Great Plains YP625PD User Manual

Table of Contents Appendix
Manufacturing, Inc.

Seed and Fertilizer Rate Charts for the YP625PD (Pull-Type), and YP625TD and YP925TD (3-Point) 6- and 9-Row Yield-Pro® Air Planters with Air-Pro® seed meters

The following pages are to assist in the proper setting of seeding and
fertilizer rates for the 6- and 9-Row Yield-Pro the most accurate seeding rates, Great Plains recommends checking singulated seed rates, and calibrating for fertilizer application rate at the time of planting.
Air Planters. To assure
© Copyright 2011 Printed 09/29/2011 401-754B
Great Plains Mfg., Inc. Cover ii

Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................1
Setting Planting Rate......................................................1
Setting Fertilizer Rate.....................................................1
Models Covered .............................................................1
Document Family........................................................1
Planting Rate Overview ...............................................3
Singulated Rate Setting Summary .................................3
Population Reference Information..................................3
Seeds per Unit............................................................ 3
Seed Spacing .............................................................3
Air-Pro® Meter Disk Selection ........................................4
Meter Pressurization ......................................................6
Initial Meter Pressurization: Milo.................................6
Initial Meter Pressurization: Soybeans .......................6
Initial Meter Pressurization: Round Corn.................... 6
Initial Meter Pressurization: Flat Corn ........................7
Checking Planting Rate..................................................8
Checking Singulated Rates ........................................8
Planting Rate ..............................................................10
1. Rate: Monitor configuration: .....................................10
2. Rate: Disk Selection: ................................................ 10
3. Rate: Range Sprockets ............................................11
4. Rate: Transmission Sprockets .................................11
5. Rate: Seed Inlet Shutter ........................................... 12
6. Rate: Meter Pressurization.......................................12
7. Rate: Checking.........................................................12
Seed Rate Charts........................................................13
How to Read a Chart....................................................13
Corn ............................................................................. 14
Single Row 65cm 40 Cell ......................................... 14
Twin Row 110cm 24 Cell ......................................... 15
Twin Row 110cm 40 Cell ......................................... 16
Milo .............................................................................. 17
Single Row 65cm, 130 Cell, Low Range.................. 17
Single Row 65cm, 130 Cell, High Range ................. 18
Twin Row 110cm, 65 Cell, Low Range .................... 19
Twin Row 110cm, 65 Cell, High Range ................... 20
Soybean....................................................................... 21
Single Row 65cm, 168 Cell ...................................... 21
Tri Row 110cm, 84 Cell............................................ 23
Sprocket Indexing (Stagger) ..................................... 24
Indexing Preparation.................................................... 25
Indexing Fine Adjustment ............................................ 27
Sprocket Indexing Charts............................................. 28
110cm Twin Row Sprocket Indexing........................ 28
110cm Triple Row Sprocket Indexing ...................... 30
Fertilizer Rate ............................................................. 33
Dry Fertilizer Rate ........................................................ 33
Setting Dry Fertilizer Rate............................................ 33
Fertilizer Density Adjustment ................................... 35
Dry Fertilizer Rate Check............................................. 35
Dry Fertilizer Rate Charts ............................................ 36
65cm Single Row ..................................................... 36
110cm Twin- & Triple-Row....................................... 37
Appendix..................................................................... 38
Seed Lubricants ........................................................... 38
© Copyright 2010, 2011 All rights Reserved
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit. This publication describes the state of this product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product in the future.
09/29/2011 Cover 401-754B
Trademarks of Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. include: Singulator Plus, Swath Command, Terra-Tine.
Registered Trademarks of Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. include:
Air-Pro, Clear-Shot, Great Plains, Land Pride, MeterCone, Nutri-Pro, Seed-Lok, Solid Stand, Whirlfilter, Yield-Pro.
Brand and Product Names that appear and are owned by others are trademarks of their respective owners.
Printed in the United States of America
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Introduction 1


This manual covers the following tasks for both pull-type and three-point 6- and 9-Row Yield-Pro® Air Planters equipped with Air-Pro
• setting and checking seed rate for singulated crops
• applying fertilizer from the dry fertilizer system.
This manual is your guide to planter adjustments for achieving specific seed population and fertilizer application rate targets.
Although some setup/adjustment material herein is repeated from the Operator’s Manual, you need to be thoroughly familiar with planter operations and adjustments before applying this Seed Rate manual and its table data.
seed meters:

Setting Planting Rate

Begin at section: “Planting Rate Overview” on page 3 and complete the setup using section: “Seed Rate Charts” on page 13.

