Great Plains 2520P User Manual

Great Plains Mfg., Inc.
Installation Instructions
3-Point Precision Seeding System
Baffle Package Option
Used with:
• 2520P Twin Row Spacing
When you see this symbol, the subsequent instructions and warnings areserious- follow without exception. Your life and
the lives of others depend on it!
Theseinstructionsexplainhowtoinstall the Baffle PackageOption. The baffle package kit converts a 9 1/2" 2520P or an 8"/10"/10"/10" 2520P drill into a 38" twin row unit.
These instructions apply to:
118-868A 2520P Baffle Package
Manual Update
Refer to the 3-PointPrecision Seeding System operator’smanual for detailed information on safely operating, adjusting, troubleshooting and maintaining the 2520P drill. Refer to the parts manual for part identification.
118-863M Operator’sManual 118-863P Parts Manual
Assembly Instructions
Refer to Figure 1
1. Using predrilled holes, remove bolt (1) from the seed tray and replace with eye hook (2), flat washers (3), lock washer (4) and hex nut (5) supplied in kit. Assemble the eyebolts in the same manner for both boxes. There are foureyeboltsperseed tray, one ateachendof tray and two in the center.
Before You Start
Page3is a detailed listing of parts includedin the Baffle Package Option. Use this list to inventory parts received.
Tools Required
• Basic hand tools
Right hand and left hand as used in this manual are determined by facing the direction thedrill will travelwhile in use.
© Copyright 2003 Printed
Figure 1
Seed Tray
Baffle Package Option
Refer to Figure 2
2. Line meter covers with foam seal all the way around the edges.
Refer to Figure 3
3. PlaceSeedtubecorks(1) in tubesateachend of the box (2).
Refer to Figure 4
Great Plains Mfg., Inc.
Figure 2
Foam Seal
4. Place meter coverovertube outlets not being used.
5. Forthe centerbaffleuseatarp strap to hold in place by fastening one end to the eyebolt pull­ingthestrapoverthe baffle and hooking in the other eye bolt.
6. For the two outside baffles use tarp strap to hold in place by fastening one end to the eye­bolt pulling the strap overthe baffle and hook­ing it to the box divider.
NOTE: Shut meters off that are not being used.
Eye Bolt
Strap Strap
Eye Bolt
Eye Bolt
Figure 3
Foam Seal
Eye Bolt
Baffle covers
two tubes
2520P Rear of Drill
Baffle covers
two tubes
Baffle covers
two tubes
Note: This drawing refers to the in­stallation of baffles and seedtube corksforthelefthandside ofthedrill.
Eye Bolt and Baffle Placement
Figure 4
Installationfortherighthandsidewill be the same.
118-870M 4/11/2005
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