Great Plains 3P806NT User Manual

Table of Contents Main Box Rates
Manufacturing, Inc.

Seed, Native Grass, Small Seeds and Fertilizer Rate Charts

The following pages are to assist in the proper setting of seeding rates for the 8-foot (2.5 m) no-till drill. The rates indicated in the charts are approximate. To assure the most accurate seeding, it is recommended that the drill be calibrated for the desired seed at the time of planting.
© Copyright 2011 Printed 2011-10-21 151-143B
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Cover Main Box Rates ii

Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................1
Models Covered .............................................................1
Document Family ...........................................................1
Material Rates Overview ................................................1
Calibration Overview ......................................................2
Calibration Crank Storage .......................................... 2
Using Calibration Crank..............................................2
Main and Dual Box Seed Rate.....................................3
Setting Drive Type......................................................3
Main and Dual Box Seed Rate Handle....................... 4
Position Seed Cup Doors ........................................... 4
Main/Dual Seed Row Shutoff .....................................4
Reading a Seed Rate Chart .......................................5
Main/Dual Box Seed Rate Calibration........................6
Rate Charts, Main Seed Box..........................................8
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) ............................................ 8
Bahia Grass (Paspalum notatum) ..............................8
Barley (Hordeum vulgare) ..........................................8
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum).........................9
Buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides) ............................ 9
Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon) .......................... 9
K-31 Fescue (Festuca).............................................10
Flax (Linum usitatissimum) or Sudan
(Sorghum bicolor subsp. drummondii)..................10
Eastern Gamma Grass - Pete
(Tripsacum dactyloides) .......................................10
Kentucky Blue Grass (Poa pratensis).......................11
Millet (Pennisetum glaucum, Setaria italica,
Panicum miliaceum, Eleusine coracana)..............11
Milo (Sorghum).........................................................11
Oats (Avena sativa)..................................................12
Orchard Grass Potomac (Dactylis glomerata).......... 12
Peas (Pisum sativum)...............................................12
Pinto Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris).............................13
Rape (Brassica napus).............................................13
Rice, Long Grain (Oryza sativa indica)..................... 13
Rice, Short Grain (Oryza sativa japonica,
Oryza sativa sinica) ..............................................14
Rye (Secale cereale)................................................14
Perennial Rye Grass - Palmer
(Lolium perenne, Lolium multiflorum) ...................14
Soybeans (Glycine max) ..........................................15
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) ................................15
Tiffany Teff, Coated (Erogrostis tef) .........................15
Wheat (Triticum)....................................................... 16
Wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii,
Agropyron elongatum).......................................... 16
Native Grass Rate ...................................................... 17
Setting Native Grass Seed Rate .................................. 17
Native Grass Rate Calibration ..................................... 17
Native Grass Meter Shaft Rates .................................. 20
Standard Shaft Rates...............................................20
Shaft Rates with Seed Rate Reduction.................... 20
Seed Lubricant ..................................................... 20
Brome Grass Seeding.................................................. 21
Brome Rate Charts .................................................. 23
Small Seeds Rate ....................................................... 24
Small Seeds Rate Calibration ...................................... 24
Small Seeds Row Shut-Off .................................. 26
Small Seeds Rate Charts............................................. 27
Alfalfa, Red Alsike, Crimson Clover ..............................27
Kentucky Bluegrass,
Fescue, Annual Rye Grass.......................................27
Bermuda, Red Top, Lespedeza Unhulled,
Sercia, Sand, Weeping Love Grass.......................... 27
Red & Sweet Clover, Lespedeza Hulled....................... 27
Orchard Grass ..............................................................27
Millet, Reed Canary ......................................................28
Ladino Clover, Canary Grass,
Timothy, Canola........................................................ 28
Birdsfoot, Trefoil, Sudan ...............................................28
Fertilizer Rate ............................................................. 29
Setting Fertilizer Rate .................................................. 29
Fertilizer Rate Chart..................................................... 29
Fertilizer Rates in Pounds per Acre .............................. 29
Metric Fertilizer Rate Chart ...........................................29
Adjusting for Density .................................................... 30
Density Conversion Charts ...................................... 30
U.S. Customary Units ...................................................30
Metric ............................................................................ 30
Fertilizer Rate Calibration......................................... 31
Appendix..................................................................... 33
Metric Rate Charts, Main Seed Box............................. 33
Metric Rate Charts, Small Seeds Box.......................... 42
Metric Native Grass Rates ........................................... 44
Metric Native Grass Shaft Rates.................................. 45
Brome Seed Rates, Metric ....................................... 46
© Copyright 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011 All rights Reserved
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit. This publication describes the state of this product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product in the future.
2011-10-21 Cover Main Box Rates 151-143B
Trademarks of Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. include: Singulator Plus, Swath Command, Terra-Tine.
Registered Trademarks of Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. include:
Air-Pro, Clear-Shot, Great Plains, Land Pride, MeterCone, Nutri-Pro, Seed-Lok, Solid Stand, Whirlfilter, Yield-Pro.
Brand and Product Names that appear and are owned by others are trademarks of their respective owners.
Printed in the United States of America
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Main Box Rates 1


