Graupner and KG MC-16 User Manual

not correspond to the product (e.g. a transmitter update fi le instead of a receiver update fi le), the "Product code error" popup window will appear and the update process will not star
Activate the control labeled "Program". Wait for the progress bar to start. Depending on the speed of the computer being used, this may take several seconds. Now switch on the receiver while holding its SET button down. After a few seconds the "Found target device …" message will appear in the status display. Now you can release the receiver's button. The actual fi rmware update will begin autonomously after this message has appeared.
However, if the receiver is not detected, the "Target device ID not found" popup window will appear.
If this process terminates before reaching the 100 % mark, switch off your receiver's power supply then try to start the update process all over again. Do this by performing the above steps again.
The status display and progress bar will show you the progress of the fi rmware update. The update is concluded when the text "Complete … 100 %“ or "Complete!!" appears in the bottom line of the status display.
Both LEDs on the receiver will illuminate during the update process. Upon successful conclusion of the update process, the green LED will extinguish and the red LED will begin to blink.
Switch the receiver off and remove the interface cable. Repeat this procedure for any other receivers present.
Receiver initialization4.
Following a successful update process you MUST perform a receiver initialization procedure before using the receiver again. This is necessary for reasons of safety.
Do this by pressing and holding the receiver's SET button then switching the receiver's power supply on. Now release the SET button again. When you subsequently switch the receiver on again, the receiver's green LED will illuminate continuously for about 2 or 3 seconds. Except for binding information, all other settings that may have been programmed into the receiver will now be reset to factory defaults and will have to be re-entered again if they are needed.
Receiver initialization
Installation notices
Receiver installation
Regardless of which Graupner receiver system you use, the procedure is always the same.
Please pay attention that the receiver's antennas must be mounted at least 5 cm away from all large metal parts or any wiring that is not directly routed out of the receiver itself. In addition to steel parts, this also includes carbon fi ber parts, servos, fuel pumps and all kinds of cables etc. Optimally the receiver should be placed at a readily accessible location that is well away from all other equipment. Under no circumstances may servo cables be wrapped around the antennas or routed close to it.
Please note that cables are subject to the acceleration forces which occur during fl ight and these forces may cause such cables, to shift in position. Therefore be sure the cables in the vicinity of the antennas are not able to move. Such moving cables can cause reception disturbances.
Tests have shown that vertical (upright) antennas provide the best results during wide-range fl ights. In the case of diversity antennas (two antennas), the second antenna should be oriented at a 90° angle to the fi rst antenna.
The connectors designated "B + -" on the GR­32 DUAL HoTT receiver are intended for battery connections. The power supply is bussed across all numbered connections so it can be attached at any of these 16 connectors. However, due to additional voltage losses associated with the traverse connectors, connections 13 through 16 should not be used for connecting the receiver's battery.
The function of every individual channel is determined by the transmitter used, not by the receiver. However, channel assignments can be changed in the receiver by programming done in the »Telemetry« menu. Nevertheless, it is recommended this be done on the transmitter side via the "Transmitter output" option, see page 218.
Installation notices
Several notices and suggestions for installing remote control components into a model are provided below.
Wrap the receiver in a foam rubber pad that is at 1. least 6 mm thick. Attach the foam rubber to the receiver with rubber bands so it will be protected against vibration and/or the jars of a hard landing.
All switches must be installed such that they are 2. not affected by exhaust gases or vibration. The switch knob must be freely accessible over its entire range of movement.
Mount servos on rubber bushes/spacers with 3. hollow brass bearings to protect them from vibration. Do not tighten the fastening screws down too tight as this would negate the vibration protection to be provided by the rubber bush/ spacer. Only when servo fastening screws are properly tightened will this arrangement provide security and vibration protection for your servos. The fi gure below shows how a servo is mounted properly. The brass bearings are to be pushed into the rubber bushes/spacers from below.
Servo mounting lug
Retaining screw
Rubber grommet
Tubular brass spacer
Servo arms must be free to move throughout their 4. entire range of motion. Pay attention that there are no objects which could hinder servo arm motion.
The sequence in which servos are connected to the receiver depends on the type of model. Follow the connection layouts provided for this on pages 61 and 65.
Also observe the safety notices provided on pages 4 … 9.
In order to prevent uncontrolled movements of servos connected to the receiver during startup
always fi
rst switch on the transmitter
and then the receiver
and when fi nished with operation
fi rst switch off the receiver
and then the transmitter.
When programming the transmitter, be sure that electric motors cannot start running without control or that a combustion motor equipped with automatic starting cannot start up unintentionally. To be safe, disconnect the receiver's drive battery or, in the case of a combustion motor, disconnect the fuel supply.
For your notes
Term defi nitions
Control function, control, function input, control channel, mixer, switch, control switch, fi xed switch
To make use of this mc-16 HoTT manual easier, a number of the terms used repeatedly throughout this manual have been defi ned below.
Control function
A "control function" is to be perceived – initially independent of its signal path – as a signal intended to affect a given control function. For example, this could be for throttle, rudder or aileron in a winged aircraft or pitch, roll or crow for a helicopter.
A control function signal can be applied directly over a single control channel or also through a mixer and then applied over multiple control channels. A typical example of multiple control channels is separately operated aileron servos or the use of two roll or crow servos in helicopters. The control function explicitly includes the infl uence of the control's mechanical travel on the respective servo. This can not only be spread or compressed by software but even the travel characteristic can be modifi ed from linear to extremely exponential.
"Controls" include all operating elements on the transmitter, which are directly activated by the pilot, that impose an effect on servos, speed controllers etc. connected to the receiver. This includes:
both joysticks for control functions 1 through 4, whereby these four functions can be freely swapped around for both model types ("winged aircraft" and "helicopters") by way of software "Mode" settings, e.g. throttle left or right. The joystick function for throttle/airbrake control is often also referred to as the C1 control (channel 1).
both proportional controls located on the • transmitter's sides, which are, for example, given the designations SD1 (right-side "rotary slider") and SD2 (left-side "rotary slider") in the »Control adjust« menu, page 108 and 112.
the three proportional sliders in the middle console designated SR1 … 3, for example as shown in the »Control adjust« menu, page 108 and 112,
all fi ve proportional rotary controls on the transmitter's front side, which are, for example, given the designations DR1 … 5 in the »Control adjust« menu, page 108 and 112,
the switches present, if they are assigned to a • control channel in the »Control adjust« menu.
The proportional operating elements produce a direct effect on servos which is commensurate with the control's position whereas switch modules can only effect a two or three increment change.
Just which of these controls and switches operate which of the servos 5 … 16 (max.) is freely programmable.
Important notice: Inputs 5 … 15 for helicopters and 5 … 16 for winged aircraft are generally "free", i.e. not assigned, in the transmitter's basic programming.
Function input
This is an imaginary point in the signal path and must not be considered the same as the point on the circuit board where the transmitter control is connected. The choice of "Stick mode" and settings in the »Control adjust« menu have their effect "downstream" of these imaginary connection points. Thus differences between the physical control's number and the number of the downstream control channel can indeed emerge.
Control channel
From the point at which a signal contains all control information necessary for a particular servo – whether directly from the physical control or indirectly by way of a mixer – the term "control channel" is used. This signal is only yet to be infl uenced by settings made in the menus »Servo adjustment« and »Transmitter output« before it leaves the transmitter's RF module.
Once it arrives at the receiver, this signal may still be modifi ed by settings made in the telemetry menu before fi nally being applied as a control quantity for the respective servo.
The transmitter's software contains a variety of mixer functions. These can be used to apply one control function to multiple servos or, conversely, to apply multiple control functions to a single servo. Please look over the numerous mixer functions in the text beginning on page 159 of this manual.
