GRAUPNER mz-32 HoTT, S1024, S1024.77 Reference Manual

Reference Manual
mz-32 HoTT
32 channel 2.4 GHz transmitter
P/N. S1024, S1024.77
Graupner mz-32 Help Reference Manual
MAIN SCREEN WIDGETS ......................................................................................................................... 4
BASE Menu ........................................................................................................................................... 5
MODEL LIST ...................................................................................................................................... 5
MODEL LIST DETAIL ........................................................................................................................... 5
NEW MODEL ...................................................................................................................................... 5
MODEL TYPE ...................................................................................................................................... 6
RF SET .............................................................................................................................................. 7
SERVO SET ........................................................................................................................................ 9
SERVO SET DETAIL ............................................................................................................................ 9
CONTR OL SET ...................................................................................................................................10
CONTR OL SET DETAIL ........................................................................................................................10
TRIM SET .........................................................................................................................................11
THROTTLE CUT .................................................................................................................................11
DUAL RATE EXPO ..............................................................................................................................12
DUAL RATE EXPO DETAIL ...................................................................................................................12
SWITCH SET .....................................................................................................................................13
TIMERS SET......................................................................................................................................13
TIMERS SET DETAILS ........................................................................................................................14
TIMER SET LAP DETAILS ....................................................................................................................14
FAIL SAFE ........................................................................................................................................15
OUTPUT SWAP ..................................................................................................................................15
SERVO VIEW ....................................................................................................................................15
TRIM VIEW .......................................................................................................................................16
TIME INF O ........................................................................................................................................16
FUNC TION Menu ...................................................................................................................................17
PHASE SET .......................................................................................................................................17
PHASE TRIM .....................................................................................................................................17
NO DELAY CH ...................................................................................................................................18
WING SET ........................................................................................................................................18
WING S ET DETAIL .............................................................................................................................18
WING TAIL .......................................................................................................................................19
WING TAIL DETAIL ............................................................................................................................19
DIFFERENTIAL ..................................................................................................................................20
AIR BRAKE .......................................................................................................................................20
AIR BRAKE DETAIL ............................................................................................................................21
SNAP ROLL .......................................................................................................................................21
SNAP ROLL DETAIL ............................................................................................................................21
THROTTLE CURVE..............................................................................................................................22
PITCH CURVE ....................................................................................................................................22
SWASH MIXER ..................................................................................................................................23
SWASH OPTION ................................................................................................................................23
HELI MIXER ......................................................................................................................................23
HELI MIXER DETAIL ...........................................................................................................................24
FREE MIXERS ....................................................................................................................................24
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FREE MIXERS DETAIL ........................................................................................................................25
DUAL MIXERS ...................................................................................................................................25
RING LIMITER ...................................................................................................................................26
RING LIMITER DETAIL ........................................................................................................................26
MIX ONLY CHANNEL ..........................................................................................................................27
CHANNEL SEQUENCER .......................................................................................................................27
SPECIAL Menu ......................................................................................................................................28
TELEMETRY ......................................................................................................................................28
RF STATUS VI E W ..............................................................................................................................28
SETTINGS AND DATA V IEW ................................................................................................................29
SYSTEM NOTICE ................................................................................................................................29
USER NOTICE ...................................................................................................................................30
SENSOR NOTICE ...............................................................................................................................30
CONTR OL NOTIC E .............................................................................................................................31
VOICE NOTICE ..................................................................................................................................32
CONTR OL SWITCH .............................................................................................................................32
LOGICAL SWITCH ..............................................................................................................................33
COMBI SWITCH .................................................................................................................................33
DIGITAL SWITCH ..............................................................................................................................33
VARIO TONE .....................................................................................................................................34
TRAINER ..........................................................................................................................................35
TRAINER CHANNELS ..........................................................................................................................35
MP3 .................................................................................................................................................36
SYSTEM Menu ......................................................................................................................................37
SYSTEM SET .....................................................................................................................................37
DISPLAY SET ..................................................................................................................................38
SOUND SET .....................................................................................................................................38
I/O SET ..........................................................................................................................................38
STICK SET ........................................................................................................................................39
FILE MANAGER ..................................................................................................................................39
USB .................................................................................................................................................39
WLAN & GPS .....................................................................................................................................40
BT & COM Port ..................................................................................................................................40
INFO & UPDATE ................................................................................................................................41
DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................................................42
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Graupner mz-32 Help Reference Manual
The mz-32 home screen is designed around Widgets. There are a total of 6 decks that can be designed with widgets. Each widget fits inside a 1, 2, or 4 presentation block. Navigation between the decks is done by using the arrow keys (2 upper keys left of screen) or you can assign your own navigation keys in the System menu.
