GPS TrackMaker Reference Manual

Summary .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1 Preliminary ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 What is GPS TrackMaker® ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Hardware Key ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 License Agreement for GPS TrackMaker® Program ................................................................................................... 9
2 Files Management ............................................................................................................................................... 12
3 Waypoints ........................................................................................................................................................... 34
4 Tracklogs ............................................................................................................................................................. 42
5 Routes ................................................................................................................................................................. 59
6 Maps .................................................................................................................................................................... 63
7 Manipulating Data ............................................................................................................................................... 72
8 Special Functions ................................................................................................................................................ 81
9 GPSTrackMaker's Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 93
9.7 Configuring the Surface Unit of Measurement ...................................................................................................... 100
9.8 Configuring the Azimuth Angle ............................................................................................................................. 101
9.9 Configuring Local Time ........................................................................................................................................ 101
9.10 Configuring the Coordinate System ..................................................................................................................... 102
9.11 True Grid Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 105
9.12 Configuring Images ........................................................................................................................................... 107
9.13 Configuring the Altitude Profile ........................................................................................................................... 109
9.14 Configuring the Datum ...................................................................................................................................... 110
9.15 Datum Defined by User .................................................................................................................................... 112
9.16 Grid Defined by User ......................................................................................................................................... 113
9.17 Displaying Grid Lines ......................................................................................................................................... 114
9.18 Showing Scale on Screen ................................................................................................................................... 115
9.19 Changing the Language ..................................................................................................................................... 115
10 Calculations with Tracklogs, Routes and Waypoints ...................................................................................... 116
10.1 Topographic Surface x Cartographic Surface ....................................................................................................... 116
10.2 Conversion to the Local Topographical Surface .................................................................................................. 118
10.3 Calculating Cartographic Length of Tracklogs and Routes .................................................................................... 121
10.4 Calculating Topographical lengths of Tracklogs and Routes .................................................................................. 122
10.5 Horizontal Length of Tracklogs and Routes ........................................................................................................ 123
10.6 Calculating Cartographic Areas .......................................................................................................................... 124
10.7 Calculating Topographical Areas ......................................................................................................................... 126
10.8 Estimate of Area Calculation Error Using Handheld GPS ....................................................................................... 128
10.9 Calculation of Arithmetic Average of the Points .................................................................................................. 129
10.10 Calculation of Maximum Difference of Altitudes ................................................................................................ 130
10.11 Speed and Total Time in Tracklogs ................................................................................................................... 130
10.12 UTM Scale Factor and Meridian Convergence ................................................................................................... 130
11 Inserting a Map's Image in Background ......................................................................................................... 131
11.1 General Information About Map Images ............................................................................................................. 131
11.2 Rotating Images ................................................................................................................................................ 132
11.3 Calibrating Map Images ..................................................................................................................................... 133
11.4 Calibrating Images Through the Points of Extremities .......................................................................................... 137
11.5 Showing Image Properties ................................................................................................................................. 138
11.6 Bringing Image to Front ..................................................................................................................................... 139
11.7 Sending Image to back of the others ................................................................................................................. 139
11.8 Removing Images ............................................................................................................................................. 140
11.9 Saving the Image .............................................................................................................................................. 141
11.10 Clipping Images .............................................................................................................................................. 142
11.11 Restoring the Aspect Ratio of the Image ........................................................................................................... 142
12 Interface of GPS's Comunication .................................................................................................................... 143
12.1 Connecting the GPS to PC .................................................................................................................................. 143
12.2 Setting the PC Local Time Clock through GPS ..................................................................................................... 145
12.3 Sending and Receiving Waypoints, Tracklogs and Routes .................................................................................... 146
12.4 NMEA0183 Interface .......................................................................................................................................... 147
13 Real Time Navigation (RTN) ........................................................................................................................... 148
13.1 Activating Real Time Navigation (RTN) .............................................................................................................. 148
13.2 Manipulating the Screen in RTN Mode ................................................................................................................ 150
13.3 Configuring Real Time Navigation ...................................................................................................................... 151
13.4 Registering Waypoints in Real Time .................................................................................................................... 153
13.5 Simulating Real Time Navigation ........................................................................................................................ 153
13.6 Vehicular Tracking Interface ............................................................................................................................. 153
14 Printing Data ................................................................................................................................................... 154
14.1 Print Preview ..................................................................................................................................................... 154
14.2 Printing Data ..................................................................................................................................................... 155
14.3 Printing in Scale ................................................................................................................................................ 156
14.4 Configuring Printing ........................................................................................................................................... 157
14.5 Printing List of Data ........................................................................................................................................... 158
15 Catalog of Images ........................................................................................................................................... 159
15.1 Creating a Catalog of Images ............................................................................................................................ 159
15.2 Opening a Catalog from Disk .............................................................................................................................. 160
15.3 Uniting Several Catalogs .................................................................................................................................... 161
15.4 Saving the Catalog in Disk ................................................................................................................................ 161
15.5 Loading Images from Catalog ............................................................................................................................ 162
15.6 Showing on screen Images from Catalog ........................................................................................................... 162
16 Maps on the Word Wide Web .......................................................................................................................... 163
16.1 Accessing Maps on the World Wide Web ............................................................................................................. 163
16.2 Configuring Web Pages of Maps ......................................................................................................................... 164
16.3 Opening Maps in Google Earth® ........................................................................................................................ 165
16.4 Opening Images from Google Maps® ................................................................................................................ 166
17 Internal Tables ................................................................................................................................................ 167
17.1 Datum Table .................................................................................................................................................... 167
17.2 Internal Icon Table of GPS TrackMaker® ............................................................................................................ 173
1 Preliminary
1.1 What is GPS TrackMaker®
The GPS TrackMaker® program for Windows® XP, Vista and Seven allows bi-directional data communications between GPS receivers and your computer, including full data editing and storage options.