This manual is your guide to drill adjustments for achieving specific seed populations.
Although some setup, operation and adjustment material herein is repeated from the drill Operator Manual, you need to be thoroughly familiar with drill operations and adjustments before applying this Seed Rate Manual and its table data.

Models Covered

This rate manual applies to drill models:
3P806NT-1375 13-row 7.5-inch (19.1 cm)

Document Family

151-143M Operator Manual
151-143P Parts Manual
151-143B Seed Rate Manual (this document)
Figure 1
3P806NT No-Till Drill

Material Rates Overview

Details of seed and fertilizer rate setting are found in the Adjustments section of the Operator Manual, and rely on data from this Seed Rate Manual.
Rate setting controls are different for each box. Some boxes have more than one control.
Main Box
Dual Seed
(page 3)
Rate Range
Fine Rate Rate Handle Driver/Driven
Cup Adjustment Door Handle
Small Seeds
(page 24)
Rate Handle
All chart rates, for all boxes, are approximate. Great Plains strongly recommends calibration of each box to the material to be applied.
Native Grass
(page 17)
Seed Rate Reduction
(page 29)
Rate KnobCoarse Rate Drive Type Drive Type
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2 3P806NT Table of Contents Main Box Rates Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.

Calibration Overview

Detailed calibration steps vary with each box, see: “Main/Dual Box Seed Rate Calibration” on page 6, “Fertilizer Rate Calibration” on page 31, “Native Grass Rate Calibration” on page 17, and “Small Seeds Rate Calibration” on page 24,
Some general information applies to all boxes, and is not repeated in those pages referenced above.

Calibrate with Drill Raised

Perform the calibration with the drill hitched and raised. Install lift-assist cylinder lock(s). Calibration with the drill lowered is not recommended, as the drive tires in ground contact prevent drive operation.
Calibrate for1⁄
The number of revolutions per area is:
revolutions for Full Acre 656 1170 1/10th Acre Full Hectare 1622 2890 1/10th Hectare
Crank counts below 10 are not recommended. Sample sizes may be too low, and fractional crank turns introduce more error.
Acre or Hectare
Crank Tire
65.6 117
162 289

Calibration Crank Storage

Refer to Figure 2
The calibration crank is found at the top front frame, left of center, pinned to a stob on a 3-point weldment.
Note: The retaining pin at the stob can also secure the
crank to the jackshaft.

Using Calibration Crank

Place the hex socket of the crank on the right end of the main jackshaft .
Operate the crank clockwise
A wide range of cranking speeds produce accurate calibrations. For reference, at 6 mph (10 kph) field speed, jackshaft rpm is 65 (about 1 revolution per second).
Figure 2
Calibration Crank

