CHAPTER I PREFACE................................................................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER II TECHNICAL FEATURE............................................................................................................................2
2.1 SYSTEM CONSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 SYSTEM TECHNICAL PARAMETER....................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 SYSTEM FUNCTION.................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.4 SYSTEM OPERATION CONDITION......................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER III OPERATION...............................................................................................................................................4
3.1 PANEL L AYOUT AND SWITCH................................................................................................................................. 4
3.4.3COORDINATE SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................................... 19
3.8.6COPY PROGRAM APPLY USB-DISK ............................................................................................................................ 54
3.8.7PROGRAM TRANSMITTED BY SERIAL PORT ................................................................................................................ 57
3.8.9SELECT PROCESSING PROGRAM ................................................................................................................................ 63
3.8.10SHIFT PROGRAM FILES PATH.................................................................................................................................... 63
3.10.7MPG WHEEL TRIGGER IN AUTO RUNNING............................................................................................................... 71
3.10.8DNC FUNCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 72
CHAPTER IV PROGRAMING........................................................................................................................................ 78
4.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM............................................................................................................ 79
4.3 PROGRAM INSTRUCTION...................................................................................................................................... 79
4.3.1FUNCTION AND MEANING OF ADDRESS SYMBOL, DATA RANGE LIST........................................................................... 79
4.3.2G,MFUNCTION INSTRUCTION DATA LIST .................................................................................................................. 80
4.3.4T/H/D FUNCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 84
4.3.5S FUNCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 84
4.4.1COORDINATE SYSTEM SETTING (G92)....................................................................................................................... 85
4.4.2CHOOSE COORDINATE SYSTE M (G53/G54/G55/G56/G57/G58/G59)........................................................................ 85
4.4.3LOCAL COORDINATE SYSTEM (G52).......................................................................................................................... 86
4.4.18 PROGRAM RECYCLE INSTRUCTION (G22--G800)..................................................................................................... 99
4.4.19ACCURATE POSITIONING/CONTINUAL PATH WORKING (G60/G64) ......................................................................... 100
4.4.20CANNED CYCLE OF MACRO DEFINITION (G73,G74,G76,G80~G89).................................................................... 101 High speed deep hole drilling (G73) ............................................................................................................ 102 CCW peck deep hole tapping cycle (G74) .................................................................................................... 103
4.4.22METRIC AND INCH SYSTEM (G20/G21)................................................................................................................. 115
4.5 PROGRAM CONVENTION................................................................................................................................ 120
4.5.1MULTI-COMMANDS CAN BE ONE BLOCK TOGETHER ................................................................................................120
4.5.2THE COMMANDS AND PARAMETER CAN BE LOCATED ARBITRARILY IN PROGRAM BLOCK......................................... 120
4.5.3REPEATABLE COMMANDS ISN’T ALLOWED IN THE PROGRAM BLOCK ....................................................................... 121
4.5.7SPACE IS AVAILABLE BETWEEN COMMANDS IN PROGRAM BLOCK ............................................................................ 121
4.5.8THE CODES G00,G01,G02,G03,M02 CAN BE WRITTEN TO BE G0,G1,G2,G3,M2............................................. 121
4.5.9GLOBAL VARIABLE AND SYSTEM VARIABLE CAN BE ADOPTED INTO PROGRAM........................................................ 121
4.5.10 ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION CAN BE ADOPTED INTO PROGRAM ................................................................................. 121
4.5.11MDI FUNCTION EXPLANATION .............................................................................................................................. 122
4.6 THE INTRODUCTION FOR TOOL RADIUS COMPENSATION C.................................................................. 122
4.6.1INSIDE AND OUTSIDE .............................................................................................................................................. 122 The tool moving along inside of the corner ( The tool moving along outside of the corner for obtuse angle (90 The tool moving along outside of the corner for acute angle (α<90)............................................................. 123
4.6.3THE TOOL MOVING OF TOOL OFFSET MODE.............................................................................................................. 123 tool moving along inside of the corner (180 The tool moving along outside of the corner for obtuse angle (90 The tool moving along outside of the corner for acute angle (α<90)............................................................. 124
4.6.4THE TOOL MOVING IN THE MODE OF TOOL OFFSET CANCELING ............................................................................... 125 The tool moving along inside of the corner ( The tool moving along outside of the corner for obtuse angle (90 The tool moving along outside of the corner for acute angle (α<90)............................................................. 126
