Great Plains Mfg., Inc.
Installation Instructions
12, 15 and 20 Series Drills
Fertilizer Option
Used with:
1200 and 1210
1500 and 1510
2000 and 2010
When you see this symbol, the subsequent instructions and
warnings areserious- follow withoutexception.Your life and
the lives of others depend on it!
General Information
These instructions explainhowtoinstallthefertilizer option. The
fertilizer option allows the operator to seed and apply dry fertilizerinthesame field pass.Thefertilizerboxis mountedbehindthe
main drill box.
Manual Update
Refer to the drill operator’s manual for detailed information on
safely operating, adjusting, troubleshooting and maintaining the
fertilizer option. Refer to the parts manual for part identification.
• 12, 15 and 20 Series Drill Operator’s Manual . . 118-389M-A
• 12, 15 and 20 Series Drill Parts Manual. . . . . . . . . 118-389P
Right and left as used in this manual are determined by facing
the direction the machine will travel.
Assembly Instructions
Mounting Box
Refer to Figure 1.
1. Remove handles (1) and 1/2-inch flange bolts (2) and nuts
from left-hand seed box. Install handles on fertilizer box as
2. Removetop5/16-inchhex flangebolts(3)fromrearofseed
box. Save bolts and nuts for later use in the same holes.
3. Remove four 3/8-by-1-inch hex flange bolts (4). Savebolts
and nuts forlater use in the same holes.
4. Bolt fertilizer box (5) to drill. At right-hand end, use 3 3/8-by1-inch hexflange bolts (4) removedin step 3. Add reinforcement strap (6) supplied in fertilizer kit to inside of seed box.
At the other end of box,bolt fertilizer box to seed box using
1/2-by-1-inchhexflangebolts(7) and lockingflangenuts(8)
supplied in fertilizer kit.
5. Bolt fertilizer box to drill frame outside frame rail using 1/2by-1 1/4-inch hex bolts (9), nuts and lock washers (10).
6. Replace 5/16-inch hex flange bolts (3) removed in step 2.
Pass bolts through spacer bracket between seed and fertilizer box.
7. On 15-foot drills, slip flex couplers (11) onto boxshafts as
8. On 15- and 20-foot drills, install right-hand fertilizer box. At
centerofdrill,allowbothfertilizerboxestohang on seedbox
until lower 5/8-by-2-inch bolt (12) is installed.
9. Ifyouareinstallinga15-footbox,checkalignmentoffertilizer
shafts at flex couplers (11) at center of drill. The flex couplers should be loose; neither flex coupler should have the
weight of the opposite box hanging on it. The hex shafts
should be extended toward center of drill far enough to engage the entire bore of the flex couplers. The gap between
shafts at the center shouldbe7/8inch(22mm)ona15-foot
10. Tighten all bolts and nuts.
© Copyright 1999 Printed 3/5/07
Figure 1
Mount Box
Great Plains Mfg., Inc.
Installing Drive
Refer to Figure 2.
1. Working at front, left-hand side of drill, remove two front 1/2by-1-inch bolts (13) that join seed box to drill frame. Install
the left-hand bearing bracket (14) using 1/2-by-1 1/2-inch
bolts (13) and flat washers from fertilizer kit. Leave these
bolts loose.
2. Relievetensionon chain (15) that runs from gearbox-output
sprocket to seed jackshaft. Remove two 3/8-by-1 1/2-inch
bolts (16) that join sprocket and bearing assembly (17) to
gauge-wheel bracket. Bolt idler plate (18) to gauge-wheel
bracketreusing two 3/8-by-1 1/2-inch bolts (16) plus a third
from fertilizer kit. Leave these bolts loose.
3. Install two hex-bore bearings (19) on plates (14 and 18) usingflangettes(20)and5/16-by-1-inchcarriagebolt(21)and
hardware as shown. Be careful to place bearings onside of
plates as illustrated.
4. Slide 7/8-inch hex jackshaft (22) through bearing mounted
above gauge wheel. Slip shaft through 29-tooth sprocket
(23) and into bearing near end of seed box. Secure shaft by
driving arollpin(24)on outside of bearing(19)and12-tooth
sprocket (25).
5. Unscrewacremeter(26) fromgauge-wheeljackshaft.Install
3/4-inchhexbore,14-toothsprocket,(27)usingrollpin (28).
Orient sprocket as shown. Re-install acremeter.
6. Install 17-tooth ball bearing idler sprocket (29) in slot using
the 5/8-by-3 1/2-inch, full-threaded bolt, flat washer, lock
washerandjam nut(30).Installplastic 12-tooth idlersprocket
(31) as shown. Install but do not tighten 132-pitch, gaugewheel-drive chain (32).
Figure 2
Front Drive
12, 15 and 20 Series Drills Fertilizer Option 142-591M 3/5/07