You can del ete all Widgets or clear the Widget Data for each deck by pressi ng th e reset i con. (Ci rcle wit h an arrow next to Help icon in the upper right corner of the screen).
You can restore the default decks by selecting
System, then System Set, and tapping on the field of Model Preset – Widget. A deck can be global for all models or specific to a model. You can have a different set of decks for each of your models. To access the Widget editor, touch and briefly hold on the field you would like to place a
Widget. The Widget editor will open with available widgets to choose from. In case you placed a Widget at the wrong place or want to change it, touch and briefly hold
on the Widget to change or delete it. Telemetry Wi dgets are active Widgets that receive real-time information from the radi o
system. For example, if your receiver voltage drops below a certain value the Widget will change its
color and alert you with a voice notificatio n. When you touch and hold on the widget a dialog open showing how many warnings were
issued, what the current voltage is as well as the minimal and maximal voltage recorded. This works the same for all telemetry widgets. Taping the clear field resets all values.
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In the Model List menu, you can create a new model or select and load an existing one.
To create a new model, tap on the number next to the model name. A selection toolbar will show with the available options.
Tap the + icon to create a new model. Tap on the copy icon to copy an existing model. After tapping the + icon, a keypad will show where you
can enter your model name. Tapping the return key brings you to the New Model selection menu.
To change the view selection of available model types,
tap on the model type icon in the upper center of the screen to activate the desired filter. You can sort the model list by name, creation date or bind group by tapping on the table
By tapping on the model Name, additional details about the selected model are di splayed prior t o loading and activating the model.
The Date and Ti me fields show when th e model was created, and the Model Time shows how long the model has been actively used.
The Bind Group field shows to which group this model belongs (check the RF Set menu for additional information).
The Bind Info fields show how many receivers the selected model is bound to and how many channels
each bound receiver has. The bottom fields show the model configurations such as model type, wing type and tail
type. To load and activate the mo del, tap the Select field.
Tap on Throttle Minimum to change the throttle direction. A selection of None (only available for Airplanes) is for models without a motor, such as a
sailplane. A selection of Rear causes the throttle channel to increase as the throttle control
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The New Mod el menu can on ly be accessed f rom the Model List menu when creating a new model.
Tap on the Model Type icon to select your model type. Each model type will have different selection options. The following example is for airplanes.
Tap on the Wing Type icon to select your airplane’s wing type. If your wing type is delta tap on the delta icon symbol to change the wing type selection.
Tap on the Tail Type icon to choose your tail type. Tap on the engine type to select how many engines
your airplane has.
Graupner mz-32 Help Reference Manual
is increased . A selection of Fr ont causes the th rottle channel t o decrease as the throt tle control is increased.
Tap on the stick mode to change your stick mode configuration. When done tap on the Create & Apply button, which will create the model and reinitialize
the radio to load the new model. You can make later changes to the model configuration from the Model Type menu.
In the Model Type menu, you can change the existing model configuration or rename the model.
Rename Model Tap on the model name to bring up the key pad where
you can enter your new model name. When finished, tap on return key which brings you back to the model type selection menu.
Change Model Type
Tap on the Model Type icon to select your model type. Each model type will ha ve different selection options.
All Models
Tap on Throttle Minimum to change the throttle direction. A selection of None (only available for Airplanes) is for models without a motor, such as a sailplane. A selection of Rear causes the throttle channel to increase as the throttle control is increased. A selection of Front causes the throttle channel to decrease as the throttle control is increased.
Tap on the stick mode to change your stick mode configuration.
Tap on the Wing Type icon to select your airplane’s wing type. If your wing type is delta tap on the delta icon symbol to change the wing type selection.
Tap on the Tail Type icon to choose your tail type. Tap on Engine to select how many engines your airplane has. Brake Function controls the switching point for the brake control. Tap on the input field
(default t hrottle) to selec t the control f or the brake chan nel. To set th e offset value fo r brake activation, move the control to the desired position and tap the offset field to store the value.
Tap on Swash Type to select the number of swash plate servos and their geometry. Tap on Linear Swash to set whether to compensate for the arc of the servos when changing
collective pitch. Set the value to Linear to enable the compensation or Normal to disable it. Tap on Thro. Limit to enable (Limit) or disable (Unlimit) the channel 12 throttle limiter.
Selecting Unlimit will also free up channel 12 for other functions. When finished tap on the Model Types icon to exit the menu.
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In the RF Set menu you will manage all RF and Telemetry communications between the radio and receiver as well as binding your model to the radio.