GPS means
Global Positioning System
; a system with more than 24 satellites in orbit that send information to the Earth. GPS receivers can receive those signals continuously and, if receiving at least 3 satellites, the GPS calculates the position and direction of travel on ground. The accuracy of the GPS information increases with the number of satellites received.
Satellite data stored in the GPS receiver can be transferred to a PC as Waypoints, Tracklogs and Routes. The GPS
TrackMaker® program recognizes this data, allowing the User to edit them with a simple graphical interface.
The main features of GPS TrackMaker® program are:
Fast vectorial background maps
Communicates directly with many popular GPS receivers using your data cable and an available serial port.
Creation, editing and deletion of Tracklogs, Waypoints and Routes on a graphical, easy-to-use interface.
Internal database with more than 250 different parameters of map datum.
Data can be edited and saved, using several vector file formats.
Automatic Tracklog labeling.
Insert digital images such as maps and photos directly onto the grid and use them for navigation over the chart, with full
zoom and drag features.
Calculation of cartographic length, average and instant speeds on Tracklogs.
Speed and length with several units of measurement.
Zoom in, Zoom out and specific area Zoom functions.
Move the whole drawing just by pressing the right mouse button.
Management of more than 200 different color icons.
Display Waypoints on screen in several different styles.
Selectable colors for background, grid, Waypoints and Tracklogs.
Allows selective deletion of data, either by exclusion or inclusion.
GPS Macro function, specially created to eliminate Waypoints located away from a User’s defined Route; (Useful for those
who intend to travel using a GPS receiver).
Files Recognition of Garmin® PCX5, Waypoint+, Map/Info, Arc/Info (E00) and others formats.
Real Time Navigation (RTN) Function
Map Catalog Function that allows you to easily create a digital catalog of maps.
Function that allows you to load maps from the catalog in Real Time Navigation (RTN)
Support for several rectangular coordinate systems, including UTM, British National Grid, Irish National Grid, Swiss Grid,
Swedish Grid, New Zealand Grid, Finnish Grid, Dutch Grid, etc.
mode that allows you to show rectangular coordinate systems without deformation.
Support for filled and scaleable Tracklogs.
Scalable Waypoint Text : the text increases or decreases with the scale.
Support for date, Altitude and rotation in Waypoints.
Support for date and altitude in Tracklogs.
Undo, Copy, Cut
Allows you to send only selected data to the GPS.
Dragging of Waypoints, Tracklogs, Routes and Pictures using the mouse.
Support for Garmin® handheld GPS.
Support for Magellan® handheld GPS.
Support for Lowrance/Eagle® handheld GPS.
Support for GPS MLR® handheld GPS.
Support for GPS Brunton®/Silva® handheld GPS.
Support for
GTM Tracker
- GPS Vehicle Tracker
NMEA0183 protocol for real time navigation.
Support for several languages
If you own GPS TrackMaker Professional®, you will also have specific functions for area calculation, support for AutoCAD® DXF files, support for ArcView® Shapefiles, data treatment in tables, etc. Every time that the symbol to the side appears, the functions are exclusive to GTM PRO®. They are not available
in the free version.
Additional functions in GTM PRO® include:
Allows to create complete projects of maps.
Advanced functions for professional use.
Total support for images TIFF, PNG, BMP, JPG and GIF.
Geocoded images GeoTiff and DRG
Export map images to several raster formats
Rotation and clipping of background images, allowing a better calibration
Complete data editing in table sheets similar to Microsoft Excel®
Calculation of azimuths with hundredth-second accuracy.
Calculation of lengths with millimeter accuracy.
Exclusive function
Expand Zone
that allows a better calibration of images
Print Preview function
Area calculation defined by Tracklogs in different measurement units.
Local topographical area and cartographic area calculation.
Local topographic length and cartographic length calculation.
Length Calculation factoring altitude changes for the horizontal projection.
Topographical conversion function for data obtained by a GPS device.
Import and export data for AutoCAD®, in DXF format.
Import and export data for ArcView®, in SHP format.
Import and export data for MapInfo®, in MID/MIF format.
Export data to XLS (Excel®) or DBF (dBase®) file formats.
Import and export data for Microsoft Excel® and Microsoft Word®
Creation of multiple Waypoint styles, to obtain more detailed maps.
Exclusive background filled Tracklogs to be used with images.
Datum defined by User.