Check Affected Boxes

Empty any boxes not being calibrated or remove a drive chain to prevent undesired meter operation. Alternatively, set rate handles to zero.
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2011 09 23
Rate Charts, Main Seed Box
Charts n U S customary units Metric charts begin on page 33
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
Bahia Grass (Paspalum notatum)
Barley (Hordeum vulgare)
Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
(based on 60 pounds/bushel)
7 5 in
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate n Pounds Per Acre
7 5 in
0 9 5 14 19 24 30 37 44 51 58 66 73 81 89 96 104 111 118 125 131 136
Dr ve Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7 5 n
0 15 22 29 37 46 55 65 75 86 97 108 119 130 141 151 162 171 180 189 196
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7 5 in
0 25 35 47 60 75 90 106 123 140 158 176 194 212 230 247 264 279 294 308 320
Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
(based on 40 pounds bushe )
7 5 in
0 2 2 31 4 5 6 3 8 5 11 14 17 20 23 27 30 33 37 40 43 46 48 50 52
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7 5 in
0 4 4 64 9 3 13 18 23 28 35 41 48 55 62 69 76 82 88 94 99 104 107
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate n Pounds Per Acre
7 5 in
0 6 6 10 14 20 26 34 43 52 62 72 82 93 103 113 123 132 141 149 156 161
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7 5 n
0 11 16 23 32 43 56 70 85 101 117 134 151 168 185 201 216 230 243 254 263
Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
(based on 51 pounds/bushel)
7 5 in
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7 5 in
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7 5 in
0 14 19 26 34 43 52 62 72 83 94 105 116 126 137 147 156 165 173 180 186
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7 5 in
0 22 32 43 56 70 85 101 118 135 153 171 189 206 223 239 255 269 282 293 303

Main and Dual Box Seed Rate

Accurately obtaining the desired seed population requires four steps:
1. Setting Drive Type gearbox (from chart)
2. Setting initial Seed Rate Handle (from chart)
3. Positioning Seed Cup Door (by seed type)
4. Calibration: checking predicted seeding rate
Seed rate charts begin on page 8. The charts list proper Drive Type and seed rate handle settings for various seeds and seeding rates.
The seed rate charts are based on cleaned, untreated seed of average size and test weight. The charts are based on factory-supplied 5.70-8 8-Ply tires inflated to factory specification. Many factors affect seeding rates including foreign material, seed treatment, seed size, seed weight, field conditions, tire pressure and test weight.
Use the charts only as a starting point. Minor adjustments are commonly required. Set and check the seeding rate using the procedures beginning on page 6, then readjust the rate as necessary.

Setting Drive Type

Refer to Figure 3
The charts list Drive Types as 1, 2, 3 or 4. Drive Type is determined by the handle on the gearbox cover, at left front of drill.
Move the handle until the Drive Type number appears in the handle window .
For correct Drive Type, refer to the charts in the Seed Rate manual. Each Drive Type corresponds to a specific gear ratio.
Drive Type Relative Speed
1 Slowest
Note: The gear box is shared between Main Seed Box
2011-10-21 Table of Contents Main Box Rates 151-143B
2 2.06 times faster than Type 1
3 3.08 times faster than Type 1
4 5.02 times faster than Type 1
and the optional Dual Seed and Native Grass boxes. It is possible to plant from both boxes at the same time only if their settings use the same Drive Type.
Figure 3
Gearbox Handle Adjustment
4 3P806NT Table of Contents Main Box Rates Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.

Main and Dual Box Seed Rate Handle

Refer to Figure 4
There is a single rate handle for the entire box. There are separate handles for the standard main seed box and the optional dual seed box.
The seed rate handle controls the percent engagement of the seed sprocket in each seed cup. The initial setting of the handle is given by the Seed Rate Chart.
Note: You can temporarily stop main seed flow (such as
for adjusting level/depth) with handle set to zero.
To set the handle:
1. Loosen wing nut under handle.
2. Move indicator from current setting to about 10 higher than the new desired value from calibration or the Seed Rate Chart, then back to the desired value.
3. Tighten wing nut.
Figure 4
Main/Dual Box Seed Rate Handle

Position Seed Cup Doors

Refer to Figure 5, which depicts the seed cup door handle in position .
At each main seed box seed tube, adjust the seed cup door handle for the seed size.
The handle has three normal operating position detents:
(top detent) is for the smallest seeds. Use it for wheat and similar small seeds.
(middle detent) is for larger seeds. Use it for soybeans and similar larger seeds.
(bottom detent) is for oversize or fragile seeds. If you experience excessive cracking with setting , use setting .
Note: Handle position is used for clean-out, not
2 3
planting. If set to this position with seed loaded, it may be difficult to reset it to a normal operating position.
Figure 5
Seed Cup Door Handle

Main/Dual Seed Row Shutoff

If alternate row spacings are desired, the unused rows can be shut off with optional plugs.
1. Clean-out seed. The seed box must be empty prior to inserting plugs. See “Main Box Clean-Out” in Operator manual.
Refer to Figure 6
2. Insert one plug at each row to shut off. Verify the seed hose path before inserting the plug, as some hoses do not make a strictly vertical drop to their row units.
3. Review seed rate settings prior to planting. Perform calibration calculations with the actual active row count.
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Figure 6
Seed Cup Plug
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Main Box Rates Main and Dual Box Seed Rate 5
Seed Rate Handle Se

