Declaration of Conformity
Simba International Limited hereby declare that the Product described in this Operators Manual, and defined
by the 5 digit Registration number stamped onto the inside of the roller, conforms with the following Directives
and Regulations, and has been certified accordingly.
EC Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC, as amended by 91/3688/EEC, 93/44/EEC, and
In order to fulfill the requirements of health and safety described in the EC Directive, the following standards
and technical specifications have been taken into account:
EN 292 - 1
EN 292 - 2
Simba International Limited
Woodbridge Road
NG34 7EW
NG34 7EW
Telephone 01529 304654.
Philip J. Wright. BSc (Hons) C Eng. MI Agr.E
Technical Director.
Operating Instructions
3Single Beam Toolbar

In this warranty Simba International Ltd., is referred to as “the Company”.
1. Subject to the provisions of this warranty the Company warrants each new machine sold b
it to be sold free from any defect in material or workmanship for a period of 12 months from
date of installation with the end-user.
Some specific items have additional warranty over and above the standard 12 months
Details of these can be obtained upon request directly from the distributor or Simb
International Ltd.
2. If the machine or part thereof supplied by the Company is not in accordance with th
warranty given in clause 1 the Company will at its option:
(a) make good the machine or part thereof at the Company’s expense, or
(b) make an allowance to the purchaser against the purchase price of the machine o
part thereof, or
(c) accept the return of the machine and at the buyers option either:
I) repay or allow the buyer the invoice price of the machine or part thereof, o
II) replace the machine or part thereof as is reasonably practical.
3. This warranty shall not oblige the Company to make any payment in respect of loss of profi
or other consequential loss or contingent liability of the Purchaser alleged to arise from an
defect in the machine or impose any liability on the Company other than that contained in
clause 2.
4. Any claim under this warranty must be notified to the Company in writing specifying th
matters complained of within 14 days from the date of repair.
5. Any claim under this warranty must be made by the original purchaser of the machine and
is not assignable to any third party.
6. If the purchaser hires out the machine to any third party the warranty shall apply only t
matters notified to the Company in writing within 90 days of the date of delivery and claus
1 shall be read as if the period of 90 days were substituted for the period of 12 months.
7. The warranty will cease to apply if:
(a) any parts not made, supplied or approved in writing by the Company are fitted to th
machine or
(b) any repair is carried out to the machine other than by or with the express written approva
of the Company or
(c) any alterations not expressly authorized by the Company in writing are made to th
machine or
(d) the machine is damaged by accident or
(e) the machine is abused or overloaded or used for a purpose or load beyond its design
capabilities, or used in conjunction with a tractor whose power output capability exceed
the stated implement power requirement by more than 40%. For the purpose of thes
terms and conditions, “stated implement power requirement” refers to wheeled tractor
unless specifically stated. These power requirements should be reduced by 20% when
used in conjunction with tracked tractors.
(f) the machine is operated as part of a ‘cultivation train’ where more than one implement i
being towed, without the express written approval of Simba International Ltd.
(g) any maintenance is not carried out in accordance with the service schedules in th
operator’s manual.
(h) the Installation and Warranty Registration Certificate is not received by Simba Internationa
Ltd., Service Dept., Woodbridge Road, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, England, NG34 7EW, within
7 days of installing a new machine.
Single Beam Toolbar
Operating Instructions

Machine Identification
Enter the relevant data in the following list upon
acceptance of the machine:
Serial Number
Type of Machine
Machine Width
Year of Construction
Delivery Date
First Operation
Operating Instructions/Spare Parts List: December 2005
Machine Identification
Dealer Address: Name: ......................................................................
Street: ......................................................................
Place: ......................................................................
Tel.: ................................................................. ....
Dealer's Customer No.: ............................................................
Woodbridge Road Ind. Est.
NG34 7EW
Tel.: 01529 304654
Fax: 01529 413468
E-Mail: simba.international@simba.co.uk
SIMBA Customer No.: .................................................................
Operating Instructions
5Single Beam Toolbar