Great Plains 3SF45 User Manual

Table of Contents Part Number Index
Parts Manual
36' & 45' 3-Section Folding Drill
3SF36 & 3SF45
Read the Operator's manual entirely.When you see this symbol, the subsequent instructions and warnings are serious - follow without exception.Your life and the lives of others depend on it!
© Copyright 2011 Printed 12/26/12 170-062P
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction.................................................6
Using This Manual...............................................................6
Manual Replacement Information.......................................6
Manual Revisions................................................................6
Touch-up Paint....................................................................6
Hardware Legend................................................................7
Replacement Hardware......................................................7
Serial Numbers...................................................................7
Part Number Service Coding..............................................7
Tongue & Frame............................................................8
Hitch To Tongue...................................................................8
Rotating Square Jack (116-065K).....................................10
Rotating Square Hammerblow Jack (890-610C)...............12
Rotating Square Butler Jack (890-610C)..........................14
Tongue & Tool Bar Assembly............................................16
Center Box Link.................................................................18
Transport Axle To Mainframe.............................................20
Gauge Wheels..............................................................22
Drive Gauge Wheel W/Lock Out Assembly (8/1995+)......22
Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (12/1992-8/1995)..............24
Drive Gauge Wheel Mount Assembly...............................26
Lock Out Hub Single Drive Assembly...............................28
Drive Gauge Wheel Idler Assembly (12/1992-1/1993)......30
Drive Gauge Wheel Idler Assembly (1/1993+)..................32
Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (1/1986-11/1992)..............34
Non-Drive Gauge Wheel To Frame (11/1992+).................38
Non-Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (11/1992+)................40
Non-Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (1/1986-11/1992)......42
Box Assembly..............................................................44
Box To Frame....................................................................44
Lid & Step..........................................................................46
Small Seeds Box & Mounting Assembly...........................50
Fertilizer Box & Mounting Assembly..................................52
Fertilizer Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem.............................54
Metering System..........................................................56
Feeder Cup Channel, 36' Drills.........................................56
Feeder Cup Channel, 45' Drills.........................................60
Nede Shaft Monitor (823-020C)........................................64
Vansco Shaft Monitor........................................................66
Loop Shaft Monitor (2 Channel 116-282A) (3 Channel
V-Bottom Divider...............................................................70
Small Seeds Metering.......................................................72
Fertilizer Tray Assembly....................................................74
Gauge Wheel To Feeder Cup Drive (7/1995+)..................76
Gauge Wheel Clutch (8/1995+).........................................78
© Copyright 2011 All rights reserved Printed 12/26/12
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit. This publication describes the state of this product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product in the future.
The following are trademarks of Great Plains Mfg., Inc.: Application Systems, Ausherman, Land Pride, Great Plains
All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Great Plains Manufacturing, Incorporated Trademarks
Printed in the United States of America.
