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Revision Report
DD35 Production Switcher
Documentation Order Number
Customer’s Manual
RU 0052, 000 212 245 200
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Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
DD35 Production Switcher
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
In modern Live-Production operators demand instant access to a wide variety of
desired image compositing functions in their digital production switchers. Successful work and best possible performance can only be attained when operators feel
comfortable in their driver’s seat. Therefore, DD35’s control panels are dedicated
to ease-of-use with a clearly structured, traditional Button-per-Function layout. Any
DD35 is an ideal production tool for live-sports, game-show and live news production, either in stationary studios or mobile applications. Furthermore, the advanced
control system with multiple-user access allows optimal use for complex post production in high-end online edit suites.
The control panels of the DD35 Production Switchers are designed with a conventional layout based on mixing levels (M/Es). This classic layout with matrix selection
on the left, followed by transition control and key adjustments for each ME is a familiar to many users.
To distinguish between individual functional groups, the various control groups are
subdivided into panels that are visually and structurally separated. Functions assigned to only one M/E have colored title bars and frames. Functions af fecting more
than one ME are identified with grey title bars and grey frames. Buttons with related
functions are identified with grey bars. Lines indicate controls with related functions.
The many identical functions of the switcher use single assignable control panels
for lower priority functions and separate control panels for higher priority functions
such as keyer controls. Controls have multiple functions only if those functions are
related, such as matte color controls.
Assignable control panels include delegation buttons that assign the relevant controls to a particular switching component. The delegation buttons are located in the
same position on each panel.
During normal switcher operation, the assignable control panels are automatically
delegated to the appropriate function by simply activating that function. For example, selecting a key mask in M/E3, keyer 2, will automatically delegate the assignable mask control panel to M/E3, keyer 2.
All switcher buttons have adjustable intensity to adapt to room lighting conditions.
The switcher is equipped with a PC-based Graphical User Interface (GUI) display
for the more complex switcher setup and timeline editing functions.
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
1 – 1
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
Production switcher for serial digital video signals according to ITU–R 601/656
10 Bit Processing / 270 MBit/s
626 / 525 line standard, switchable or auto detect
4:3 / 16:9 switchable, manually or per GPI
19”, 12 RU housing (+ 1HE for air supply),
20 m connection cable (50 ohms, cheapernet)
1 – 2
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
All basic mainframes include:
Power Supply
Switcher Lookahead Preview
Software package: The standard software includes many device drivers ac-
cording to the current state of development.
1–4 Mix / Effect Stages
Keyers and wipe generators see below (Key Functions, Wipe Generators).
32 DSC/SDI inputs each with modifier (Input Correction) for lum., contrast, hue,
color balance.
1 x sync input (analog blackburst)
AUX–Buses see below (Output Processor).
Fade-to-Black stage
Up to 3 more, external DSKs
3 x color backgrounds with 2 mattes each for washes (gradients).
Up to 27 color generators, each with 2 mattes and color wash ramp. Ramp can
be Softened, Rotated and Positioned. For Key Fills, Key Borders,Wipe Borders.
Additional two more color generators in Montage Processor Option (incl. dual
color and wash)
Preview modes: Look Ahead, Chromakey Cursor, Key, Mask, Transition.
10 x RS485 or RS422 serial interfaces
Protocols for edit systems, DVEs, Routers etc., partly optional. (min. 1 RS485
port for extern Tally/GPI needed !)
5 x RS232C serial interface
Modem port RS232C (not yet implemented)
8 internal GPI inputs, 8 internal GPI outputs
Limitation using small mainframe
In conjunction with the small mainframe, the switcher–internal sources COL
BGD 2 and COL BGD 3 are not available.
There is only one wipe generator board which, as in the DD35–4, is used by
both M/Es (WiperFlex). It can be determined by the configuration how to assign
the two generators on the board to the M/Es.
A further restriction concerns the connections to the future FX processor (mon-
tage processor slot). Two of the input and output connections each lead to the
second input processor. It follows from this that with a minimum configuration
(only one input processor with 16 inputs) only two inputs and two outputs of the
FX processor can be used.
