Great Plains 20 User Manual

Great Plains Mfg., Inc.
Installation Instructions
12, 15 and 20 Series Drill
Used with:
1200, 1210 and 1220 Drills
1500, 1510 and 1520 Drills
2000, 2010 and 2020 Drills
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General Information
These instructions explainhow to install the small-seeds attach­ment. The small-seeds attachment mounts behind the main drill box and allows you to evenly seed very fine seeds.
Manual Update
Refer to the drill operator’s manual for detailed information on safely operating, adjusting, troubleshooting and maintaining the small-seeds attachment. Refer to the parts manual for part iden­tification.
• 12, 15 and 20 Series Drill Operator’sManual . .118-389M-A
• 12, 15 and 20 Series Drill Parts Manual. . . . . . . . . 118-389P
Right and left as used in this manual are determined by facing the direction the drill will travel in the field.
Assembly Instructions
If drill is outfitted with optional fertilizerbox,referto Small Seeds with Fertilizer, page 4, for assembly instructions. If drill does not
have an optional fertilizer box, follow these instructions:
Small Seeds without Fertilizer
Refer to Figure 1.
1. Remove handles (1) from back side of main drill box. Keep bolts, nuts and handles forlater use. Remove and save 1/2­by-1-inch bolt (2) joining main drill box to drill frame.
2. Install left-hand mount for small-seeds box(3) using 1/2-by­1-inchbolt(2)innewhole and 1/2-by-1 1/4-inchbolt(4)sup­plied in small-seeds kit. Fasten top of mount (3) to rear of main drill box using handle holes. Use a new 1/2-by-1 1/4­inchbolt(5) fromsmall-seedskit. Reuse1/2-inchhex-flange locknut(6) oninsideof main drill box.Leavemountnutsand bolts loose.
3. Removefour3/8-by-1-inchhex-flange bolts (7). Save these bolts and nut for reuse in the same holes.
4. Bolt small-seeds box (8) to main drill box.Atright-hand end of box, use 3/8-by-1-inch bolts (7) removed in step 3. Also add reinforcementstrap(9)suppliedinsmall-seeds kit to in­side of main drill box. At other end of box, bolt small-seeds box to mount (3) using 3/8-by-1-inch hex-flange bolts, lock washer,and nuts (10) supplied in small-seeds kit.
5. On 15- and 20-foot drills, repeat steps to install right-hand small-seeds box.
6. Tighten all hardware. If you are installing a15-foot box, check operation of flex coupler where main drill box meet. Set both boxes at 50 percent open, and make sure that the earsoncouplers(11)areoverlapping by about 3/8inch(9.5 mm).
© Copyright 1999 Printed 1/23/07
Figure 1
Small-Seeds-Box, No Fertilizer
Great Plains Mfg., Inc.
Refer to Figure 2.
1. Workingatfront,left-hand side of drill, removetwo1/2-by-1­inch bolts (12) that join main drill box to drill frame. Install left-hand bearing bracket(13) using 1/2-by-1 1/2-inch bolts and flat washers from small-seeds kit. Leave these bolts loose.
2. Relievetension on chain (14) that runs from gearbox-output sprocket to seed jackshaft. Remove two 3/8-by-1 1/2-inch bolts (15) that join sprocket and bearing assembly (16) to gauge-wheel bracket. Bolt long idler plate (17) to gauge­wheelbracketreusingtwo 3/8-by-11/2-inch bolts (15)plusa third from small-seeds kit. Leave these bolts loose for now.
3. Install hex-bore bearings (18) on plates (13 and 17) using flangettes (19) and hardware as shown.Be careful to place bearings on side of plates as illustrated.
12, 15 and 20 Series Drill Small Seeds Option 123-835M 1/23/07
Front Drive, No Fertilizer
4. Slide 7/8-inch hex jackshaft (20) through hex-bore bearing mounted above gauge wheel. Slip shaft through 29-tooth sprocket(21) and into hex-borebearingnearend of box.Se­cureshaftbydriving a rollpin(22)on outside of bearing (18) and 12-tooth sprocket(23).
5. Unscrew acremeter (25) from gauge-wheel jackshaft, and install3/4-inchhexbore,14-tooth sprocket(26) using roll pin (27). Orient sprocket as shown. Re-install acremeter.
6. Install 17-tooth, ball-bearing idler sprocket (28) on idler plate (17) using 5/8-by-3 1/2-inch, full-thread bolt, flat washer,lock washerandjam nut(29).Install plastic 12-toothidlersprocket (30) on gauge-wheel bracketas shown. Install but do not tighten 132 pitch, gauge-wheel-drive chain (31).
Figure 2
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