Great Plains TSF660 Parts Manual

Parts Manual
Front Fold Boom Sprayer
Read the Operator's manual entirely.When you see this symbol, the subsequent instructions and warnings are serious - follow without exception.Your life and the lives of others depend on it!
© Copyright 2011 Printed 09/07/11 500-644P
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction.................................................5
Using This Manual...............................................................5
Manual Replacement Information.......................................5
Manual Revisions................................................................5
Touch-up Paint....................................................................5
Hardware Legend................................................................6
Replacement Hardware......................................................6
Serial Numbers...................................................................6
Part Number Service Coding..............................................6
Hitch Assembly...................................................................8
Walkboard Assembly.........................................................10
Boom Supports.................................................................12
Axle Assembly...................................................................14
Single Axle Hub & Tire......................................................16
13.6-38 6 Ply Tire & Wheel Assemblies............................18
320/85R38 Tire & Wheel Assembly...................................20
Tank & Saddle Assembly (650 Gallon)..............................22
Sight Gauges....................................................................24
Elevator To Frame.............................................................26
Elevator Assembly ( S/N A1032N+)..................................28
Elevator To Center Frame..................................................30
Spring Lock Assembly.......................................................32
Boom To Center Frame.....................................................34
Center Boom Assembly....................................................38
Outer Arm Boom Assembly...............................................40
Wet Boom.....................................................................44
Center Section 30" Spray Kit (S/N A1032N+)...................44
Center Section 20" Spray Kit ( S/N A1032N+)..................46
Center Frame To Inner Boom Spray Kit.............................48
Inner Boom 30" Spray Kit (60FT) (S/N A1023N+).............50
Inner Boom 20" Spray Kit (60FT) (S/N A1031N+).............52
Outer Boom 30" Spray Kit.................................................54
Outer Boom 20" Spray Kit.................................................56
Sprayer Nozzle Body 3-Way (829-122C)..........................58
Nozzle Assembly...............................................................60
Calibration Kit (502-108A).................................................62
Wing Lift Cylinders 2.5 x 10 x 1.06 Rod (RH 810-018C & LH
Wing Lift Cylinder 2.5 x 11 x 1.25 (810-591C)..................66
Inner Boom Fold Cylinder 3 x 12 x 1.25 Rod (810-312C)..68 Outer Boom Fold Cylinder 2 x 12 x 1.12 Rod (810-433C).70 Elevator Lift Cylinder 2.5 X 42 X 1.5 Rod (810-504C) (S/N
Fasse Valve Assembly (2006-)..........................................74
Fasse Valve (833-305C) (2006-).......................................76
Plumbing Assembly...........................................................78
Manifold Valve...................................................................80
Quick Fill & Tank Plumbing................................................82
Control Panel Assembly....................................................84
Control Panel Plumbing.....................................................86
Agitation & Flush Plumbing...............................................88
Quick Fill Plumbing Assembly...........................................90
Agitation Assembly............................................................92
Single Union 1/2" Ball Valve..............................................94
Cam Lock Ball Valve (829-048C)......................................96
Union Ball Valve................................................................98
Ball Valves.......................................................................100
Whirlfilter Assembly.........................................................102
2" Line Strainer Assembly (S/N A1031N-)......................104
High Volume Hydraulic Pump Assembly.........................106
Ace Hydraulic Pump Assembly.......................................108
Flow Control...............................................................110
Raven 1 1/2" Poly Control Valve......................................110
Raven 440 Control Assembly (823-228C).......................112
Raven 440 With Wheel Sensor (509-288A 1000 Gallon).114
Raven 440 With Radar Gun (509-289A).........................116
Raven Wheel Drive Sensor.............................................118
Raven Valve (823-235C).................................................120
Raven RFM 60 Flowmeter..............................................122
Electric-Hydraulic Control (833-306C) (2006-)................124
Fasse Control Box (2006-)..............................................126
Trailer Decals..................................................................128
Boom Decals...................................................................130
Rinse & Flush Tank....................................................132
Flush Tank & Mounting Assembly...................................132
Tank Rinse Assembly......................................................134
Chemical Inductor Kit Assembly (Option).......................136
Chemical Inductor Assembly (Option).............................138
Foam Marker Mount (Option)..........................................140
Foam Marker Components (Option)................................142
Control Module................................................................144
Raven G1 Autoboom Control Kit.....................................146
Raven G1 Autoboom Install Kit.......................................148
Part Number Index.....................................................150
© Copyright 2011 All rights reserved Printed 09/07/11
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit. This publication describes the state of this product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product in the future.