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
1 – 3
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
Basic Mainframe for P/P and 3 M/E
Controller and Software ( for 4 stages)
Input Boards for 32 inputs
Standard Power Supply (2 units)
4 x PGM outputs (DSC) (MAIN OUT)
1 x Main PVW
1 x Clean Feed output, switchable
1 x DP output (diverse operating modes)
3 M/Es with each: 3 x M/E PGM and 1 x M/E PVW outputs
Basic Mainframe for P/P and 2 M/E
Controller and Software for 3 stages
Input Boards for 32 inputs
Standard Power Supply (2 units)
4 x PGM outputs (DSC) (MAIN OUT)
1 x Main PVW
1 x Clean Feed output, switchable
1 x DP output (diverse operating modes)
2 M/Es with each: 3 x M/E PGM and 1 x M/E PVW outputs
Basic Mainframe for P/P and 1 M/E
Controller and Software for 2 stages
Input Boards for 32 inputs
Single Power Supply (1 unit)
1 – 4
4 x PGM outputs(DSC) (MAIN OUT)
1 x Main PVW
1 x Clean Feed output, switchable
1 x DP output (diverse operating modes)
1 M/E with: 3 x M/E PGM and 1 x M/E PVW outputs
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
Basic Mainframe for 1 M/E
Controller and Software for 1 stage
Input Boards for 32 inputs
Single Power Supply (1 unit)
1 M/E with: 3 x M/E PGM and 1 x M/E PVW outputs
For each stage (M/E or P/P) one Key Processor (details see below) is manda-
tory. Each type has 3 linear/luminance keyers and 2 borderliners
1 x Key / Mask Store (4:0:0, 8 bit)
for masks/keys/Paint-Mode-Masking
Automated Key Adjustment AKA for all internal Keyers.
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
Key Modifiers: Positioning, Sizing, Softness
2 x borderliners / shadow effects for every keyer
Key masking: box per keyer, wipes or drawing (Paint-Mode-Masking) Processor RY 1943 with 2x Chroma Keyers
ChromaKey in Key1 and 2:
Based on a matting technique, DynaChrome achieves an excellent detail and
shadow reproduction, virtually no color spill.
Clip, Gain and FGD-Fade can reduce back ground noise and eliminate most
unwanted shadows. The automatic key alignment (AKA) is pre-adjustable for
any key color. The cursor allows an AKA for every key color.
Manual adjustment is possible, as well as separate adjustment for both adja-
cent hues (selectivities) and a radial displacement away from the center of the
color circle. Selectivity
Masking is the ability that allows different Chromakey settings to be simulta-
neously executed in different image areas within single Processor RY 1945 with 1x Chroma Key
ChromaKey in Key1, otherwise like RY 1943. See above. Processor RY 1944 without Chroma Key
Key functions see above.
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
1 – 5
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
One Output Processor (see below) is mandatory
AUX buses (e.g. for DVE Video+Key, Aux-PVW) with auto-follow for various
preview functions.
On Aux buses 1–5, the automatic internal line synchronization can be switched
off in order to allow external device loops (e.g. color correction ...). A feedback
of processed signals into the inputs works without additional 2V synchronization, provided their delay is some micro seconds only. Processor RY 2154 with 15 Aux Busses (1–15)
Output Processor with 15 Aux Busses Processor RY 2153 with 10 Aux Busses (1–10)
Output Processor with 10 Aux Busses Processor RY 2155 with 5 Aux Busses (1–5)
Output Processor with 5 Aux Busses for Output Processor
Texture / Matte Store RC 2181
4:0:0 Image store for freezing textures (derived from the wipe generator), respectively key signals for modulating the gradient between the two mattes of
the color background.
The Wash-Key signal can be determined with a wipe generator or from a keyer.
The option does not store the actual colors, but the transition information between them; i.e. with a stored color transition (via wipe), both mattes still can
be changed. Store content lost as soon as mixer is switched off.
Store gets inputs signals from M/E 1.
Image Store (frame grabber) RC 2182
4:2:2 store for freezing one full frame. Frame, Field 1/2 select possible for separate save as well as readout. This allows for 2 separate videos to be stored with
half vertical resolution. Horizontally the store contents can be shifted +/– 128
pixel in + / – 64 steps. ”Grab” function implemented for photo snapshot function-
ality on video.
