1 90 mm
2 48 mm
Model 1858
User Manual
WARNING: Read instructions thoroughly before using digital thermometer
Do not use ther mometer in the e ar. Intend ed us e is for oral, rec tal, and axill ary
(armpit) re adings only.
Do not place th ermometer ne ar extreme hea t - it may explode .
Note: Use of a pr obe cover may re sult in a 0.2°F di screpancy fr om ac tual temp era ture.
This dig ital ther mometer p rovides a quick and accur ate readi ng of an indi vidual' s body
temper ature. Pl ease read all instructi ons befor e using thi s thermom eter.
This the rmomete r is manufa ctured accor ding to the s ystem of EN 12470-3:2000, ASTM
and comp lies with t he requir ements of IEC 60 601-1:1 990 +A1:1 993+A2: 1995,
IEC 6060 1-1-2:2 007. The manufactu rer is ISO 90 01:2000 a nd ISO 13485:2003 certi fied.
1 The rmo meter, 1 User Man ual, 1 Storage C ase
Figure 1
* Do not bend or drop this thermometer. It is not shockproof.
* Do not boil thermometer probe to disinfect.
* Do not store in direct sunlight or in areas of extreme heat.
* Do not disassemble. The battery is not replaceable.
* --- Direct Volts D.C.
* --- Type B Equipment.
Memory: For storing the last measured value
Power consumption:
Device (battery) life:
Operating environment :
Storage and t ransportat ion
environme nt:
90°F - 109°F
±.2°F > 95.9° F and < 107.6°F; ± .4°F < 95.9°F or > 1 07.6°F
Liquid crystal display, XXX.X digit display
One 1.5 V DC battery (battery is not replaceable)
0.15 milliwatts in measurement mode
~ 200 hours
5 inches long x .71 inch wide x .31 inch high
~ 0.02 lb / 0.35 oz / 10 g
41°F - 104°F, <
14°F - 131°F, <
85% RH
95% RH
On /Off
1. To disinf ect thermome ter probe, wip e probe with or di p into isoprop yl rubbing alc oho l to a
maximum of ~ 0. 25 inch from tip .
2. Pres s the On/Off Button next to t he LCD. A tone wil l sound as the scr een displays “ ” ,
followed by “ Lo”. The la st recorded te mperature wi ll display, then the scree n will again
display “Lo ”. The t her mometer is now i n test mode and re ady to obtain a te mperature
*Note: Begi n taking tempe rature withi n 15 seconds aft er thermomet er enters test m ode.
3. Posi tion thermom eter in desire d location (mo uth , rectum, o r arm pit) as direct ed below.
a) Oral Use: To ensu re ac curacy, pl ease keep mout h closed for 5 min utes before
testing. Pl ace thermome ter under tong ue — recommend ed probe posit ion is
indicated b y “ √ ” sho wn in Figure 2. Re adings are obt ained in ~ 60 seco nds.
b) R ectal Use: Lub ricate silve r probe tip with p etroleum jel ly for easy inse rtion.
Gently inse rt probe ~ 1cm (le ss than 0.5 inch ) into rectum. R eadings are
obtained in ~ 6 0 seconds.
c) Axillary (A rmpit) Use: Wip e arm pit dry. Pla ce probe in armp it and keep arm pr essed
firmly at sid e. Readings ar e obtained in ~ 90 s econds.
4. The °F sign fla shes through out the testin g pro cess. Whe n flashin g sto ps, usually wi thin
30~60 secon ds, an alarm bee ps for ~ 10 second s and the measur ed reading sim ultaneousl y
5. To prolon g battery life , press the On/O ff Button to tur n the unit off after testin g is co mplete.
If no action is t aken, the unit w ill automati cally shut off after ~10 mi nutes.
*Note: Norm ally the alarm b eeps are “Bi-B i-Bi-Bi”. Th e alarm will bee p more rapidly w hen
temperatu re reaches 100 °F or higher. When this occu rs, the beeps wi ll be
“Bi-Bi-Bi ----- Bi-Bi- Bi------- Bi -Bi-Bi”. If ro om te mperature is h igher than 90° F
before tes ting, the LCD wi ll di splay the a ctu al room temper ature instea d of “Lo”.
GF He alth Produc ts, Inc. warr ants th e HealthTeam® Mod el 1858 The rmometer ag ainst manuf acturer's d efects
for a p eriod of si x months. If a pr oduct is deemed to be unde r warranty, GF He alth Produc ts, Inc. shal l provide,
at it s option, (1) replac emen t of any de fective par t or prod uct or (2) a credit of the o riginal sel ling pr ice made
to GF H ealth Product s, Inc.'s ini tial cu stom er. The warrant y does no t include any l abor charges incur red in
rep lacement pa rt(s) insta llation or an y associate d freight or shippin g charg es to GF Health P roducts, In c.
GF He alth Produc ts, Inc. is not respon sible for typ ographica l errors. Pac kaging, war ranties, pr oducts and
spe cificatio ns are subjec t to change wit hout no tice .
Gra ham-Field a nd HealthTeam are reg istered tra demarks of GF Health P roducts, In c.
www. grahamfie ld.com
GF Hea lth Pro ducts , Inc.
293 5 North east Pa rkway
Atl anta, G A 30360
Tel: 80 0-347 -5678
Fax : 800-7 21-06 01
185 8-INS -LAB- RevA0 9
Figure 2