Great Plains Mfg., Inc.
Update Instructions
30’ No-Till Precision Seeding System
Auxiliary Down Pressure Spring
Assembly Option
Used with:
• 3N-3010P
• 3N-3020P
General Information
When you see this symbol, the subsequent instructions and
warnings areserious - follow withoutexception.Your life and
the lives of others depend on it!
These instructions explain how to install the Auxiliary
Down Pressure Spring Assembly. This kit increases the
down pressure on the contact wheel allowing for more
positive contact between the contact wheel and the gage
wheel. This modification improves the performance and
reliability of the original equipment.
These instructions apply to:
198-957K Aux. Down Pressure Spring Assy.
Manual Update
Refer to the 30’ No-Till Precision Seeding System operator’smanualfordetailed information on safelyoperating,
adjusting, troubleshooting and maintaining the Auxiliary
Down Pressure Spring Assembly. Refer to the parts man-
ual for part identification.
196-248M Operator’sManual
196-248P Parts Manual
Before You Start
Page3is a detailed listingofparts includedintheAuxiliary
DownPressure Spring Assembly option. Use thislistto inventory parts received.
Tools Required
• Basic hand tools
Right-handand left-hand as used in this manual are determined by facing the direction the machine will travel while
in use unless otherwise stated.
© Copyright 2002 Printed
Auxiliary Down Pressure Spring
Assembly Option
Assembly Instructions
Refer to Figure 1
Note: Before performing this installation unfold
the drill on level ground. Raise the drill to the
transport position and install the transport locks.
Turn the tractor off and remove the key.
1. Mountthedownpressurespringanchor(1)to
the drill frame at the holes (2). Place the anchor (1) so the holes for the spacer tube are
facing towards the front of the drill. Use four
1/2" x 1 1/2"bolts, 1/2" lock washers and 1/2"
nuts. Tighten bolts to secure anchor.
Note:Ifyourdrilldoesnothave holes it will be necessary to drill them. Usedimensionsinfigure2for
2. Insert the spacer tube (4) through the loop
endsoftwoof thespringassemblies(5). Align
the spacer tube (4) between the two holes in
the spring anchor (1) and secure it in place
with a 3/4" x 7" bolt (6), 3/4" lock washer and
3/4" nut. Tighten bolt.
Great Plains Mfg., Inc.
3. Locate the hole marked (8) in the contact
wheel mounting arm. (This hole will be directlyabovethespacertubeholdingthesprings).
Insert the down pressure spring rod (7) in
hole (8) and hold it in place with a 1" external
snap ring on each side of the arm.
4. Insert a 1/2" x 4" bolt (9) in each of the two
holes located in the spring rod (7). Thread a
1/2"jamnutoneachbolt then thread the bolts
in to the tops of the springs (5).
5. Adjust the tension on the springsbyscrewing
the bolts (9) down. Adjust to be 1/2" less tension than on original springs. Be sure to adjust the bolts evenly. This can be checked by
measuring the distance between the top of
the springs (5) andthetop of the bolts (9).Do
not adjust top bolt anycloser than 1" to avoid
premature bearing failure. When the desired
tension has been set, lock bolts (9) in place
with the 1/2" jam nuts.
6. Repeat above steps to install down pressure
springs on the other contact wheel.
Refer to Figure 2
Figure 1
For drills without holes use the measurements in
figure 2. Figure 2 shows measurements forthe
left-hand side of the drill, mirror the measurements to drill holes on the right-hand side of the
Figure 2
198-962M 4/8/2004