Reading a Seed Rate Chart

1. Find your seed. Charts are in alphabetical order by common North American seed name. Scientific names are provided. Charts covering more than one seed may be out of order. For Sudan, see Flax.
The example presumes Barley at 60 pounds/acre.
There are multiple chart sections for some seeds, and the rates may overlap. Use the chart where your desired rate is closest to 50 on the Seed Rate Han­dle scale.
In the example, this would be Drive Type 2.
If your seed is not listed, find one with similar size, shape and density. Density of the test seed used to develop the chart appears under the right end of the handle scale values.
Barley (Hordeum vulgare)
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds P
Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds P
(based on 51 pounds/bushel)
2. Note the Drive Type for the chart rate row chosen (at left above rates). This number (1-4) is used to determine the gearbox handle setting. See page 3.
In the example, this is
Drive Type 2
3. Locate your desired seed rate in the table row for your row spacing.
In the example the rate closest to 60 is:
4. Note the Seed Rate Handle setting required, at the top of the column at that seed rate. This is the initial value set on the Seed Rate Handle. See page 4.
In the example, start with a handle setting of:
50 (or interpolate to 48),
and calibrate. When a target rate falls halfway between handle settings, you can adjust the handle slightly to compensate, as in the example, but calibration is apt to result in further adjustment anyway.
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pou
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pou
.4 11 14 17 20 24 27 31 35 39 42
Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Seed Rate Handle Setting
15 20 25 30 35 40 5 50 55 60 65
Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
17 22 28 35 42 49 56 64 72 79 86
Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
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6 3P806NT Table of Contents Main Box Rates Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.

Main/Dual Box Seed Rate Calibration

Differences will exist between the tested seed and field conditions used to generate the Seed Rate Charts, and your seed and conditions. To accurately achieve your target population, Great Plains recommends calibrating.
Due to the large number of crank revolutions per acre (310 or 569) and per hectare (766 or 1405), a practical calibration is a simulation of1⁄
acre or1⁄
1. Estimate the sample sizes.
ExpectedSample SamplePerRow SampledRows×=
Example: You want to apply barley at a TargetRate of 60 pounds per acre. RateSample is:
Example: the drill has 13 rows. SamplePerRow is:
------- -
Example: 3 rows are to be used in the sampling.
ExpectedSample is:
1.38 0.46 3×=
The expected sample net weight is 1.2 lb.
2. To perform this calibration, you need a scale that is accurate at the aggregate sample size, and three (3) light containers, each capable of holding the expected SamplePerRow. Record the empty container weights.
3. Raise the drill so the gauge wheel is out of ground contact.
4. Remove the calibration crank from its storage stob. Store the retaining pin on the stob.
5. Place the hex socket of the crank on the end of the gearbox input jackshaft (see page 2).
6. Pull the seed hoses off the top of three opener seed tubes, at the top of the openers. Place the hoses into each sample container.
7. If not already done, set the Drive Type, Seed Rate Handle and Seed Cup Doors across the drill. If any optional seed boxes are loaded, disconnect their drive or set their rate to zero (unless you are simultaneously calibrating multiple boxes).
8. Load seed above the rows to be sampled. Load well more than the expected sample size.
9. Rotate the crank or tire several turns to ensure that the drives and seed cups are engaged, working properly, free from foreign material, and that seed is flowing steadily from the meters. Stop.
10. Note the current reading of the acremeter, unless you do not plan to rely on it for the calibration.
11. Empty the sample containers back into the seed box, and place them back under the three hoses to gather metered seed.
Example: 3 containers, each weighing 0.5lb:
ContainerWeight = 1.5 lb
Crushing Hazard:
Install lift cylinder lock(s) on a raised drill.
Note: You can also rotate the tire, the gauge wheel
jackshaft or the gear box jackshaft. If using a non-standard rotating/cranking point, rely on the acremeter to determine the area simulated.
Example: you desire to plant barley at:
60 pounds per acre
which is between
45 and 50 on the Drive Type 2 chart. Use an initial Seed Rate Handle (InitialHandle) scale setting of:
151-143B Table of Contents Main Box Rates 2011-10-21
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Main Box Rates Main and Dual Box Seed Rate 7
12. Turn crank at a steady rate for the number of turns specified on page 2, or until one tenth acre or hectare is tallied on acremeter. While turning, check that cups have ample seed coming into them.
13. Weigh metered seed. Subtract initial weight of container(s).
NetWeight GrossWeight ContainerWeight=
14. Divide the net seed weight by three. Multiply by number of openers on your drill, and then by ten, to determine the total of pounds per acre seeded.
OpenerCount× 10×=
15. The Seed Rate Handle scale is a percentage of meter opening, and its effect is linear near scale center. Calculate a new scale setting based on the test.
Set the Seed Rate Handle to the new scale setting.
16. You may want to repeat calibration procedure at the new setting if your results varied greatly from the Seed Rate Chart, or if you must operate near the ends of the Seed Rate handle scale (0-20 or 90-100).
-------------------------------------- -
3P806NT crank rotations for1⁄
Example: the containers weighed a total of
2.98 pounds after test. NetWeight is:
1.48 lbs net
1.48 2.98 1.5=
Example: MeasuredRate is:
64 lbs/ac
13 10××=
For example: the target rate was 60 lbs/ac, and the initial scale 48: the NewScale setting is:
17. With calibration complete, store calibration crank, reinstall any removed chains or sprockets and reconnect seed hoses.
18. Check that your tire(s) is(are) properly inflated. See “Tire Inflation Chart” in Operator manual.
When drilling, check seeding rate by noting acres drilled, amount of seed added to drill and seed level in drill box. If you are seeding more or less than desired, adjust rate slightly to compensate for field conditions.
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8 3P806NT Table of Contents Main Box Rates Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.

