Graco 332089B User Manual

Operation - Maintenance
Patented meter and dispense system for precise one-component micro-dispensing. Not for use in explosive atmospheres.
Important Safety Instructions
Read all warnings and instructions in this manual. Save these instructions.
Cycle Detection and Luer Lock Outlet Shown
Warnings .................................3
Isocyanate Conditions ......................5
Material Self-ignition .......................5
Moisture Sensitivity of Isocyanates ............ 5
Changing Materials .........................5
Grounding ................................6
Overview ..................................6
Optional Cycle Detection Sensors .............6
Component Identification ....................8
Typical System Configurations ..............8
Typical Feed System Components ...........9
Typical Feed System Components (continued) . 10
Metering Valve ..........................11
Setup ....................................12
Typical Installation ....................... 12
Valve Mounting Diagram .................. 13
Startup .................................. 14
Adjusting the Shot Size .................... 15
Operation ................................ 16
Sequence of Operation ................... 16
Pressure Relief Procedure .................. 17
Shutdown ................................17
Maintenance ..............................17
Troubleshooting ...........................18
Schematics ...............................18
Rebuild ................................. 19
Disassembly ...........................19
Assembly ..............................20
Electrical Requirements (Cycle Detection Option) 22
Technical Data ............................23
Graco Standard Warranty ................... 24
Graco Information ......................... 24
2 332089B


The following warnings are for the setup, use, grounding, maintenance, and repair of this equipment. The exclama­tion point symbol alerts you to a general warning and the hazard symbol refers to procedure-specific risk. Refer back to these warnings. Additional, product-specific warnings may be found throughout the body of this manual where applicable.
High-pressure fluid from gun, hose leaks, or ruptured components will pierce skin. This may look like just a cut, but it is a serious injury that can result in amputation. Get immediate surgical treatment.
Do not point gun at anyone or at any part of the body.
Do not put your hand over the dispense outlet.
Do not stop or deflect leaks with your hand, body, glove, or rag.
Follow Pressure Relief Procedure in this manual, when you stop dispensing and before cleaning, checking, or servicing equipment.
Toxic fluids or fumes can cause serious injury or death if splashed in the eyes or on skin, inhaled, or
Read MSDS’s to know the specific hazards of the fluids you are using.
Store hazardous fluid in approved containers, and dispose of it according to applicable guidelines.
Always wear impervious gloves when spraying or cleaning equipment.
If this equipment is used with isocyanate material, see additional information on isocyanates in Iso­cyanate Conditions Section of this manual.
You must wear appropriate protective equipment when operating, servicing, or when in the operating
area of the equipment to help protect you from serious injury, including eye injury, inhalation of toxic fumes, burns, and hearing loss. This equipment includes but is not limited to:
Protective eyewear
Clothing and respirator as recommended by the fluid and solvent manufacturer
Hearing protection
Flammable fumes, such as solvent and paint fumes, in work area can ignite or explode. To help prevent fire and explosion:
Use equipment only in well ventilated area.
Eliminate all ignition sources; such as pilot lights, cigarettes, portable electric lamps, and plastic drop cloths (potential static arc).
Keep work area free of debris, including solvent, rags and gasoline.
Do not plug or unplug power cords, or turn power or light switches on or off when flammable fumes are present.
Ground all equipment in the work area. See Grounding instructions.
Use only grounded hoses.
If there is static sparking or you feel a shock, stop operation immediately. Do not use equipment until you identify and correct the problem.
Keep a working fire extinguisher in the work area.
332089B 3
This equipment must be grounded. Improper grounding, setup, or usage of the system can cause elec­tric shock.
Turn off and disconnect power cord before servicing equipment.
Use only grounded electrical outlets.
Use only 3-wire extension cords.
Ensure ground prongs are intact on power and extension cords.
Do not expose to rain. Store indoors.
Misuse can cause death or serious injury.
Do not operate the unit when fatigued or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Do not exceed the maximum working pressure or temperature rating of the lowest rated system component. See Technical Data in all equipment manuals.
Do not leave the work area while equipment is energized or under pressure. Turn off all equipment and follow the Pressure Relief Procedure in this manual when equipment is not in use.
Check equipment daily. Repair or replace worn or damaged parts immediately with genuine manu­facturer’s replacement parts only.
Do not alter or modify equipment.
Use equipment only for its intended purpose. Call your distributor for information.
Route hoses and cables away from traffic areas, sharp edges, moving parts, and hot surfaces.
Do not kink or over bend hoses or use hoses to pull equipment.
Keep children and animals away from work area.
Comply with all applicable safety regulations.
Moving parts can pinch or amputate fingers and other body parts.
Keep clear of moving parts.
Do not operate equipment with protective guards or covers removed.
Pressurized equipment can start without warning. Before checking, moving, or servicing equipment, follow the Pressure Relief Procedure in this manual. Disconnect power or air supply.
Use only compatible water-based solvents to clean plastic structural or pressure-containing parts. Many solvents can degrade plastic parts and cause them to fail, which could cause serious injury or property damage. See Technical Data in this and all other equipment instruction manuals. Read fluid and solvent manufacturer’s warnings.
4 332089B