Rectangular Grid systems defined by user.
LTM (Local Transverse Mercator) and RTM (Regional Transverse Mercator) grids.
Exclusive Tracklog union tool.
Exclusive Rectangular Clipping Tool
Average calculation of the geodesic position from Waypoints, Tracklogs and Routes
Calculation of horizontal distances and altitude differences.
Data Rotation.
Altitude Profile with advanced functions.
Creation of Altitude Profile Tracklogs
Support for Contour Lines
Accents removal Tool
Calculation of Scale Factor and UTM Meridian Convergence
Multiple vehicle tracking at the same time.
Detailed report of streets and avenues where the vehicle passed.
GPS TrackMaker® By Odilon Ferreira Junior
All rights reserved.
Geo Studio Technology Ltd.
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – Brazil
1.2 Hardware Key
The information below applies only to GTM PRO® Users.
The Hardware Key or
is an electronic plug that works as an unlock password of the GTM PRO®. The plug is easily connected to the printer port or USB port, and must be present when GPS TrackMaker Professional® is being executed.
The plug doesn't interfere in the operation of printers, scanners or other devices.
The license by Hardware Key is used by GPS TrackMaker Professional® 4.0 or above.
To purchase the Hardware Key, please contact the store where you purchased GTM PRO® or the Author at
1.3 License Agreement for GPS TrackMaker® Program
When installing or using this program, the User agrees to accept all terms and conditions of this license agreement. If the User does not agree with all conditions, he must uninstall the program using the
Add or Remove
tool in the Windows®
Control Panel
The parties in this license agreement are:
AUTHOR: Geo Studio Technology Ltd. Website :
USER: Individual or entity that acquired the program by any means.
License to use GPS TrackMaker® program.
The User can install, use, access, exhibit, execute, any previous version of GPS TrackMaker® in just one computer, work station, terminal, notebook, or other digital electronic device.
The User can also store or install a copy of the Program in a storage device, such as a net server, used only to run the Program in other computers in an Intranet. Though, the User must acquire a special license for each computer in which the Program is executed starting from the storage device.
The license of the Program cannot be shared or used simultaneously in different computers. The User can run additional copies of the software up to the number of copies specified as
Licensed Copies
All rights not expressly granted are reserved to the Author.
The Author or the responsible person for the sale and distribution of the Program can provide the User support services, if previously stipulated. The use of the Support Services is regulated by the own salesperson's, or the Author’s guidelines and must be previously understood by the user.
Any supplementary code for the Program provided to the User as part of the Support Services must be considered part of the Program and it will be subject to the terms and conditions of this Contract.
Technical information provided as part of Support Services can be used for commercial purposes, including development and product support.
If the Program proves defective because of misapplication, it will be the User, and not the Author or Distributor, that will assume the total cost of any service or repair. The routines and calculations implemented in the Program have inherent limitations and the User must determined if the Program meets their requirements.
The User may:
Use the Program in only one individual computer;
Copy the Program, for archival purposes, providing that each copy contains all property and ownership advises
of the original Program.
The User may not:
Allow other people to use the Program except under the terms of this agreement;
modify, translate, do reverse engineering, decompile, disassemble (except if expressly authorized by the
author) or create commercial products based on the Program or parts of it;
make copies of the program, except as described above;
rent, sell, lend, give the Program or do any thing that interferes with author’s rights;
remove any ownership advises or intellectual property labels from the program;
use the program for tracking purposes (AVL) with devices which were not approved by the Author.
Ownership and intellectual property rights will continue to belong to the author. This Program is protected by copyright laws and other intellectual property laws, and by international treaties. License granted by this contract does not give the User any rights on its contents.
This agreement is valid while the User possesses the Program. The agreement is automatically cancelled if the User does not fit the limitations described in this document. Upon termination, the User must destroy all copies of the Program and Documentation.
Any citizen in the world, respecting the terms and restrictions of this agreement may use the Program.
Under any circumstance the author will not be responsible for damages that may be caused to the PC, GPS receiver, or to any equipment connected to them.
The Program is not fault tolerant and is not designed or manufactured to be used in control equipment, or in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, or weapons systems, in which the failure of the Product could lead directly to death, personal injury, or severe physical or environmental damage (
High Risk Activities
). Accordingly, the author specifically disclaims any express or implied warranty of
fitness for High Risk Activities.
The technical support given by the author is limited to installation troubles or eventual malfunction of the program. The present license does not cover technical support for the normal use of the program, notions of cartography and computer science, notions of topography and survey and other aspects that depend on previous knowledge or training courses. Technical support for such subjects should be contracted separately.
The hardware key (dongle) is warranted to be free of defects for a limited period of one year from the date of purchase. In the event of a defect during the warranty period, the author will replace the defective product after it is returned by the User. This Warranty is limited to replacement of the defective product only and shall not cover any other damages. The Freight costs of any product sent to the Author shall be paid by the User, including the costs of return. With respect to the use of this product, in no event shall the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential and other damages or costs incurred.
The relationships are regulated by this Agreement, and not by any printed License Agreements that may be eventually attached to the Program.