Rate Charts, Main Seed Box

Charts in U.S. customary units. Metric charts begin on page 33.

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)

Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 4.6 6.7 9.1 12 15 18 21 25 28 32 36 39 43 47 50 54 57 61 64 66
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 9.5 14 19 24 30 37 44 51 58 66 73 81 89 96 104 111 118 125 131 136
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 25 35 47 60 75 90 106 123 140 158 176 194 212 230 247 264 279 294 308 320
(based on 60 pounds/bushel)

Bahia Grass (Paspalum notatum)

Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 2.2 3.1 4.5 6.3 8.5 11 14 17 20 23 27 30 33 37 40 43 46 48 50 52
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 4.4 6.4 9.3 13 18 23 28 35 41 48 55 62 69 76 82 88 94 99 104 107
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 6.6 10 14 20 26 34 43 52 62 72 82 93 103 113 123 132 141 149 156 161
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre

Barley (Hordeum vulgare)

Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 4.7 6.3 8.4 11 14 17 20 24 27 31 35 39 42 45 49 51 54 56 57 58
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 22 32 43 56 70 85 101 118 135 153 171 189 206 223 239 255 269 282 293 303
(based on 40 pounds/bushel)
(based on 51 pounds/bushel)
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Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Main Box Rates Main and Dual Box Seed Rate 9
Rate Charts, Main Seed Box, continued...

Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)

Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 3.9 5.7 7.9 10 13 16 20 23 27 30 34 37 41 44 47 50 52 54 55 57
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 8.0 12 16 22 27 34 41 48 55 62 70 77 84 90 96 102 107 111 114 116
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 24 30 39 50 64 80 98 118 138 159 180 201 222 241 260 277 292 304 314 320

Buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides)

(based on 48 pounds/bushel)
Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 4.4 6.4 8.9 12 16 20 24 28 33 37 42 46 50 54 57 60 62 63 63 63
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 7.2 10 15 20 26 32 39 46 54 61 68 75 82 88 93 97 101 103 103 103

Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon)

Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 1.8 3.5 5.3 7.2 9.1 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 36 38
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 5.7 11 17 22 28 34 40 46 52 58 64 70 76 81 87 92 97 102 107 112
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 9.3 18 27 36 46 55 65 75 85 94 104 114 123 132 141 150 159 167 175 182
(based on 23 pounds/bushel)
(based on 60 pounds/bushel)
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Rate Charts, Main Seed Box, continued...

