Grandstream UCM6100 User Manual

Grandstream Networks, Inc.
UCM6100 Basic Configuration Guide
Grandstream Networks, Inc.
VERIEW ...................................................................................................... 4
SETUP GUIDE SCENARIO................................................................................ 4
QUICK INSTALLATION ..................................................................................... 5
Connecting the UCM6102 ..................................................................................................................... 5
Access UCM6100 series Web Interface ................................................................................................ 5
CREATE USER EXTENSION ............................................................................. 6
Configure Extension Range ................................................................................................................... 6
Batch & Single User Creation ................................................................................................................ 7
Steps on Adding Single User .......................................................................................................... 7
Steps on Adding Batch of Users ..................................................................................................... 8
PROVISIONING & ZERO CONFIG .................................................................... 10
Auto Discovering .................................................................................................................................. 10
Extension Assignment.......................................................................................................................... 11
CONFERENCE BRIDGE ................................................................................. 12
How to Setup a Conference Bridge ..................................................................................................... 12
IVR ........................................................................................................... 14
Configure IVR ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Create New IVR ................................................................................................................................... 14
TRUNKS ..................................................................................................... 16
Analog Trunks ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Setup Analog Trunk ...................................................................................................................... 16
VoIP T runks .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Setup VoIP Trunk .......................................................................................................................... 17
CALL ROUTES ............................................................................................. 19
Outbound Routes ................................................................................................................................. 19
How to Configure an Outbound Route ......................................................................................... 19
Inbound Routes .................................................................................................................................... 20
Setup Inbound Route .................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 1: Typical UCM Scenario ................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2: Quick Installation Guide for UCM6102 .......................................................................................... 5
Figure 3: Quick Installation Guide – Log in Screen ....................................................................................... 5
Figure 4: Create User Extension – Extension Range ................................................................................... 6
Figure 5: Create User Extension – Extensions ............................................................................................. 7
Figure 6: Create User Extension – Create New User ................................................................................... 7
Figure 7: Create User Extension – Created Single User .............................................................................. 8
Figure 8: Create User Extension – Batch Add User ..................................................................................... 8
Figure 9: Create User Extension – Create User Prompt .............................................................................. 8
Figure 10: Create User Extension – Single and Batch Add Extensions Created ......................................... 9
Figure 11: Provisioning with Zero Config – Auto Discovery ........................................................................ 10
Figure 12: Provisioning with Zero Conf ig – Extension Assignment ............................................................ 11
Figure 13: Provisioning with Zero Conf ig – Manually Assigned Extension ................................................. 11
Figure 14: Provisioning with Zero Conf ig – Ext e nsio n Stat us ..................................................................... 11
Figure 15: Conference Bridge – Create New Conference Room ............................................................... 12
Figure 16: Conference Bridge – Create New Conference Room ............................................................... 13
Figure 17: Conference Bridge – Conference In Progress ........................................................................... 13
Figure 18: IVR – Manage IVR ..................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 19: IVR – Create New IVR ............................................................................................................... 15
Figure 20: IVR – Key Pressing Events ........................................................................................................ 15
Figure 21: Analog Trunks – Create New Analog Trunk ............................................................................... 16
Figure 22: VoIP Trunks – Create New Register SIP Trunk ......................................................................... 18
Figure 23: VoIP Trunks – Edit VoIP Trunk ................................................................................................... 18
Figure 24: Status – Trunks .......................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 25: Routes – Create Outbound Route ............................................................................................. 20
Figure 26: Routes – Create Inbound Route ................................................................................................ 21


This document will pr ovide instructio ns on ho w setup a UCM6100 series from an out of the box state to a fully function al stat e. T his inclu des design c ons iderati ons, cr eati ng user ext ensions , pro visionin g endpoints with Zero-C onfig, conferencing, auto attendant configuration, analog/VoIP tr unks, routing inbound/outbound calls and voicemail/fax to email setup.
For detailed inform ation in r egar ds to parameters that ar e encou nt ere d i n th is guide, p lease c h ec k t he
UCM6100 series User Manual


In this setup guide we will be using the U CM6102 whic h has a WAN and LAN interface. The im age below shows the most t ypical setu p where you ha ve the UCM6100 series WAN port connected to th e Internet and the LAN side of the UCM6100 series providing DHCP.
We will use this scenario t o setup a Grandstr eam GXP2124 which will be conne cted to the LA N side of the UCM6100 series. There can also be a network switch connected to the LAN port of the UCM6100 series so that there may be more than one device connected.
Figure 1: Typical UCM Scenario



Figure 2: Quick Installation Guide for UCM6102


Accessing the UCM6100 series web interface al low u ser s to m anage us ers and system settings locally as well as remotely.
To access the web UI, depends on where the user’s computer is connected. If the computer is connected to the same switch/router that the UCM6100 series WAN port is connected, then browse to the IP addressed that is displayed on the UCM6100 series LCD. This address is the WAN IP. If the computer is connected to the LAN side of the UCM6100 series, then users would browse to the default IP of the UCM6100 series which is 1 92.1 68.2 .1. If success f ul, the UC M6100 series login p age wil l be dis p layed as shown below.
Figure 3: Quick Installation Guide – Login Screen



First part of conf iguring the UCM6100 series shou ld be about planning for ex pansion. Here are some questions to think about when setting up extension ranges:
How many users are in the office?
Will there be departments within the office?
Is this office interconnecting with another office?
Once there’s a clear pic ture of how m any users will be at eac h locat ion , how dep artm ents are going to be segmented and what’s the expected growth of the company, a user can then configure the extension range. Navigate to PBX Internal Options General.
Figure 4: Create User Extension – Extension Range
In the figure above, the user ex tension range is set with a starting extens ion of 100 and ending at 195. This allows u p to 196 extens ions to as s ign to users. We have also created a c o nf er enc e exte ns io n r an ge from 196 to 199, which gives 4 c onference bridges. Users can configure an y extension range as they desire. Here we’ve configured it to use three digit extensions with a leading 1.
Click “Save” at the bott om. Then rem ember to clic k on “Apply Chang es” at the top s o that our extens ion range will be ready for the next steps.


So now that there’s extension ranges configured, we can now begin creating users to prepare for the provisioning process . Ther e are t wo methods of cr eating a us er. On e m ethod would be creat ing a s ingle user. The other method would be creating a batch of users.
1. Navigate to PBX Basic/Call Routes Extensions. For first time setups users will see “No Extension defined”.
Figure 5: Create User Extension – Extensions
2. Click on “Create New User”
3. On the “Create New User” screen, users can enter in quite a few options, but they are not required for this tutorial. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page.
Figure 6: Create User Extension – Create New User
After clicking “Save” the Extensions pag e will disp lay with the single SI P extension tha t was just creat ed. Here the user has the ability to edit the extensions by clicking the at the right.
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