Setting Fertilizer Rate

This topic is covered beginning at: “Fertilizer Rate” on page 33.
YP625TD Planter
Figure 1

Models Covered

Yield-Pro® Model 625, Pull-Type, Dry Fertilizer, 18-Row (6 triplets), Triple-Row, 110 cm triplet row spacing
Yield-Pro® Model 625, 3-Point, Dry Fertilizer, 12-Twin-Row (6 pair), 110 cm pair-to-pair row spacing
Yield-Pro® Model 625, 3-Point, Dry Fertilizer, 18-Row (6 triplets), Triple-Row, 110 cm triplet row spacing
Yield-Pro® Model 925, 3-Point, Dry Fertilizer, 9-Row, 65 cm row spacing

Document Family

401-754M YP625PD Operator Manual
401-755M YP625TD/925TD Operator Manual
401-754B Seed Rate Manual (this document)
401-754P YP625PD Parts Manual
401-755P YP625TD/925TD Parts Manual
11001-1372 DICKEY-john® PM400 manual
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Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Planting Rate Overview 3

Planting Rate Overview

The information in this section covers important setup and checking information that applies to the Air-Pro
meter in singulated planting.

Singulated Rate Setting Summary

1. For your crop, determine your intended population, in seeds/hectare. If you know only the seed spacing or population in kg/ha, consult the conversion formula below.
2. For your crop, population and desired field speed, select the correct seed disk: “Air-Pro® Meter Disk Selection” on page 4
3. Set meter rate (page 11).
4. For staggered twin row, time row pairs using: “Sprocket Indexing (Stagger)” on page 24
5. Set initial seed inlet shutter per seed rate chart.
6. Set initial meter pressurization per page 6, 7.
7. Verify your planting rate per the instructions at: “Checking Planting Rate” on page 8. If the results are consistent with your setup, plant the crop.

Population Reference Information

Seeds per Unit

If only population weight (kilograms/hectare) is known, obtain the population count by multiplying the population weight by the “Kernels per kg” value from the seed container.
Figure 2
Air-Pro® Seed Meter
Example: Corn
Target rate: 21.3 kg/ha Seed density: 3500 seeds/kg Population: = Rate x Density
= 21.3 x 3500, or: 74550 seeds/ha

Seed Spacing

If only seed spacing is known, use the seed rate chart (pages 14 to 23) to determine population.
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Air-Pro® Meter Disk Selection Recommended Seed Disks (1 of 2)
Page 1 of 2

Air-Pro® Meter Disk Selection

NONE Air Meter Blank Disk
These disks are used in (Off Row Meters) when changing from Tri Row 110cm to Twin Row 110cm Rows.
CORN 24 Cell Disk 40 Cell Disk
817-794C Corn Round Large 817-796C Corn Round Large 817-795C Corn Round Small 817-797C Corn Round Small 817-836C Corn Flat Large 817-838C Corn Flat Large
( Sweet Corn plants in Round Corn disks )
Seed Size Recommendations.
Corn Round Large Seeds per Kilogram:
3750 (or fewer)
Corn Round Small Seeds per Kilogram:
3640 (or more)
Corn Flat Large Seeds per Kilogram:
3640 (or fewer)
Corn Flat Small Seeds per Kilogram:
3640 (or more)
ATTENTION: This Corn is planted with the Corn Round Small Disks!!!!!!
Twin Row 110cm Below 88 735 seeds/ha @ 8.9kph 24 Cell Disk
Above 88 735 seeds/ha @ 8.9kph 40 Cell Disk
65cm Rows Below 75 080 seeds/ha @ 8.9kph 24 Cell Disk
Above 75 080 seeds/ha @ 8.9kph 40 Cell Disk
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Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Planting Rate Overview 5
817-849C 817-800C
817-798C 403-551D
Recommended Seed Disks (2 of 2)
Page 2 of 2
Air-Pro® Meter Disk Selection
MILO 65 Cell Disk 130 Cell Disk
Seed Size Recommendations.
These disks should plant all seed sizes of Milo.
Twin Row 110cm Below 220 300 seeds/ha @ 9.7kph 65 Cell Disk
Above 220 300 seeds/ha @ 9.7kph 130 Cell Disk
65cm Rows Below 186 400 seeds/ha @ 9.7kph 65 Cell Disk
Above 186 400 seeds/ha @ 9.7kph 130 Cell Disk
SOYBEAN 84 Cell Disk 168 Cell Disk
Seed Size Recommendations.
These disks should plant all seed sizes of Soybeans. Small edible beans (navy, black jack, black eye peas, etc) will plant with this disk also.
Tri Row 110cm Below 526 700 seeds/ha @ 9.7kph 84 Cell Disk
Above 526 700 seeds/ha @ 9.7kph 168 Cell Disk
Twin Row 110cm Below 351 200 seeds/ha @ 9.7kph 84 Cell Disk
Above 351 200 seeds/ha @ 9.7kph 168 Cell Disk
65cm Rows Below 297 100 seeds/ha @ 9.7kph 84 Cell Disk
Above 297 100 seeds/ha @ 9.7kph 168 Cell Disk
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Meter Pressurization