The following are trademarks of Great Plains Mfg., Inc.: Application Systems, Ausherman, Land Pride, Great Plains
All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
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Great Plains Manufacturing, Incorporated Trademarks
Printed in the United States of America.
Alphabetized Table of Contents
Selected Models
13.6-38 6 Ply Tire & Wheel Assemblies.......................18
2" Line Strainer Assembly (S/N A1031N-)..................104
320/85R38 Tire & Wheel Assembly..............................20
Ace Hydraulic Pump Assembly..................................108
Agitation & Flush Plumbing..........................................88
Agitation Assembly.......................................................92
Axle Assembly..............................................................14
Ball Valves..................................................................100
Boom Decals..............................................................130
Boom Supports............................................................12
Boom To Center Frame................................................34
Calibration Kit (502-108A)............................................62
Cam Lock Ball Valve (829-048C).................................96
Center Boom Assembly................................................38
Center Frame To Inner Boom Spray Kit........................48
Center Section 20" Spray Kit ( S/N A1032N+).............46
Center Section 30" Spray Kit (S/N A1032N+)..............44
Chemical Inductor Assembly (Option)........................138
Chemical Inductor Kit Assembly (Option)...................136
Control Module...........................................................144
Control Panel Assembly...............................................84
Control Panel Plumbing................................................86
Electric-Hydraulic Control (833-306C) (2006-)...........124
Elevator Assembly ( S/N A1032N+).............................28
Elevator Lift Cylinder 2.5 X 42 X 1.5 Rod (810-504C) (S/N
Elevator To Center Frame.............................................30
Elevator To Frame........................................................26
Fasse Control Box (2006-).........................................126
Fasse Valve (833-305C) (2006-)..................................76
Fasse Valve Assembly (2006-).....................................74
Flush Tank & Mounting Assembly..............................132
Foam Marker Components (Option)...........................142
Foam Marker Mount (Option).....................................140
High Volume Hydraulic Pump Assembly....................106
Hitch Assembly...............................................................8
Inner Boom 20" Spray Kit (60FT) (S/N A1031N+)........52
Inner Boom 30" Spray Kit (60FT) (S/N A1023N+)........50
Inner Boom Fold Cylinder 3 x 12 x 1.25 Rod
Manifold Valve..............................................................80
Nozzle Assembly..........................................................60
Outer Arm Boom Assembly..........................................40
Outer Boom 20" Spray Kit............................................56
Outer Boom 30" Spray Kit............................................54
Outer Boom Fold Cylinder 2 x 12 x 1.12 Rod
Plumbing Assembly......................................................78
Quick Fill & Tank Plumbing...........................................82
Quick Fill Plumbing Assembly......................................90
Raven 1 1/2" Poly Control Valve.................................110
Raven 440 Control Assembly (823-228C)..................112
Raven 440 With Radar Gun (509-289A)....................116
Raven 440 With Wheel Sensor (509-288A 1000
Raven G1 Autoboom Control Kit................................146
Raven G1 Autoboom Install Kit..................................148