Jaw Clutch (176-042S & 176-043S)..................................80
Gauge Wheel To Feeder Cup Drive Center Box
Gauge Wheel To Feeder Cup Drive Wing Box
Gauge Wheel To Feeder Cup Drive Center Box
Gauge Wheel To Feeder Cup Drive Wing Box
Jaw Clutch Assembly (176-040S, 176-041S &
Gauge Wheel To Feeder Cup Drive (9/7/89-1/7/93)..........96
Clutch Assembly (176-025S & 176-026S)......................100
Speed Change Assembly (1988-1995)...........................102
Small Seeds Drive Mounting...........................................104
Small Seeds Drive...........................................................106
Fertilizer Drive.................................................................108
Double Disk Opener Assembly.......................................110
Straight Arm Fertilizer Opener........................................114
Straight Arm Opener Assembly.......................................118
Standard Fertilizer Double Disk Opener Assembly.........120
Standard Native Grass Opener Assembly......................124
Heavy Duty Native Grass Opener Assembly..................128
5" & 6" Seed Lok.............................................................132
Small Seeds Y-Tube Drop................................................134
Small Seeds Hose Channel Mounting............................136
Small Seeds Hose Retainer............................................138
Press Wheels.............................................................140
1" x 12" Single Press Wheel............................................140
2" x 13" Single Press Wheel............................................142
2" x 13" Double "V" Assembly.........................................144
3" x 13" Single "V" Crown Press Wheel..........................146
3" x 14" Peaked Press Wheel..........................................148
4" x 12" Smooth And Dual Rib Press Wheel...................150
1" x 12" Double "V" Press Wheel....................................152
2" x 13" Heavy Duty Native Grass Press Wheel.............154
4" x 12" Heavy Duty Native Grass Press Wheel.............156
Covering Chain...............................................................158
Lift Hydraulics..................................................................160
Fold Hydraulics................................................................162
3 1/2" x 8" Hydraulic Tie Rod Cylinder (810-175C).........164
3 1/4" x 8" Hydraulic Tie-Rod Cylinder (810-176C).........166
3 1/2" x 10" Hydraulic Tie-Rod Cylinder (810-170C).......168
3 1/4" x 10" Hydraulic Tie Rod Cylinder (810-171C).......170
4" x 24" Hydraulic Tie-Rod Cylinder (810-056C).............172
3 1/2" x 24" Hydraulic Tie Rod Cylinder (810-065C).......174
Gauge Wheel Hydraulics-Cessna Wyr-Loc Cylinders.....176
Cessna 3 1/2" x 8" Hydraulic Cylinder (810-055C).........178
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Table of Contents (continued)
Cessna 3 1/4" x 8" Hydraulic Cylinder (810-054C).....180
Cessna 3 1/2" x 10" Hydraulic Cylinder (810-080C) &
Cessna 3 1/4" x 10" Hydraulic Cylinder (810-081C)...184
Hydraulic Shut-Off Valve (810-084C).........................186
Stroke Control Valve (810-445C)................................188
Decal Placement........................................................190
Small Seeds Decal Placement...................................192
Folding Marker Assembly...........................................194
Marker Carrier Assembly............................................198
Marker Disk (113-563S).............................................200
Marker Disk (113-364S).............................................202
Marker Disk Assembly (1991-)...................................204
Single Marker Hydraulic Schematic...........................206
Dual Marker Hydraulic Schematic..............................208
Marker Hydraulic Cylinder Assembly (810-065C)......210
Marker Double Selector Valve (810-023C).................212
Marker Selector/Sequence Valve (810-085C)............214
Marker Gauge Wheel Assembly.................................216
Part Number Index................................................218
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Alphabetized Table of Contents
Selected Models
1" x 12" Double "V" Press Wheel....................................152
1" x 12" Single Press Wheel............................................140
2" x 13" Double "V" Assembly.........................................144
2" x 13" Heavy Duty Native Grass Press Wheel.............154
2" x 13" Single Press Wheel............................................142
3 1/2" x 10" Hydraulic Tie-Rod Cylinder (810-170C).......168
3 1/2" x 24" Hydraulic Tie Rod Cylinder (810-065C).......174
3 1/2" x 8" Hydraulic Tie Rod Cylinder (810-175C).........164
3 1/4" x 10" Hydraulic Tie Rod Cylinder (810-171C).......170
3 1/4" x 8" Hydraulic Tie-Rod Cylinder (810-176C).........166
3" x 13" Single "V" Crown Press Wheel..........................146
3" x 14" Peaked Press Wheel..........................................148
4" x 12" Heavy Duty Native Grass Press Wheel.............156
4" x 12" Smooth And Dual Rib Press Wheel...................150
4" x 24" Hydraulic Tie-Rod Cylinder (810-056C).............172
5" & 6" Seed Lok.............................................................132
Box To Frame....................................................................44
