Great Plains Simba Culti Press Operator Manual

Operator Manual
Simba CultiPress
Great Plains
Manufacturing, Inc.
Read the operators manual entirely. When you see this symbol, the subsequent instructions and warnings are serious - follow without exception. Your life and the lives of others depend on it!
© Copyright 2012 Printed 2013-02-04
Declaration of Conformity
Simba International Limited hereby declare that the Great Plains Simba CultiPress, as dened by the Serial Number attached to the Machine Chassis, conforms with the following Directives and Regulations, and has been certied accordingly.
EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
The Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008.
The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.
Specically related harmonised standards are:
EN ISO 12100-1: 2003 (Safety of Machinery).
EN ISO 12100-2: 2003 (Safety of Machinery).
EN ISO 4254-1: 2009 (Agricultural machinery - Safety - General Requirements).
Simba International Limited Woodbridge Road SLEAFORD Lincolnshire NG34 7EW England
Telephone (+44) (0)1529 304654.
Colin Adams
Managing Director
Simba CultiPress
In this warranty Simba International Ltd., is referred to as “the Company”.
1. Subject to the provisions of this warranty the Company warrants each new machine sold by it to be sold free from any defect in material or workmanship for a period of 12 months from date of installation with the end-user.
Some specic items have additional warranty over and above the standard 12 months. Details of these can be obtained upon request directly from the distributor or Simba International Ltd.
2. If the machine or part thereof supplied by the Company is not in accordance with the warranty given in clause 1 the Company will at its option:
(a) make good the machine or part thereof at the Company’s expense, or (b) make an allowance to the purchaser against the purchase price of the machine or part
thereof, or (c) accept the return of the machine and at the buyers option either: I) repay or allow the buyer the invoice price of the machine or part thereof, or II) replace the machine or part thereof as is reasonably practical.
3. This warranty shall not oblige the Company to make any payment in respect of loss of prot or other consequential loss or contingent liability of the Purchaser alleged to arise from any defect in the machine or impose any liability on the Company other than that contained in clause 2.
4. Any claim under this warranty must be notied to the Company in writing specifying the matters complained of within 14 days from the date of repair.
5. Any claim under this warranty must be made by the original purchaser of the machine and is not assignable to any third party.
6. If the purchaser hires out the machine to any third party the warranty shall apply only to matters notied to the Company in writing within 90 days of the date of delivery and clause 1 shall be read as if the period of 90 days were substituted for the period of 12 months.
7. The warranty will cease to apply if:
(a) any parts not made, supplied or approved in writing by the Company are tted to the machine or (b) any repair is carried out to the machine other than by or with the express written approval of the
Company or
(c) any alterations not expressly authorized by the Company in writing are made to the machine or (d) the machine is damaged by accident or (e) the machine is abused or overloaded or used for a purpose or load beyond its design capabilities,
or used in conjunction with a tractor whose power output capability exceeds the stated implement power requirement by more than 40%. For the purpose of these terms and conditions, “stated implement power requirement” refers to wheeled tractors unless specically stated. These power requirements should be reduced by 20% when used in conjunction with tracked tractors.
(f) the machine is operated as part of a ‘cultivation train’ where more than one implement is being
towed, without the express written approval of Simba International Ltd.
(g) any maintenance is not carried out in accordance with the service schedules in the operator’s
(h) the Installation and Warranty Registration Certicate is not received by Simba International Ltd.,
Service Dept., Woodbridge Road, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, England, NG34 7EW, within 7 days of installing a new machine.
Simba CultiPress
Machine Identication
Machine Identication
Enter the relevant data in the following list upon acceptance of the machine:
Serial Number
Type of Machine
Machine Width
Year of Construction
Delivery Date
First Operation
Dealer Address: Name: ________________________________________
Street: ________________________________________
Place: ________________________________________
Tel.: ________________________________________
Dealer’s Customer No.: ______________________________
Great Plains Address:
Great Plains Simba
Woodbridge Road Ind. Est.