If any term of this agreement is declared impracticable, that term will be changed only up to the point so it becomes practicable. Belo Horizonte County – Minas Gerais – Brazil will arbitrate any disputes.
2 Files Management
2.1 Merging Files in GPS TrackMaker®
To merge files, press the button.
Merge File
option allows you to merge several files into just one file. So, if the User has a file of Waypoints and wants to see it together with another file (with Tracklogs, for example), they must use Merge function to combine them. When saving the final file, the User should change its name to prevent overwriting the first file opened.
Warning: avoid merging files with map images in different datums. The final file is configured to the first datum, showing the images on wrong positions. Be sure all map images are in the same datum. This warning does not apply to files without background images.
2.2 Files in GTM Format
The GPS TrackMaker® default file format has the extension GTM (initials for GPS TrackMaker). This format stores all Waypoints, Tracklogs and Routes as well as information related to the screen display, background and grid color, Waypoint text, User-defined text, etc. Digitized images are also included in the GTM file.
The GTM file was developed for compact data storage and enhanced recording speed when compared to Text formats. This is a binary format with the following structure:
Saving the Characteristics of Each Image
The data of each image is saved sequentially in the GTM file with variables of 6 decimal places.
Saving the Waypoints
Waypoints are saved sequentially in the GTM file with the latitude and longitude values always in decimal degrees with 13 decimal places of precision. The altitude in relation to the sea level is also saved with 13 decimal places of precision.
Saving Tracklogs
Tracklogs are saved with latitude and longitude values in decimal degrees with 13 decimal places of precision. The altitude in relation to the sea level is saved with 6 decimal places of precision.
Saving Routes (Routes)
Routes are saved using the same format as Waypoints.
Saving Digitalized Images of Maps and Photos
Images are saved byte to byte in the end of the GTM file. The image file is attached in the original extension that it was loaded. Thus, images in GIF or JPG format will occupy less space than BMP files inside the GTM file.
Note: At you will find a detailed specification of the GTM format.
2.3 Files in GTZ or GZ Format
Files in GTZ or GZ format created by GPS TrackMaker® are compressed GTM files. Files in GTZ or GZ format maintain the same accuracy as GTM files, but with half of the size of GTM files. Basically they are appropriate for those Users who want to transfer data to the Internet or save disk space. The compact data storage of GTM files reduces the risk of data corruption when downloading files from the Internet.
GTZ or GZ files can be opened directly in GPS TrackMaker®, No decompression program is needed.
The Author suggests using the GZ format for saving GPS TrackMaker® files on the Internet. This procedure, reduces the size of the GTM file, and also will reduce the probability of data corruption when downloading the file.
2.4 Files in Text Format
One of the great features of GPS TrackMaker® program is the ability to save files in text format (
). This format is useful for those who want a detailed analysis of data, as well as making it easier to interface with another program, once data recognition becomes an easy task.
Text file output is in the following format:
The version of text file is the first data to be saved. The version of text file is separate, and may not coincide with the version of the Program.
The datum is the second data to be saved in text file, as shown below. The name comes first, and its function is purely indicative. The program will only recognize the index number that follows the comma. The internal datum table used by GPS TrackMaker® can be seen in the Datum Table .
Datum Name, index number, Semi-axis of Earth (m), Flattening, DX, DY, DZ
When reading the Datum, the program only recognizes the field
index number
. The other fields are kept only to
User Grid
GTM PRO uses this field® to register the characteristics of an user defined coordinate system. It will be present only if the data is saved in
Use Grid
USER GRID, Grid Number, Central Meridian, False Easting, False Northing, Scale
The second group of data saved in text file is the Waypoint:
w, Notation, Name, Lat, Lon, Comments, date, time, altitude, dspl, icon, Rotation, Zoom
flag indicating that data is related to a Waypoint
Type of Notation as defined in
6-character string
Variable size string in the notation specified in
Variable size string in the notation specified in
40 characters string
: date in MM/DD/YY that the Waypoint was created
: hour, minute, second that the Waypoint was created
: altitude in meters
indicates the display of the Waypoint on screen:
– Symbol with name
1 –
Symbol Only
2 –
Symbol with comments
3 –
Symbol with comments defined by User
Icon: internal code of the icon symbol, according to the Icon Table
: angle of text rotation in degrees x 10
Zoom Level
: Maximum zoom which the Waypoint appears on screen. See
Zoom Table
After Waypoints, the Tracklogs are saved as follows:
t, Notation, Latitude, Longitude, date, time,altitude, flag
flag indicating that the data is related to a Tracklog
Type of Notation as defined in
Variable size string in the notation specified
Variable size string in the notation specified
date in Month / Day / Year format
time in Hour: Minutes: Seconds format
: altitude in meters
Boolean number that identifies the Tracklog:
– means a continuation for the same Tracklog
1 –
means the beginning of a new Tracklog
Name, Colors and Styles of Tracklogs
After saving Track points, the names, colors and styles of Tracks will be registered. Styles indicate how Tracklogs will be shown in the screen of the program.
