG5185)
2 7.4V 9.7A 72W 230g (8.0oz) 27,120 28 m/s 63 mph
3 11.1V 19.9A 221W 485g (17.1oz) 38,600 53 m/s 118 mph
4 14.8V 32.6A 482W 820g (28.9oz) 48,000 74 m/s 165 mph
Effl ux Speed: Air Speed Exiting at the Exhaust
Please visit the Great Planes website (www.greatplanes.com) for performance
data on recently released motors or any other technical updates.
(meters/second) (miles/hour)
Hyperflow 56mm Measured Performance
Efflux Speed (mph)
20000 30000 40000 50000
Thrust (oz)
20000 30000 40000 50000
134% FSA
99% FSA
90% FSA
The data in these charts was obtained using
a stock intake lip. The motor was an Ammo
24-45-3790 and the ESC was an SS-35.
Fan Swept Area
Duct Cross-Section
The way a ducted fan works is simple: As the fan rotates
and draws air, the surrounding duct causes the airfl ow to
accelerate through the fan and exit out of the exhaust tube.
With this in mind, fans are designed with a particular duct
profi le in mind and a particular fl ying speed. The HyperFlow
has been designed to be most effi cient while fl ying at 56 mph
[90 km/h]. This was done so that the fan would perform well
with an inexpensive brushed motor, but would still operate
at effi cient levels with a brushless motor. This is proven by
the maximum measured thrust of 28.9oz and 165mph effl ux
speed at 48,000rpm.
The duct profi le is extremely important for the fan to perform
well. The intake needs to be large enough to supply the
required air to the fan at both low and high speeds and
at different rpm, but if the duct profi le is too large, it may
increase the airplane's drag coeffi cient. Of course, the intake
and exhaust should be as short as possible to minimize
losses. The duct profi le must be smooth and absolutely free
of obstacles. It is also recommended that the intake has a
smooth, rounded lip which helps maximize static thrust and
smooth airfl ow into the intake.

The fan swept area (FSA) is 2.74in
[17.68cm2]. The minimum
intake area for this fan is 3.67in2 [23.6cm2]. This represents
134% of the FSA. This area can easily be achieved by using
a straight tube intake. Whenever possible, however, make
the intake as large as the model will aesthetically allow.
Exhaust area is equally important for the fan to perform well.
Using a straight-tube exhaust (134% FSA) will simplify the
construction of your duct, but at the cost of thrust and speed.
The optimum exhaust area for this fan is between 90 and
99% FSA (see graphs on the previous page). 99% FSA is
[17.5cm2] while 90% FSA is 2.46in2 [15.9cm2]. The
Hyperfl ow will deliver slightly more thrust at slower rpms
with 99% FSA, but in all other fl ight regimes, the 90% FSA
exhaust will deliver more thrust and speed.
Useful Conversions:
134% FSA 3.67in2 [23.6cm2] = 2.162in [54.9mm] circle
99% FSA 2.71in2 [17.5cm2] = 1.857in [47.2mm] circle
90% FSA 2.46in2 [15.9cm2] = 1.769in [44.9mm] circle
Before starting to assemble, take an inventory of this kit
to make sure it is complete, and inspect the parts to make
sure they are of acceptable quality. If any parts are missing
or are not of acceptable quality, or if you need assistance
with assembly, contact Product Support. When reporting
defective or missing parts, use the part names exactly as
they are written in the Kit Contents list.
Replacement parts for the Great Planes HyperFlow EDF are
available using the order numbers in the Replacement Parts
List that follows. The fastest, most economical service can
be provided by your hobby dealer or mail-order company.
To locate a hobby dealer, visit the Great Planes web site at
www.greatplanes.com. Choose “Where to Buy” at the top of
the page on the right side. Follow the instructions provided on
the page to locate a U.S., Canadian or International dealer.
Parts may also be ordered directly from Hobby Services by
calling (217) 398-0007, or via facsimile at (217) 398-7721,
but full retail prices and shipping and handling charges will
apply. Illinois and Nevada residents will also be charged
sales tax. If ordering via fax, include a Visa
number and expiration date for payment.
Mail parts orders and payments by personal check to:
Hobby Services
3002 N Apollo Drive, Suite 1
Champaign IL 61822
Be certain to specify the order number exactly as listed
in the Replacement Parts List. Payment by credit card or
personal check only; no C.O.D.
If additional assistance is required for any reason contact
Product Support by telephone at (217) 398-8970 or by
e-mail at productsupport@greatplanes.com
Replacement Parts List
or MasterCard®
Great Planes Product Support
3002 N Apollo Drive, Suite 1 Champaign, IL 61822
Telephone: (217) 398-8970, ext. 5 Fax: (217) 398-7721
E-mail: airsupport@greatplanes.com
NOTE: Motor is only included in GPMG3911.
1. Ducted Fan Housing 6. Front Housing Flange
2. Stator Extension 7. 20mm Brushless Motor Adapter
3. Aft Cone 8. Mounting Screws and Washer
4. Rotor Cone 9. Fan Rotor Adapters (2, 2.3, 3mm)
5. Fan Rotor Blade 10. Motor
Order Number Description
GPMG3940 Fan Rotor Blade
GPMG3941 Miscellaneous Parts
GPMG3942 Outer Duct
GPMG3943 Rotor Adapter