NG34 7EW
Tel.: +44 (0) 1529 304654
Fax: +44 (0) 1529 413468
Great Plains Customer No.: ____________________________
Simba CultiPress
Introduction ..............................................................................................8
Foreword ..........................................................................................................................8
Warranty Guidelines .........................................................................................................8
1. Safety Data .......................................................................................9
1.1 Safety Symbols .......................................................................................................9
1.2 Use for the Intended Purpose .............................................................................. 11
1.3 Operational Safety ................................................................................................11
1.4 No Liability for Consequential Damage................................................................. 11
1.5 Road Trafc Safety ...............................................................................................12
1.6 Accident Prevention ..............................................................................................12
1.6.1 Hitching-up the machine .......................................................................................12
1.6.2 On the Hydraulic System ......................................................................................12
1.6.3 Changing Equipment ............................................................................................13
1.6.4 During Operation...................................................................................................13
1.7 Servicing & Maintenance ......................................................................................13
1.8 Operating Areas ....................................................................................................14
1.9 Authorised Operators ............................................................................................14
1.10 Protective Equipment ............................................................................................14
2. Transportation and Installation .....................................................15
2.1 Delivery .................................................................................................................15
2.2 Transportation .......................................................................................................15
2.3 Installation .............................................................................................................15
2.4 Hitching Up ...........................................................................................................16
2.4.1 Hitching up a Tractor to the CultiPress / Preparing for Transport .........................16
2.5 Folding and Unfolding ...........................................................................................17
2.5.1 Unfolding into the Work Position ...........................................................................17
2.5.2 Folding into the Transport Position ......................................................................17
2.6 Air Brake Coupling Procedure ..............................................................................18
2.6.1 When Coupling ....................................................................................................18
2.6.2 When De-coupling ................................................................................................18
2.7 Preceding and Trailing Implements.......................................................................18
2.7.1 Hitching a Disc Cultivator to the CultiPress .........................................................18
2.7.2 Transporting a CultiPress Towed Behind a Disc Cultivator ...................................19
2.7.3 Changing from Work to Road Transport (Disc Cultivator Behind a CultiPress). ... 19
2.7.4 Hitching a Rear Roll to the CultiPress...................................................................20
2.8 When driving on the road ......................................................................................20
2.9 Parking the machine .............................................................................................20
3. Technical Data CultiPress ..............................................................21
4. Adjustment/Operation .....................................................................22
4.1 Description ............................................................................................................22
4.2 Rigid Tines ............................................................................................................23
4.3 Pro-Active (Sprung)Tines ......................................................................................23
4.4 Levelling Boards ...................................................................................................24
4.5 Double Disc Roller ................................................................................................24
Simba CultiPress
4.6 Work Settings ........................................................................................................25
4.6.1 Levelling Boards ...................................................................................................25
4.7 Pitch Control .........................................................................................................26
4.8 Using Shims ..........................................................................................................27
4.9 Work Instructions ..................................................................................................27
4.10 Checks ..................................................................................................................28
5. Servicing and Maintenance ............................................................29
5.1 Servicing ...............................................................................................................29
5.2 Cleaning ................................................................................................................29
5.3 Double Disc Axles .................................................................................................29
5.4 Hydraulics .............................................................................................................29
5.5 Tines .....................................................................................................................30
5.6 Levelling Boards ...................................................................................................30
5.7 Brakes & Wheel Hubs ...........................................................................................30
5.8 Preparation for Storage.........................................................................................30
5.9 Operator Support ..................................................................................................31
5.10 Maintenance Intervals ...........................................................................................31
5.11 Maintenance Overview .........................................................................................32
5.12 Lubricating the Machine ........................................................................................33
5.13 Handling of Lubricants ..........................................................................................33
5.14 Lubricants & Hydraulic Oil.....................................................................................34
6. Faults and Remedies ......................................................................35
Simba CultiPress
Make sure you have read and follow the Operating Instructions carefully before using the machine. By doing so, you will avoid accidents, reduce repair costs and downtime and increase the reliability and service life of your machine. Pay attention to the safety instructions!
Great Plains will not accept any responsibility for any damage or malfunctions resulting from failure to comply with the Operating Instructions.
These Operating Instructions will assist you in getting to know your machine and in using it correctly for its intended purposes. First, you are given general instructions in handling the machine. This is followed by sections on servicing, maintenance and the action to be taken should a malfunction occur.
We reserv e t h e r i g ht to alter illustrations as well as technical data and weights contained in these Operating Instructions for the purpose of improving the machine.
Warranty Guidelines
The period of liability for material defects (warranty) relating to our products is 12 months. In the case of written deviations from the statutory provisions, these agreements shall apply.
They shall become effective upon installation of the machine with the end customer. All wear parts are excluded from the warranty.
All warranty claims must be submitted to Great Plains via your dealer.
These operating instructions are to be read and followed by all persons working on or with the machine, e.g.:
Oper ation (including p repar ation ,
remedying of faults in the operating sequence and servicing).
Ma i n t e nan c e ( m ain t e n a nce a n d
Together with the Operating Instructions, you receive a Spare Parts List and a Machine Registration form. Field service technicians will instruct you in the operation and servicing of your machine. Following this, the Machine Registration form is to be returned to your dealer. This conrms your formal acceptance of the machine. The warranty period begins on the date of delivery.
Simba CultiPress
1. Safety Data
1. Safety Data
The following warnings and safety instruc­tions apply to all sections of these Operating Instructions.
1.1 Safety Symbols
On the machine
Read and observe the Ope­rating Instructions before starting up the machine!
Parts may fly off during operation. Keep a safe distance away from the machine!
Keep clear of the working range of foldable machine components!
Watch out for escaping pressurised uids! Follow the instructions in the Ope­rating Instructions!
Never reach into areas where there is a danger of being crushed by moving parts!
No passengers are allowed on the machine!
Never reach into any revol­ving parts!
Simba CultiPress
1. Safety Data
R e f e r t o O p e r a t i n g I n s t r u c t i o n s b e f o r e attempting maintenance.