You can bind in total 4 receivers to the mz-32. The bindin g process requires y ou to place the re ceiver in bind mode, which can be done by pressing the SET button on the receiver. After 2-3 seconds, you can tap the bind button on the radio.
You need to bind RX1 first. When binding has been
successful th e Rx column will show the channel count of the receiver and below in small letters the current receiver firmware version. For example, a GR-24 will show as R12 and a GR-12L will show as R6.
Depending on the r ecei ver mod el you may nee d to f oll ow a sl ightl y dif ferent procedure to successfully bind the receiver to the radio.
Bind Method A:
Press the SET button and keep it pressed for 2-3 seconds and press the bind button on the radio.
GR-12/GR-18/GR-24 PRO/GR-16(L)/GR-24(L)/GR-32(L): Green LED on – Receiver bound GR-12L: Red LED off – Receiver bou n d
Bind Method B:
Receiver goes automatically into binding mode (Flight Controllers after 15 seconds with blinking red LED)
GR-10C/GR-12SC & SH/Falcon 12/Alpha 110/S1038, S1039 Red LED off – Receiver bou n d
If binding was not successful, re peat the bind procedure. Make sure that the receiver is at least 50cm/2ft away fr om the radio. Verify that the power source is sufficient to power the receiver.Make sure that the power polarity is properly connected. The GR-12 6 channel
receivers require that the negative wire is facing up.
Verify that the bind SET button is properly presse d.
Tap on the selected blue Rx field (a receiver must be bound) and a dialog will show with the available channels and channel numbers for that recei ver. Here you can remap the channels or assign a digital switch output by tapping on the icon next to the channel number.
Tap on the channel you want to remap and use the arrow keys to map the channel to another channel.
Tapping on the Reset button will restore all channels to default.
T.Sel (Telemetry Select)
Tap on the rec eiver which you want to desi gnate as the acti ve telemet ry receiver. The re can be only one telemetry receiver active at any time.
The default modulation is set for HoTT (Hopping Telemetry Trans mission)
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RF Transmit
Default is set to off. Tapping the off field will turn the RF to on. If no receiver is found the radio will sound an error and the Graupner front logo wil l blink in blue.
Auto RF On
Setting this field to on will activate the RF immediately after the model is loade d bypassing the RF On/Off dialog shown on startup when the Auto RF is switched to Off.
Bind Group
For an unboun d model memory , the defaul t is the next free bi nding group. However, as long as the model memory is unbound, this specification can be changed by tapping the icon on the “Bind Group” field. You can select from the following options:
„Global“ enables the receiver to respond to the transmitter signal on a non-exclusive basis. What this means i s that any other receiver that is bounds as global will respond to the transmitter signal of another model memory that was also bound as global. This can be used in sit uation s where for ex ample y ou have m ultipl e model s that are a ll th e same and do not need different model memory settings.
„Group“ enables the receiver to respond exclusively to the group ID assigned during binding. For example, if you bind a re ceiver to bind gro up A0, that receiver will not respond to a signal from the transmitter o f a model memor y that was bound global or , for ex ample, as group C2.
You can bind another model memory also under bind group C2, which will result in one model memor y sh a ring two receivers under a single bin d . Wh en b ot h r eceivers ar e t u rned on, they will respond simultaneously to the same control inputs of the transmitter.
The use case for this is, for example, during competition when one airplane becomes inoperative and you would like to continue the contest using an identical airplane without switching model memories on your transmitter to avoid losing time. All you need to do is power the other airplane and wait for the receiver to esta bl ish the bind.
Range Tes t
When the range test starts, the output o f the transmitter decreases significantly. A practical functional test can therefor e be perform ed at a di st an c e of less than 1 0 0 m . A fter the end of the range test, the transmitter switches back to full output power and the range test signal tone stops.
Range test step-by-step
Verify that the receiver a nd transmitt er are communicating properly and that all control surfaces are functional.
Place the model on a flat surface (cement, mowed lawn or ground) with the receiver antenna at least 15 cm above ground.
Hold the transmitter at hip level at a slight distance from yo ur body. Start the range test in the „RF Set“ menu by tapping the icon in the “Range Te st” field. The time display begins to count down and a beep will sound throughout the entire range
test. Move away from the model within the given 99 seconds range test and move the contr ol
sticks while maintaining visual contact. If you notice an inter ruption in the connection at any time within a distance of about 50 m
/ 160 ft, try to reproduce it. If possible, switch on an existing motor, to additionally c heck the interference resi st an c e. Carry out the extended range test befor e star ting up your model, s imulating all the co ntr ol
movements oc curring in practi ce. To guarantee a saf e model operation, t he range must always be at least 50 m / 160 ft on the ground.