Center Box Link.................................................................18
Cessna 3 1/2" x 10" Hydraulic Cylinder (810-080C) &
Cessna 3 1/2" x 8" Hydraulic Cylinder (810-055C).........178
Cessna 3 1/4" x 10" Hydraulic Cylinder (810-081C).......184
Cessna 3 1/4" x 8" Hydraulic Cylinder (810-054C).........180
Clutch Assembly (176-025S & 176-026S)......................100
Covering Chain...............................................................158
Decal Placement.............................................................190
Double Disk Opener Assembly.......................................110
Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (1/1986-11/1992)..............34
Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (12/1992-8/1995)..............24
Drive Gauge Wheel Idler Assembly (1/1993+)..................32
Drive Gauge Wheel Idler Assembly (12/1992-1/1993)......30
Drive Gauge Wheel Mount Assembly...............................26
Drive Gauge Wheel W/Lock Out Assembly (8/1995+)......22
Dual Marker Hydraulic Schematic...................................208
Feeder Cup Channel, 36' Drills.........................................56
Feeder Cup Channel, 45' Drills.........................................60
Fertilizer Box & Mounting Assembly..................................52
Fertilizer Drive.................................................................108
Fertilizer Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem.............................54
Fertilizer Tray Assembly....................................................74
Fold Hydraulics................................................................162
Folding Marker Assembly................................................194
Gauge Wheel Clutch (8/1995+).........................................78
Gauge Wheel Hydraulics-Cessna Wyr-Loc Cylinders.....176
Gauge Wheel To Feeder Cup Drive (7/1995+)..................76
Gauge Wheel To Feeder Cup Drive (9/7/89-1/7/93)..........96
Gauge Wheel To Feeder Cup Drive Center Box
Gauge Wheel To Feeder Cup Drive Center Box
Gauge Wheel To Feeder Cup Drive Wing Box
Gauge Wheel To Feeder Cup Drive Wing Box
Heavy Duty Native Grass Opener Assembly..................128
Hitch To Tongue...................................................................8
Hydraulic Shut-Off Valve (810-084C)..............................186
Jaw Clutch (176-042S & 176-043S)..................................80
Jaw Clutch Assembly (176-040S, 176-041S &
Lid & Step..........................................................................46
Lift Hydraulics..................................................................160
Lock Out Hub Single Drive Assembly...............................28
Loop Shaft Monitor (2 Channel 116-282A) (3 Channel
Marker Carrier Assembly................................................198
Marker Disk (113-364S)..................................................202
Marker Disk (113-563S)..................................................200
Marker Disk Assembly (1991-)........................................204
Marker Double Selector Valve (810-023C)......................212
Marker Gauge Wheel Assembly......................................216
Marker Hydraulic Cylinder Assembly (810-065C)...........210
Marker Selector/Sequence Valve (810-085C).................214
Nede Shaft Monitor (823-020C)........................................64
Non-Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (1/1986-11/1992)......42
Non-Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (11/1992+)................40
Non-Drive Gauge Wheel To Frame (11/1992+).................38
Rotating Square Butler Jack (890-610C)..........................14
Rotating Square Hammerblow Jack (890-610C)...............12
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Alphabetized Table of Contents (continued)
Rotating Square Jack (116-065K)................................10
Single Marker Hydraulic Schematic...........................206
Small Seeds Box & Mounting Assembly......................50
Small Seeds Decal Placement...................................192
Small Seeds Drive......................................................106
Small Seeds Drive Mounting......................................104
Small Seeds Hose Channel Mounting.......................136
Small Seeds Hose Retainer.......................................138
Small Seeds Metering..................................................72
Small Seeds Y-Tube Drop...........................................134
Speed Change Assembly (1988-1995)......................102
Standard Fertilizer Double Disk Opener Assembly.....120
Standard Native Grass Opener Assembly.................124
Straight Arm Fertilizer Opener...................................114
Straight Arm Opener Assembly..................................118
Stroke Control Valve (810-445C)................................188
Tongue & Tool Bar Assembly........................................16
Transport Axle To Mainframe........................................20
V-Bottom Divider..........................................................70
Vansco Shaft Monitor...................................................66
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Hitch To Tongue
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Hitch To Tongue
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
Image No.dwg10918 RPBY 890-610C116-065K1.