Isocyanate Conditions

Spraying or dispensing materials containing isocya­nates creates potentially harmful mists, vapors, and atomized particulates.
Read material manufacturer’s warnings and material MSDS to know specific hazards and precautions related to isocyanates.
Prevent inhalation of isocyanate mists, vapors, and atomized particulates by providing sufficient ventila­tion in the work area. If sufficient ventilation is not available, a supplied-air respirator is required for everyone in the work area.
To prevent contact with isocyanates, appropriate per­sonal protective equipment, including chemically impermeable gloves, boots, aprons, and goggles, is also required for everyone in the work area.
Isocyanate Conditions
Keep the ISO lube pump reservoir (if installed) filled with Graco Throat Seal Liquid (TSL), Part 206995. The lubricant creates a barrier between the ISO and the atmosphere.
Use moisture-proof hoses specifically designed for ISO, such as those supplied with your system.
Never use reclaimed solvents, which may contain moisture. Always keep solvent containers closed when not in use.
Always lubricate threaded parts with ISO pump oil or grease when reassembling.

Changing Materials

When changing mater ials, flush the equipment mul­tiple times to ensure it is thoroughly clean.
Always clean the fluid inlet strainers after flushing.
Check with your material manufacturer for chemical compatibility.

Material Self-ignition

Some materials may become self-igniting if applied too thickly. Read material manufacturer’s warnings and material MSDS.

Moisture Sensitivity of Isocyanates

ISO will react with moisture (such as humidity) to form small, hard, abrasive crystals, which become sus­pended in the fluid. Eventually a film will form on the sur­face and the ISO will begin to gel, increasing in viscosity. If used, this partially cured ISO will reduce performance and the life of all wetted parts.
NOTE: The amount of film formation and rate of crystal­lization varies depending on the blend of ISO, the humidity, and the temperature.
To prevent exposing ISO to moisture:
Always use a sealed container with a desiccant dryer in the vent, or a nitrogen atmosphere. Never store ISO in an open container.
332089B 5


This product must be grounded. In the event of an elec­trical short circuit, grounding reduces the risk of electric shock by providing an escape wire for the electric cur­rent.
Metering valve: attach ground wire from grounding lug to true earth ground. See Component Identification starting on page 8.
Fluid hoses: use only electrically conductive hoses.
Feed system components: attach ground wire from
grounding lug to true earth ground. See feed system manual for grounding points.
Fluid supply container: follow local code.
Solvent pails used when flushing: follow local code.
Use only conductive metal pails, placed on a grounded surface. Do not place the pail on a nonconductive sur­face, such as paper or cardboard, which interrupts grounding continuity.


This single-component meter and dispense device accurately meters liquid and semi-paste materials.
The machine is ideal for a single-component application requiring very small and precise shots.
The ratio of the pneumatic cylinder area to pump shaft area provides the adjustable pressure intensification needed to move the liquids through the needle with a flow rate suitable for production requirements.
The complete system is enclosed. See Sequence of Operation on page 16.
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Optional Cycle Detection Sensors

Optional Cycle Detection Sensors
The sensors are magnetic reed switches and must be connected to an electrical control package. The sensors wires are #24 awg and have 9 foot (2.7 meters) flying leads. An LED on the sensor illuminates to indicate a change in state.
Suggested Sequence of Operation (See page 16).
The Valve Inputs are listed in FIG. 9, page 22.
The Valve Outputs (supplied by others) consisting of two power valves or one dual power valve [Sole­noid-Close Spool Valve/RETract (Green Tube 1/4 in. OD) and Solenoid-Open Spool Valve/EXTend (Yel­low Tube 1/4 in.OD)]. Connect each Quick Discon­nect (5/16-24 fitting) to respective power valve port.
Other needed Input would include some type of Start device (Foot Switch or Control Box) (supplied by others)
h. PX-RET signal is made and Metering Rod is
down (Dispense Material Complete).
i. Solenoid-Open Spool Valve/EXTend is deacti-
j. Solenoid-Close Spool Valve/RETract is acti-
k. PX-OSV signal drops Spool shifts from the Dis-
pense Position to the Reload Position and Metering Rod Retracts upward (Reloading Material).
l. PX-CSV signal is made.
m. PX-EXT signal is made.
n. Dispense Valve is ready for next Start device
1. Home (Reload) Position
a. Solenoid-Close Spool Valve/RETract is acti-
b. Solenoid-Open Spool Valve/EXTend is deacti-
c. PX-EXT and PX-CSV signal have been made.
d. PX-RET and PX-OSV signal is not made.
e. Metering Rod is Retracted.
2. Shot Procedure
a. Start device signal is made.
b. Solenoid-Close Spool Valve/RETract is deacti-
c. Solenoid-Open Spool Valve/EXTend is acti-
d. PX-EXT and PX-CSV signal drops off.
e. Spool shifts from the Reload Position to the Dis-
pense Position.
f. PX-OSV signal is made.
g. Metering Rod Extends downward (Dispensing
332089B 7

Component Identification

Component Identification

Typical System Configurations

Liquid Control
Top View of Controls
System shown with optional 4104A controls
8 332089B
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