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Telemetry Speed
In those si tuations wh ere, for exam ple, two ai rplan e models are ab out to be op erated at close proximity to another controlled by two separate transmitters, you may choose to reduce or eliminate the telem etry back channel of one of the model s to avoid potential interference. Situations that may need to be evaluated include drones that have a separate transmitter for control and camera operations, or airplanes that tow or carry other airplanes, can be all pick up interference from the telemetry downlink transmission. Experiment with the proper telemetry period value for your situation.
You can redu ce the amou nt of telemet ry data tran smitted back f rom the recei ver to the radio as follows:
Always: Transmits telemetry data with each data packet.4 Times: Transmits telemetry data each 40ms8 Times: Transmits telemetry data each 80msOff: No telemetry data is transmitted.
Please be careful when making changes to the throttle
direction as it may unexpectedly start the motor.
Always ensure that th e propeller or main battery are
In the Servo Set menu you can make all basic
adjustments to your servos to optimally tune them to
your model.
The first two columns show the channel number and
channel name. Tapping on the channel number or
name shows the edit bar where you can name or
rename your channel name. Choose a proper channel
name that will help yo u ident ify e a ch c hanne l fu nc tion. The Direction field enables you to reverse the channel direction. Tapping on the Detail icon lets you fine tune servo parameters. The Trim field is your sub trim value for centering your servo or control surfaces. The Travel and Limi t fiel ds let you a djust ser vo throw s and ma ximal servo defl ection . Set
the deflection to a value where the servo does not mechanically bind. The value in the Delay fields will determine the speed of the control movement. All settings in the Servo Set menu are applied globally and are not P hase dependent.
Trim: your sub trim for centering your servo or control surfaces. Travel: sets the desired travel range for your servo.
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The Servo Set Detail menu enables you to fine tune
your servo settings.
Balance: Here you can adjust the servo travel to ensure
that each contro l surface is mo ving in an identic al way.
To make changes to a curve point, move the control
over the point to select or by tapping on the input f ie ld
under the balance column.
When a curve point is selecte d, it will turn or ange. Now
you can eit her move the curv e point using t he arrow
keys or with the orange slider tab along the vertical
Graupner mz-32 Help Reference Manual
Limit: sets the maximal servo deflection to a value where the servo does not mechanically bind.
In the Control Se t me nu, yo u c an se t the co ntrols s uc h as switches, sl iders and but tons that wil l activate and operate each channe l. When setting up your model, th e system automatically assigns controls depending on your model setup. It is not recommended changing these pre-set controls.
Scrolling the control set menu down (swipe the screen up or down) will show the first 16 available channels. To view channels 17 – 32 tap on the page icon next to the question mark.
To change the channel name, tap on the channel number or channel name which reveals the edit bar.
A control for a cha n n el can be set gl oba l l y or phase dependent allowing you to change the control used depending on the flight phase.
To assign a control to a channel, tap on the channel control field. Moving a control will automatically record that control as the main control. You can have different input control types assigned to each cha n nel.
Additional control types can be created in the special menu. The values in the delay fields will determine the speed of the control movement. Tapping on the detail icon provides access to different c urve types to fine tune your channel
The Control Set detail menu provides various curve types that can influence se rvo travel as well as channe l offsets.
The basic menu displays the active channel and whether the channe l is glob a l or phase dependent. The overlay channel field provides access to a field selection menu where you can pick another channel to overlay the existing channel. If the channel curves are different, a brown grap h line w ill show the differ ences between each channel. This can be helpful when try ing to create identical curves between multiple channels.
In the other menu, you can select the curve type (linear, flat and multi point). Tap on the curv e type icon to change the curve type. You can select the spline type by tapping on the spline icon.
In the value menu you can set the curve (travel) behavior of the channel. Depending on the curve ty pe selected you can move th e curve over the Y axis or X axis
and change each curve point or offset. To change a curve poi nt, move the control to select the point so that it becomes active.
You can make changes by tapping on the X and Y fields arrow keys or you can slide the colored tabs along the X and Y axes.
Adding or removing curve points can be done by moving the control over the curve p oint and, when highlighted, tapping the minus key for delete, or by positioning the control cursor over a point along the curve and tapping the plus key for adding a point.
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In the Tri m Set menu, you can set t he trim b ehavior for each of your trims, giving you the most optimal configuration for your trim settings.
You can have u p to 8 di fferent tri ms for each of your flight controls. To add a new trim, tap on a number in the number column to bring up the selection toolbar and tap the + icon. You will need to select a channel for which you would like to set up the trim.