PIN HITCH 3/4 X 4 3/8805-081C2.
HHCS 1 1/4-7X11 GR5 SPTHD802-317C4. HHCS 1 1/4-7X9 1/2 GR5 SPTHD802-166C5. SAFETY CHAIN WASHER194-070D6. NUT HEX 1 1/4-7 PLT803-034C7. WASHER LOCK 1 1/4 SPRING PLT804-030C8. SINGLE HITCH STRAP-SMALL170-034H9. LOWER HITCH170-040H10. SINGLE HITCH STRAP-LARGE170-033H11. RPBY 196-136H170-058H12. HHCS 1-8X3 1/2 GR5802-169C13. WASHER LOCK SPRING 1 PLT804-027C14. NUT HEX 1-8 PLT803-031C15. SQ TB JACK 10000 LB 10 STROKE890-610C16.
Tongue & Frame
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
1st rev.(3/1997-) Referto "Rotating Square
Jack (116-065K)" for breakdown.
36' Drills Only.SAFETY CHAIN 20000 LB890-183C3. 45' Drills Only.SAFETY CHAIN 30000 LB890-184C3.
2nd rev.(4/1997+) Referto "Rotating Square Butler Jack(890-610C)" for breakdown.
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Rotating Square Jack (116-065K)
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Rotating Square Jack (116-065K)
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
Image No.dwg10510 JACK LID116-069D1. ROTATING JACK HOUSING116-061H2. ROTATING JACK CRANK HANDLE116-042H3. JACK CRANK HAND GRIP116-068D4. EXTERNAL E RING 3/4 I.D.800-042C5. BEVEL GEAR 15T 7 PITCH 26.6 PA116-065D6. WOODRUFF KEY #606800-046C7. SNAP RING EXT .750 .078 T800-015C8. BEVEL GEAR 30T 7 PITCH 63.4 PA116-064D9. JACK CRANK BUSHING116-066D10. JACK LEG WITH FOOT116-037H11. JACK SCREW WITH STOP116-038H12. JACK NUT116-055D13. BRG THST .75IDX1.65ODX.54T BND822-055C14. JACK NUT PIN116-062D15. SCR P.H. 8X3/8 TYPEB THD FORM801-052C16.
Tongue & Frame
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Rotating Square Hammerblow Jack (890-610C)
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Rotating Square Hammerblow Jack (890-610C)
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
Image No.dwg20213 HB VIKING COVER0178021. HB COVER SCREW0178062. HB BEVEL GEAR0200233. HB GROOVE PIN .25 X 1.50090624. HB WEAR PLATE0160535. HB THRUSTBEARING0010156. HB BEARING SEAT0160487. HB SCREW & NUT ASSY7122058. HHCS 3/8-16X2 1/2 GR5802-114C9. WASHER FLAT 3/8825-002C10. NUT LOCK 3/8-16 PLT803-013C11. HB CRANK, NARROW CLEVIS70114012. REP BY 182531640069X13. HB CROSS SHAFT00612514. REP BY 701438701029X15. HB BEARING SLEEVE01701216. HB BULLDOG 12000LB LABEL01579617. HB BEVEL GEAR PINION02002218. HB RETAINING PIN00905219.
