INTRODUCTION ....................................................................2
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ......................................................2
DECISIONS YOU MUST MAKE ............................................3
Radio Equipment ....................................................................3
Battery Selection ....................................................................3
ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED..........................................4
Adhesives & Building Supplies................................................4
Optional Supplies & Tools ......................................................4
IMPORTANT BUILDING NOTES............................................4
ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS ....................................5
METRIC CONVERSIONS ......................................................5
METRIC/INCH RULER ..........................................................5
KIT CONTENTS......................................................................6
PREPARATIONS ....................................................................7
BUILD THE WING ..................................................................7
Install the Ailerons ..................................................................7
Join the Wing ..........................................................................8
ASSEMBLE THE FUSELAGE................................................9
Mount the Wing ......................................................................9
Mount the Stab & Fin..............................................................9
Install Servo & Battery Tray ..................................................11
Install the Motor & Speed Control ........................................12
Install the Elevator ................................................................13
Install the Rudder..................................................................14
RADIO SET-UP ....................................................................15
FOLDING PROPELLER ......................................................16
Battery Installation ................................................................16
GET THE MODEL READY TO FLY ......................................17
Check the Control Directions ................................................17
Set the Control Throws..........................................................17
Balance the Model (C.G.)......................................................18
Balance the Model Laterally..................................................18
Identify Your Model................................................................18
Charge the Batteries ............................................................19
PROPER CARE OF YOUR MOTOR ....................................19
PERFORMANCE TIPS ........................................................19
Ground Check ......................................................................19
Range Check ........................................................................19
AMA SAFETY CODE (excerpt) ..........................................19
CHECK LIST ........................................................................20
Takeoff ..................................................................................20
FLIGHT LOG ........................................................................23
The ElectroStreak™ARF has been a favorite among pilots
since 1988. Many pilots began flying electrics with the
ElectroStreak. Over the years, there have been many
advancements in electronics such as high frequency
electronic speed controls and 3000mAh nickel-metal
hydride motor batteries. The original ElectroStreak was an
all wood kit.The ElectroStreak ARF comes as a high quality
fiberglass fuselage with a built-up wing and tail, motor,
folding prop and electronic speed control.You can be in the
air within hours after opening the box instead of spending
weeks or months building and covering the plane.
For the latest technical updates or manual corrections for
the ElectroStreak ARF, visit the web site listed below and
select the Great Planes ElectroStreak ARF. A “tech notice”
box will appear in the upper left corner of the page if there
is new technical information or changes to this kit.
1.Your ElectroStreak ARF should not be considered a toy,
but rather a sophisticated, working model that functions
very much like a full-size airplane. Because of its
performance capabilities, the ElectroStreak ARF, if not
assembled and operated correctly, could possibly cause
injury to you or spectators and damage to property.
2. You must assemble the model according to the
instructions. Do not alter or modify the model, as doing so
may result in an unsafe or unflyable model. In a few cases
the instructions may differ slightly from the photos.In those
instances the written instructions should be considered as
3.You must take time to build straight, true and strong.
4. You must use an R/C radio system that is in first-class
condition with the appropriate size servos.
5.You must correctly install all R/C and other components
so that the model operates correctly on the ground and in
the air.
6.You must check the operation of the model before every
flight to insure that all equipment is operating and that the
model has remained structurally sound. Be sure to check
clevises or other connectors often and replace them if they
show any signs of wear or fatigue.
7. If you are not already an experienced R/C pilot, you
should fly the model only with the help of a competent,
experienced R/C pilot.
8.While this kit has been flight tested to exceed normal use,
if the plane will be used for extremely high stress flying,
such as racing, the modeler is responsible for taking steps
to reinforce the high stress points.