n, Track Name, Track Color, Track Style, Zoom
The Routes are saved in the following format:
rn, Route Number, Route Name
flag indicating the beginning of a new Route
Route Number:
Integer value of the Route Number
Route Name:
String up to 30 characters
r , Notation, Waypoint Name , Latitude , Longitude , Comments , dspl , icon
r : flag indicating that the data is related to a Route
Type of Notation defined in
Waypoint Name:
6-character string
Latitude :
Variable size string in the notation specified in
of the latitude of the Route’s Waypoint
Longitude :
Variable size string in the notation specified in
, reflecting the longitude of the Waypoint of the
Comments :
40-character string of the comment of Waypoint of the Route
dspl :
byte that indicates the Waypoint’s display scheme on the screen of the GPS:
– Symbol with name
1 –
Symbol only
2 –
Symbol with comments
3 –
Symbol with comments defined by User
Icon :
internal code of the icon symbol, according to the Icon Table
Background images can be saved in TXT files, if
Save Images in TXT file
option is selected under
Options ->
in the
The images are saved with the following attributes:
i , Notation, Latitude1 , Longitude1, Latitude2 , Longitude2, Path, Text
i : flag indicating that the data is related to a Image
Type of Notation defined in
Coordinates of upper-left corner of the image
Coordinates of lower-right corner of the image
: Complete path of the image
Text :
Text of the image
Zoom Table
Zoom values are defined between 0 to 12 and indicate the maximum scale which the element appears on screen.
12 = 100m : Street 11 = 300m : Avenue 10 = 500m : Highway 09 = 2Km : Neighborhood
08 = 10Km : Urban Area 07 = 30Km : Metropolitan Area 06 = 70Km : City Small 05 = 100Km : City Medium
04 = 250Km : City Large 03 = 500Km : State Medium 02 = 1000Km : State Large 01 = 2000Km : Country 00 = Permanent
Important Notes
Text files saved by GPS TrackMaker® do not indicate data related to background and grid colors, Waypoint text characteristics, text defined by User or coordinate characteristics indicated on the grid. This data is stored only in GTM and GTZ (GTM compressed) files.
2.5 GPX File Format
The GPS Exchange Format is a light-weight XML data format for the interchange of GPS data (Waypoints, Routes, and Tracklogs) between applications and Web services on the Internet.
GPS TrackMaker® supports GPX 1.1, being able to export and import Tracklogs, Routes and Waypoints.
To export to GPX format, click on Files -> Save File as -> choose
GPS Exchange Format
To import a GPX file, click on Files -> Open File -> Choose
GPS Exchange Format
2.6 Importing GeoTiff Images
This option is available only in GPS TrackMaker Professional®.
Geotiff is a georeferenced version of the popular TIFF format of raster images. This means that the calibration data are already inserted in the image file. Just open the TIFF to the GTM PRO® calibrates the image automatically, placing it in the correct position. If a GeoTiff is opened and the calibration data are correctly recognized, GTM PRO® will create a specific
User Grid
for the image. Extra information contained in the TIFF file will be transferred to the
Image Comment
field and can
be viewed through Map Image Properties window .
GTM PRO® supports GeoTiffs saved in the following projections:
Transverse Mercator
Oblique Mercator/ Rosenmund
Gauss Krugger
New Zealand Map Grid
If GTM PRO® is not able to recognize the calibration data contained in the GeoTiff, the Import Tool window will be opened, showing a list of probable coordinate systems. Usually, when the Import Tool is opened, a new calibration will be necessary.
Only GeoTiff saved in metric and angular units are supported. Systems that use
feet, yards
or other units are not
To open a GeoTiff file, click in
File > Open File > Geocoded Target Images
. Geotiffs are saved in the TIF and TIFF
Note: Geotiffs are opened exclusively through
Open File
menu. If you use the
Insert Image
menu to open a
GeoTiff, the image will be imported as a common TIFF not geocoded.
2.7 Importing DRG Images
This option is available only in GPS TrackMaker Professional®.
Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) are raster images with an extra text file where are registered the parameters of calibration. Usually DRG are paper charts that were scanned and georeferenced. The most of available DRG files are topographic charts from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) , georeferenced in the UTM system.
To open a DRG file, click in
File > Open File
and choose the following options:
Geocoded Tagged Image (TIF and TFW)
Geocoded JPEG Image (JPG and JGW)
Geocoded GIF Image (GIF and GFW)
Geocoded BMP Image (BMP and BPW)
The text files used to calibrate the image (TFW, JGW, etc) don’t possess information about the datum and the rectangular zone. When a DRG is imported, it is necessary to indicate the correct datum and the zone of the image.
TIP: Usually zone and datum are indicated close to the map legends.
Special Case of TIFF files
DRG files in TIFF format may have in the image file the complete data for calibration. So, the use of the TFW file is not necessary. These files are called GeoTiff and are opened by GTM PRO®. For further information, see the topic
Importing GeoTiff Files.
2.8 Importing DXF Files (AutoCad®)
This option is available only in GPS TrackMaker Professional® .
The import of DXF format can be done with data saved in geographic coordinates, rectangular systems and local grid.