The four standard toggle switches, the two 3-way switches and both push-button switches can also be incorporated into control programming. However, these switches are generally intended for switching program options, e.g. to start and stop timers, to switch mixers on and off, or as a teacher/pupil switchover, etc. Each of these switches can be assigned any number of functions.
Appropriate examples are detailed in the manual.
Control switches
Since it is very practical to have some functions automatically switched on or off for a certain control's position (e.g. switch on/off of a stopwatch for acquisition of model run time, automatic extension of spoilers and other possibilities), eight control switches have been integrated into
These software switches, designated "C1 … C8", are merely defi ned by virtue of their contact state along the physical control's course of travel by the touch of a key. The switching action can be correlated to the physical control's travel direction by software.
Of course control switches can also be freely combined with the aforementioned physical switches to solve even more complex problems.
There is a series of instructive examples which make
mc-16 HoTT software.
Term defi nitions
this programming child's play. Learn about this by taking advantage of the programming examples beginning on page 268.
Logical switches
These functions per and/or logical switches or any combination of these to be combined with one another to create logical "AND" and "OR" functionality. A total of 8 logical switches, "L1 … L8" can be programmed, see page 138.
Fixed switches FXI and FX
This type of switch turns a function, e.g. a timer, permanently on (closed fi xed switch) or off (open fi xed switch) or they can provide a fi xed input signal for a control function, e.g. FXI = + 100 % and FX = -100 %. For example, in fl ight phase programming, these fi xed switches can be used to switch a servo or speed controller between two settings.
mit two switches, control switches
Term defi nitions
Physical control, switch and control switch assignments
Principle procedure
Maximum fl exibility is offered by the mc-16 Hott system when it comes to assigning standard equipment operating elements to certain functions.
Since the assignment of controls and switches is done in the same way, even though different menus may be involved, it is appropriate at this point to explain the fundamental programming technique so that users can concentrate on the particular contents when reading the detailed menu descriptions.
Physical control and switch assignments
The third column of the »Control adjust« menu can be used to assign transmitter inputs 5 … 16 to operate servos, both in any given joystick direction (C1 … C4) as well as to assign any present control or switch. After tapping on the center SET key of the right touch pad, the window shown below will appear in the display.
Gewünschten Schalter
oder Geber betätigen
Now simply move the desired control or switch.
Notes: The control will only be recognized beyond a certain amount of travel. moved back and forth until the correct assignment is shown in the display. If adjustment travel is insuffi cient, activate the control in the other direction.
On the other hand, if the »Control switch« menu, page 135, is used to assign a control, the message shown below will appear:
Important notice: Controls to be assigned MUST be pre-assigned in the »Control adjust« menu to one of the inputs 5 through 16!
Therefore these controls can be
Move desired
control adj.
Switch assignment
Wherever programming permits a switch to be assigned, a switch symbol will appear in the screen's bottom display line.
Use the selection keys in the left or right touch pad to select the appropriate column.
How to assign a switch
Briefl y touch the 1. SET key of the right touch pad. The message shown below will appear in the screen.
Move desired switch to ON position (ext. switch: ENTER)
Now it is only necessary to put the selected switch 2. into the desired "ON" position or, as described at the right in "Assignment of external switches", to select a switch from the list of "External switches". This concludes the assignment. The switch symbol to the right of the switch's number indicates the current state of the particular switch.
Changing switch action
If the activation of a switch is to result in the opposite action, put the switch or joystick in the desired OFF position, again activate the switch assignment and reassign the switch again so it will respond with the desired action.
Clear switch
A switch which has been assigned as described under point 1 can be cleared with a brief simultaneous tap on the  or  key combination in the right key pad (CLEAR).
Assignment from the "external switch" list
Those menus in which the message …
Move desired switch to ON position (ext. switch: ENTER)
… appears permit the assignment of switches belonging to the so-called "external switches".
Do this by confi rming the message text with the
SET key. A new window will appear with a list of the
eight control switches "C1 … C8", followed by two so-called "FX" fi switches "L1 … L8".
Use the selection keys in the left or right key pad to select the desired switch then assign it with a brief tap on the center SET key of the right touch pad.
Switching f be better implemented from a certain freely programmable control position rather than switching them manually with a normal switch.
To this end, there are a total of 8 so-called "control switches", C1 … C8, available whose switching direction can be established, even inverted, in the »Control switch« menu, page 135.
Two switches and/or also control switches can be • combined with one another to form the logical "AND" or "OR" functions via the »Logical switch« menu, see page 138. A total of 8 logical switches "L1 … L8" (as well as another 8 inverted logical switches with inverted switching direction) are available.
The result of a logical switch function can also be used as an input for another logical switch function. Refer to the appropriate menu for more details about this.
xed switches and the eight inverted
M wünschten Schalter
Control/Logic/fix switch
to die EIN Position (erw. Schalter: SET)
C2 C4 C5 C6
or some special functions may
FX FXi L1 L2
Physical control, switch and control switch assignments
The two FX switches switch a function on "FXI" or • off "FX
All other switches mentioned can have multiple • assignments. Pay attention that you do not UNINTENTIONALLY assign reciprocally confl icting functions to a single switch. If necessary, note down the given switch functions.
Typical applications:
Shut-off of an on-board glow plug heater upon • underrun or overrun of an idle threshold point programmed for the C1 joystick. In this case the glow plug heater switch is controlled by a transmitter mixer.
Automatic switch on/off of the timer to measure • pure "fl ight time" for a helicopter by way of a control switch on the throttle limiter.
Automatic switch off of the "AI Rud" when brake fl aps are extended, for example to adapt the roll of a model to the ground when making a landing on a slope without inducing a change of fl ight direction due to infl uence on the rudder.
Extending landing fl aps with elevator trim adjustment • during a landing as soon as the throttle stick is moved beyond its switch point.
Switch on/off of the timer for measuring the • operating time of electric motors.
" permanently.
Physical control, switch and control switch assignments
Digital trimming
Functional description and description of C1 cut-off
Digital trim with visible and audible indicators
Both joysticks are equipped for digital trimming. By default, turning trim wheels will offset the joystick's neutral position by 4 increments (out of a possible 100 steps per side). This offset is also reported acoustically. A brief press on the trim wheel will reset an existing trim offset back to "0". Any other "zero points" can be specifi ed with the help of the »Trim memory« menu. If fl ight phases have been created and each assigned with a fi tting name in the »Phase settings« and »Phase assignment« menus, then these names will appear at the bottom left in the »Trim memory« menu and their trim values will be stored on a fl ight-phase specifi c basis.
The default 4-steps per click increment range placed in every new model memory upon initialization can be changed at any time in the »Stick mode« menu, page 104 or 106, separately for each joystick plane, in a range of 1 … 10 for fi xed-wing models and in a range of 0 … 10 for helicopter models. (A trim function can be deactivated by selecting "0" steps, which can be advantageous in helicopters with certain gyro systems.)
Current trim values are automatically stored when a model memory change is made. Furthermore, – except for the trim of the throttle/ airbrake joystick, the so-called "C1"(channel 1) control function – digital trim can be set to operate globally or on a fl ight-phase specifi c basis within a memory location. This choice is made, separate for each joystick plane, in the second column of the »Stick mode« menu, page 104 or 106.
The "cut-off trim" function, known from other • Graupner remote control systems in the mc and mx series, and typically described in this section can be realized with the help of the "Thr. CutOff" option in the »Basic settings, model« menu, see page 81 and 90.
Finding the mid-point position during a fl ight is • easy and can be done without even looking at the display. A brief press on the trim wheel will reset trim to "0" or, in the »Trim memory« menu, will reset a stored fl ight-phase specifi c trim value.