The input of the store can access all primary sources, as well as the internal
signals PVW, PGM and Clean Feed.
The image store content gets lost as soon as the mixer is switched off.
1 – 6
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
Per M/E stage one board (see below) can be equipped.
Maximum 3 boards in the mainframe
43 wipe patterns
WiperFlex: Wipe Generator from M/E 1 can alternatively be setup for use in
Program/Preset. Processor (2x wipe) RY 1908
Board equipped with two generators. Processor (1x wipe) RY 1909
Board equipped with one generators.
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
1 – 7
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
1.1.9OTHER MAINFRAME OPTIONS Extension Board (Input 33 ... 48) RY 2151
Additional board, provides further 16 (DSC) inputs for expansion to 48 external
For model DD35–2 this option requires additional power supply RC 2160. Extension II (Inputs 49 ... 62) RC 2410
Additional board, provides further 14 (DSC) inputs for expansion to 62 external
sources. Extension to 48 inputs is mandatory for this option. This option cannot
be added later! Processor RY 1913
3 M/E Key Shadows
Movable double frame store for 2 x 4:2:2 or 1 x 4:2:2:4 video.
Manipulations: Additional level adjustment, Invert, Move picture, Posterization,
Solarization, Palette (Hue) Change, Strobe, Grab.
3 x Far Shadow Stores for Drop Shadows on keyed signals (one assignable
per dedicated ME, not in P/P of –4).
For model DD35–2 this option requires additional power supply RC 2160. Power Supply
Redundant power supply incl. auto switch-over for the DD35 mainframe. Sepa-
rate power supply cords, units exchangeable while in use (hot swap). In case
of failure or switch-over, a warning is given via the Alarm output and/or through
the GUI (TFT–Display).
Redundant Power Supply for DD35-3/-4 Mainframe RC 2180
Redundant Power Supply for DD35-1/-2 Mainframe RC 2160
1 – 8
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
Panel is dark grey.
6 x GP Input, 6 x GP Output
4 x RS485 or RS422 (UMD, Aux ...)
2 x RS232C at panel
Modem port RS232C (not yet implemented)
Built-in PC for new, intuitively usable Graphical User Interface and additional
operational features. Floppy Disk, SCSI HardDisk and TFT Color LCD Display
incl. one software license belong to the delivery extent.
Connectors: 2x RS232C, PC Keyboard, Parallel port, LCD Digital port, VGA
port, separate LAN port.
PS/2 Mouse included.
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
Control panel set with 32 input source buttons (”LX”)
4 separate modules
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
1 – 9
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher (initial order only)
”LX” Input Mnemonics Extension for 3 M/Es RC 2212
4-digit LED Display for the mixer banks. The mnemonics display for the AUX
bus selection and the P/P stage comes as standard.
Redundant Power Supply Panel, RC 2213
Common redundant power supply incl. automatic switch-over for all panel.
Separate power supply cords. In case of failure or switch-over, a warning is
given on panel (DIAGN) and GUI and optional using a GP Output (later orders
”LX” All-in-one Mounting Frame Set (32 Sources) RC 2227
Is needed when all delivered, separated panel modules have to be combined
for a single unit. This mainly applies to studio desks not having a tilted back wall.
The set contains mounting flanges and facings varnished in dark grey, where
in the long RP A, RPV and RPW modules can be fitted in for attachment to the
RPD35 base panel. A special tilting mechanism is provided for the display module’s viewing angle. Individually adjustable and lockable.
1 – 10
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
Control panel set with 24 input source buttons (”L”)
4 separate modules (initial order only)
”L” Input Mnemonics Extension for 3 M/Es RC 2211
4-digit LED Display for the mixer banks. The mnemonics display for the AUX
bus selection and the P/P stage comes as standard.
Redundant Power Supply PanelRC 2213
Common redundant power supply incl. automatic switch-over for all panel.
Separate power supply cords. In case of failure or switch-over, a warning is
given on panel (DIAGN) and GUI and optional using a GP Output (later orders
”L” All-in–one Mounting Frame Set (24 Sources) RC 2226
Is needed when all delivered, separated panel modules have to be combined
for a single unit. This mainly applies to studio desks not having a tilted back wall.