To add a control, tap on the Ctrl field to select the control type you will be us ing for that channel.
Tapping the Function name permits the re assignment
of the current line settings to a different control function (channel). The Group icon will set the trim as global or phase dependent. The Value field shows the current value of the trim position for that channel. Tapping on the Store field will copy the current trim setting to memo ry a nd reset the t ri m
value back t o z e ro . This enabl es you t o try different t rim setting s an d v iew t h e d ifferences between the stored and current trim settings.
You can select from five different trim types depending on your needs and situation.
Linear decrease of trim impact on both sides of the neutral position.Even change of trim impact over control range. Linear decrease of trim impact towards neutral position on lower part of the control
Linear decrease of trim impact over entire control range.Inverted linear decrease of trim impact over entire range.
The Travel field value determines the maximum trim travel.
The Throttle Cut menu provides an easy way to control your throttle on/off position.
The Control field determines which control is going to be used for the throttle cut.
The Cut Off value determines at which position the throttle cut will occur. For example, on gas motors you would like to have your idle position at -100 but your cutoff at -130.
The Trigger value determines the threshold position when the throttle cut is engaged.
The Action field shows the active state of the throttle
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The D/R Expo menu enables you to set up c ontrol rates and exponential rates for each control surface. You can have up to 8 different control rates where each has four different sta te v alues.
To add another rate, tap on a number in the number column to bring up the selection toolbar and tap the + icon. You will need to select a channel for which you would like to set up rates. Tapping the Function name permits the re assignment of the current line settings to a different control function (channel).
The Group column will set the rate as global or phase dependent.
In the rate and exp o co lumn, y o u ca n set the minimum and max imum d e f lec tion r ate s and exponential values.
Tap on the detail icon to access the detail settings for this menu.
In the Dual Rate De tail me nu, y ou can assign the rates and switches that will operate your dual, triple or quad rates.
The detail menu has thre e sub menu settings.
Edit Ch. – Shows the current a ctive channel. Overlay Ch. – Provid es access to a se condary ch annel
you can lay over the current channel to compare channel curve settings.
Curve Type – Tapping on the curve icon changes the active curve type.
Group – Tapping on the group icon changes the current function from global or phase dependent.
Rate – Tapping on the value fields displays the control toolbar on the bottom. Use the l i n k icon to synchronize the value fields. Changing the values is done with the keys. Use the reset icon to reset values back to their default.
Expo - Tap on the expo value field to set the amount of desired expo. Note that, depending on the selected curve type, you can have a single or dual expo setting.
QR/EX - You ca n a ssi g n up t o fou r ra t es fo r ea ch cont rol su rfac e. T ap on th e fi el d nu mb er which is associated with the assigned control number to edit the rates.
To assign a control to activate a rate, tap on the control field. The select co ntrol input dialog will appear, where you can select the control you would like to use.
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In the Switch Set menu, you can set the switching point for controls, sliders and switches that can be used for activating mixes and controls when a logic control is used. It also allows you to set the trim steps and speed for the digital trims that are used with control surfaces such as ailerons and elevator.
Each trim and control can be independently set. To view the detail menu, tap on the DT, ST, LV or DV control.
In the configuration dialog you can set the following parameters.
Switching Position – The default is set at 75% for each travel direction . Th is indicates t h at when the cont rol is moved pa st the +75% or -75% position, a trigger event will happen that can be used with a logical switch. Lowering the values will cause the trigger point to be closer to the center point of the control.
Digital Trim – The defaul t val ues wil l det ermi ne how many steps a di gital trim control will have and how fast it will travel. Setting the steps to zero will disable the digital trim travel.
The switch set menu has additional pages that can be accessed with the arrow keys (top 2 keys left of screen) or by swiping the screen.
The secondary screen shows the current position of the mz-32 digital trims (DT), knobs (DV), levers (LV) and switches (SW). Moving each contro l or switch will animate the control on the screen while tapping on the control will open the configuration d ia log.
The additional screens on the switch set menu are for future development.
The mz-32 supports up to 6 user timers for time or lap recording. Timers can be either global or phase dependent.
Adding a new timer is done by tapping on the + sign or on the number of an existing entry to bring up the selection toolbar.
When tapping on the + sign, the timer type dialog appears where you can select the type of timer, lap or start/stop timer.
When the selection toolbar is active, you can perform delete, re-order or rename functions.
The group column shows if the timer is global or phase depe ndent. To change group status, tap on the group icon.
You can change the timer type by tapping on the type column. The Act icon indicates if the timer is active or disabled. Tapping on the Detail icon opens the timer set detail menu.
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