Refer to the Operator Manual for the procedure for fine tuning meter pressurization.
Start with pressures from below and on page 7, which are based on crop, and for corn, seed shape and density.
Note: These are suggested initial (starting) pressures.
Adjust them up or down per the procedure in the Operator Manual.
Corn: Reading a Pressure Chart (below, next page)
1. Pick the chart based on seed shape (flat, round). Example: round corn
2. Pick a line based on seed size (large, small). Example: large round corn, the right line below
3. Find the seed density on the bottom scale. Example: 2800 seeds/kg
4. Read the suggested starting pressure on the left scale, where the line (example shown as dotted gray) intersects the density. Example: 3.4 inches of water
Initial seed inlet Shutter for corn is: 3

Initial Meter Pressurization: Milo

1.5 inches of water (all disk, any seed density) Initial seed inlet Shutter: 1

Initial Meter Pressurization: Soybeans

2.0 inches of water (84 cell disk, any seed density)
3.0 inches of water (168 cell disk, any seed density) Initial seed inlet Shutter: 2

Initial Meter Pressurization: Round Corn

Linear (Round Corn Large)
Meter Pressure (in/water)
Meter Pressurization in inches of Water
6800 6400 6000 5500 5100 4600 4200 3700 3300 2900 2400 2000
Linear (Round Corn Small)
817-795C & 817-797C
Round Corn-Small
31441 Seeds Per Kilogram 29725
Pressure/Seed Comparison
Seeds Per Pound
Unit Wei
ht (80K
817-794C & 817-796C
Round Corn-Large
Overlay for
Meter Pressurization in inches of Water
Meter Pressure (in/water)
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Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Planting Rate Overview 7

Initial Meter Pressurization: Flat Corn

Pressure/Seed Comparison
Linear (Flat Corn Large)
Linear (Flat Corn Small)
817-836C & 817-838C
Flat Corn-Large
Meter Pressurization in inches of Water
Meter Pressure (in/water)
817-795C & 817-797C
Flat Corn-Small
Meter Pressure (in/water)
Meter Pressurization in inches of Water
0 3100
6800 6400 6000 5500 5100 4600 4200 3700 3300 2900 2400 2000
31441 Seeds Per Kilogram 29725
Seeds Per Pound
Unit Weight (80K)
Overlay for
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8 YP625PD/TD, YP925TD Table of Contents Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.

Checking Planting Rate

Singulated seed charts are based on cleaned and sized seed singulated with the recommended disk. Extreme seed size variations, foreign material and tire pressure can affect the planting rate.
Any material difference between chart and field rates implies a mechanical malfunction, a planter setup error, unsuitable planting conditions (such as excessive tire slippage) or extremely worn planter components. You can verify your setup and planter performance by measuring seed placement and spacing over a relatively short distance.
The columns to the right provide example data for a rate check.
Figure 3
Furrow Check
Planter: YP625TD-12TR-110 Crop: Corn Density: 3500 seeds/kg Seed Disk: 817-797C, 40 cell Target Population:
80 000 seeds/hectare
Range Sprockets: DRIVING: 20T DRIVEN: 30T Transmission Sprockets: DRIVING: 23T DRIVEN: 19T
Maximum Planting Speed:
10.5 kph
Chart Seed Spacing:
22.6 cm

