Graupner and KG 33505 Users Manual

Graupner GmbH & Co. KG
User Manual
Henriettenstraße 94 – 96 D-73230 Kirchheim/Teck Germany
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33505 Receiver GR-12S HoTT 33506 Receiver GR-12 HoTT
1. General Note ..............................................................................................................01
2. Functions ....................................................................................................................01
2.1. Binding ......................................................................................................................... 01
2.2. Binding Multiple Receivers ..........................................................................................01
2.3. Fail-Safe Function ........................................................................................................ 02
3. Receiver ...................................................................................................................... 0 2
3.1. Connections ................................................................................................................. 02
3.2. Low Voltage Warning ...................................................................................................02
3.3. Temperature Warning .................................................................................................. 0 3
4. Firmware Update ........................................................................................................03
4.1. Receiver ......................................................................................................................03
4.2. Update Procedure ........................................................................................................ 03
5. Declaration of Conformity .........................................................................................05
6. Warranty ..................................................................................................................... 07
Con riserva di variazione delle specifi che e disponibilità del prodotto. Fornitura attraverso rivenditori specializzati.Saremmo lieti di potervi indicare il punto vendita più vicino a voi. Si declina qualsiasi res­ponsabilità per errori di stampa.
HoTT 1.0 / March 2011 - EN V1.2
Manual V1.2
Revision: March 2011
GRAUPNER GmbH & Co. KG – Postfach 1242 – 73230 Kirchheim/Teck –
Thank you for purchasing the Graupner HoTT 2.4 System Please read through this entire manual before you attempt the installation and usage of your Graupner HoTT 2.4 System!
These operating instructions are part of this product. They contains important notes to the operation and handling. Please take this into consideration when you pass on the product to third parties. Neglect of the operating instructions and the safety instructions lead to expiring the warranty. Graupner constantly work on the advancement of all remote control systems; changes of the scope of deli­very in form, technology and equipment we must reserve ourselves therefore. Please have understanding for the fact that from data and illustrations of this operating instructions no requirements can be derived.
Please keep these instructions for further reference!
When switching on or adjusting the radio control system it is essential to keep the transmitter aerial at least 15 cm away from the receiver aerials at all times. If the transmitter aerial is too close to the receiver aerials, the receiver will be overloaded, causing the green LED starts fl ashing. The transmitter responds by emitting a beep once every second; the red LED also goes out. The radio control system is now in Fail-Safe mode. If this should occur, simply increase the distance between the aerials until the audible warning signal ceases, and the red LED on the transmitter lights up again; at the same time the green LED on the receiver should glow constantly.
2.1. Binding
When you wish to use the Graupner HoTT 2.4 GHz receiver with a particular transmitter, the fi rst step must always be to “bind” the unit to “its” Graupner HoTT 2.4 GHz RF module (transmitter). This “binding” procedure only needs to be carried out once for each combination of receiver and RF module. The units supplied in the set are already bound to each other at the factory, i.e. the binding procedure described in the following section only needs to be carried out when you wish to use an additional receiver. However, it can also be repeated at any time if required, e.g. after changing transmitters. When binding is required, this is the procedure:
• Switch the transmitter and receiver on.
• Locate the BIND / RANGE button on the back of the transmitter, and hold it pressed in while you press and hold the SET button on the receiver. Both LEDs on the back of the transmitter now glow constantly, and the green LED on the receiver fl ashes.
• If the green fl ashing LED on the receiver begins to glow permanently within about ten seconds, this indicates that the binding process is complete. You can now release both buttons, and your transmitter / receiver combination is ready for use.
• However, if the green LED on the receiver continues to fl ash for longer than ten seconds, then the binding process has failed. If this should occur, repeat the whole procedure.
2.2. Binding“ multiple receivers in one model
If required, it is also possible to bind multiple receivers to the transmitter for a particular model. The fi rst step is to bind each receiver individually using the procedure already described. When the system is in use, the receiver which is switched on fi rst is the Master receiver. Any telemetry sensors installed in the model must be connected to this unit, as only the Master receiver transmits sensor data using the downlink channel. The second and all further receivers operate in parallel with the Master receiver but in Slave mode, with the downlink channel switched off. The control functions can also be distributed amongst multiple receivers; this is carried out using the Channel Mapping function of the SMART-BOX (Order No. 33700). In the same way it is possible to as­sign one control function to multiple receiver outputs; a typical example would be the use of two servos for each aileron instead of only one, etc.
01 Manual Receiver GR-12 Graupner HoTT 2.4
Manual Receiver GR-12 Graupner HoTT 2.4 10
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