4.7 PROGRAM EXAMPLE.............................................................................................................................................126
4.8 USER MACRO PROGRAM..................................................................................................................................... 128
CHAPTER V PLC FUNCTION...................................................................................................................................... 143
5.2.1CELL AND CELL NUMBER......................................................................................................................................... 143
5.4.6MPS,MRD,MPP MEMORIZER AND MULTIPLE OUTPUT COMMANDS....................................................................... 147
5.4.7SET AND RST COMMANDS ..................................................................................................................................... 147
5.4.8NOP AND END COMMANDS.................................................................................................................................... 147
5.5 PLC PROGRAM EDITING...................................................................................................................................... 147
5.5.1EDIT PLC PROGRAM ON PC.................................................................................................................................... 147 Edit software installation and running environment....................................................................................... 147 Basic operation of software editing................................................................................................................ 148
5.6.1TRANSMIT PLC FILE BY RS232 .............................................................................................................................. 156 Transmit PLC file (PLC.lad, PLC.plc) to controller....................................................................................... 156 Transmit PLC file (PLC.plc, PLC.plc) to PC from controller......................................................................... 158
5.6.2TRANSMIT PLC FILE BY USB PORT ......................................................................................................................... 159 Restore PLC file to controller from U disk ..................................................................................................... 159 Backup PLC file into U disk ........................................................................................................................... 160
5.7 THE DEFINITION OF INTERI OR AUXILIARY RELAY....................................................................................161
5.8 PROGRAMMABLE I/O DIAGRAM IN SYSTEM.................................................................................................165 General I/O board (GREAT-GEN-IO) ............................................................................................................ 165 General I/O board (GREAT-GEN-IO-A) ........................................................................................................ 166
5.8.2MOVEMENT CONTROL BOARD................................................................................................................................. 167
5.10.1EDIT RELAY NAME ON PANEL................................................................................................................................. 172
5.10.2EDIT RELAY NAME ON PC...................................................................................................................................... 173
5.10.3EXAMPLES TO SELF-DEFINED ALARM USAGE OF INTERIOR RELAYS M80---M95.................................................... 174
5.11 PROGRAMMABLE I/O PRESET FUNCTION DEFINITION........................................................................... 176
5.11.1MOVEMENT CONTROL BOARD............................................................................................................................... 176
6.2.1SYSTEM ASSEMBLIES AND FUNCTION ...................................................................................................................... 186
6.3 SYSTEM CONNECTION DIAGRAM..................................................................................................................... 189
6.3.1THE CONNECTION DIAGRAM MATCH WITH A TYPE SUBP ANEL..................................................................................189
6.3.2CONNECTION DIAGRAM MATCH WITH B TYPE SUBPANEL ........................................................................................190
6.5.2POWER SUPPLY CONNECTION AND CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................194 Power supply connection diagram ................................................................................................................. 194 I/O power supply setting................................................................................................................................. 194
6.5.3CNC POWER TURN ON/ OFF SEQUENCE ................................................................................................................... 195
6.6 SYSTEM CONNECTED WITH SURROUNDING EQUIPMENT....................................................................... 195
6.6.1CONNECTION WITH COMMUNICATION BOARD ......................................................................................................... 196 connection with communication board ........................................................................................................... 196
6.6.2CONNECTED WITH SPINDLE ENCODER ..................................................................................................................... 197 Connected with spindle encoder..................................................................................................................... 197 Interface with spindle encoder........................................................................................................................ 197
6.6.3CONNECTED WITH MPG(MANUAL PULSE GENERATOR).......................................................................................... 197 Connected with MPG...................................................................................................................................... 197 The interface connected with MPG................................................................................................................. 198