Digital trimming
For your notes
Winged models
Convenient support is provided for up to four aileron servos and four fl ap servos on normal models or, for V tail and fl ying wing/delta models, up to two aileron/ elevator servos plus four fl ap servos.
The majority of motorized and glider models belong to the tail unit type "normal" and are equipped with one servo each for elevator, rudder and ailerons in addition to a motor throttle or electronic speed controller (or for brake fl aps in the case of a glider model). Beyond this, tail unit type "2 HR Sv 3+8" permits the connection of two elevator servos to receiver outputs 3 and 8.
"V-tail" is to be selected from the »Model type« menu if the model has a V-tail instead of a "normal" tail. This V-tail option provides coupled control functions for elevator and rudder such that both tail fl aps – each controlled by a separate servo – are able to handle both elevator and rudder functionality.
For delta and fl ying wing aircraft models, aileron and elevator functionality is affected by way of a common rudder fl ap on the trailing edge of each side (right and left) of the wing. The program contains appropriate mixer functions for both servos.
If ailerons, and conditionally the fl aps, are each actuated with two separate servos then settings can be made for differentiated control of all aileron and fl ap pairs in the »Wing mixers« menu, i.e. settings
for downward rudder throw independent of upward throw. And fi nally, the positioning of fl aps can also be controlled by one or even more of the three proportional sliders or the seven proportional rotary controls.
Alternatively, there is a phase-dependent trim function available for fl aps, ailerons and elevators in the »Phase trim« menu.
Up to 8 fl ight phases can be programmed into each of the 80 model memory locations.
Except for C1 trim, digital trim will be stored on a fl ight-phase basis. C1 trim permits easy location of a carburetor idle setting.
Two timers are always available for fl ight operation. The transmitter operating time expired since the last battery charge is also displayed.
All transmitter controls and switches can be assigned in the »Control adjust« menu to inputs 5 … 16 with almost no restrictions.
The "Dual Rate" and "Exponential" functions for ailerons, rudder and elevators are separately programmable and each are convertible between the two variations on a specifi c fl ight-phase basis.
In addition to 8 freely allocatable linear mixers, 4 curve mixers (»Free mixers« menu) and 4 dual mixers (»Dual mixer« menu) there are also fl ight-phase dependent 8-point curves available to control channel
1 (throttle/brake), see »Channel 1 curve« menu). Depending on the number of wing servos, fi xed-
defi nition mix and coupling functions can be selected from a list in the »Wing mixers« menu.
Multi-fl ap menu: control of fl aps as ailerons, • the infl uence aileron trim on fl aps controlled as ailerons, fl ap differentiation, fl ap function throw magnitude for all aileron and fl ap pairs, ailerons controlled as fl aps, elevator mixer fl aps
Brake settings: butterfl y, differential reduction, • elevator curves
aileron rudder mixer fl aps elevator mixer
Winged models
Airbrake-Function 1
Installation notices Servos MUST be connected to the receiver in the
sequence illustrated here. Outputs which are not used are simply left empty. Also
be sure to follow the notices on the next pages.
Winged aircraft with and without motor having up to 2 aileron servos and up to 4 fl ap servos …
… and tail plane type " normal" or "2 elevator servos"
15 16
10 11 12
8 77
13 14 T
SUMO / SUMI-connection
free or aux. function free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
free or AIL2 right or aux. function free or AIL2 left or aux. function free or flap2 right or aux. function
Receiver power supply
free or left flap2 or aux. function free or 2nd Elevator or aux. function Right flap or free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
Telemetry connection
free or aux. function free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
Flap or left flap Right aileron or aux. function
Receiver power supply
Elevator or 1st elevator Aileron or left aileron Airbrake or throttle servo or speed controller (electric motor)
Receiver power supply
… and tail plane type " V tail unit"
15 16
10 11 12
8 77
13 14 T
SUMO / SUMI-connection
free or aux. function free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
free or right AIL2 or aux. function free or left AIL2 or aux. function free or right flap2 or aux. function
Receiver power supply
free or left flap2 or aux. function free or 2nd elevator or aux. function Right flap or free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
Telemetry connection
free or aux. function free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
Flap or left flap Right aileron or aux. function Right elevator/rudder
Receiver power supply
Left elevator/rudder Aileron or left aileron Airbrake- or throttle servo or speed controller (electric motor)
Receiver power supply
Delta/fl ying wing aircraft models with and without motor having up to two aileron/elevator servos and up to 2 fl ap/elevator servos
15 16
10 11 12
8 77
13 14 T
SUMO / SUMI-connection
free or aux. function free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
free or aux. function or AIL2 / right EL free or aux. function or AIL2 / left EL free or aux. function or flap2 / right EL
Receiver power supply
free or aux. function or flap2 / left EL free or aux. function free or flap / right elevator
Receiver power supply
Telemetry connection
free or aux. function free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
free or flap / left elevator free or aux. function free or rudder
Receiver power supply
AIL / elevator right AIL / elevator left Airbrake- or throttle servo or speed controller (electric motor)
Receiver power supply
Winged models / Receiver layout
Because of orientation differences for installed servos and their rudder linkages, the actuating direction of some servos may be initially backward. The table below provides remedies.
V tail Rudder and
Delta, fl ying wing
elevator reversed
Rudder correct, elevators reversed
Elevators correct, rudder reversed
Elevator and aileron reversed
Elevator correct, aileron reversed
Aileron correct, elevators reversed
Reverse polarity of servos 3 & 4 in the »Servo adjustment« menu
Swap servos 3 & 4 on the receiver
Reverse polarity of servos 3 & 4 in the »Servo adjustment« menu AND swap them on the receiver
Reverse the polarity of servos 2 & 3 in the »Servo adjustment« menu
Reverse polarity of servos 2 & 3 in the »Servo adjustment« menu AND swap them on the receiver
Swap servos 2 & 3 on the receiver
All "program descriptions" for menus relevant to a winged aircraft model are marked with a winged aircraft symbol …
… so only these menus need to be dealt with to program a winged aircraft model.
62 Winged models - Servo direction wrong
For your notes
sledom retpocileH
The advanced developments incorporated into the transmitter as well as those now in helicopter models and their components like gyros, speed regulators, rotor blades, etc. make it possible to master a helicopter even in 3D acrobatic fl ight. On the other hand, a beginner needs only a few settings to get started with hovered fl ight training then, step-by- step, take advantage of mc-16 HoTT features with increasing expertise.
mc-16 HoTT program can operate all
The conventional helicopters having 1 … 4 servos for pitch control.
Seven fl ight phases plus autorotation are available within a model memory, see menus »Control adjust«, »Phase settings« and »Phase assignment«.
As with winged aircraft, here too, in addition to the basic screen's standard timers there are additional timers as well as a lap counter with fl ight-phase- dependent stopwatch functionality which are available for selection (menus »Timers (general)« and »Fl. phase timers«). Except for pitch/throttle trimming, digital trimming can be stored as "global" for all fl ight phases or as "fl ight phase specifi c". C1 trim permits easy location of an idle setting.
The control assignments for inputs 5 … 16 is made separately for each fl ight phase (»Control adjust« menu).
A fl ight phase copy function is helpful during fl ight trials (»Copy / Erase« menu).
"Dual Rate" and "Exponential" functions can be coupled for roll, nick and tail rotor and programmable in two variations in every fl ight phase.
There are 8 freely assignable linear mixers. There are also 4 curve mixers that can be programed and these can also be switched on or off, depending on the fl ight phase, in the »MIX active/phase« menu. Beyond this, there are also 4 dual mixers available.
