GRAND SOLAR BLAZING TUBES Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual

The Blazing Tubes domestic solar water heating system has gone through an extensive design, technical and performance review by the Solar Rating & Certification Corpora­tion (SRCC). The installation of your Blazing Tubes system is intended to be executed by properly licensed and experienced professional contractors in accordance with SRCC Standard OG-300, "Operating Guidelines and Minimum Standards For Certify­ing", and must conform to applicable federal, state and local regulations, codes, ordi­nances and standards governing the installation of solar water heating systems.
The solar energy system described by this manual, when properly installed and main­tained, meets the minimum standards established by the SRCC. This certification does not imply endorsement or warranty of this product by the SRCC.
OG-300 system certification is granted to Grand Solar by the SRCC. It may not be used for any commercial purpose without the prior written consent of Grand Solar. Grand So­lar must approve any deviation from the materials and methods described in this man­ual in writing.
Blazing Tubes units may be safely installed in areas within the continental United States that experience mild winter climates.
Because Blazing Tubes unit has superior heat conservation characteristics it may be safely installed wherever mild winters are the norm. However geographic areas, which experience continuous hard freezes, are inappropriate for Blazing Tubes installations. Do not install if local temperatures ever fall to:
10ºF / -12˚C for 6 consecutive hours, or
20ºF / -7˚C for 18 consecutive hours
Grand Solar prohibits the installation of Blazing Tubes systems in any areas susceptible to temperatures lower than those stated above. Warranty coverage is voided in the event this prohibition is ignored.
PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1) INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1
2) SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONAL PRINCIPLE.......................................................... 2
3) INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS - GENERAL - .......................................................................... 2
A. Permits .................................................................................................................................... 2
B. Code ........................................................................................................................................ 2
C. Structural & Shading Considerations ....................................................................................... 2
D. Roof and Site Inspection.......................................................................................................... 2
E. Confirmation of Installation Site ............................................................................................... 2
4) INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS - SPECIFIC - ........................................................................... 3
A. Location, Orientation and Tilt ................................................................................................... 3
B. Blazing tubes Roof Mounting Procedures, Materials and Methods........................................... 3
C. Ground Mounting..................................................................................................................... 5
D. System Plumbing..................................................................................................................... 5
E. Plumbing Two Blazing Tubes................................................................................................... 8
F. Insulation Procedures .............................................................................................................. 8
5) SYSTEM START UP PROCEDURES ............................................................................................. 9
6) OVERHEAT PROTECTION ...........................................................................................................10
7) ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ..................................................................................10
8) SYSTEM COMPONENTS ..............................................................................................................11
9) ESTIMATED COMPONENT LIFE ..................................................................................................11
10) SYSTEM MODEL NUMBERS ......................................................................................................11
1 Grand Solar Inc. Blazing Tubes Manual
Let us first offer two words of grateful appreciation. Thank You! We sincerely appreciate your business. Grand Solar also wishes to say thank you for “going solar.” Solar water heating sys­tems reduce our nation’s dependence on polluting fossil fuels, minimize the greenhouse gas emissions associated with conventional water heating and, very importantly, lower your monthly utility costs.
Your Blazing Tubes system has been designed to meet exacting SRCC certification require­ments. The specific components found in your system have been selected by your contractor for their proven reliability, longevity and performance.
Solar water heating systems are climate and site specific appliances. Different types of solar systems are installed around the world based upon local and regional weather and water quality conditions. System performance varies as a function of household hot water load, including daily showers and baths, laundry and kitchen uses, local ground water and ambient air tempera­tures, your home’s roof pitch and orientation and, of course, the seasonal intensity of solar ra­diation. These variables, some of which change from home to home in the same neighborhood, will determine how much energy and money your Blazing Tubes system will save on an annual basis.
This manual is intended as a basic solar water heating primer. Our goal is to familiarize you with the proper installation, operation and maintenance of your Blazing Tubes system. This sys­tem is required to be installed by properly licensed solar or plumbing contractors in accordance with SRCC certification requirements and all applicable national, state and local codes, ordi­nances and regulations governing solar water heating systems as well as good trade practices. Failure to follow the procedures and practices described in this manual can void the manufac­turer’s warranty for specific component parts.
2 Grand Solar Inc. Blazing Tubes Manual
The Blazing Tubes is an integral collector stor­age system. Systems combine the collector and storage tank in a single roof-mounted unit. sys­tems, in general, serve as pre-heaters for con­ventional electric or gas water heaters. In some parts of the world the Blazing Tubes may serve as the sole water heater or will be used in con­junction with a tankless, wall-mounted instanta­neous gas water heater.
The Blazing Tubes also is referred to as a “pas­sive” system because it does not require me­chanical pumps, thermostats, sensors, wiring or electricity to make hot water. Your Blazing Tubes will neither freeze nor overheat during prolonged periods of disuse if installed and main­tained in accordance with the instructions con­tained in this manual.
The inherent simplicity and durability of the Blaz­ing Tubes makes it a popular choice for the con­tinental U.S. Sunbelt or markets outside the U.S. where persistent hard freezes do not occur.
The Blazing Tubes System combines collection and storage of solar heated water within eight 5” glass vacuum tubes. Mechanically attached to these tubes are eight EPDM boots, which house eight copper heat exchangers, plumbed in se­ries. Insulation surrounds these boots and their
internal heat exchangers, helping conserve the heat collected by the glass tubes. These tubes get filled with non-pressurized water, which acts as a thermal battery for collected solar energy. Pressurized domestic water flows though the copper heat exchangers upon demand. Each Blazing Tubes unit supplies 40 gallons of solar hot water in a completely passive manner. The Blazing Tubes system is used in conjunction with any conventional gas, oil or electric water heater.
A. Permits
The contractor shall obtain all required permits and approvals.
B. Code
The installation shall conform to all federal, state and local regulations, codes, ordinances and standards governing solar water heating system installations, and the contractor shall adhere to sound building safety and trade practices. Spe­cial consideration must be given to building code requirements for roof loading and the penetration of structural members and fire rated assemblies.
C. Structural & Shading Considera­tions
The Blazing Tubes must be located in a structur­ally sound area of the roof that will be unshaded for the majority of the day all year round. Adja­cent buildings and trees should be checked for possible winter shading. An instrument such as the Solar Pathfinder can be used for solar site analysis. (Solar Pathfinder can be reached at 605-528-6473).
D. Roof and Site Inspection
Before the installation, the contractor shall in­spect the condition of the roof and notify the homeowner of any existing roof damage or nec­essary repairs.
E. Confirmation of Installation Site
The homeowner and contractor shall confirm the location of all roof and ground mounted compo­nents in advance of the installation.
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