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During construction
When handling adhesives and solvent-based materials it is important to observe the
safety notes and instructions supplied by the manufacturer. Many glues and solvents
are capable of causing injury and damage to materials if they are not used competently. Take waste glue and paint to your local model shop or toxic waste collection
Note that balsa knives, pins, etc. have sharp points and edges, and should be handled carefully to avoid injury.
Take care to keep tools, adhesives and paints out of the reach of children.
A large, unobstructed working surface is a great advantage for all types of modelmaking.
If you are a relative beginner and are not sure of any process, ask an experienced modeller for help.
Tools required to build the ASW 28
Pencil (HB lead), felt-tip pen, setsquare, tape measure or metre rule, household scissors, sharp narrow-bladed knife, e.g. balsa knife, Order No. 980, small electric drill,
set of twist drills, allen keys, syringe, Order No. 739.3.
Gluing different materials
The following table gives examples of some typical joints, but it makes no claim to be
Material Typical joint Adhesive
Order No.
GRP to Fuselage to UHU plus endfest 300
plywood formers Order No. 950.43
GRP to Camber-changing UHU plus endfest 300
aluminium flap to flap horn Order No. 950.43
Areas of the fuselage which are to be glued should be rubbed down with fine-grit
abrasive paper to remove any lingering traces of mould release agent. Carefully remove all sanding dust. Aim at reducing the glossy surface to a matt finish, otherwise
there is no chance of a durable glued joint between the fuselage and other parts.
When using adhesives it is important to observe the instructions supplied by the glue
manufacturer. The main Graupner FS catalogue includes many other types of adhesive.
When you are using solvent-based adhesives be sure to provide good ventilation in
your workroom.
Read the manufacturer’s instructions.