The »Helicopter mixer« menu provides fl ight- phase-dependent 8-point curves for the non-linear char
acteristics pitch, throttle and tail rotor mixer as well as two independent swashplate mixers each for roll and nick. Independent of this, the control curve of the channel 1 joystick can be defi ned with up to a total of 8 points in every fl ight phase. The beginner will initially only adapt the hover fl ight point to the control middle for the non-linear characteristics.
Pre-programmed mixers in the »Helicopter mixer« menu:
Pitch Curve
Pitch curve (8-point curve)1.
.2 1C throttle (8-point curve)
Channel 1 3. tail rotor (8-point curve)
Tail rotor 4. throttle .5 lloR throttle .6 lloR tail rotor
Pitch-axis 7. throttle
Pitch-axis 8. tail rotor
Gyro suppression9.
Swashplate rotation10.
Swashplate limiter11.
The "Throttle limit" function (input Tl16 in the »Control adjust« menu) allows the motor to be started in any fl ight phase. The right-side proportional rotary slider is assigned to input "Tl16" by default. This "throttle limiter" establishes – depending on its given position – the maximum possible throttle servo position. This makes it possible for the motor to be controlled in the idle range, if necessary even by the proportional regulator. The throttle curves become effective only when the proportional regulator is pushed toward the full throttle direction.
Helicopter models
Throttle Pitch-Axis Channel 1
Tail Rotor Pitch-Axis Channel 1
Tail Rotor
Tail Rotor
Notice for those transitioning from older Graupner systems:
In comparison to previous receiver layouts, servo connector 1 (pitch servo) and servo connector 6 (throttle servo) have exchanged places. Servos must be connected to receiver outputs as illustrated at the right in the bottom fi gure. Outputs which are not used are simply left empty. More details about respective swashplate types can be found on page 98 in the
»Helicopter type« menu.
Installation notices Servos MUST be connected to the receiver in the
sequence illustrated here.
Outputs which are not used are simply left empty.
Also be sure to follow the notices on the next pages.
Note: A speed control is also to be connected to receiver output "6" in order to take full advantage of the throttle limiter's convenience and safety features, see text beginning on page 117. See page 181 about this.
Receiver allocation for helicopter models with 1 to 3 swashplate servos
15 16
10 11 12
8 77
13 14 T
SUMO / SUMI-connection
free or aux. function free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
free or aux. function free or aux. function free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
free or aux. function
frei or speed governor or aux. function Gyro gain
Receiver power supply
Telemetry connection
free or aux. function free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
Throttle servo or speed controller
free or aux. function
Tail rotor servo (gyro system)
Receiver power supply
Pitch-axis 1 servo Roll-1 servo Collective pitch or roll 2 or pitch-axis 2 servo
Receiver power supply
Receiver allocation for helicopter models with 4 swashplate servos
15 16
10 11 12
8 77
13 14 T
SUMO / SUMI-connection
free or aux. function free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
free or aux. function free or aux. function free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
free or aux. function
free or speed governor or aux. function Gyro gain
Receiver power supply
Telemetry connection
free or aux. function free or aux. function
Receiver power supply
Throttle servo or speed controller Pitch-axis 2 servo Tail rotor servo (gyro system)
Receiver power supply
Pitch-axis 1 servo Roll 1 servo Roll 2 servo
Receiver power supply
All menus relevant to helicopter models are marked in the "program descriptions" section with a helicopter symbol …
… so only these menus need to be dealt with to program a helicopter model.
Helicopters / Receiver layout
Detail program description
Loading a new memory location
Anyone who has worked through to this part of the manual has certainly already tried out a bit of programming. Nevertheless a detailed description of every menu should not be left out.
This section begins with the loading of a "free" memory location, a procedure which would be performed if a new model was being "programmed".
Stop watch Flight tim
RX VOLT:0.0v
0:00.0 0:00.0
From the basic display, a jump to the "Multi-function list" is made with a tap on the center SET key of the right touch pad. (The center ESC key of the left touch pad will cause a jump back to the basic display.) By default, when the multi-function list is called for the fi rst time after switching on the transmitter, the »Model select« menu option will be active and displayed in inverse video. Otherwise use the  or  selection keys of the left or right touch pad to select the »Model select« menu option , whereby the upper of the two following fi gures shows a selection list for a fi xed-wing model and the lower shows the selection list for a helicopter model.
Model select
Suppress codes
Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
Copy / Erase Suppress models Model type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Switch display
Model select
Suppress codes Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
Copy / Erase Suppress models Helicopter type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Switch display
Tap briefl y on the center SET key of the right touch pad to open this menu option:
02 03 04 05 06
free free free free free
In the transmitter's delivered state, the fi rst model memor
y is initializ
and the receiv
ed to the "
er in the delivery is "bound" to this
fi x
" type
model. The time display located near the line's middle indicates the overall operating time of the respective model memory.
The remaining memory locations, marked with
free", are still unoccupied and therefore
" also "non-bound". If you wish to program a fi xed-wing model then, after leaving the »Model select« menu with a tap on the center ESC key of the left touch pad, programming of the model can begin right away … or now use the or keys of the left or right touch pad to select one of the free memory locations …
03 04 05 06
free free free
… and then tap on the center SET key of the right touch pad to confi rm the choice.
Afterward you will be prompted to select the basic model type, i.e. either "winged model" or "helicopter model".
Select model type ( free model memory )
Use the or keys of the left or right touch pad to select the basic model type then tap on the center
SET key of the right touch pad. This initializes the
selected model memory with the selected model type and the display will return to the base screen. The memory location is now accordingly occupied.
However, if you wish to begin with a helicopter, select one of the memory locations marked
free" with the or keys of the left or
" right touch pad then confi rm the selection with a brief tap on the center SET key of the right touch pad. You will be now be prompted to specify the basic model type, in this case the "helicopter model". Select the appropriate symbol with the or keys of the left or right touch pad then again tap briefl y on the center
SET key of the right touch pad to confi rm the choice.
This initializes the selected model memory with the
66 Detail program description - Loading a new memory location
selected model type and you can now program your model into this model memory.
Changing over to another model type is still possible if you fi rst erase this memory location (»Copy / Erase« menu, page 70).
If, from the base screen, the currently active model • memory is to be erased then immediately after the erase action one of the two model types, "Winged" or "Heli" must be defi ned. You cannot avoid this selection even if you switch the transmitter off. When the transmitter is switched on again the undesired occupation of the that model memory will have to be erased from another memory location.
If a non-active memory location is erased, it will subsequently be marked as "free" in the "Model select" menu.
After the selected model memory is initialized with • the desired model type, the display will switch to the base screen of the freshly occupied model memory. At this time the warning …
… will appear for several seconds as notifi cation that a binding connection to a receiv
A brief tap on the center SET key of
er is "not
the right touch pad will cause a direct jump to the appropriate option.
Model name Info Stick mode Module
Further details about binding a receiver can be found on page 77 or 85.
At the right and above the aforementioned "BIND. • N/A" warning message, the warning …
Fail Safe
… will appear (also for just a few seconds) to indicate that no no failsafe settings have yet been made. More about this can be found on page 208.
If the screen should display the warning …
Throttle too high!
… then move the throttle joystick, or the limiter for a helicopter
, (b
y def
ault this is rotar
y slider SD1)
into its idle position. Whether or not this warning appears also depends
on the settings selected f
or the "Motor on C1" and "Pitch min." options in the »Model type« menu, see page 94, or »Helicopter type« menu, see page 98. For winged aircraft models, select "None" to deactivate this message if you have no motor to enter.
If the transmitter already has occupied model • memories then sub-menus of the »Copy / Erase« menu will display a pictograph of the selected model type at the respective memory location followed by a blank line or the model name which was entered in the »Basic settings, model« menu, page 76 or 84. To the right of this will be as display of the model operating time and, if present, "Info" about the model.