Raven RFM 60 Flowmeter.........................................122
Raven Valve (823-235C)............................................120
Raven Wheel Drive Sensor........................................118
Sight Gauges...............................................................24
Single Axle Hub & Tire.................................................16
Single Union 1/2" Ball Valve.........................................94
Sprayer Nozzle Body 3-Way (829-122C).....................58
Spring Lock Assembly..................................................32
Tank & Saddle Assembly (650 Gallon).........................22
Tank Rinse Assembly.................................................134
Trailer Decals..............................................................128
Union Ball Valve...........................................................98
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Alphabetized Table of Contents (continued)
Walkboard Assembly.........................................................10
Whirlfilter Assembly.........................................................102
Wing Lift Cylinder 2.5 x 11 x 1.25 (810-591C)..................66
Wing Lift Cylinders 2.5 x 10 x 1.06 Rod (RH 810-018C & LH
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Hitch Assembly
(Applies to TSF660 only)
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Hitch Assembly
(Applies to TSF660 only)
Image No.dwg23089 NUT HEX FLANGE 3/4-10 GR5 PLT803-214C1. SAFETY CHAIN 30000 LB890-184C2. SCREW JACK5000# 15-30890-246C3. HHCS 3/4-10X8 GR5 PLT802-469C4. WASHER - SAFETY CHAIN SA500-064D5. WASHER FLAT3/4 SAE PLT804-025C6. HHCS 3/4-10X7 GR5802-095C7. CLEVIS HITCH WELDMENT177-527H8. HHCS 1-8X5 1/2 GR5802-205C9. NUT HEX 1-8 NYLON INSERT PLT803-038C10. WASHER FLAT1 USS PLT804-028C11. SPRING HOSE LOOP HEAVY807-073C12. HHCS 1/2-13X1 1/2 GR5802-091C13. WASHER FLAT1/2 USS PLT804-017C14. TS650 MAINFRAME WELDMENT500-112H15. NUT HEX FLANGE 1/2-13 GR G PLT803-193C16.
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Walkboard Assembly
(Applies to TSF660 only)
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Walkboard Assembly
(Applies to TSF660 only)
Image No.dwg23090 WASHER FLAT1/2 SAE PLT804-016C1. RHSNB 7/16-14X1 3/4 GR5802-030C2. HHCS 3/8-16X1 1/4 GR5802-079C3. 4 STEP LADDER WELDMENT502-160H4. FOLDING LADDER MNT BASE248-445D5. NUT HEX FLANGE 3/8-16 PLT803-068C6. HHCS 3/8-16X1 1/4 GR5802-079C7. WALKBOARDWELDMENT TS650502-156H8. WASHER LOCK 7/16 PLT804-014C9. NUT FLANGE LOCK 3/8-16 PLT803-209C10. WALKBOARDEND SUPPORT502-242D11. NUT HEX 7/16-14 PLT803-015C12.
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Boom Supports
(Applies to TSF660 only)
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Boom Supports
(Applies to TSF660 only)
Image No.dwg23091 ELEVATOR ASSEMBLY 90 FT505-075K1. TRANSPORT SUPT BRACE CLIP505-204D2. TRANSPORT SUPT BRACE BRKT RH505-205D3. TRANSPORT SUPT BRACE BRKT LH505-211D4. HHCS 1/2-13X1 1/4 GR5802-034C5. HHCS 1/2-13X3 GR5802-039C6. NUT HEX FLANGE 3/8-16 PLT803-068C7. NUT HEX FLANGE 1/2-13 GR G PLT803-193C8. WASHER FLAT1/2 SAE PLT804-016C9. WASHER FLAT1/2 HARD ASTMF436804-094C10. U-BOLT 3/8-16 X 3 1/32 X 2 3/4806-132C11. TRANSPORT SUPPORT WELD TSF660505-095H12. RECEIVER PLATE 650 WELDMENT505-096H13. TUBE ELEV BRACE TS650505-233D14. TRANS SUPT BRACE TSF650505-234D15. TRANSPORT BUMPER505-192D16. HHCS 1/2-13X12 GR5802-736C17. NUT HEX FLG. LOCK 1/2-13 PLT.803-169C18.
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Axle Assembly
(Applies to TSF660 only)
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Axle Assembly
(Applies to TSF660 only)
Image No.dwg23092 NUT HEX FLANGE 5/8-11 PLT803-196C1. SPRING ROD WELDMENT505-041H2. BRACKET - AXLE MOUNT DOUBLE504-051D3. HHCS 5/8-11X1 1/2 GR5802-051C4. HHCS 5/8-11X2 1/4 GR5802-057C5. WASHER FLAT5/8 SAE PLT804-021C6. SPACER - AXLE CLAMP TS650504-053D7.