Tongue & Frame
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Rotating Square Butler Jack (890-610C)
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Rotating Square Butler Jack (890-610C)
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
Tongue & Frame
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Tongue & Tool Bar Assembly
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
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Tongue & Tool Bar Assembly
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
Image No.dwg10925 36 FT. R.H. TOOL BAR170-044H1. 36 FT. L.H. TOOL BAR170-045H1. 45 FT. R.H. TOOL BAR170-046H1. 45 FT. L.H. TOOL BAR170-047H1. PIVOTLUG MOUNT170-050H2. PIVOTLUG WELDMENT170-049H3. PIVOTLUG SHAFT - WING170-052H4. NUT HEX 1 1/4-7 NYLON INSERT803-081C5. PIN HITCH 1 1/8 X 7 1/16 USELG805-039C6. HHCS 3/4-10X9 GR5802-164C7. NUT HEX 3/4-10 PLT803-027C8. WASHER LOCK SPRING 3/4 PLT804-023C9. PULL BAR CLEVIS WELDMENT111-008H10. BAR ASSEMBLY BALL JOINT170-012H11. PIN CLEVIS 1 1/8 DIA X 4 LG805-059C12. HHCS 1/4-20X1 1/2 GR5802-167C13. NUT-LOCK 1/4-20 PLT803-007C14. HHCS 1-8X3 1/2 GR5802-169C15. U-JOINT PIVOT170-048D16. HINGE PIN SHORT170-050D17. HINGE PIN LONG170-049D18. GREASE ZERK STRAIGHT 1/4-28800-001C19. HHCS 3/8-16X4 1/2 GR5802-027C20. NUT LOCK 3/8-16 PLT803-013C21.
36' & 45' SLIDE WELDMENT111-009H23. SLIDE SPACER PIPE111-023D24. HHCS 1/2-13X8 1/2 GR5802-154C25. WASHER LOCK SPRING 1/2 PLT804-015C26. FLEX GUARDHOSE.594 OD X.413ID817-044C27. NUT HEX 1/2-13 PLT803-020C28. TONGUE LOCK PIN WELDMENT170-011H29. PIN HAIR COTTER .148 WIRE805-032C30. 36' 3-SECTION TRANSPORT FRAME170-027H31. 45' 3-SEC TRANSPORT FRAME WLDT170-002H31. 36' REAR TRANSPORT CARRIER170-054H32. 45' REAR TRANSPORT CARRIER170-053H32. HHCS 1/2-13X1 1/2 GR5802-091C33. WASHER FLAT 1/2 SAE PLT804-016C34. FRONT TRANSPORT CARRIER170-055H35. NUT HEX JAM 1-8 NYLON INSERT803-083C36.
Tongue & Frame
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
36' Drill OnlyPULL BAR TOOL BAR END-SHORT111-010H22. 45' Drill onlyPULL BAR-TOOLBAR END111-007H22.
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Center Box Link
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
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Table of Contents Part Number Index
Center Box Link
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
Image No.dwg10941 #2 TOPLINK WELDMENT170-014H1. #2 TOPLINK MOUNT PLATE170-058D2. TOP LINK #2 SWIVEL END170-037H3. BUSHING SPINDLE 1 1/2X1 1/4X1890-011C4. CENTER BOX UPPER PIVOT170-035H5. NUT HEX 1 1/4-7 NYLON INSERT803-081C6. HHCS 3/4-10X2 1/4 GR5802-065C7. NUT HEX 3/4-10 PLT803-027C8. WASHER LOCK SPRING 3/4 PLT804-023C9. LINK PIN 1 1/8 OD X 5 LONG166-069D10. HHCS 5/16-18X2 1/4 GR5802-138C11. NUT LOCK 5/16-18 PLT803-011C12. HHCS 1/4-20X2 1/2 GR5802-097C13. WASHER FLAT 1/4 SAE PLT804-007C14. WASHER LOCK SPRING 1/4 PLT804-006C15. NUT-HEX 1/4-20 PLT803-006C16. BAR ASSEMBLY BALL JOINT170-012H17. GREASE ZERK STRAIGHT 1/4-28800-001C18.
Tongue & Frame
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
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Transport Axle To Mainframe
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
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Transport Axle To Mainframe
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
Image No.dwg10917
TIRE 12.5L X 15 8 PLY814-022C2. WHEEL 15 DIA X 10 WIDE X 6 BLT814-023C3. HUB 6 BOLT 4 5/8 PILOT 3600 LB815-077C4.
BOLT WHEEL 1/2-20X1 90-DEG802-104C7.