If battery voltage is too low, the model switchover • cannot be made due to reasons of safety. An
appropriate message will appear in the screen:
not possible now voltage too low
As a basic principle, there are four different ways to assign the four control functions, aileron, elevator, rudder and throttle or br
ake fl aps for winged models as well as rolling, pitching, tail rotor and throttle/ pitch for helicopter models, to the two joysticks. Just which of these methods is used depends on the preferences of the individual model pilot. This function is set for the currently active model memory in the "Stick mode" line of the »Basic settings, model« menu, page 76 or 84.
Model name Info Stick mode Module
1 n/a
If this setting is desired as a default for future models, the setting can also be entered into the »General basic settings« menu, page 258:
Owners name Pre-set stick mode Pre-set modulation Pre-set DSC Output
It should be noted here once again that, in the interest of greatest fl exibility in combination with the prevention of unintentional operating errors, no controls are preassigned to control channels 5 … 16 by default.
This means that, in the system's delivered state,
Detail program description - Loading a new memory location
only servos attached to receiver outputs 1 … 4 can typically be operated by the two joysticks and that any servos attached to receiver connectors 5 … 16 (max) will remain in their middle positions. A newly initialized helicopter
model is also able to more-or-less move servo 6 – depending on the position of the right-side proportional rotary slider, which is the default throttle limiter control. With either model type, this situation will only change after appropriate assignments have been made in the »Control adjust« menu.
On the other hand, if a newly initialized model memory is to be put into operation then it MUST fi rst be appropriately "connected" with one or more receivers before the servos attached to the receiver/s can be operated. More about this can be found in the section "Binding" on page 77 or 85.
A fundamental description of programming steps for a winged aircraft model can be found in the programming examples section beginning on 268, or for helicopter models beginning on page 308.
The menu descriptions below are arranged in the sequence individual menus are listed in the multi­function list.
68 Detail program description - Loading a new memory location
Model select
Call up model 1 … 80
The basic operation of the transmitters keys was explained on pages 28 and 29 and, on the previous double-page, explanations were provided for navigating to the multifunction list and about how to make allocations for a new model memory. At this point we now wish to begin with the "normal" description of individual menu items in the sequence they are arranged in the transmitter. Therefore we will begin with the menu …
Model select
Model select
Suppress codes Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
Model select Suppress codes Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
As many as 80 complete model settings, including digital trim values for the trim wheel, can be stored.
imming is stored automatically such that a
Tr switchover from one model to another does not cause a loss of current trim settings. To the right of the model number, each occupied model memory line in this display shows a pictograph of the model type as well as the model's name entered for the model in its »Basic settings, model« menu, page 76 or 84. The code, if present, for the receiver "bound" to the model memory location will appear after the model number.
Select the »Model select« menu with the selection
Copy / Erase Suppress models Model type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Switch display
Copy / Erase
Suppress models
Model type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Switch display
keys of the left or right touch pad then briefl y tap on the SET key of the right touch pad.
the Receiver first!
If this message appears, there is a telemetry connection to an operationally ready receiver system. Switch that receiver system off.
02 03 04 05 06
Now, with the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad, select the desired model memory from the list and activate it with a tap on the SET key. A tap on the ESC key will cause a return to the previous menu page without activating a model change.
Ultimate Starlet BELL47G
If, after a model change, the "Throttle too high" • warning appears, the throttle/pitch joystick (C1) or the throttle limiter – by default, the right-side proportional rotary slider – is too far in the full throttle direction.
If a model change causes the message …
… to appear then binding settings should be checked.
If a model change causes the message …
Test trim needed
00:44hR12 00:33hR08 00:22hR08
Fail Safe
… to appear then respective failsafe settings should be checked.
If battery voltage is too low, the model switchover • cannot be made due to reasons of safety. An appropriate message will appear in the screen:
not possible now voltage too low
Detail program description - Model select
Copy / Erase
Erase or copy model model, copy from or to SD card, copy fl ight phases, store/cancel changes
Use the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad to select the »Copy / Erase« menu …
Model select Suppress codes
Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
Model select Suppress codes
Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
… then briefl y tap the center SET key of the right touch pad.
Erase model
Erase model Copy model –> model Export to SD Import from SD Copy flight phase
Copy / Erase
Suppress models Model type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Switch display
Copy / Erase
Suppress models Helicopter type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Switch display
Select the "Erase model" sub-menu with the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad then briefl y tap on the SET key.
Choose the model to be erased with the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad …
Select model to be erased : 01
03 04
… whereby another tap on the SET key will cause the confi r
… to appear. A NO response will cause the process to be canceled and a return to the previous screen. Selecting the YES response with the selection key of the left or right touch pad followed by confi rmation of the selection with a brief tap on the SET key will erase the selected model memory.
Caution: This erase process cannot be undone. All data in the selected model memory will be erased completely.
Note: If the currently active model memory is to be erased, a model type "Winged" or "Heli" must be defi ned immediately after the erase process. If, however, an inactive memory location is erased, it will subsequently appear in "Model select" list as "
Starlet BELL47G
mation request …
Model really
to be erased?
trim needed
00:33hR08 00:22hR08
Copy model model
Select the »Copy model model« sub-menu with the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad then tap the SET key.
Erase model Copy modelodell –> Modell Export to SD-Karte Import fromn von SD-Karte
Copy flight en kopieren
Please select
RF on/off?
If the message shown above should appear, the transmitter's RF module is still active. Switch the RF module off as described on page 80 then also, if a receiv
er system is currently switched on, switch off that receiver too. This is to be done for reasons of safety.
Choose the model to be copied with the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad …
Copy from model: 01
03 04 05
… then, following the change into the "Copy to model" windo key of the r can be selected with the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad. Yet another tap on the SET key will then confi rm the copy process or a tap on ESC key will cause the copy to be canceled. A memory location which is already occupied can be overwritten.
Starlet BELL47G
w caused b
ight touch pad, the destination memory
trim needed
y another tap on the
00:33hR08 00:22hR08
70 Detail program description - Copy / Erase
Copy to model: 01 02 03 04
Graubele Ultimate Starlet BELL47G
1234g/080811 Test trim needed
01:23hR16 00:44hR12 00:33hR08 00:22hR08
After confi rming the selected model memory with a tap on the SET key, a confi rmation request will appear:
Model really
to be copied?
A NO response will cancel the process and return the screen to the originating screen. If the YES response is selected and confi rmed with a tap on the SET key then the selected source model will be copied into the selected model memory destination.
Note: In addition to model data, binding data is also copied by this process. This means that a receiver system which was/is bound to the original model memory can also be operated by its copy without establishing the bond again.
Exporting to SD card
Use the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad to select the »Export to SD« sub-menu then tap on the SET key.
Erase model Copy modeModell –> Modell Export to SDach SD-Karte
Please select
RF on/off?
Import from von SD-Karte Copy flight sen kopieren
If the message shown above should appear, the transmitter's RF module is still active. Switch the RF module off as described on page 80 then also, if a receiver system is currently switched on, switch off that receiver too. This is to be done for reasons of safety.
Choose the model to be exported with the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad …
export to SD-Card: 01
03 04 05
After confi on the
SET key, a confi
Model really
trim needed
rming the selected model memory with a tap
rmation request will appear:
00:33hR08 00:22hR08
A NO response will cancel the process and return the screen to the originating screen. If the YES response is selected then confi rmed with a tap on the
SET key, the selected model will be copied to the SD
Should the notice …
… appears instead of a screen for model selection, there is no SD card in the transmitter's card slot, see page 23.
In addition to model data, binding data is also • copied by this process. This means that a receiver system which was/is bound to the or
iginal model memory can also be operated in the SAME transmitter by its copy without establishing the bond again.
