The Kiva Fireplace KithasbeenexTensivelyTesTed. asaparTofThisTesTinganofficial
“installation instructionsand operations” manualhasbeenwriTTen. Thismanualshould
beusedduringacTualinsTallaTion. TheinTenTionofThis “Kiva Fireplace Kit inFormation
uide” isTohelpdevelopanoverallundersTandingofwhaTThe Kiva Fireplace Kit is, and
leasekeepinmindThaTThisfireplaceshouldbeinsTalled only byaconsTrucTion
indusTrylicensedconTracTor, oracerTifiedinsTaller. localcodesshouldbecheckedand
To be used as a supplement to original manufactures manual only. NOT intended
to replace original manufactory installation/owners manual. Refer to original
owner’s manual for specic clearances, operating instructions and additional
the SIx major Component SeCtIonSofthe KIva fIreplaCe KItare:
Firebox Assembly
Chimney System
Air Intake System
Gas Assembly (optional)
Face Frame
1. fIrebox aSSembly
The Firebox Assembly consists of three Firebox Sections. During
installation, these Firebox Sections are stacked to form a traditional
looking masonry rebox. The entire Firebox Assembly weighs less than
600 pounds and two people can lift each section. Special structural
support is not required because of its minimal weight.
2. ChImney SyStem
The function of the Chimney System is to evacuate smoke from the Firebox
Assembly to the outside. The Chimney System consists of two main
elements, the Chimney Chase and the Double Wall Chimney Pipe. The
Chimney Chase is the passage that conceals the Double Wall Chimney
Pipe. It is important that the Double Wall Chimney Pipe maintain a space
The major component of the Air Intake System is the Wall
Vent. It looks much like a common dryer vent, only larger.
The Air Intake System delivers outside air to support
three important functions.
The Air Intake System delivers cool outside air to the
outer chamber of the Double Wall Chimney Pipe to cool the outer wall and reduce re hazard.
The Air Intake System provides cool air to circulate
and cool the space around the Firebox Assembly
behind the Face Frame.
The Wall Vent also supplies outside air to the
Combustion Air Tube, which is built into the Firebox
Base. The outside air enters the rebox area and
supports combustion instead of using the warm air from
the room, which greatly increases the efciency of the
A three-coat plaster process is the most popular nish applied to the
All necessary components you will need to install your Kiva Fireplace Kit are shown below.
1. fIrebox aSSembly ComponentS
Flue Goo
Firebox Top
Firebox Middle
Concrete Blocks
Firebox Base
Damper. The Damper is made of steel and mounts to the top of the assembled Firebox Sections. To open
or close the Damper one simply reaches up into the rebox and pulls a lever. When using a Gas Log Set the
replace Damper must be permanently removed or locked in the open position. For the installation of the Gas
Log Set follow the installation manual provided by the manufacturer.