To import data in DXF format, choose
File > Open File > AutoCAD DXF files
When importing, you must correctly indicate the datum in which the data will be saved. Through the Import Tool, you can choose the rectangular coordinate system or the starting point for data saved in a metric grid.
Importing DXF format, only the graphic elements in the
section are recognized, the
indications and
other saved sections are not considered.
The following graphic elements are converted:
As Waypoints:
POINT: Only the coordinates are registered
TEXT: The text is registered as Waypoint comments
MTEXT: Multiple lines are registered in
Text Box
Waypoint style
As Tracklogs:
SPLINE (it doesn’t consider curves)
The data will be imported considering the Z coordinate, which will be stored in the
field from Waypoints
and Tracklogs.
Use the
Convert Text to Lower Case
tool to change the imported text to lower case, for easier reading on the
screen. For that, see the section Converting Waypoint Text to Lower case.
Important: the conversion from DXF to GTM is a hard theme that depends on depth knowledge of mapping and coordinate system, especially because DXF is not a georeferenced file. Unfortunately this topic is beyond the support offered by the license of GTM PRO or this manual. Here are some explanations on how to import DXF files in GTM PRO: 1 - DXF format does not have georeferencing information, so avoid using this format with GTM PRO. You can create your DXF files, but always create a GTM file with the same data. When you want to open again the file in GTM PRO, open the GTM file instead of DXF. But if you really want to open a DXF in GPS TrackMaker ® PRO, you should verify which coordinate system the DXF was created. Also, verify which datum the file was created. If you don’t know these information, probably the data will be imported in a wrong position. 2 - Datum and coordinate system must be indicated when importing a DXF. If the DXF was created in UTM, when importing you must also indicate the correct UTM zone in which the data were saved. Whithout the indication of the correct zone, the data is not imported correctly. If you know the UTM zone, just indicate it when importing the DXF file. 3 – Another common problem is the quality of the DXF file. Sometimes the file is NOT in UTM or has limit values beyond standard UTM zones. Most of the time the DXF data were created with a total station and modified erroneously to UTM. In this case, we suggest you to open Autocad® and export the DXF to EMF image format. The EMF format can be imported to GTM PRO as image, pressing F7 and calibrated according the topic Calibrating Map Images.
2.9 Exporting DXF Files (AutoCad®)
This option is available only in GPS TrackMaker Professional®
Important: To export DXF, always use UTM coordinates. This way you have a metric grid in AutoCad®. Make sure that all data are in the same UTM zone before export. To see the UTM zones, modify the coordinate system to UTM pressing
Tools-> Options-> Coordinates-> Rectangular Grids -> UTM
. Also press CTRL G to see the grid
To export data to DXF format for AutoCAD® programs, choose
File > Save File as > AutoCad File
GPS TrackMaker® will make the export adopting the following criterion:
Tracklogs and Routes will be exported as
Waypoints will be exported as text and small circles, with a central point.
The export datum will be the current datum of GPS TrackMaker® program
When exporting, the program will open a window with the following options:
Selecting this option, the data will be exported to geographic coordinates, in decimal format and
with twelve decimal places of accuracy.
: This option is useful when the User wants to export the data to a unusual metric system of coordinates, with origin (coordinates 0,0) defined in the lower left side of a rectangle bound to the data. This option will stay enabled, even if the data is in different zones. Though, the User must be careful when using it in the export of data that surpasses 6º of horizontal extension, because the errors in the edges can affect the data accuracy.
Rectangular :
Data Export in metric system, in rectangular coordinates, with two decimal places of accuracy. This option will only be enabled if the data is in the same zone as one of the rectangular systems from GPS TrackMaker® coordinates. The zone indication will be omitted when exporting. For further information about rectangular coordinates systems, see Configuring Coordinates System.
Export Parameters
Create Layers:
Whenever possible, this option should be selected to create five different layers that will facilitate
a better visualization in AutoCAD®. The Created layers will have the following names:
Layer of Waypoint comments
Layer of the Waypoint names
Layer of the Routes
Layer of the Tracklogs
Layer of circles and indicative points of Waypoint icons
Creates the export with the same colors indicated in GPS TrackMaker®. If this option is not selected,
the data will be exported in black or white color, depending on the background color defined in AutoCAD®.
Text Height
Choose the maximum height of the text and of the icon from exported Waypoints, avoiding confusion when the
tool is used in AutoCAD® environment. The height is indicated in meters and it will be shown to scale, even
if the data is exported using geographic coordinates.
2.10 Importing Shapefiles (ArcView®)
The import of Shapefile (SHP format) files is possible in GPS TrackMaker®. This format is used by Arc/View® from ESRI™ and other GIS programs.
To import data in SHP format, choose
File > Open File > Arc/View Shapefiles
When importing, it is necessary to indicate the datum in which the data is saved. Through the Import Tool, you can choose the rectangular coordinate system or the starting point for data saved in a metric grid.
Also configure the
option to the correct unit. Feet or meters can be chosen.
Each SHP file has a database file in DBF format that can also be read by GPS TrackMaker®. When importing, the
Import Tool
window will show a specific field for the DBF file, and you can choose which field of the DBF file
will be transferred for Tracklog names, and also, for the Waypoint names, and for the Waypoints comment.
