grandinote demone – user manual
introduction Pag. 3
product descrition Pag. 3
specifications Pag. 4
warnings Pag. 5
Positioning Pag. 6
Connections - Rear Panel Pag. 7
front panel Pag. 8
Pag. 2 di 9
grandinote demone – user manual
Grandinote congratulates with you for the excellent choice done, buying this
exclusive amplifier, masterpiece of style and technology.
You listened the extraordinary musical caracteristics of “Magnetosolid®” amplifiers:
neutral tone, rich details and harmonics, high speed, big extension, big tight....
without intermodulation distortion, with surprising dynamic range, insuperable
coherence, natural sound...
These and other qualities are the result of studies and extensive research about the union
and interaction of solid state components with ferromagnetic machines.
The fusion of the words: "Magnetic" and "Solid" is the born of "Magnetosolid®”, the
point of union of all amplifiers by Grandinote.
This exclusive product is increased at the top of music caracteristics, thanks to
Magnetosolid-VHP output stage, the result of the maxim application of Magnetosolid®
Magnetosolid-VHP uses very expensive ferromagnetic components, builded on
Grandinote's specificatons.
product descrition
Grandinote demone is a full-balanced monofonic power amplifier.
Grandinote Demone by Magnetosolid-VHP technology claim musical qualities of tight
and extension like solid state amplifier, preserving musicality, sweetly and naturality like
valuable tube amplifier.
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