6.6.4CONNECTED WITH SUBPANEL.................................................................................................................................. 199 Connected with subpanel................................................................................................................................ 199 Connected with subpanel................................................................................................................................ 200
6.6.5CONNECTED WITH GENERAL I/O BOARD ................................................................................................................. 202 Connected with general I/O board.................................................................................................................. 202 Interface connected with general I/O board ................................................................................................... 202
6.6.6CONNECTED WITH MOVEMENT CONTROL BOARD.................................................................................................... 204 Connection with movement control board ...................................................................................................... 204 Interface connected with movement control board ......................................................................................... 204
6.7 CNC CONTROLS CONNECTED WITH SPINDLE DRIVER............................................................................. 207
6.7.1CNC CONTROLS CONNECTED WITH FREQUENCY INVERTER..................................................................................... 207
6.7.2CNC CONTROLS CONNECTED WITH SPINDLE SERVO DRIVE ..................................................................................... 207 Connection diagram of CNC controls connected with GTB-GA spindle servo drive ..................................... 207 Connection diagram of CNC controls connected with MODROL spindle servo drive................................... 208
6.8 CNC CONTROL CONNECTED WITH FEED SERVO DRIVE...........................................................................209
6.9 MACHINE ELECTRIC INSTALLATION PRINCIPLE....................................................................................... 210
6.9.1 DIRECT-CURRENT POWER SUPPLY............................................................................................................................ 210 I/O port classification and distribution............................................................................................................211 General I/O input port principle which is available by "IPE".........................................................................211 General I/O input port principle which is available by "+24V ".....................................................................211 Sub-panel input port principle which is available by " GND "....................................................................... 212 Sub-panel output port principle which is availability by "+5V ".................................................................... 212 General, movement control I/O output port principle which is availability by "IPE".................................... 212
This value set to be 88 means apply intervention switch, set to be 0 means not apply intervention switch.
NO.34 make soft limit invalid (X4, Z16, Y8, A32, B64)
This parameter is used for setting whether soft limit function valid. When set this value is 0 means soft
limit is valid; set to be 4 means X-axis soft limit function is invalid; set to be 16 means Z-axis soft limit
function is invalid; set to be 8 means Y-axis soft limit function is invalid; set to be 32 means A-axis soft
limit function is invalid; set to be 64 means B-axis soft limit function is invalid;
1. Set two or more axes soft limit function is invalid, just add the corresponding axes parameter value. i.e.
set X and Z axes soft limit function is invalid, the parameter is set to be 20(4+16).
2. This parameter setting depends on user’s need, normally we suggest this value set to be valid, to
prevent equipment is damaged from excess of stroke. Please attention, to realize soft limit function,
besides set this parameter, you have to set the each axis’ limit stroke in the “USER” parameter.
This parameter’s setting depends on using situation, but may lead to accident because of improper
setting or operation, please pay attention!
NO.35 system default coordinate system (54-59 corresponding G54-G59, other G53)
Applied to set the system default coordinate system, value 54-59 corresponding to G54-G59, other value
is G53.
i.e.: this parameter is set to be 54 means system default coordinate system is G54.
NO.36 can G92 modify G54-G59 (800: yes, 0: no)
As this parameter set to be 800, G92 will modify the current work coordinate system as program running,
set to be 0 will not modify the current work coordinate system.
37. are lubrication and cooling keys valid in auto mode(1:yes, 0: no)
Set whether the lubrication and cooling keys valid in the “AUTO” mode. As this parameter set to be 0
means invalid; set to be 1 means valid.
This parameter setting related to operation mode, as this parameter set to be valid, operator can control
the valid status of lubrication and cooling to satisfy the condition of manufacturing process.
NO.38 does spindle rotation and tool unclamp interlock (1:yes, 0: no)
Set whether spindle rotation and tool unclamp interlock, as this parameter set to be 0 means spindle
tighten/release tool is not related to spindle rotation; as this parameter set to be 1 means that spindle
tighten/release tool is interlocked with spindle rotation, that means spindle can be rotated only in the
status of tool tightened.
This parameter setting is related to machine tools configuration and user applied request, for the sake of
safety, strongly recommend set this parameter to be 1 and make it interlock.
NO.39 request for zero return as booting and program running (1: no need, 0: hint, 8:force,
9:super force)
To set the treatment mode of reference returning as system booting, there are 4 kinds of treatment mode
as below:
Set to be 1: there is no remind or limit to reference returning after system booting.
Set to be 0 is remind mode: there is a dialogue box remind operator to execute reference returning
after system booting every time, there is no limit after then.