SPINDLE SINGLE ENDED201-004D9. NUT HEX SLOTTED 7/8-14 PLT803-029C10. WASHER SPINDLE - 7/8804-055C11. PIN COTTER3/16 X 1 1/4 PLT805-016C12. BEARING CONE LM-67048822-021C13. BEARING CUP LM-67010822-020C14. BRG CUP LM-29710822-019C15. BRG CONE 1.50ID LM-29749822-018C16. SEAL 2.56X1.625X.438 CR16289816-011C17. HHCS 1/2-13X3 1/2 GR5802-041C18. WASHER LOCK SPRING 1/2 PLT804-015C19. NUT HEX 1/2-13 PLT803-020C20. VALVE STEM TR415X.625X1 1/4 LG816-035C21.
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
Includes items 2, 3, & 21TRANSPORT WHEEL & TIRE ASSY170-021K1.
2nd rev.Includes items 5, 13, 16, 17, 22, & 6 of item 7
Use existingstock; 1st rev.RPBY 815-077C & (6)802-104C200-001S4.
Canonly be purchasedwith 815-082C.RPBY 815-082C200-003D6.
Includes items 9 through 12SINGLE ENDED SPINDLE TRANS PKG201-002S8.
2nd rev.Includes items 6, 14, & 15HUB 6 BOLT 4 5/8 PILOT W/ CUPS815-082C22.
Use existingstock; 1st rev.RPBY 815-082C200-037V22.
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Drive Gauge Wheel W/Lock Out Assembly (8/1995+)
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
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Drive Gauge Wheel W/Lock Out Assembly (8/1995+)
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
Image No.dwg16698 BOLT WHEEL 1/2-20X1 90-DEG802-104C1. VALVE STEM TR415X.625X1 1/4 LG816-035C2. WHEEL 8 X 15 X 6 BOLT814-008C3. RPBY 814-011C814-026C4.
Includes items 2, 3 & 4.6 BOLT WHL&TIRE 8 PLY TUBELESS161-046K5. TUBE CAP172-065D6. WASHER FLAT 1/4 SAE PLT804-007C7. WASHER LOCK SPRING 1/4 PLT804-006C8. HHCS 1/4-20X1 GR5802-005C9. BEARING 1.000 DIA W/SET-SCREWS188-003V10.
(8/1996+)SPKT 40B19X1 B MAX .875 THRU808-125C11. KEY 1/4 X 1123-004D12.
Used 8/1995-8/1996.SPKT 40B19 X1 BORE W/3/16 HOLE808-165C15.
Used 8/1995-8/1996.PIN ROLL 3/16 X 2 1/2 LG. PTL.805-062C16.
NUT BRG LOCK 1.767 OD THD803-186C18. WASHER BRG LOCK 1.767804-083C19. BEARING CONE 25590822-014C20. BRG CUP 25520822-013C21. 6-BOLT LOCKOUT HUB-MACHINED172-218D22. BRG CUP 3.81D 382A822-107C23. 6-BOLT LOCKOUT HUB W/ CUPS200-041S24. BRG CONE 2.25ID 387822-106C25. SEAL DBL LIP 2.5 ID X 3.881 OD816-138C26. BUSHING BRZ 1 1DX1 1/4 OD FLG822-108C27. HHCS 1/4-20X1 GR5802-005C28. WASHER LOCK SPRING 1/4 PLT804-006C29. 6 BOLT LOCKOUT END CAP172-199D30. 30-3SEC LOCKOUT HUB SEAL816-139C31. 36' & 45' LOCKOUT HUB SPACER172-306D32. SPRING COMP 1/2 OD X 1 LG807-096C33. 6 BOLT LOCKOUT PLUNGER172-201D34. SCREW SET 5/16-18 SKT KP X 3/8801-035C35. 36' & 45' DUAL DRIVE PLT CCW172-308D36.
(8/1996+)36-45 DUALLOCKOUT SHAFT172-267H37. 36'RH,45' CEN-RH DUAL DR GW172-252H38. 36'& 45' CTR & RH SINGLE DR GW172-254H39. 36'& 45' LH DUAL DR GW172-248H40. 36'& 45' LH SINGLE DR GW172-253H41.