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Single Axle Hub & Tire
(Applies to TSF660 only)
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Single Axle Hub & Tire
(Applies to TSF660 only)
Image No.dwg23093 AXLE - EXT WITH SPINDLE NARROW504-040H1. SEAL OIL CR27394816-149C2. BRG CONE 2.16ID JLM506849822-110C3. BRG CUP 3.54OD JLM506810822-109C4. BRG CUP 2.89ODX.58WD #LM501310822-053C5. BRG CONE 1.62IDX.78WD#LM501349822-048C6. GREASE CAP 3.125 X .38890-277C7.
WASHER FLAT1 HRDND SPINDLE804-096C9. PIN COTTER7/32 X 2805-060C10. NUT HEX SLOTTED 1-14803-095C11. WASHER FLAT5/8 HARD ASTMF436804-095C12. HFS 5/8-18X2 GR8 ZINC & Y802-471C13. HUB 8 BOLT 6 PILOT #287511 QDS815-095C14.
13.6-38 6PLY WHEEL ASSY - LH504-028S15.
13.6-38 6PLY WHEEL ASSY - RH504-029S15.
320/85R38 WHEEL ASSY LH814-361C15.
320/85R38 WHEEL ASSY RH814-362C15.
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
Includes items 2-7, 9-11 & 14HUB ASY W/BRK HOLE 8BLT QDS815-054C8.
(S/N A1082N-) Refer to "13.6-386 Ply
Tire & Wheel Assemblies" for breakdown
(S/N A1082N-) Refer to "13.6-386 Ply
Tire & Wheel Assemblies" for breakdown
(S/N A1083N+) Refer to "320/85R38
Tire & Wheel Assemblies" for breakdown
(S/N A1083N+) Refer to "320/85R38
Tire & Wheel Assemblies" for breakdown
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13.6-38 6 Ply Tire & Wheel Assemblies
(Applies to TSF660 only)
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13.6-38 6 Ply Tire & Wheel Assemblies
(Applies to TSF660 only)
Image No.dwg13871
13.6-38 6 PLYWHEEL ASSY - LH504-028S1. TIRE 13.6-38 6 PLY R1814-132C2. TUBE FOR 13.6-38 TIRE814-133C3. WHEEL W12 X 38 8 BOLT PATTERN814-131C4.
13.6-38 6 PLYWHEEL ASSY - RH504-029S5.
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320/85R38 Tire & Wheel Assembly
(Applies to TSF660 only)
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320/85R38 Tire & Wheel Assembly
(Applies to TSF660 only)
Image No.dwg29483 320/85R38 WHEEL ASSY LH814-361C1. 320/85R38 WHEEL ASSY RH814-362C2. TIRE 320/85R38 143A8814-359C3. VALVE STEM TR618AX.625X1.88LG816-202C4. WHEEL W10X38 8 BOLT 1/2 DISC814-360C5.
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Tank & Saddle Assembly (650 Gallon)
(Applies to TSF660 only)
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Tank & Saddle Assembly (650 Gallon)
(Applies to TSF660 only)
Image No.dwg23094 NUT HEX FLANGE 1/2-13 GR G PLT803-193C1. HHCS 1/2-13X5 1/2 FTHD802-380C2.
SADDLE PAN TS650 OUTER503-165D5. WASHER FLAT1/2 SAE PLT804-016C6. SADDLE PAN TS650 INNER503-036D7. HHCS 1/2-13X1 1/2 GR5802-091C8. HHCS 3/8-16X1 GR5802-017C9. NUT HEX FLANGE 3/8-16 PLT803-068C10. TANK STOPREAR TS650500-158D11. WASHER FLAT3/8 SAE PLT804-012C12. TANK - 650 CROP CARE817-626C13. HAND WASHTANK FOR 817-626C6746614. NORWESCO LID FOR 817-626C6247615. 16'" LID & RING NORWESCO6348516. BLUE SNAP ON FOR LID 634856353917.
