4 7
Indicat or light
5 6
17 18
Audacity is the recording and editing softwareprogram included withyour TW3USB player.You must
installAudacity (or an alternative recording software) onyour computer to record audio from your
TW3USBto your computer.The Audacitydisc includes software for usewith PC (Audacity Version
1.2.6) andMac (AudacityVersion 1.3.7) computers.
IFyou clickon the discand select openyou will findthe disc contains5 software files:
1. Audacity_for_MAC
2 Audacity_for_WIN
3. audacity-src-1.2.6
5. TheGNUGeneral Public License.html
IFyou use a PC yourequire Audacity_for_WIN and ifyou use a Mac you requireAudacity_for_Mac
Thesoftware is compatiblewith Window98, 2000, ME, XP,VISTA, 7 and Macintosh.
NOTE: The othe
r 3 files (audacity-src-1.2.6;AUTORUN.INF; TheGNU General Public
License.html) are reference filesonly andshould be ignored.
Onceyou have completed installing the AudacitySet Up Wizard to yourMAC or PC, Audacity software
will allowyou to create, record and edit files made from the audio recorded fromyour TW3USB
Onceinstalled, the Audacity program should open automatically. TheAudacity icon should be
savedto yourcomputer’s Desktopas ashortcut. Usethe icon shortcutas aconvenient methodto openthe
AudacitySoftware & USB Connection
YourPC andAudacity must recognize your USB connection toyour TW3USB player. Therefore,
alwaysturn on yourcomputer andconnect the USBcable tothe player’s andthe computer’sUSB port.
Then,with the AC power cord connected toyour TW3USB player,rotate the VOLUME knob to power
on the player.
IMPORTANT: tohelp ensureAudacity and you computerrecognize the USBconnection, always
connectyour playerUSB port to your PC USB port before you open theAudacity program.
Audacityfor PC
SetUp Wizard: How to SetUp with PC
Toopenthe Set UpWizard andinstall Audacity to your com
and indicator light
will light up
NOTE: when playing a 78 rpm record, it will take a longer time (approximately 20 seconds) for the tone arm
return to the tone arm rest.
Random - Press this button for third time to random playing all tracks on the current disc, and the RAN. indicator will
light up.
To cancel the repeat, press REPEAT button again.
puter follow these steps:
1. InserttheAudacity software diskthat comeswith your unit.
Go to My Computer and double click the CD ROMDrive.
NOTE:The CDmay automatically launch the Set Up Wizard. IF this is the case, refer to page14.
2. Fivefoldersshould appear from theAudacity disk.
Audacity_for_WINis forWindows systems
Audacity_for_MACis forMacintosh systems
3. Doubleclickthe Audacity_for_WIN andaudacity-win-1.2.6 will appear.
doubleclick theaudacity-win-1.2.6 toopen the Audacitysoftware for PCinstallation.
InstallingAudacity Software on your PC
1. TheAudacitySetup Wizardwill appear,
Clickon Next > to beginthe software install process.
2. Click on “I accept the agreement” and click on Next.
3. Continueto click on theNext> buttons.
4. Clickonthe Installbutton to startinstallation.
5. ClickonFinish tocomplete installation.
6. Youcan now opentheAudacit ysoftware andstart recordingyour files usingAudacity:
NOTE: Once installed,you should NOT haveto re-install
theAudacity software again.
For additional information regardingAudacity features& applications,
pleasevisit theAudacity websiteat: http://audacity.sourceforge.net
AudacityControl Panel &Configuring Audacity Settings
AudacityControl Panel Buttons& Settings
TheAudacity control panel is the interfaceto apply recording settings & operate recording controls.
Use the Fileand Editto save,exp ort and modify setting Preferences
(View, Project, Generate, EffectandAnalyze menus are advanced features to editaudio recordings).
NOTE: be sure the box beside the Create a desktop icon is selected so that a shortcut
tothe Audacityprogram is saved onyour Desktop.