Checking Singulated Rates

1. Determine the sample distance to check. Find your row spacing in the table at right.
2. Note the number of rows to sample. Adjust the planting depth to a shallow setting on one or two outside rows (per table). Tie up the press wheel arms with wire or bungee to prevent furrow closure.
3. Configure the planter for the chart rate, using the chart settings for sprockets.
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Rows to Sample Row Length of Sample Run
Row Spacing* Count 1/1000th Hectare
65cm Single 2 7.69 m
110cm Single 1 9.09 m
110cm Twin 1 pair 9.09 m
110cm Triple 1 triplet 9.09 m
* Not all spacings may be offered on implements covered by this manual.
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Planting Rate Overview 9
4. Plant at the desired planting speed for slightly more than the computed sample run length.
5. Measure off the sample distance, balanced in between where seeding started and stopped.
6. Count the number of seeds over the distance measured. Also note the consistency of the seed spacing.
7. Compute the rate for a full hectare.
For a 1/1000th sample, multiply the counted seeds by 1000.
8. If the field and chart rates vary by more than a few percent, re-check planter setup, including meter disk or cell count, air system, tire size, tire pressures, sprocket setup, chain slack, etc. If seed spacing is irregular, this suggests a seed delivery problem, and not a rate setup problem.
9. While planting, pay attention to the seed monitor. In addition to confirming the single-row furrow check, it will also provide field rate data on all the other rows, and alert you to any irregularities or stoppages.
Sample size:
1/1000th ha
Plant for approximately:
10 meters
Measure the central:
4.55 meters
Seeds counted:
Computed for full hectare:
79 x 1000 = 79,000
This differs from chart by:
a If the sample size is less than 100 seeds, you may want
to double or triple the number of rows sampled, so as to increase the precision of the count.
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Planting Rate

Setting the seeding rate requires the following steps:
1. monitor setup
2. seed disk selection,
3. drive speed Range sprockets,
4. Transmission sprockets,
5. inlet shutters
6. meter pressurization,
7. checking seeding rate.
All rate adjustments are performed at the left end of the planter. There are no adjustments at the ground drive assembly. Changes in seed rate do not affect fertilizer rate.
1. Rate: Monitor configuration:
The seed monitor must be set up with the
• correct row count,
• correct row spacing,
• speed calibration and;
• expected population limits, in order to have accurate rate reports and useful alarms.
See the DICKEY-john® Planter Monitor operator (PM) manual.
If you only plant with the factory configuration of the planter, you never need to update row count and spacing. If any rows are unused, adjust the monitor setup.
Speed calibration must be done prior to first use, and re-calibration is recommended periodically, particularly if soil conditions change.
Figure 4
Monitor Setup Screen

2. Rate: Disk Selection:

Select seed disks per page 4 and page 5. See Operator manual for installation. Disks are specific to crops. Some crops have multiple disks available, to cover both seed varieties, and different populations within disk rpm limits. Disks have a high and low rpm limit, which also corresponds to a high and low field speed limit. The charts account for these limits.
See “Air-Pro® Meter Disk Installation” in the Operator manual.
If any rows are unused, install special blank disks. See “Row Unit Shut-Off” in Operator manual.
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Figure 5
Air-Pro® Seed Disks
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Planting Rate 11

3. Rate: Range Sprockets

Range sprockets provide coarse control of seed rate.
Refer to Figure 6 and Figure 7
All Seed Rate charts specify a DRIVING and DRIVEN sprocket combination for the Range. Crops with more than one range are noted as “LOW RANGE” or “HIGH RANGE” at the top of the chart.
To change Range:
a. Rotate the idler plate against the spring to
disengage the idler. Remove the chain.
b. Remove pins from shaft ends at DRIVING and
DRIVEN sprockets, as well as at storage shaft.
c. Exchange sprockets so that new DRIVING and
DRIVEN sprocket tooth counts (stamped on sprocket face) match chart. Re-pin all shafts.
d. Remount chain. Re-engage idler spring.
Figure 6
Range Sprockets

4. Rate: Transmission Sprockets

Transmission sprockets provide fine control of seed rate. Each chart row provides a rate adjustment of 2 to 3%.
Refer to Figure 7
Each Seed Rate chart row has a unique pairing of DRIVING and DRIVEN Transmission sprocket.
To change Transmission:
a. Rotate the idler plate against the spring to
disengage the idler. Remove the chain.
b. Remove pins from shaft ends at DRIVING and
DRIVEN sprockets, as well as at storage shaft.
c. Exchange sprockets so that new DRIVING and
DRIVEN sprocket tooth counts (stamped on sprocket face) match chart. Re-pin all shafts.
d. Remount chain. Re-engage idler spring.
Figure 7
Transmission Sprockets
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+ 29 hidden pages