Set to be 8 is force mode: there is a dialogue box reminds operator to execute reference returning
every time after system booting and run system, system will reminds “feed axes have not returned to
reference” and won’t execute program if not execute reference returning before running in the “AUTO”
Set to be 9 is super forcing mode: there is a dialogue box reminds operator to execute reference
returning every time after system booting and feed axes moving, system will reminds “feed axes have
not returned to reference” and won’t execute moving if not execute reference returning.
This parameter setting is related to machine tools configuration, set to be other value if no reference
point switch on the machine, if there is reference point switch on the machine, suggest set this parameter
to be 8 or 9, to prevent equipment failure from without reference returning.
NO.40 checking input point of G31 (valid+300, invalid+400)
As this parameter set to be 300, will check the input signal of skip function; as this value set to be 400,
won’t check the input signal of skip function.
NO.41 G31_X
NO.42 G31_Y
NO.43 G31_Z
NO.44 G31_A
NO.45 G31_B
NO.41~NO.45 parameters are skip block function.
NO.51 edit increment value of program sequence number
This parameter is applied to set increment value of program sequence number.
NO.100 set LCD brightness
Set the brightness of LCD display. In the parameter dialogue box: PgUp means increasing brightness,
PgDn means decrease brightness, Home means back to default.
NO.101 set system time(Y-M-D-H-M)
Applied to modify system date and rime, system will base on this time after setting, will time according to
inner clock, and display on the top right corner.
Set methods as below:
Select NO.101 under the interface of “USER”, press “enter” and pop up dialogue as Fig3.8, input year,
month, day, hour, minute to set, press “Enter” after setting: for example: August, 04, 2008. 09:50, will input
2008-8-4-09-50 and then press “Enter”.
NO.102 restore factory para setting
Set factory parameter to be current parameter. If there is parameter confused in the process of
debugging, apply this parameter to set the factory parameter to be current parameter.
After executing restore factory parameter, the existing parameter will be covered.
3.4.2 Speed
in order to make sure feed axis motor(machine work table) run in the safe scope and guaranty operation
characteristic, this system supply some parameter setting related to speed and acceleration.
In the parameter interface, press “SPEED” soft key will shift to speed parameter setting menu. Select the
parameter needs to be modified, then press “Enter” will pop up a dialogue box, then input value. Refer to
fig3.9 speed parameter setting
Speed parameter list:
1. G00 speed of X-axis(mm/min)
2. G00 speed of Y-axis(mm/min)
3. G00 speed of Z-axis(mm/min)
4. G00 speed of 4th-axis(mm/min)
5. G00 speed of 5th-axis(mm/min)
6. default speed of G01/G02/G03(mm/min)
7. simulation speed (mm/min)
8. acceleration of X-axis ((mm/min)/s)
9. acceleration of Y-axis ((mm/min)/s)
10. acceleration of Z-axis ((mm/min)/s)
11. acceleration of 4th-axis ((mm/min)/s)
12. acceleration of 5th-axis ((mm/min)/s)
15. MPG acceleration(12--5000)
16. speed up/down in auto running mode(500-32000)
17. positive speed of X-axis as reference returning (mm/min)
18. positive speed of Y-axis as reference returning (mm/min)
19. positive speed of Z-axis as reference returning (mm/min)
20. positive speed of 4th-axis as reference returning (mm/min)
21. positive speed of 5th-axis as reference returning (mm/min)
22. reverse speed of X-axis as reference returning (mm/min)
23. reverse speed of Y-axis as reference returning (mm/min)
24. reverse speed of Z-axis as reference returning
25. reverse speed of 4th-axis as reference returning
26. reverse speed when 5th-axis as reference returning (mm/min)
27. max speed as rapidly stop feed axis (mm/min)
28. max feed speed in manual mode (mm/min)
29. max feed speed in auto mode (mm/min)
30. max MPG speed of Z-axis (mm/min)
31. max MPG speed of X,Y(C), 4th-axis (mm/min)
32. initial speed as feed axis running(mm/min)
33. speed skip variable of continuous track(mm/min)
34. end speed of reverse deceleration in program running(mm/min)
35. whether enable speed treating function (76: yes, 0: no)
36. manual feed axis speed (mm/min)
100. spindle manual revolution (rpm)
101. max spindle revolution at top gear(rpm)
102. max spindle revolution at low gear (2nd gear) (rpm)
103. max spindle revolution at 3rd gear (rpm)
104. max spindle speed at 4th gear (rpm)
105. max revolution of 2nd spindle (rpm)
106. acceleration of spindle pulse control((mm/min)/s)
