User's Guide to the FHP3P01
PON Power Meter
English Version
User's Guide to the FHP3P01
PON Powe r Meter
1 Introducti on
1.2 Main Funct ion an d Spec ifications
1.3 Specific atio n
2 Warranty
3 Safety Infor mati on
3.1 Discharg ed bat teri es
3.2 AC operatio n
4 Preparing fo r Oper atio n
5 Operation
5.1 Layout
5.2 Key’s Functio ns
5.3 Definiti ons
5.4 Quick Operatio n
5.5 Detail Ope rati on
5.5.1 Poweri ng On th e Inst rument
5.5.2 Test mode switc h
5.5.3 Threshold S etup
5.5.4 Time Setup
5.5.5 Unit Switch
5.5.6 Reference Value Se tup
5.5.7 Backlit Setu p
5.5.8 Descriptio n of Mem ory Record Functi on
6 Remarks
7 Advice
8 Calibratio n Manu al
1.1 Summery
FHP3P01 / Introduction
1. Inroduction
1.1 Summery
FHP3P01 is a portabl e, h igh quality PON optical power
meter. It is specifically designed to meet the rapid
growth of FTTx market with PON (Pas sive Optical
Network) technologies. It is capable to measure all
three signals (1310nm, 1490nm and 1550nm) that
carry voice, data and video, so-called tripl e-play
applicatio n s along a single fi b e r. FHP3P01 ca n
measure not on ly 1490nm and 1550nm opti cal signal,
but also accurate ly detect and mea sure the upstream
burst at 1310nm sent from an ONU w hile the ONU is in
the idle mode. The simp le operation and accurat e
measurement make FHP3P01 bec omes an ideal tool
for P ON (suitable for APON, BPON, EPON and GP ON
application) installation/accepta nce test to ensure th at
they meet required s tandards, and service activation
and troubleshooting.
1.2 Main Function and Specifications
● Cost eff icient palm size designed for field and lab testi ng
● Support P/F measurement and n ormal measurement
● Easy-to-use interface wit h large color TFT displa y for easy visibility and LED indicators.
● Simply connec t-and-display the results of all three wavelengths (13 10/1490/1550n m) of
PON signals with two optical po rts
● Detect and measure the upstre am burst at 1310nm
● Support APON, BPON, EPON and GPON networks
● Pass, Fail and Warning indicator s for easy view of sign al condition
● User definable threshold va lue (up to 10 sets)
● Auto power shut off
● Low battery warning
● USB interface
● Real-time clock
● Un it runs either by Ni-MH/Lithium battery for more tha n 20 hours continuously work or AC/ DC
FHP3P01 / Introduction
FHP3P01 / Specification
1.3 Specification:
Connector Typ e
Measurement R ang e
(Continuous D ata str eam )
Burst measure men t ran ge
(131 0nm b urs ted signal)
Spectral Pass ban d
1310nm 1490nm
2.8 inch TF T LC D
10 sets(confi gur ed vi a PC- bas ed so ftware)
2(1 for ONU,1 for O LT& .Video)
-10 to +50°C
0%~95%,non- con den sin g
1.2V*4pcs Ni- MH AA; 1 2V AC/ DC Ada pte r;
3. 2 v* 2pc s lit hiu m bat ter y+2pcs fake ba tte ry
>20 hours
190mm*105mm *55 mm( L*W *H)
-40dBm~+10d Bm -5 0dB m~+ 15d Bm -5 0dB m~+20dBm
1310nm 1490nm 1550 nm
1260nm~1360 nm
1480nm~1550 nm
1539nm~1565 nm
-32dBm~+10d Bm
Insertion Los s
Data Storage
Refresh Rate of D isp lay
Auto Power-off
Number of Ports
Operating Temp era tur e
Relative Humi dit y
Power Supply
Battery life
Net We igh t
NOTE : Val id a t 155 0n m,C W,2 3±3°C ,Rela ti ve Hu mi dit y≤70 %,w it h an FC c on necto r.
FHP3P01 / Warranty
2. Warranty
One Year Limited Warranty
Grandway products are warra nted against the defective components and wor kmanship for a peri od
of one year from the date of delive ry to the original cu stomer. Any product found to be de fective
within the warranty period wo uld be returned to Grandway authorized servic e center for repair,
replacement and calibrati on.
The warranty on your equipmen t shall not apply to defects resulting from the fol lowing:
Unauthorized repair or modification
Misuse, negligence, or accident
Returning Product
To return product, you may contac t Grandway to obtai n additional information i f necessary.
To serve you better, please specif y the reasons for the r eturn.
All delive ry and mails should b e sent to the following addres s:
Grandway Customer Service
6F, Xin'an building No. 99 Tianzho u Road
Shanghai , 200233 P.R. China
Contact Us
Tel: 0086-21-54451260/61/ 62/63
Fax: 0086-21-54451266
E-mail: overseas@grandw ay.com.cn
Websit e: www.grandway.com.cn
FHP3P01 / Warranty
FHP3P01 / Safety Information
3. Safety Information
Neve r lo ok di re ctl y in to op ti cal out puts or a f iber wh il e the e qu ipm en t is on .I nvisi ble las er beam m ay d ama ge y our e ye s.
Do not s ho rt- ci rcu it t he te rm inal of AC a dapte r / ch arg er a nd th e ba tte ri es. Ex cessi ve elec tr ica l cu rre nt m ay ca us e per so nal inj ury due t o
fume s, ele ct ric s ho ck or e qu ipmen t damag e.
Conn ec t AC pow er c ord w it h the e qu ipm en t and wal l socke t pr ope rl y. Wh ile i ns ert in g the AC plu g, make s ure the re i s no du st o r dir t on t he
term in als a nd b oth p lu gs ar e fu lly sea ted. In compl et e eng ag eme nt m ay ca us e fumin g, elec tric sh oc k or eq ui pme nt d ama ge a nd may re sult
in per so nal i nj ury.
Do not o pe rat e th e equ ip men t ne ar hot ob jects , in hot en vi ron me nts , in d ust y/ h umid at mosph er e or wh en c ond en sat io n is pr es ent on th e
equi pm ent . Th is m ay re su lt in e le ctric s hock , pr od uct m al fun ct ion o r po or pe rf orman ce.
lithium battery must use with pairs( one lithium battery + one fake battery) and charge with
special external charger in a ccessory ,while c harging user must n ot put fake battery o n the
charger, this will cause the damage of the charger, GR ANDWAY will not be respo nsible for
any probelm caused by using unproper operation!
3.1 Discharged batteries
1) When the battery power is almo st out, there will be a w arning of indicator keeps blinking, then
please rep lace the batterie s or use AC adapter to charge batteries.
2) Please make sure that you have t urned the instrum ent on before charge the batteries, unplug the
AC adapter when the batteries a re fully charged.
3) Please make sure the batteri es are well placed before charge them.
4) To eliminate the possibility o f acid leakage, please take out the batteries if th e unit will not be used
for a long time.
FHP3P01 Discharged batteries /