No liability for printing errors. We reserve the right to introduce modifications. 04/2006
Glue an ABS pin (part 98) in the pulley holder (part 96), and glue the pin in the front sealing plate
(part 95). Fix the cable pulley (part 97) in the pulley holder using an M2 x 6 cheesehead screw and
M2 nut.
30. Bend the cable guides (part 99) to shape from 1 mm Ø brass wire.
31. Assemble the pulley box (part 100 “E”) from the four laser-cut parts, then glue it to the outrigger. Fix
the cable drum (part 101) in the pulley box using a shaft (part 102).
32. Assemble the two-part actuator arm (part 105) from scrap ABS material, and glue it to the outrigger;
this part is only required if you are installing a working crane.
33. Attach the hinge lugs (parts 107 “G”) to the outrigger hinge lugs using one M2 x 6 cheesehead screw
and M2 nut; glue the hinge lugs to the crane column in the position shown on the plan.
34. Attach the edge guard (part 109 “F”) and the balustrade (part 110) to the operator’s platform (part 108
“E”); glue this assembly to the side of the crane.
35. The hydraulic cylinder (part 115) consists of two brass tubes which slide inside each other. Cut a 5.4
Ø / 4.6 Ø x 10 mm reducer sleeve (part 117) from the 5.4 Ø / 4.6 Ø x 50 mm inner tube (part 116),
and glue it in the 6.4 Ø / 5.6 Ø x 60 outer tube; Now glue the two connectors (part 118) in the reducer
sleeve and the inner tube.
36. The hydraulic cylinder can now be attached to the mounting lugs (part 114 “G”) using one M2 x 8
cheesehead screw and one M2 nut each; the lugs in turn are fixed to the underside of the crane
outrigger and the crane column.
37. Parts 119 to 138 are ready-made parts (laser-cut, tube and wire) which do not require any special
explanation to complete; they are shown clearly on the plan.
38. The superstructure (part 139) is supplied as a machine-trimmed v acuum-moulded component; the
first stage in completing it is to glue the front and rear vacuum-moulded door recesses (part 140, 141)
in place. Glue the square-section ABS reinforcements (part 142) in the corners of the superstructure.
39. The superstructure frame (part 143) can now be trimmed to fit. Position the frame and the
superstructure on the deck, and check that the superstructure rests squarely on the deck all round,
without any gaps, before you glue the frame in place.
40. The next step is to glue the machine-trimmed vacuum-moulded bridge (part 144) on the
superstructure, in the position shown in the drawing.
41. Cut out the door in-fill piece (part 145), trim it to fit against the side of the bridge, and glue it in place.
42. Trim the bridge frame (part 146) to fit in the bridge by sanding the outside edges at an angle,
producing a flat surface.
43. Cut the scrap material away from the vacuum-moulded bridge roof (part 147), and sand the cantilever
edges smooth.
44. The next step is to glue the bridge roof in place, but not until the bridge glazing has been fitted; this
involves cutting strips of the smoked-tint plastic sheet supplied, and gluing them on the inside of the
45. The front and rear windscreen wiper holders (parts 149, 150) take the form of square-section ABS
strip parts which are cut to the lengths stated in the Parts List. Attach the two-part screen wipers (part
151) to the wiper holders. The wipers should now be fitted with front and rear covers (parts 152, 153);
these are cut from ABS angle-section strip and are glued to the top edge of the windscreen wiper
46. Glue two brackets - the ladder holders (part 154) - to the front face of the bridge.
47. Bend the components of the bridge railing (part 155) to shape as shown in the drawing, bend the
ends at right-angles and solder three stanchions to the rails.
48. Fit the superstructure glazing (part 156) as described for the bridge: cut strips of smoked-tint plastic
sheet to suit, and glue them to the inside of the superstructure moulding.
49. The wall extensions (part 157 “E”) are laser-cut parts which have to be fitted with square-section ABS
reinforcements (part 158) on the inside. The extensions can then be glued to the superstructure and
the joints made good with filler paste, but please check their length first: they should reach as far as
the deck railing.
50. Cut two ventilator grilles (part 159) from the fly netting supplied, attach a frame (part 160 “G”) to each,
and glue them to the rear wall of the superstructure as shown in the drawing.
51. Parts 161 to 173 are all laser-cut parts, ready-made components or wire parts which are simply
prepared and fitted to the superstructure in the positions shown on the plan. The only parts which
have to be cut to length are the brass wire hinges and the door handles; the latter also have to be
bent to shape.
52. Prepare the small ventilator (part 174) and its frame (part 175 G), and glue them to the right-hand
(starboard) side of the superstructure.