VDU User Manual
1074 North Orange Avenue Sarasota, Florida, 34236 1 888 575 2901 www.gpsindustries.com
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GPS Industries, LLC
2 ! Starting up the Visage VDU
3! The Golf Map Screen 3
8!The Main Menu 8
9! Scorecard
10! Leader Board
11!Send Message
12! Order Food
14!Site Map
Visage VDU User Manual! 1
GPS Industries, LLC
Starting up the Visage VDU
When you turn on a unit, it will first go through a series of diagnostics. The screen will show a “booting up” message and
a progress indicator.
The Welcome Screen
After boot up is complete, the VDU will typically show a course’s “Welcome Screen.” The Welcome Screen is an ad the
course defines welcoming golfers to the course that displays when golf cars are near the clubhouse or in the staging
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GPS Industries, LLC
The Golf Map Screen
The main screen that golfers will interact with is the Golf Map screen. This screen shows a map of the current hole and
yardages to hazards and other point of interest.
When golfers first reach a hole, they will see a a 3D flyover to help them plan their strategy for the hole. After the flyover
finishes playing, the screen will return to the golf map. Golfers can view the flyover again at any time by pressing the
“view flyover” button on the screen.
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GPS Industries, LLC
The Visage VDU uses GPS to calculate distances to hazards and other points of interest on the golf course. The
distances are measured by line-of-sight (or “as the crow flies”), and may differ from yardages given on your course’s
scorecard. Scorecard distances are typically measured by line-of-play, and so may be larger than the line-of-sight
Yards to Pin / Center of Green
In the upper corner of the screen, there is a large box that shows the yardage to the pin if the course has defined a pin
placement for that hole. If no pin placement is defined, the box will show the yardage to the center of the green, and the
Pin icon will be replaced with a Center of Green icon.
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GPS Industries, LLC
Navigation Panel
In the bottom corner of the screen, there is a navigation panel that allows golfers to access the main menu, view flyovers,
and zoom in or out on the hole. If an insert ad is defined for the hole, it will display in this spot. If no ad is defined, the
navigation panel will move the bottom of the screen.
During play, ads are shown in the corner of the screen. When you approach the green, you may see a full-screen ad. To
dismiss this ad, touch the screen anywhere.
Your car icon
Your position is shown on the screen with an icon of a golf car. Note that other golf cars’ positions are not shown.
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GPS Industries, LLC
Tee shot distances
After you hit your drive and move away from the teebox, Visage will display distances measured from your golf car back
to up to five teeboxes. This yardage can be used to help you determine the distance of your drive. This is shown in an
informational popup that appears at the bottom of the screen.
Car Ahead
On blind tee shots, the Visage VDU may warn the golfer that someone is in the driving area.
View the approach/hole
When you begin play on a hole, Visage first shows a “hole view,” or a map of the entire hole. As you approach the green,
Visage will automatically zoom in to a “green view.” The golfer can elect to zoom in to the green view or back out to the
hole view at any time by pressing the Zoom button on the screen.
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GPS Industries, LLC
Select another hole
To select another hole, first press the “Main Menu” button. Then, press the “Choose Hole” button. On the “Choose Hole”
screen, touch the number of the hole you would like to play, then press “Play this Hole.” The Visage VDU will show a
preview image of that hole.
Hole conflict screen
If you drive onto the teebox of another hole while playing your current hole, Visage may prompt you to ask whether you
are still playing your current hole or if you would like to switch to the other one.
Access the main menu
To access the main menu, simply press the “Main Menu” button in the navigation panel.
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GPS Industries, LLC
The Main Menu
The Visage Main Menu allows you access to features such as food ordering, scorecards and leaderboards, and
messaging. To access the Main Menu, simply press the Main Menu button from any screen.
Once on the Main Menu, you can select the feature you wish to use by pressing the appropriate button.
Return to the Golf Map
To return to the Golf Map screen, simply press the “Return to Golf” button.
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GPS Industries, LLC
The Visage scorecard allows you to enter scores for up to four players. After you have finished playing a hole (by driving
from the previous green to the next tee), Visage will automatically switch to the scorecard to allow you to enter scores.
To access the scorecard at other times, go to the Main Menu, then press the Scorecard button.
Select a Player
To select a player, simply touch the player’s name on the screen. That player’s scores will become highlighted.
Enter Scores
To enter a score, first select the player, then touch the hole for which you wish to enter scores. That hole will become
highlighted and “+” and “-” buttons will appear. Press the up and down buttons to enter your score. When you are
finished, press the “Return to Golf” button to return to the Golf Map.
To change a previously entered score, you will follow the same procedure as entering a score. First, touch the hole
whose score you wish to change, then press the “+” and “-” buttons to enter the new score.
Front 9 / Back 9
There are Front 9 and Back 9 buttons in the top right of the screen to allow you to switch between them. The 9 you are
currently playing will be highlighted in bright green. To switch to the other 9, simply press the other 9’s button.
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GPS Industries, LLC
Leader Board
The visage leader board allows you to view the current standings of players in a tournament. It will initially show the top 8
scores. To view the next 8 players, press the “more...” button at the bottom of the screen.
After you have scrolled down by pressing “more...”, another “more...” button will appear at the top of the screen to allow
you to scroll back up.
When you are finished looking at the scorecard, you can press “Return to Golf” to return to the Golf Map screen.
View Other Flights
Visage’s revolutionary tournament capabilities allow players in a tournament to view the standings by flight. To view other
flights, press the button of that flight on the right of the screen
In the example above, “Horns” is the name of the only flight. If there were more flights, they would appear as buttons
beneath the Horns button.
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