The following shapes are supported:
2.11 Exporting Shapefiles (ArcView®)
This option is available only in GPS TrackMaker Professional® .
To export data to the Shapefile format of ArcView® programs, choose
File > Save File as > Shapefile ArcView file
The export datum will be the current datum of the GPS TrackMaker®. The respective DBF and SHX files will also be created with the SHP file.
When exporting, the program will open a window with the following options:
Selecting this option, the data will be exported in geographic coordinates, in decimal format and
with twelve decimal places of accuracy.
: This option is useful when the User wants to export the data to a unusual metric system of coordinates, with origin (coordinates 0,0) defined in the lower left side of a rectangle bounded to the data. This option will stay enabled, even if the data is in different zones. Though, the User must be careful when using it with data that exceeds 6º of horizontal extension, because the errors in the edges can degrade data accuracy.
Data exported in metric system, in rectangular coordinates, with two places of accuracy. This option will only be enabled if the data is in the same zone as one of the rectangular systems of coordinates of GPS TrackMaker®.
The zone indication will be omitted when exporting. For further information about rectangular systems of coordinates, refer to Configuring the Coordinates System.
Type of data to be Exported
: will be exported as
, with the registration of all Waypoint attributes
Simple Tracks and Routes
: will be exported as
Filled Tracklogs
: will be exported as
2.12 Exporting XLS Files (MS Excel®)
This option is available only in GPS TrackMaker Professional® .
To export data to XLS (spreadsheets of Microsoft Excel®) format, choose
File > Save File as > Microsoft Excel 2.1
The export datum will be the current datum of the GPS TrackMaker® program.
Waypoints, Tracklogs and Routes will be exported in three single XLS files.
The export is made in Microsoft Excel® 2.1 format that possesses a limitation of approximately 32700 lines in each table.
Exported attributes:
Isolated Waypoints or in Routes
- Index number
- Name
- Coordinates with the current Notation of GPS TrackMaker®
- Altitude in meters or feet
- Date and hour with the current notation of the computer’s regional settings
- Comments
- Icon number according to the Icon Table
- Angle of rotation of Waypoint Text
- Waypoint’s display on the screen
– Symbol with name
1 –
Symbol only
2 –
Symbol with comments
3 –
Symbol with comments defined by User
- Tracklog name
- Index number
- Coordinates with the current Notation of GPS TrackMaker®
- Altitude in meters or feet
- Date and hour with the current notation of the computer’s regional settings
- Route Name
- Waypoint’s attributes
2.13 Exporting DBF Files (dBase®)
This option is available only in GPS TrackMaker Professional® .
To export data to DBF (dBase®) format, choose
File > Save File as > dBase IV Database
The export datum will be the current datum of the GPS TrackMaker®.
Three files will be created for Waypoints, Tracklogs and Routes respectively.
Exported attributes:
Isolated Waypoints or in Routes
- Index number
- Name
- Coordinates with the current Notation of GPS TrackMaker®
- Altitude in meters or feet
- Date and hour with the current notation of the computer’s regional settings
- Comments
- Icon number according to the Icon Table
- Angle of rotation of Waypoint Text
- Waypoint’s display on the screen
– Symbol with name
1 –
Symbol only
2 –
Symbol with comments
3 –
Symbol with comments defined by User
- Tracklog name
- Index number
- Coordinates with the current Notation of GPS TrackMaker®
- Altitude in meters or feet
- Date and hour with the current notation of the computer’s regional settings
- Route Name
- Waypoint’s attributes
2.14 Importing and Exporting Files in PCX5 Format
Importing Files in PCX5 Format
Files in GRM, TRK, WPT and RTE formats are recognized in the following notations:
dd mm ss.ssss
dd mm.mmmm
British Grid
German GR
Irish Grid
Swedish R90
Taiwan 67 Grid
To import, choose
Files > Open File >PCX5 Files
option to view files with PCX5 program extensions.
Note that in data import, the Waypoint text will be configured to capital letters. Use the
Convert Text to Lower
tool to change the imported text to lowercase, for better readability on the screen. See topic: Converting
Waypoint Text to Lower case.
Saving Files in GRM Format from PXC5
GPS TrackMaker® allows you to save files in GRM (Garmin® PCX5) program format. GRM format saves
Tracklogs, Routes and Waypoints into the same file.
The data will be always saved in
notation and WGS 84 datum.
To save data in GRM format, just to choose Files > Save as > Garmin PCX5.
2.15 Importing Files in E00 Format
File import in E00 format is possible in GPS TrackMaker®. The program Arc/INFO® uses this format.
In GPS TrackMaker® the import of E00 format can be done with data saved in geographic coordinates, rectangular system supported by TrackMaker, or User's grid.
To do the import, when opening the file, choose the
Arc/INFO Export Files
option to view the files with the E00
When importing the data, indicate the datum for the data to be saved. Through the Import Tool, you can choose the rectangular coordinate system or the starting point for data saved in a metric grid.
Note that for data in the E00 format, the text will be converted to uppercase. You can use Convert Text to Lower case tool to change the imported text to lowercase, for better readability on the screen.