120. serial communication speed of RS232
Speed parameter explanation:
NO.1 G00 speed of X-axis, unit: mm/min
X axis running at the rapid traverse rate in auto mode (G00 called speed). initial value: 10000, Max
NO.2 G00 speed of Y-axis, unit: mm/min
Y axis running at the rapid traverse rate in auto mode (G00 called speed). initial value: 10000, Max
NO.3 G00 speed of Z-axis, unit: mm/min
Z axis running at the rapid traverse rate in auto mode (G00 called speed). initial value: 10000, Max
NO.4 G00 speed of 4th-axis, unit: mm/min or deg/min
The 4
axis running at the rapid traverse rate in auto mode (G00 called speed). initial value: 10000, Max
NO.5 G00 speed of 5th-axis, unit: mm/min or deg/min
The 5
axis running at the rapid traverse rate in auto mode (G00 called speed). initial value: 10000, Max
NO.6 default speed of G01/G02/G03, unit: mm/min
As no given speed for the first interpolation command (G01/G02/G03) in the program, the command
called default speed in the auto mode. Initial value: 2000, max value: 5000.
NO.7 simulation speed, unit: mm/min
Running speed in simulation mode. initial value: 20000, Max:30000
NO.8 acceleration of X-axis, unit: (mm/min)/s
The acceleration time constant for X-axis, the more the value the faster the speed. initial value: 50000,
value range: 1-99999
NO.9 acceleration of Y-axis, unit: (mm/min)/s
The acceleration time constant for Y-axis, the more the value the faster the speed. initial value: 50000,
value range: 1-99999
NO.10 acceleration of Z-axis, unit: (mm/min)/s
The acceleration time constant for Z-axis, the more the value the faster the speed. initial value: 50000,
value range: 1-99999
NO.11 acceleration of 4
The acceleration time constant for 4
-axis, unit: (mm/min)/s
-axis, the more the value the faster the speed. initial value: 50000,
value range: 1-99999
NO.12 acceleration of 5
The acceleration time constant for 5
-axis, unit: (mm/min)/s
-axis, the more the value the faster the speed. initial value: 50000,
value range: 1-99999
NOTE: The value of acceleration is related to equipment configuration. usually, the heavier the load the
smaller the value.
NO.15 MPG acceleration(12--5000)
To set the acceleration time constant as apply MPG, setting range is 12-5000, the bigger the value, the
bigger the acceleration.
NO.16 speed up/down in auto running mode (500-32000)
To set acceleration constant in the auto mode, value range: 500-32000. as this parameter value set
within the range of 500-32000, speed will depends on this parameter in auto mode, otherwise, will
depends on each axis’ acceleration value in user parameter.
This parameter is mainly used to distinguish acceleration in manual mode and auto mode; Set this
parameter only there is much difference of acceleration in the two modes; otherwise, usually set as
NO.17 positive speed of X-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min
The running speed of X-axis meets reference switch moving towards positive direction as returning
reference point. Initial speed: 5000, value range: less than G00 speed of X-axis.
NO.18 positive speed of Y-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min
The running speed of Y-axis meets reference switch moving towards positive direction as returning
reference point. Initial speed: 5000, value range: less than G00 speed of Y-axis.
NO.19 positive speed of Z-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min
The running speed of Z-axis meets reference switch moving towards positive direction as returning
reference point. Initial speed: 5000, value range: less than G00 speed of Z-axis.
NO.20 positive speed of 4th-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min
The running speed of 4th-axis meets reference switch moving towards positive direction as returning
reference point. Initial speed: 5000, value range: less than G00 speed of 4th-axis.
NO.21 positive speed of 5th-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min
The running speed of 5th-axis meets reference switch moving towards positive direction as returning
reference point. Initial speed: 5000, value range: less than G00 speed of 5th-axis.
NO.22 reverse speed of X-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min
As X-axis returning reference point, the running speed of checking encoder zero position after leaving
reference switch. Initial value: 250, value range:20-500.
NO.23 reverse speed of Y-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min
As Y-axis returning reference point, the running speed of checking encoder zero position after leaving
reference switch. Initial value: 250, value range:20-500.