An exported fi xed-wing model will be stored on • the memory card in the \\Models\mc-16 folder with a fi lename format of "aModelname.mdl" and a helicopter model with a fi lename format of "hModelname.mdl". On the other hand, if a "nameless" model is exported, its data will be stored on the memory card under "ahNoName. mdl" or "hNoName.mdl", as appropriate.
Some special characters that can be used in • model names are subject to specifi c restrictions associated with the FAT or FAT32 fi le system used by the memory cards and these special characters will be replaced during the copy process with a tilde (~).
A model fi le already on the memory having • the same name as the fi le to be copied will be overwritten without warning.
Detail program description - Copy / Erase
Importing from SD card
Use the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad to select the »Import from SD« sub-menu then tap on the SET key.
Erase model Copy modell –> Modell Export to mnach SD-Karte Import from von SD-Karte Copy flight sen kopieren
Please select
RF on/off?
pad then confi rmed with a tap on the SET key, or the process can be canceled with a tap on the ESC key. A memory location which is already occupied can be overwritten.
Import to model: 01 02 03 04
Graubele Ultimate Starlet BELL47G
1234g/080811 Test trim needed
01:23hR16 00:44hR12 00:33hR08 00:22hR08
card slot, see page 23. In addition to model data, binding data is also
imported by this process. This means that a receiver system which was/is bound to the original model memory can also be operated in the SAME transmitter by its copy without establishing the bond again.
Copy fl ight phase
Select the »Copy fl ight phase« sub-menu with the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad then tap on the SET key.
If the message shown above should appear, the transmitter's RF module is still active. Switch the RF module off as described on page 80 then also receiver system is currently switched on, switch off that receiver too. This is to be done for reasons of safety.
Select the model to be imported from the SD memory card with the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad.
import from SD-CARD: 01
03 04
Note: The export date posted at the right end of each model name line is represented in the format "year/month/ day".
After another tap on the SET key of the right touch pad, the "import from SD-CARD" window will appear. Now the destination memory location can be selected with the  selection keys of the left or right touch
Extra 300
T-Rex 250 BellCobra
11/06/06 06:06
11/07/07 07:07
11/08/08 08:08 11/09/09 09:09
, if a
After confi rming the selected model memory with a tap on the SET key, a confi
A NO response will cancel the process and return the screen to the originating screen. If the YES response is selected and confi rmed with a tap on the SET key then the selected source model will be imported into the selected destination model memory.
If the message …
… appears instead of a screen for model selection, there is no SD card in the transmitter's
rmation request will appear:
Extra 300
Erase model Copy model –> model Export to SD Import from SD Copy flight phase
In the "Copy fl ight phase" sub-menu …
Copy from phase:
3 5 7
… the fl ight phase to be copied (1 … 8 for fi xed-wing models or 1 … 7 for helicopter models) is selected with the selection keys of the left or right touch pad then confi r right touch pad. In the next window to appear …
med with a brief tap on the SET key of the
2 4
72 Detail program description - Copy / Erase
Copy to phase:
3 5 7
… a destination must be selected and it must be confi rmed too. Another confi r
Phase to:
1 normal
to be copied?
A NO response will cancel the process and return the screen to the or response is selected and confi the SET key then the selected source model will be imported into the selected destination model memory.
iginating screen.
2 4
mation request will follow:
2 Thermik
If the 
rmed with a tap on
Storing changes permanently Undoing changes
These two sub-menus permit programming changes to be backed up immediately or to be undone (restored) to the state when the model was called up or the state of the last backup.
Export to SD Import fromvon SD-Karte Copy flight en kopieren Store changes ft speichern Undo changesgig machen
Please select
RF on/off?
If the message shown above should appear, the transmitter's RF module is still active. Switch the RF module off as described on page 80 then also receiver system is currently switched on, switch off that receiver too. This is to be done for reasons of safety.
Data is only backed up by "Store change" or a switch from one model to another in the »Model select« menu. Switching the transmitter on or off will not store the permanently. To store changes permanently, select the appropriate line then briefl y tap on the center SET key of the right touch pad. The confi rmation request shown below will appear:
, if a
the SET key then the changes made since the last backup or model change will be stored permanently.
If, however, the changes made since the last backup or model change are to be canceled, then select the line "Undo change". Following a brief tap on the center SET key of the right touch pad, the confi rmation request shown below will appear:
Programming changes to be
reset to original?
A NO response will cancel the process and return the screen to the originating screen. If the YES response is selected and confi the SET key then the changes made since the last backup or model change will be stored permanently.
Note: When the transmitter is switched off, any changes made will not be lose but they are not permanently stored either. This means that a subsequent "cancel changes" would reset memory to the state of the last "permanent backup" (or model change).
rmed with a tap on
Programming changes to be
store permanently?
A NO response will cancel the process and return the screen to the originating screen. If the YES response is selected and confi
rmed with a tap on
Detail program description - Copy / Erase
Suppress menus
Suppression of menus in the multifunction list
Use the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad to select the »Suppress codes« menu …
Model select
Suppress codes
Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
Model select
Suppress codes
Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
… then briefl y tap the center SET key of the right touch pad.
Model select
Suppress models Model type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Suppress : SET
Model select
Suppress models Helicopter type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Suppress : SET
Copy / Erase Suppress models Model type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Switch display
Copy / Erase Suppress models Helicopter type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Switch display
Copy / Erase Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
Copy / Erase Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
In the menu which then appears, menu items which are no longer needed or those which should not be changed, can be blocked from appearing in th multifunction list.
The option to be suppressed/displayed is selected with the selection keys of the left or right touch pad then its status is switched over with a tap on the center SET key of the right touch pad.
Model select Suppress models Model type
Stick mode
Dual Rate / Expo Suppress : SET
Model select Suppress models Helicopter type
Stick mode
Dual Rate / Expo Suppress : SET
This can reduce the multi-function list considerably, in some cases to only a few menus, thus substantially improving clarity of the multi-function list. Options are not deactivated by being suppressed. They will simply no longer appear in the list. This also blocks direct access to these functions.
Tip: If you wish to forgo access-blockage to the multi­function list altogether, suppress the »Code lock« menu in the multi-function list by way of this menu as a precautionary measure. It is then not so easy for an unauthorized person to lock up the transmitter.
Copy / Erase Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
Copy / Erase Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
74 Detail program description - Suppress menus
Suppress models
Suppression of model memory locations
Use the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad to select the »Suppress models« menu …
Model select Suppress codes Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
Model select Suppress codes Base setup model Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
Copy / Erase
Suppress models
Model type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Switch display
Copy / Erase
Suppress Models
Helicopter type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Switch display
… then briefl y tap the center SET key of the right touch pad.
Model memories which are rarely needed or to which access is to be blocked for other reasons can be hidden from the model selection list.
This also
clarifi es the overview layout for model selection. The model to be suppressed/displayed is selected
with the selection keys of the left or right touch pad then its status is switched over with a tap on the center
SET key of the right touch pad.
03 04 05 06 07
Starlet BELL47G
trim needed
00:33hR08 00:22hR08
03 04 05
Starlet BELL47G
Suppress :
trim needed
00:33hR08 00:22hR08
A model memory which is "stricken through" will no longer appear in the »Model select« menu.
Detail program description - Suppress models
Base setup model
Model-specifi c base settings for winged aircraft models
Before programming specifi c parameters, there are some basic settings to be made which effect the currently active model memory.
Use the selection keys of the left or right touch pad to select the »Basic settings, model« menu …
Model select Suppress codes
Base setup model
Servo adjustment Control adjust Channel 1 curve
Copy / Erase Suppress models Model type Stick mode Dual Rate / Expo Switch display
… then tap the center SET key of the right touch pad.
@ACDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[¥]^_ `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
Model name
Now the desired characters can be selected with the selection keys of the left touch pad. Move to the next position to select the ne selection key of the right touch pad or its center
SET key. A simultaneous tap on the  or  keys
of the right touch pad (CLEAR) will place a space character at the current position.
Model name
BASIC SETTINGS,MODEL Model name Info Stick mode Module
Change to the next screen page with a brief tap on the SET key of the right touch pad. This will open a screen of characters for entry of the model's name. A maximum of 13 char a model name.
acters can be used to specify
Positioning to any character position within the entry fi eld can be done with the  keys of the right touch pad.
A return to the previous menu screen is accomplished with a tap on the center ESC key of the left touch pad.
A model name entered in this manner will appear in the base screen of the »Model select« menu and in the sub-menus of the »Copy / Erase« menu item.
BASIC SETTINGS,MODEL Model name Info Stick mode Module
Every model can be given a supplementary note of up to 12 characters (maximum) by following the same procedure as already described f name". This info note will appear as a supplement in the »Model select« menu and in the sub-menus of the »Copy / Erase« menu item.
76 Detail program description - Base setup models | Winged models
xt character with a tap on the
or creating a "Model
Stick mode
“MODE 1” (Throttle at right stick)
elev. down
left rudder
elev. up
“MODE 3” (Throttle at right stick) “MODE 4” (Throttle at left stick)
elev. down
left aileron
elev. up
right rudder
left aileron
right aileron
left rudder
full throttle
Motor Vollgas
MODE 2” (Throttle at left stick)
full throttle
right aileron
left rudder
right rudder
left aileron
full throttle
right rudder
left aileron
right aileron
left rudder
elev. down
elev. up
elev. down
elev. up
There are four fundamental options for assigning the four control functions (aileron, elevator, rudder and throttle/brake fl ap) for a winged aircraft model to the two joysticks. Just which of these options is chosen depends on the individual preferences of the individual model pilot.
Use the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad to select the "Stick mode" line. The option fi eld will be framed.
BASIC SETTING,MODEL Model name Info Stick mode Module
Graubele 1234g/111111
1 n/a
Tap on the SET key. The currently displayed stick mode will be displayed in inverse video. No
w use the selection keys of the right touch pad to select from among options 1 through 4.
A simultaneous tap on the  or  keys of the right touch pad (CLEAR) will reset the display to stick mode "1".
right aileron
right rudder
Another tap on the SET key will again deactivate option selection so a change to another line can be affected.
BASIC SETTING,MODEL Model name Info Stick mode Module
mc-16 transmitter has a HoTT RF module as
standard equipment. In addition to the built-in module, there is a connector for an external RF module behind one of the two front cover fl aps (see page 25) and a switchover to an external module connected there can be affected per software. To do this, use the selection keys of the left or right touch pad to move the marker frame left to the "Module" selection fi eld above the "SEL" column label.
Graupner HoTT receivers must be "instructed" to communicate exclusively with a certain model (memory) in a Graupner HoTT transmitter. This procedure is known as "binding" and must only be done once for every new receiver/model-memory­location combination (and can be repeated anytime).
Important notices:
During the binding procedure be sure the • transmitter's antenna is always far enough away from the receiver's antenna. To be on the safe side, keep them at least one meter apart. Otherwise there is a risk of a faulty connection to the return channel and malfunctions will result.
When binding additional receivers, note that any • other –switched on– receivers already bound
bind BD1
to the transmitter will fall into Fail-safe mode during the transmitter-side "binding" period.
"Binding" multiple receivers per model
Multiple receivers per model can be bound if desired, whereby respective potential for managing up to four receivers directly and for dividing up the transmitter's 16 control channels (max) in any arrangement among these receivers under menu control. Refer to additional details further down in this section. First bind the receivers individually as described below.
However, in subsequent operation only one of these receivers will establish a telemetry bond to the transmitter; the one which was activated in the "TELEMETRY RCV" line of the »Telemetry« menu.
Any telemetry sensors which may be built into the model should therefore be connected to this receiver because the transmitter only receives and evaluates data from the return channel of the receiver activated on this line. The second, and all other receivers, operate in parallel but are fully independent in slave mode.
"Binding" transmitter and receiver
Use the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad to move into the "Module" line. The marker frame will be positioned by default to the column for the next free binding channel. In the example shown in the figure below, the marker frame is positioned above the column label "BD2" because the binding channel in the column labeled "BD1" is already in use by default for the receiver which was delivered with the set.
mc-16 HoTT programs offer the
Detail program description - Base setup models | Winged models
BASIC SETTING,MODEL Model name Info Stick mode Module
If not already off, now switch the receiver on. The red LED on the receiv
Press and hold the the LED contin then, after about another 3 seconds, begins to blink red/green. The SET be released. As long as this LED blinks red/green, the receiver is in bind mode.
Now, within this 3 second period, start the so-called "receiver binding" process for the receiver to the currently active model memory with a brief tap on the center SET key of the right touch pad. At this time, the screen's display will blend in a message window for the duration of the "binding" process.
BASIC SETTING,MODEL Model name Info Stick mode Module
If the receiver's LED, again blinking red, changes within about 10 seconds to continuous illumination in green, the binding process has been successfully completed. Your model-memory to receiver combination is now operationally ready. At this time the screen will now display " bind " (bound) instead of "n/a" (not attached).
er will b
SET button on the receiv
ues to b
link red for about 3 seconds
button on the receiver can now
bind BD1
bind BD1
er while
BASIC SETTING,MODEL Model name Info Stick mode Module
bind BD2
… with "OFF" …
Please select
RF on/off?
BASIC SETTING,MODEL Model name Info Stick mode Module
On the other hand, should the LED on the receiver
link red f
b binding process has f will contin happen, try changing the position of antennas then repeat the entire procedure.
Binding other receivers
The binding channel you have chosen is already bound (as indicated by the "bind" status). with another binding channel. After initiating the RF bind process, instead of displaying "BINDING", the message shown below appears.
Drop down two lines in the screen and switch off the RF module as described on the page in section "RF module". Afterward, return again to the "Module" line and restart the binding process as described abov
Alternatively, the transmitter can be switched off briefl y then, after switching it back on again, respond to the message window that appears …
78 Detail program description - Base setup models | Winged models
or longer than about 10 seconds
In this case the screen
ue to sho
BASIC SETTING,MODEL Model name Info Stick mode Module
w the status as "n/a".
is turned
geb. BD2
, the
If this should
… then confi rm the selection with a brief tap on the center SET key of the right touch pad. From the base screen jump again into the "Module" line of the »Basic settings, model« menu and restart the binding process.
Dissolving a bond
Proceed as described abo process but WITHOUT fi rst putting a receiver in binding readiness.
Important notice: With the activation of the value fi eld in the context of the following described changeover, any existing bonds to HoTT receivers which may be effective for the currently active model memory will be lost.
Activate the fi rst value fi eld in the "Module" line with a tap on the center SET key of the right touch pad then use the selection keys to choose "EXT. PPM" instead of "HoTT". In parallel with the selection of "EXT. PPM", the other four value fi elds will be replaced by the type of modulation pre-selected in the line »DSC Output«, see page 81.
Please select
RF on/off?
ve to initiate the binding
This change also suppresses the lines for the options (described below): »HoTT«, »Rcv Ch Map«, »RF module« and »RF range test« and, in the basic display, "PPM" will be displayed instead of "HoTT".
#01 H-J Sandbrunner
Receiver channel mapping
As long as there is at least one "bound" receiver in the "Module" line, the next line down will be the "Rcv Ch map" line.