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Sight Gauges
(Applies to TSF660 only)
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Sight Gauges
(Applies to TSF660 only)
Image No.dwg23095 HOSE 3/8 ID 150PSI EPDM990-080R1. CLAMP WRM DRV #5 SS (.44-.70)800-126C2. AD 1/2MNPT X 3/8HB POLYPROP830-078C3. VALVE BALL 1/2 FNPT X 1/2 FNPT829-001C4. AD 3/4MNPT X 1/2MNPT POLYPROP830-159C5. EL 3/4MNPT X 3/4FNPT POLYP830-049C6. SP 3/4FNPT DBL THD BH PO BANJO830-295C7. EL 3/4MNPT X 3/4HB POLYPROP830-123C8. SIGHT GAGE WELDMENT TS660503-019H9. DECAL - SIGHT GAGE 650 GALLON838-778C10. AD 3/4MNPT X 3/4HB POLYPROP830-084C11. CLAMP WRM DRV #12 SS(.56-1.25)800-127C12. FLOAT - SIGHT GAUGE507-009D13. HHCS 3/8-16X1 GR5802-017C14. NUT HEX FLANGE 3/8-16 PLT803-068C15. HOSE 3/4 ID 200PSI EPDM990-081R16. AD 1/2MNPT X 3/4HB POLYPROP830-080C17. VALVE - 1/2FNPT SINGLE UN BALL829-039C18. EL 1/2MNPT X 1/2FNPT POLYP830-048C19. HOSE 3/4ID X 1/8 WL CLEAR PVC990-078R20. AD PUSH 1/4TUBEX1/4MNPT800-367C21. AD 3/4MNPT POLYPROP830-042C22. TEE 3/4FNPT POLYPROP830-028C23. AD 3/4MNPT X 3/4HB POLYPROP830-084C24. EL 3/4MNPT X 3/4FNPT POLYP830-049C25. AD 3/4MNPT X 1/4FNPT POLYPROP830-215C26.
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Elevator To Frame
(Applies to TSF660 only)
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Elevator To Frame
(Applies to TSF660 only)
Image No.dwg23096 TUBE ELEV BRACE TS650505-233D1. HHCS 1/2-13X1 1/2 GR5802-091C2. HHCS 1/2-13X3 GR5802-039C3. NUT HEX FLANGE 1/2-13 GR G PLT803-193C4. RECEIVER PLATE 650 WELDMENT505-096H5. ELEVATOR ASSEMBLY 90 FT505-075K6.
U-BOLT 1/2-13 X 4 1/32 X 4 3/4806-035C7. NUT HEX FLANGE 1/2-13 GR G PLT803-193C8.
Refer to "Elevator Assembly (S/N
A1032N+)" for breakdown
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Elevator Assembly ( S/N A1032N+)
(Applies to TSF660 only)
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Elevator Assembly ( S/N A1032N+)
(Applies to TSF660 only)
Image No.dwg17534 H-FRAME, ELEVATOR 90 FT505-076H1. GLIDER, ELEVATOR 90 FT505-077H2. SLIDE WEAR PLATE MOUNT505-173D3. SFCHMS 1/4-20 X 1 1/4 PLT801-152C4. HHCS 1/2-13X2 1/4 GR5802-038C5. HHCS 1-8X5 1/2 GR5802-205C6. NUT HEX 1-8 NYLON INSERT PLT803-038C7. NUT HEX NYLOCK 1/2-13803-147C8. NUT HEX FLANGE 1/2-13 GR G PLT803-193C9. NUT HEX FLANGE 1/4-20 PLT803-230C10. U-BOLT 1/2-13 X 4 1/32 X 4 3/4806-035C11. SPRING COMP 3.38OD .625W 12LG807-210C12. CYL 2.5 X 42 X 1.50 ROD810-504C13.
HH3/8R1 080 9/16FJIC811-797C14. EL 90 9/16 MJIC 7/16 MORB811-719C15. SLIDE PAD UNIV ELEV 99817-359C16. HHCS 1/2-13X2 1/2 GR5802-130C17.
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Refer to "Elevator Lift Cylinder 2.5 x
42 x 1.5 Rod" for breakdown
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Elevator To Center Frame
(Applies to TSF660 only)
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+ 124 hidden pages