The set contains mounting flanges and facings varnished in dark grey, where
in the long RP A, RPV and RPW modules can be fitted in for attachment to the
RPD35 base panel. A special tilting mechanism is provided for the display module’s viewing angle. Individually adjustable and lockable.
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
1 – 11
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
Control panel set with 24 input source buttons
4 separate modules (initial order only)
Input Mnemonics Extension 2 M/EsRC 2363
4-digit LED Display for the mixer banks. The mnemonics display for the AUX
bus selection and the P/P stage comes as standard.
Redundant Power Supply PanelRC 2376
Common redundant power supply incl. automatic switch-over for all panel.
Separate power supply cords. In case of failure or switch-over, a warning is
given on panel (DIAGN) and GUI and optional using a GP Output (later orders
All-in-one Mounting Frame Set for RPS 35-3 RC 2360
Is needed when all delivered, separated panel modules have to be combined
for a single unit. This mainly applies to studio desks not having a tilted back wall.
The set contains mounting flanges and facings varnished in dark grey, where
in the long RP A, RPV and RPW modules can be fitted in for attachment to the
RPD35 base panel. A special tilting mechanism is provided for the display module’s viewing angle. Individually adjustable and lockable.
1 – 12
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
Control panel set with 24 input buttons
Aux, Wipe and GUI control section in basic module integrated
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher (initial order only)
Input Mnemonics Extension M/E+AUX RC 2362
4-digit LED Display for input names
Redundant Power Supply Panel RC 2376
Common redundant power supply incl. automatic switch-over for all panel Sep-
arate power supply cords. In case of failure or switch-over, a warning is given
on panel (DIAGN) and GUI and optional using a GP Output.
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
1 – 13
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
The production switcher panel RPD35-2/S with one mixing level M/E and one Program/Preset, as well as the touch screen display panel.
Compact control panel with 28 primary source buttons. Aux and Wipe module integrated. GUI integrated with touch screen. The four USB ports allow connention of
PC peripherals like mouse, floppy drive, CD-ROM etc.
Common redundant power supply incl. automatic switch-over for all panel Sep-
arate power supply cords. In case of failure or switch-over, a warning is given
on panel (DIAGN) and GUI and optional using a GP Output.
1 – 14
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
Must order initially together with basic panel. Operation system software is pre-
SCSI HDD, min. 2,16 GB, mounted in separate housing for external connec-
tion. With power and SCSI connection cables.
Allows in case of an emergency (head crash etc. ...) the switch-over to external
booting instead of initialization from drive C:.
Note: Automatic update to the working status of the built–in drive C: not sup-
ported at this time.
Operating System Windows 95 pre-installed, as well as side panel SW.
Includes software licenses (Windows 95 & and Sidepanel software DS 0103). System Windows NT for Panel PC, RC 2380
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
in preparation
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
1 – 15
1. GeneralDD35 Production Switcher
Includes protocols DS0141 and DS0143. This port protocol license entitles the
purchaser to use the Tally option. Tally software translates the internal control
information for further use via serial RS485 ports. Only one license is needed
for control of various distribution units or Facility Control Systems (e.g. Jupiter).
Depending on the number of these units, several Tally channels are available
(known as red, yellow, green Tally) per running Application.
Tally Ch.1: Standard. OnAir source signalling.
Preset Tally: Tally for selected sources not being put OnAir (”yellow”).
Tally Ch. 2: Green Tally like Channel 1, with separate OnAir control input.
Direct connection of tally indicators only via separately available distribution
units (e.g. MI-3040). Source indication assignment dedicated to specific output
MI-3040 Emulation allows use of MI-3040 units driven by Jupiter Control System. Up to 6 MI-3040 units will then be simulated by using a separate DD35
mainframe port.
1.3.2TALLY I/O BOX, MI-3040
For switchers with 48 inputs 2 tally boxes are recommended. With 36 inputs 3
tally boxes are recommended.
MI-3040 occupies 2 RU per box. Fastest tally signalling when controlled by
dedicated ports, max. 6 units per RS485 port.
Box1:Red Tally
Box2: Red Tally, Expansion
Box3:IOutputs:Source 49–62
Extra Box: GPI / GPO Expansion, for ext. GPI / GPO a
For Red and Green tally additional boxes are neccesssary.