BASIC SETTING,MODEL Model name Info Stick mode Rcv Ch map R16 R08
As mentioned in the introduction to the "Binding receivers" section, this menu item of the offers both the opportunity to freely divide up the transmitter's control channels within a receiver as well as the opportunity to distribute the transmitter's 16
Stop watch Flight tim
RX VOLT:0.0v
1 n/a
0:00.0 0:00.0
mc-16 HoTT
control channels across as many as four receivers. This redistribution is subsequently referred to as "mapping" or "channel mapping" (channel correlation). Select the receiver to be "mapped" with the selection keys of the left or right touch pad then tap briefl y on the center SET key of the right touch pad.
Channel mapping within a receiver
Analogous to the channel correlation function in the »Telemetry« menu on page 232, described as "Channel Mapping", it is very simple to use this men item to freely assign the transmitter's control channels present on the receiver's inputs to any specifi c receiver outputs (servo connections) for the bound receiver designated by the column labeled BD1.
RECEIVER CHANNEL MAP BIND1 Rx Input Ch 1 Rx Input Ch 2 Rx Input Ch 3 Rx Input Ch 4
After selection of the desired output with the selection keys of the left or right touch pad, the appropriate value fi eld will be fr
SET key of the right touch pad. The current setting
will be displayed in inverse video. Now use the selection keys of the right touch pad to select the desired input channel's respective transmitter output, see page 218.
Note: The number of lines available in the list (outputs) corresponds to the maximum number of servos which can be attached to the given receiver.
BUT CAUTION: If, for example, "2AIL" has been specifi ed in the "Aileron/camber fl aps" line of the »Model type« menu then the transmitter will have allocated control function 2 (ailerons) to control
amed. Briefl y tap on the center
Rx Output Ch 1
Rx Output Ch 2 Rx Output Ch 3 Rx Output Ch 4
channels 2 & 5 for the left and right ailerons. The corresponding receiver inputs to be assigned in this case would be channels 2 & 5, refer to the example below.
You would like to control each aileron of a large • model with two or more servos.
Assign each of the appropriate outputs (servo connections) to one and the same input (control channel). In this case, depending on left or right wing, as the respective input to one of the two default aileron control channels (2 or 5).
You would like to control the rudder of a large • model with two or more servos.
Assign each of the appropriate outputs (servo connections) to one and the same input (control channel). In this case, the default rudder channel (4), see fi gure bottom right.
Important notice:
mc-16 HoTT transmitter's »Tx. output swap«
The option permits the transmitter's 16 control functions to be freely swapped in a similar manner or even permits multiple outputs to be assigned to the same control function. To keep controls manageable, however, we strongly recommend using only one of the options at a time.
Channel assignment on other receivers
As already mentioned, the "Rcv Ch map" menu option can be used to freely distribute the HoTT transmitter's 16 control channels across up to four receivers, whereby the numbering of outputs (servo connections) as well as the maximum number of available lines (outputs) will correspond to the maximum number of servo connections available on the given receiver.
Detail program description - Base setup models | Winged models
RECEIVER CHANNEL MAP BIND2 Rx Input Ch 16 Rx Input Ch 16 Rx Input Ch 16 Rx Input Ch 16
After selection of the desired output with the selection keys of the left or r fi eld will be fr right touch pad. The current setting will be displayed in inverse video. Now select the desired input channel with the selection keys of the right touch pad. For example, suitable to the above rudder example.
RECEIVER CHANNEL MAP BIND2 Rx Input Ch 4 Rx Input Ch 4 Rx Input Ch 4 Rx Input Ch 4
Note: The number of lines available in the list (outputs) corresponds to the maximum number of serv can be attached to the given receiver.
RF transmit
This menu line provides an option for manually switching the transmitter's RF transmission on and off to specifi c models while the transmitter is in operation. For example, to save power while a model is being programmed. If this line option was set to
OFF, it will be canceled (i.e. set to ON) the next time the transmitter is switched on.
If necessary, use the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad to move into the " RF transmit " line
ight touch pad, the respectiv
Tap the center SET key of the
Rx Output Ch 1
Rx Output Ch 2 Rx Output Ch 3 Rx Output Ch 4
e input
Rx Output Ch 1 Rx Output Ch 2 Rx Output Ch 3 Rx Output Ch 4
os which
then activate the option with a brief tap on the center
SET button of the right touch pad.
Rcv Ch Map R16 R08
1 n/a n/a
n/a n/a
RF transmit on
The right selection keys can now be used to choose between OFF and ON. Another tap on the center
key of the right touch pad will conclude the entry.
Range test
The built-in range test reduces transmission power to an extent that a functional test can be carried out even within a distance of less than 100 m.
Perform a range test on the Graupner HoTT system according to the following instructions. If necessary, have someone assist you in carrying out the range test.
Preferably, the receiver already bound to the 1. transmitter should be installed into the model in its intended position.
Switch remote control on and wait for the green 2. LED to light up on the receiver/s. Now servo movements can be observed.
Place the model on a level surface (pavement, 3. low-cut grass or bare ground) such that receiver antennas are at least 15 cm above ground level. It may be necessary to put something under the model to raise it up enough for this.
Hold the transmitter at hip level and at some 4. distance from one's body. Do not point the antenna directly at the model but rather turn and/ or kink the antenna's end so that it is oriented vertically during the test.
If necessary, use the 5.  selection keys of the left or right touch pad to reach the "RF range test" line in the menu then start range test mode with a tap on the center SET key of the right touch pad.
BASIC SETTING,MODELL Module Rcv Ch Map R16 R08 RF transmit on RF range test 99s
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
When the range test has been initiated, the transmitter's transmission power will be signifi cantly reduced and the LED just to the right of the main switch on the transmitter, marked RF, will begin to blink; this will also be accompanied by acoustic tones. At the same time, the timer in the transmitter's display will start counting down and every 5 seconds a two-frequency tone will sound.
Five seconds prior to the end of the range test a three-frequency tone will sound once every second. After expiration of the range test's 99th second the transmitter will again be switched to full output power and the LED just to the right of the main switch on the transmitter will again illuminate constantly.
Move away from the model while manipulating 6. the joysticks during this timespan. If you notice an interruption anytime while still within a distance of about 50 m, try to reproduce this malfunction.
If there is a motor in the model, it may be necessary 7. to switch it on to further check noise immunity.
Continue moving away from the model until 8. perfect control is no longer possible.
Wait at this distance for the remainder of the test 9. period with the still-operationally-ready model to expire. After the range test is ended it should
again respond correctly to all RC controls. If this is not 100 % the case, do not use the system. Contact your area's Graupner GmbH & Co. KG service partner.
Perform the range test before each fl ight and, in 10. doing so, simulate all servo movements which also take place during fl ight. The range must always be at 50 m on the ground in order to assure safe model operation.
Caution: Never start the range test on the transmitter during normal operation of the model.
DSC output
If necessary, use the  selection keys of the left or right touch pad to switch to the "DSC Output" line then, with a brief tap on the center SET key of the right touch pad, activate the value window:
Rcv Ch Map R16 R08
n/a RF transmit on RF range test 99s DSC Output PPM10
Now you can use the right selection keys to choose between four types of modulation "PPM10", "PPM16", "PPM18" and "PPM24". Touch the center SET
key of
the right touch pad again to complete the entry. This choice primarily infl uences the maximum
number of control channels which can be attached to the DSC (direct servo control) socket, and thus also available to a fl ight simulator or teacher/pupil system. By selecting "PPM10" this will be control channels 1 … 5, for "PPM16" channels 1 … 8, for "PPM18" channels 1 … 9 and for "PPM24" channels 1 … 12.
80 Detail program description - Base setup models | Winged models
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