K-31 Fescue (Festuca)

Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 1.9 2.9 4.0 5.2 6.4 7.7 9.0 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 3.9 5.9 8.2 11 13 16 18 21 24 27 29 32 34 37 39 41 43 44 45 46
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Flax (Linum usitatissimum) or Sudan
(Sorghum bicolor subsp. drummondii)
(based on 21 pounds/bushel)
Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 4.6 6.8 9.3 12 15 19 22 26 29 33 37 41 44 48 52 55 59 62 65 67
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 9.4 14 19 25 31 38 45 53 60 68 76 84 91 99 107 114 121 127 133 139
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 23 35 47 61 75 91 107 124 141 158 175 193 210 228 244 261 276 291 305 318
Eastern Gamma Grass - Pete
(Tripsacum dactyloides)
Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 7.9 11 14 18 23 28 33 38 44 49 54 60 65 69 74 78 81 84 86 88
(based on 55 pounds/bushel)
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Rate Charts, Main Seed Box, continued...

Kentucky Blue Grass (Poa pratensis)

Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 1.5 2.1 2.9 3.7 4.6 5.6 6.7 7.7 8.8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 18
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 7.9 12 16 20 25 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 63 68 72 76 80 83 87 89
Millet (Pennisetum glaucum, Setaria italica,
Panicum miliaceum, Eleusine coracana)
(based on 23 pounds/bushel)
Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 4.8 6.8 9.2 12 15 18 21 25 28 32 35 39 42 46 49 52 55 58 60 62
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 22 33 45 59 74 90 107 124 142 160 178 196 213 230 247 262 277 290 301 311

Milo (Sorghum)

Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 9.4 15 21 28 36 44 54 63 73 83 93 103 113 122 131 140 148 154 160 165
(based on 60 pounds/bushel)
(based on 60 pounds/bushel)
2011-10-21 Table of Contents Main Box Rates 151-143B
12 3P806NT Table of Contents Main Box Rates Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Rate Charts, Main Seed Box, continued...

Oats (Avena sativa)

Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 1.8 3.1 4.5 6.1 7.8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 33 35 36
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 3.7 6.3 9.2 13 16 20 24 28 32 37 41 46 50 54 58 62 65 69 71 74
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 6.8 10 14 18 24 30 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 84 90 96 101 105 109 111
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre

Orchard Grass Potomac (Dactylis glomerata)

(based on 37 pounds/bushel)
Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 1.1 1.5 2.0 2.7 3.3 4.1 4.9 5.8 6.7 7.6 8.5 9.4 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 15
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre

Peas (Pisum sativum)

Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 2.1 5.2 8.7 13 17 21 26 30 35 40 44 49 53 57 61 64 67 70 72 73
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 4.4 11 18 26 34 43 53 62 72 81 91 100 109 117 125 132 138 143 147 150
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 3.2 12 22 33 45 58 71 84 98 112 125 138 151 163 174 184 192 199 205 209
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 5.2 20 36 54 74 94 116 138 160 182 204 225 246 265 283 299 313 325 334 341
(based on 18 pounds/bushel)
(based on 61 pounds/bushel)
151-143B Table of Contents Main Box Rates 2011-10-21
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. Table of Contents Main Box Rates Main and Dual Box Seed Rate 13
Rate Charts, Main Seed Box, continued...

Pinto Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 8.5 14 21 28 37 46 56 65 76 86 96 106 115 124 132 140 146 151 155 157
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 23 35 51 68 88 109 131 155 178 203 226 250 272 294 313 331 347 360 369 376

Rape (Brassica napus)

(based on 61 pounds/bushel)
Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
0 4.2 6.2 8.5 11 14 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 54 56
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 8.6 13 18 23 28 34 39 45 52 58 64 70 77 83 89 95 101 106 111 116
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 22 30 40 51 64 77 91 106 122 137 153 169 184 199 214 227 240 252 262 271

Rice, Long Grain (Oryza sativa indica)

Seed Rate Handle Setting
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Rows Drive Type: 1 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
7.5 in
Drive Type: 2 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
Drive Type: 3 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 3.0 10 18 25 33 40 48 56 63 71 78 85 92 99 106 113 119 125 130 136
Drive Type: 4 Seed Rate in Pounds Per Acre
0 4.9 17 29 41 53 66 78 91 103 115 127 139 151 162 173 183 194 203 213 221
(based on 51 pounds/bushel)
(based on 47 pounds/bushel)
2011-10-21 Table of Contents Main Box Rates 151-143B
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