2.16 Importing MIF/MID Files (MapInfo®)
The import of MIF/MID format can be done with data saved in geographic coordinates, rectangular coordinates or in user's grid.
To import, when opening the file, just choose the
MapInfo Files
option to view files in MIF/MID extension.
GPS TrackMaker® recognizes most of the datum parameters automatically supported by MapInfo®, indicating which is the most appropriate datum for the import. If the MIF/MID file is recorded in geographical coordinates, the import will be direct.
However, for data saved in unknown rectangular systems, you must correctly indicate the datum in which the data was saved. Through Import tool you can also choose the rectangular system of import or the origin point for data saved in a specific metric grid.
When importing MIF/MID files, the following graphic elements are recognized:
- REGION as filled Tracklogs
- POINT as Waypoints
The imported icons are:
Each MIF file has a database file in MID format that can also be accepted by GPS TrackMaker®. When importing, the Import tool window will show a specific field for the data from MID file, being possible to choose which text field will be transferred to Tracklogs names, and also, to the names and Waypoint comments.
2.17 Exporting MIF/MID Files of MapInfo®
This option is available only in GPS TrackMaker Professional®.
To export data in MIF/MID format of MapInfo®, click in
File > Save File as > MapInfo Files
GPS TrackMaker® exports to MIF/MID format using the following rules:
- Tracklogs and Routes are exported as
- Filled Tracklogs are exported as
- Waypoints are exported as Point with support for some icons The exported icons are:
Exporting MapInfo® files, GPS TrackMaker® will open a window with the following options:
The data are always exported in geographical coordinates, using decimal format with twelve decimal places. The export datum is always WGS 84.
Data type to Export
Waypoints, Routes, single Tracklogs and filled Tracklogs are exported in separated MIF/MID files.
2.18 Files Saved in Multi Media Cards (MMC and SD)
Some GPS devices supports MultiMedia Cards (MMC) and Security Digital Media Cards (SD) allowing to store a lot of Tracklogs, Routes and Waypoints. These cards need usually an USB Media Reader/Writer to transfer the data to/from the computer.
GPS TrackMaker® can recognize files stored in MMC or SD of the following GPS devices:
Lowrance iFinder® and Similar Models
The iFinder® and similar models have the capacity to store more than 50000 trackpoints, 1000 waypoints and 1000 icons that can be recorded in a single file with the USR extension.
iFinder® is able to record several USR files in a single card (MMC or SD).
To open USR files, click in
Files > Open File > Lowrance MMC Files
To save USR files, click in
Files > Save file as > Lowrance MMC Files
Magellan Meridian®, Sportrak® and Similar Models
Meridian®, Sportrak® and Explorist® families can save Tracklogs, Routes and Waypoints directly in MultiMedia Cards and Security Cards, saving in separate files. In some models, the files are saved without a defined extension.
Waypoints and Routes can be saved in a single file.
Tracklogs can be saved in separate files, having each file, a single Tracklog. They also can be saved in a single file, but the date information will be lost.
To open Magellan files saved in MMC and SD, click in
Files > Open File > Magellan MMC Files
To save Magellan files, click in Files > Save File as > Magellan MMC files.You must choose which data type will be saved in Magellan format.
2.19 Data Import Tool
In GPS TrackMaker®, file import can be done with data saved in geographic coordinates, saved in a rectangular coordinate system supported by GPS TrackMaker® and saved in a local grid.
The import window will appear when the User opens the file to be imported.
Most of the imported files don't have the datum indication in which the data will be saved. So, you must correctly indicate the datum and the zone, in cases of file import in rectangular grids such as UTM. See Datum Table to learn which are the available datum systems in GPS TrackMaker®. Also see Configuring the Coordinate System.
The wrong indication of the datum doesn't harm the import. But differences of some dozens or hundreds of meters between the real position of the data and the indication in GPS TrackMaker®'s screen can appear.
Importing data in Geographic Coordinates
Before the file import, GPS TrackMaker® analyzes the maximum and minimum limits of the data. If the values are compatible with geographic coordinates, a window will be opened, asking for the choice of the datum in which the data will be saved and the appropriate coordinate system. To import geographic coordinates, choose
Importing data in a Specific Local Grid
If the
option is selected, the data will be imported, adopting a specific
metric grid of an origin defined by the User.
So, avoid using data that has a horizontal width greater than 6º, because deformations created by Meridian Convergence (Grid Declination) can appear.
Importing data saved in a Rectangular System
Before the file import, GPS TrackMaker® analyzes the maximum and minimum limits of the data. If the values are compatible with some rectangular system supported by TrackMaker, the window to the side will be opened, asking for the datum in which the data will be saved, the zone and the indication of the supposed rectangular coordinate system. Choose one of the rectangular systems indicated in the list.
When importing files using rectangular grids, the wrong indication of the zone will harm the import, leading the program to recognize the coordinates of each point in an unusual way. In this case, the User must identify the data irregularity, re-doing the import in the appropriate zone. The wrong indication of the zone can displace the data hundreds or even thousands of kilometers off its real position.
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