Used with Clutch Update Kit.CLUTCH ACTUATOR ARM WLMT172-244H42.
Used with Clutch Update Kit.NUT HEX 5/16-18 PLT803-008C43.
Used with Clutch Update Kit.WASHER LOCK SPRING 5/16 PLT804-009C44.
Used with Clutch Update Kit.U-BOLT 5/16-18 4 9/32 X 5 1/4806-137C45.
Gauge Wheels
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
2nd rev.CHAIN RL #40 94 PITCHES136-010D13. Use existingstock; 1st rev.RPBY 136-010D809-043C13.
2nd rev.36' DUALGW & CLUTCH UPDATE172-262A17. 2nd rev.45' DUALGW & CLUTCH UPDATE172-261A17. 1st rev.36'& 45' DUAL DRIVE LO SHAFT172-242H17.
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Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (12/1992-8/1995)
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
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Drive Gauge Wheel Assembly (12/1992-8/1995)
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
Image No.dwg16693 BOLT WHEEL 1/2-20X1 90-DEG802-104C1. VALVE STEM TR415X.625X1 1/4 LG816-035C2. WHEEL 8 X 15 X 6 BOLT814-008C3. RPBY 814-011C814-026C4.
Includes items 2, 3 & 4.6 BOLT WHL&TIRE 8 PLY TUBELESS161-046K5. HUB GREASE CAP200-001D6. NUT HEX SLOTTED 7/8-14 PLT803-029C7. PIN COTTER3/16 X 1 3/4 PLT805-017C8. 7/8 SPINDLE WASHER, HARDENED181-064D9. BEARING CONE LM-67048822-021C10. BEARING CUP LM-67010822-020C11. BRG CUP 2.89ODX.58WD #LM501310822-053C12. BRG CONE 1.62IDX.78WD#LM501349822-048C13.
Includes items 6, 10, 11, 12 & 13.6H-06AA HUB PACKAGE LESS SEAL815-013C14. SEAL MF WALKING TANDEM HUB816-050C15.
Includes items 14 & 15.MF WALKING TANDEM HUB ASSEMBLY200-027S16.
Used 1/1993-8/1995.36-45 SNGL CTR & RH DR GW ARM172-205H17.
Used 1/1993-8/1995.36-45 DUALCTR & RH DR GW ARM172-206H18.
Used 1/1993-8/1995.36-45 DUALLH DRIVE GW ARM172-208H19.
Used 1/1993-8/1995.36-45 SNGL LH DRIVE GW ARM172-207H20.
Used 12/1992-12/1993.36-45 LH BOX DR GW ARM172-154H21.
Used 12/1992-12/1993.DUAL 36-45 LH BOX DR GW ARM172-153H22.
Used 12/1992-12/1993.DUAL 36-45 CTR&RH BOXDR GW ARM172-152H23.
Used 12/1992-12/1993.36-45 CTR&RH BOX DR GW ARM172-155H24.
Gauge Wheels
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
12/26/12 - 25 - 170-062P
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Drive Gauge Wheel Mount Assembly
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
170-062P - 26 - 12/26/12
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Drive Gauge Wheel Mount Assembly
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
Image No.dwg10892 PIN ROLL 3/16X1 1/4 PLT805-023C1. WASHER FLAT 7/8 SAE PLT804-026C2.
SNAP RING INT. 2.05 OD800-038C11.
BRG 3.25 3-HL FLG DRIVE172-206D13. GREASE ZERK 1/4-28 X 45-DEG800-058C14.
NUT HEX 5/8-11 PLT803-021C16. WASHER LOCK SPRING 5/8 PLT804-022C17. HHCS 5/8-11X2 1/4 GR5802-057C18.
BRG 1.00IDX2.00ODX.43L LCK822-062C21.
Gauge Wheels
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
Used 12/1992-8/1995.40B19 X .75 HEX BORE W/2 SS152-187D3.
Used 12/1992-8/1995.SCREW SET 1/4-28X1/4 KNL CUP801-045C4.