Operating Instructions:
The Operating Instructions distinguish between three different types of warning and safety instructions. The following graphic symbols are used:
Risk of injury!
Risk of fatal and serious injuries!
It is important that all the safety instructions contained in these Operating Instructions and all the warning signs on the machine are read carefully.
Ensure that the warning signs are legible. Replace any signs that are missing or damaged.
These instructions must be followed in order to prevent accidents. Inform other users of the warnings and safety instructions.
Do not carry out any operations which may affect safe use of the machine.
All references to left and right in this manual are made from the rear of the machine, facing the direction of travel (unless otherwise stated).
Simba CultiPress
1. Safety Data
1.2 Use for the Intended Purpose
The Great Plains Simba CultiPress is built using the latest technology and in accordance with the relevant recognised safety regula tions. However, risks of injury for the operator or third parties and impairment of the machine or other tangible assets can arise during use.
The machine is only to be operated when in a technically perfect condition and for the intended purpose, taking into consideration safety and risks and following the Operating Instructions. In particular, faults that can impair safety are to be remedied immediately.
Original parts and accessories from Great Plains have been specially designed for this machine. Spare parts and accessories not supplied by us have not been tested or authorised. Installation or use of non­original Great Plains products may have a detrimental effect on specific design features of the machine and affect the safety of machine operators and the machine itself. Great Plains will accept no liability for damage resulting from the use of non­original parts or accessories.
The Great Plains Simba CultiPress is designed solely as a cultivation implement. Use for any other purpose, e.g., as a means of transport, will be deemed to be improper use. Great Plains will accept no liability for damage resulting from improper use. The risk will be borne solely by the operator.
1.3 Operational Safety
The machine is to be put in operation only after instruction has been provided by an employee of the authorised dealer or an employee of Great Plains. The “Machine Registration” form is to be completed and returned to your dealer.
All protective and safety equipment, such as removable protective equipment, must be in place and functioning reliably before the machine is put in use.
Check screws and bolts regularly for tightness and retig hten if necessary.
In th e even t of malfunc tions, stop and secure the machine immediately.
Ensure that any faults are remedied immediately.
1.4 No Liability for Consequential Damage
The Simba CultiPress has been manufactured with great care. However, problems may still occur when it is used for the intended purpose. These may include:
• Worn wearing parts.
• Damage caused by external factors.
• Incorrect driving speeds.
• Incorrect setting of the unit (incorrect attachment, non-adherence to the Setting instructions).
Use of the Simba CultiPress behind high power tractors (in excess of 40% above the maximum recommended) can lead to high loads and stresses which can cause long term structural damage to the chassis and key components. Such overloading can compromise safety and is to be avoided.
Therefore, it is crucial to always check your machine before and during operat i o n f o r c o rrect operation and adequate application accuracy.
Compensation claims for damage which has not occurred to the machine is excluded. This includes any consequential damage resulting from incorrect operation.
Simba CultiPress
1. Safety Data
1.5 Road Trafc Safety
When driving on public roads, tracks and areas, it is important to observe the relevant road traffic laws as well as the specific regulations relating to this machine.
Pay attention to the permitted axle loads, tyre carrying capacity, and total weight in order to maintain adequate braking and steerability (these gures are shown on the serial plate).
Passengers on the machine are strictly forbidden!
Max. road transport speed 16mph (25km/h).
1.6 Accident Prevention
In addition to the Operating Instructions, it is important to observe the accident prevention regulations specied by agricultural trade associations. It is the Operator’s responsibility to ensure that all other persons are excluded from the danger zones surrounding or on the machine during its operation.
It is the Owner’s responsibility to ensure:
• the Operator is trained and competent to
use the machine & tractor,
• the tractor is suitable for the machine
• adequate Risk and COSHH assessments
have been undertake n regarding the machine’s use. Specically, these include issues concerning contact with the soil, dust, crop residues, chemicals, lubricants and other compounds during operation or maintenance, and the possibility of stones being ejected at high speed during work.
Beware of trapping hazards when manipulating the parking stands or other moving parts. Ensure any heavy components are fully supported when removing pins / bolts.
1.6.1 Hitching-up the machine
There is a risk of injury when hitching/ unhitching the machine. Observe the following:
Secure the machine against rolling.
Take special care when reversing the tractor!
There is a risk of being crushed between the machine and the tractor!
Park the machine on rm, level ground.
1.6.2 On the Hydraulic System
Do not connect the hydraulic lines to the tractor until both hydraulic systems (machine and tractor) are depressurised.
Any hydraulic system containing an accumu lator can rema in under pressure permanently (even after following manual depres surisation procedur es with a t r a c t o r / i mplement combination). It is therefore important to check all lines, pipes, and screw connections regularly for leaks and any recognisable external damage.
The hydraulic circuit contains specialised ttings which should not be tampered with under any circumstances. Do not attempt to modify hose routings or hose clamping arrangements, doing so my cause serious damage to the machine and/or injury.
Simba CultiPress
+ 26 hidden pages