proprietary and confidential and is considered the copyrighted work of Grandstream
Networks, Inc.
BroadWorks® and BroadWorks Assistant–Enterp rise™, BroadWor ks Call Center™,
BroadWorks Communicator™, BroadWorks Receptionist™, and BroadWorks
Deployment Studio™ are trademarks of BroadSoft, Inc.
Microsoft, MSN, Windows, and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. Other product names mentio ned in this docume nt may be trademarks o r
registered trademarks of their respective compa nies and are hereby a cknowledged.
This document is printed in the United States of Ame rica.
This document describes the configuration procedures requi red for the Grandst ream
GXV/GXP/BT phones to be interoperable with BroadWorks. This includes the following
Grandstream phone models:
The GXV/GXP/BT phones use the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) to communicate with
BroadWorks for call control.
This guide describes the specifi c configur ation items tha t are import ant for use wit h
BroadWorks. It does not describe the pur pose and u se of all configura tion items on t he
GXV/GXP/BT. For those details, see the GXV/GXP/BT User Manual supplied by
Grandstream [1].
This section provides the known interoperability status of the Grandstream GXV/GXP/BT
with BroadWorks. This includes the version(s) tested, capabilities supported and known
Interoperability testing validates that the device interfaces properly with BroadWorks via
the SIP interface. Qualitative aspects of the device or device capabilities not affecting the
SIP interface such as display features, performance, and audio qualities are not covered
by interoperability testing. Requests for information and/or issues regarding these aspects
should be directed to Grandstream.
2.1 Verified Versions
The following table identifies the verified Grandstream GXV/GXP/BT and BroadWorks
versions and the month/year the testing occurre d. If the device has un dergone more than
one test cycle, versions for each test cy cle are listed, with the most recent list ed first.
Compatible Versions in the following table identify specific Grandstream versions which
the partner has identified as compatible and should interface properly with BroadWorks.
Generally, maintenance releases of the validated version are con sidered compatible and
may not be specifically listed here. Contact Grandstream for any questions concerning
maintenance and compatible releases.
NOTE: Interoperability testing is normally performed with the latest generally available (GA)
device firmware/software and the latest GA BroadWorks release and service pack at the time the
testing occurs. If there is a need to use a non-verified mix of BroadWorks and device software
versions, customers can mitigate their risk by self-testing the combination using the BroadWorks
The Grandstream GXV/GXP/BT has completed interoperability testing with BroadWorks
using the BroadWorks SIP Access Device Interoperability Test Plan [5]. The re sults are
summarized in the following table.
The BroadWorks test plan is composed of packages, each covering distinct
interoperability areas, such as “Basic” call scenarios and “Redundancy” scenarios. Each
package is composed of one or more t est items which i n turn are comp osed of one or
more test cases. The test plan exercises the SIP interface between the device and
BroadWorks with the intent to ensure interoperability sufficient to support the BroadWorks
feature set.
The Supported column in the following table identifies the Grandstream GXV/GXP/BT‘s
support for each of the items covered in the test pla n packages, with the followi ng
Yes Test item is supported.
No Test item is not supported.
NA Test item is not applicable to the device type.
NT Test item was not tested.
Caveats or clarifications are identified in the Com ments column.
Note that DUT in the following table refers to the Device Under T est which in this case is
the Grandstream phone.
BroadWorks SIP Access Device Interoperability Test Plan Support Table
Test Plan Package Test Plan Package Items Supported Comments
Basic Call Origination Yes
BroadWorks SIP Access Device Interoperability Test Plan Support Table
Test Plan Package Test Plan Package Items Supported Comments
SBC/ALG Register Yes
Outgoing Invite Yes
Incoming Invite Yes
Video – Basic Video
Call Origination No GXV models only.
Call Termination No GXV models only.
Call Hold No GXV models only.
Call Waiting No GXV models only.
Call Transfer No GXV models only.
This section lists the known interoperability issues between BroadWorks and specifi c
partner release(s). Issues identified during interoperability testing and known issues
identified in the field are listed.
The following table provides a description of each issu e and, where possib le, identifies a
workaround. The verified partner device version s are listed with an “X” in dicating that the
issue occurs in the specific release. The issues identifi ed are device de ficiencies or bugs,
so typically not BroadWorks release dependent.
The Issue Number is a BroadSoft ExtraView partner i ssue number if the testing was
performed by BroadSoft. If the testing was performed by the partner or a third party, the
partner may or may not supply a tracking numbe r.
For more information on any issues related to the p articular pa rtner device releas e, see
the partner release notes.
Issue Number Issue Title and Description Partner Releases
All BroadWorks Releases
GXP-2000 / BT-200,
GXV-3140 v1.0.2.18
Click-to-Answer fails.
The Grandstream phone fails to auto answer
after receiving INVITE with alert-info:
answer-after = 0 for click-to-answer
Workaround: None. Issue is fixed in
releases after