NO.24 reverse speed of Z-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min
As Z-axis returning reference point, the running speed of checking encoder zero position after leaving
reference switch. Initial value: 250, value range:20-500.
NO.25 reverse speed of 4th-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min
As 4th-axis returning reference point, the running speed of checking encoder zero position after leaving
reference switch. Initial value: 250, value range:20-500.
NO.26 reverse speed of 5th-axis as reference returning, unit: mm/min
As 5th-axis returning reference point, the running speed of checking encoder zero position after leaving
reference switch. Initial value: 250, value range:20-500.
1. “return to reference point” also named as “return to machine zero point”
2. the revere speed parameter value affects precision of reference returning, the smaller the value the
higher the precision, do not change the value after setting, otherwise will affect reference point position.
NO.27 max speed as rapid stop feed axis, unit: mm/min
Set the stop mode limit in running. No deceleration as the speed is higher than this parameter value,
otherwise these is deceleration as the speed is lower than this parameter value.
As one axis running speed is higher than this parameter value, system will stop the current running axis
directly if meets E-top or other failure (i.e.: limit), that means the speed of current axis will become zero
from current value directly (pay attention: now the machine zero will be lost, demand returning reference
point again); contrarily, as axis running speed is lower than this parameter value, system will control
running axis’ speed decelerated to zero according to normal.
NO.28 max feed speed in manual mode, unit: mm/min
The max running speed limitation to feed axis in manual mode.
NO.29 max feed speed in auto mode, unit: mm/min
The max speed of each axis in auto mode. Initial value: 12000, max value: 30000.
NO.30 max MPG speed of Z-axis, unit: mm/min
Set the max MPG speed of Z-axis in manual mode, unit: mm/min. setting range100—max manual speed.
This parameter setting related to load of equipment, recommend this value is not more than 2000.
NOTE: It is valid as setting value is more than 100, otherwise, will no limit to max speed.
NO.31 max MPG speed of X, Y, (C), 4th-axis, unit: mm/min
Set the max MPG speed of X, Y, (C), 4th-axis in manual mode, unit: mm/min. setting range 100—max
manual speed. If the setting value is less than 100, will no limit to max speed.
This parameter setting related to load of equipment, recommend this value is not more than 3000.
NO.32 initial speed as feed axis running, unit: mm/min
Set the initial speed as feed axis speed up, also is the end speed as axis speed down. It means, as the
feed speed lower than this value will arrival without speed up/down, as running speed is more than this
value, speed up began from this value.
The parameter value setting depends on drive type and loading, initial value is 500.
NO.33 speed skip variable of continuous track, unit: mm/min
Applied as speed is changed when multiple axes continuous track interpolation, make sure the max
mutational increment of each axis as interpolating speed, it means there will be speed up/down as the
speed increment is more than this value, if less than this value will arrival directly.
Mainly used for increasing coherence as multi-axes continuous track interpolation.
For example: as this value is 200 and X-axis speed changed from F1000 to F2000 in multi-axes
continuous track interpolation, the change process is Z-axis speed is changed from F1000 to 12000 at
first, then accelerated to F2000 by the No.8 value in “SPEED” parameter.
NO.34 end speed of reverse deceleration in program running, unit: mm/min
Set the start speed of speed up/down of each axis reverse moving in auto mode. Unit: mm/min.
This parameter is different with NO.32 (initial speed as feed axis running) in “SPEED”, NO.32 is normal
start speed of speed up/down, but this parameter is applied in reverse moving in auto mode, generally
this parameter is a little less than NO.32.
NO.35 whether enable speed treating function (76: yes, 0: no)
Whether enable speed smooth treating function in auto mode, as set to be 0 means not enable, set as 76
means enable.
Speed smooth treating function is applied in continuous high speed short line segment interpolation, it
preview and pre-treatment to the speed, to get the smooth transition speed in reverse or corner, to
increase surface finish of workpiece.
Normally this parameter is set as “not enable”, it will increase calculation cost of CPU, may decrease the
running efficiency of system.
NO.36 manual feed axis speed, unit: mm/min
Set feed axis speed in manual mode. Initial value: 5000, value range: less than the max speed in the
manual mode (the value of NO.28 in “SPEED”).