Used 12/1992-8/1995.CENTER BOX GW JACK SHAFT172-232D5.
Used 8/1995-8/1996.36' & 45' GW JACK SHAFT172-323D6.
Used 8/1995-8/1996.SPKT 40B19X1 B MAX .875 THRU808-125C7.
Used 8/1995-8/1996.KEY 1/4 X 1123-004D8.
Used 8/1996+.GAUGE WHEEL HEX JACKSHAFT172-331D9.
Used 8/1996+.SPKT 40B19 X.885 HEX BORE W/SS808-239C10.
Use with 172-131K.BEARING .755 HEX BORE W/S-S188-004V12.
Used 8/1996+.36-45 GAUGE WHEEL PIVOT ASSY152-188S15.
Use with 152-188S.BEARING .880 HEX BORE 205DD188-006V20.
Used 12/1992-8/1995.SPKT 40B19 X 3/4 HEX BORE172-197D22.
Rev. 2 is not interchangeable
w/rev. 1
1st rev.Used 12/1992-8/1996.GA WH PVT BUSHING ASSY W/ LC172-131K15.
2nd rev.Used 12/1992-8/1995.CHAIN RL #40 94 PITCHES136-010D19. Use existingstock; 1st rev.Used 12/1992-8/1995.RPBY 136-010D809-043C19.
12/26/12 - 27 - 170-062P
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Lock Out Hub Single Drive Assembly
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
170-062P - 28 - 12/26/12
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Lock Out Hub Single Drive Assembly
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
Image No.dwg16694 BOLT WHEEL 1/2-20X1 90-DEG802-104C1. VALVE STEM TR415X.625X1 1/4 LG816-035C2. WHEEL 8 X 15 X 6 BOLT814-008C3. RPBY 814-011C814-026C4.
NUT BRG LOCK 1.767 OD THD803-186C6. WASHER BRG LOCK 1.767804-083C7. BEARING CONE 25590822-014C8. BRG CUP 25520822-013C9. 6-BOLT LOCKOUT HUB-MACHINED172-218D10. BRG CUP 3.81D 382A822-107C11. 6-BOLT LOCKOUT HUB W/ CUPS200-041S12. BRG CONE 2.25ID 387822-106C13. SEAL DBL LIP 2.5 ID X 3.881 OD816-138C14. BUSHING BRZ 1 1DX1 1/4 OD FLG822-108C15. HHCS 1/4-20X1 GR5802-005C16. WASHER LOCK SPRING 1/4 PLT804-006C17. PIN ROLL 3/16 X 2 1/2 LG. PTL.805-062C18. 6 BOLT LOCKOUT END CAP172-199D19. 30-3SEC LOCKOUT HUB SEAL816-139C20. SPRING COMP 1/2 OD X 1 LG807-096C21. 6 BOLT LOCKOUT PLUNGER172-201D22. 36-45 RH & CTR LOCKOUT SHAFT172-151H23. 36-45 LH LOCKOUT SHAFT172-150H23. BEARING 1.000 DIA W/SET-SCREWS188-003V24.
KEY 1/4 X 1123-004D26. TUBE CAP172-065D27. WASHER FLAT 1/4 SAE PLT804-007C28. WASHER LOCK SPRING 1/4 PLT804-006C29. HHCS 1/4-20X1 GR5802-005C30.
Gauge Wheels
RevisionCommentsPart DescriptionPart No.Ref.
Includes items 2, 3 & 4.6 BOLT WHL&TIRE 8 PLY TUBELESS161-046K5.
2nd rev.SPKT 40B19X1 B MAX .875 THRU808-125C25. Use existingstock; 1st rev.REPLACED BY 808-125C152-312D25.
12/26/12 - 29 - 170-062P
Table of Contents Part Number Index
Drive Gauge Wheel Idler Assembly (12/1992-1/1993)
(Applies to 3SF36 (1986+), 3SF45 (1986+) only)
170-062P - 30 - 12/26/12
+ 194 hidden pages