The two parameters above is changed depends on manual setting, that means system will refresh this
parameter as modify the speed in the manual mode.
NO.100 spindle manual revolution, unit: rpm
Set the max rotate speed of spindle in manual mode. Initial value: 2000, value range: less than the max
speed of spindle.
NO.101 max spindle revolution at top gear (rpm)
Set the max rotate speed of spindle. Unit: r/min
This parameter is the top gear or first gear speed if there is top/low gears or multi-gears function.
NO.102 max spindle revolution at low gear (2nd gear) , unit: rpm
Set the max speed of low gear/2
gear of spindle. Unit: r/min
NO.103 max spindle revolution at 3rd gear, unit: rpm
For multi-gears function, this parameter is applied to set the max speed of the 3
gear. Unit: r/min.
NO.104 max spindle speed at 4th gear, unit: rpm
For multi-gears function, this parameter is applied to set the max speed of the 4th gear. Unit: r/min.
NO.105 max revolution of 2nd spindle, unit: rpm
For double spindles, this parameter is applied to set the max speed of the 2
spindle. Unit: r/min.
NO.106 acceleration of spindle pulse control, unit: (mm/min)/s
Set the speed up/down time constant(acceleration) as spindle is pulse control mode, the more the value,
the higher the speed, contrarily, the speed is lower.
Initial value:8000, value range: 1—99999.
NO.120 serial communication speed of RS232
Set the baud rate of RS232 serial communication. the corresponding baud rate table as below:
NO.120 parameter
value setting
serial communication
rate(unit: bps)
NO.120 parameter
value setting
serial communication
rate(unit: bps)
0 7200 4 38400
1 9600 5 57600
2 14400 6 115200
3 19200
3.4.3 Coordinate system
The coordinate system in this parameter is work coordinate system and one machine coordinate
systemG53. The coordinate system applied for machining is named as work coordinate system and preset
by CNC. One or more work coordinate systems are allowed in one work program, the work coordinate
system can be changed by moving its zero point. That means, the coordinates value is the coordinates of
its own zero point in the machine coordinate system.
It’s allowable to set 6 work coordinates from G54 to G59, can modify the coordinates value of zero point of
6 work coordinate systems in the machine coordinate system.
amend their zero point value standing on the machine. refer to Fig3.12
G54 : work coordinate system 1 G55 : work coordinate system 2
G56 : work coordinate system 3 G57 : work coordinate system 4
G58 : work coordinate system 5 G59 : work coordinate system 6
Fig3.10 work coordinate system setting
Press “↑”, “↓”softkey to select the work coordinate system which you want to modify, then press ”Enter” and
input the value into the dialogue box.
The six work coordinate systems can be set by users and calling by G54, G55, G56, G57, G58, G59.
1. the machine coordinate system G53 in this parameter, is established according to the machine
reference point, can modify the offset of machine coordinate system G53 from original status, can be
applied to adjust tool setting error. If want to return to original status, only set the offset of G53 to be 0.
this offset is cleared after system reboot or return to zero; all the work coordinates will offset
correspondingly after this parameter is set.
2. generally, work coordinate system is established in the manual mode at first time and modify it under
“PARAM” menu if some offset when machining. For example: tool moves to certain point and select
corresponding coordinate system, and input your intent value, system will automatically calculate the
coordinates value of original point of current coordinate system in the machine coordinate system,
and save in the parameter. If there is deviation after machining, modify the coordinate value of
corresponding coordinate system in “PARAM”
3.4.4 Macro Variable parameter
In this system, there are 161 macro variables parameters "#30-#190”, macro variables “#30-#100” are
intermediate type, they are not saved after power off, so must assign them before using in macro
program; macro variables “#101-#190” are retainable type, they will be saved after power off.
Press “MACRO” softkey in the interface of “PARAM” will shift to macro variable setting interface. Select
the parameter by up/down key, then input value after press “Enter”.
Detailed explanation for macro variables, please refer to "User macro program"
3.4.5 Axis parameter
Axis parameter applied to set the parameter which is related to compensation, limit, function setting and
so on.
In the interface of “PARAM”, press “AXIS” soft key, will shift to “AXIS” parameter setting interface, select
parameter need to be modified by up/ down key and input value by press “Enter”. Refer to fig 3.11.