GPI GSCP, GSCPS Operating Manual

5252 East 36th Street North Wichita, KS USA 672 20- 320 5 TEL: 316-686-7361 FAX: 316 -68 6-6 746
“A Gr ea t P la ins Ve nt ure s Sub si dia ry ”
Owner’s Manual
Sanitary Type
Industrial Type
Rev. B 921977-0206/08
To the owner…
Congratulations on receiving your GPI G Series Turbine. We are pleased to provide you with a product designed to give you
maximum reliability and efciency.
Our business is the design, manu­facture, and marketing of liquid handling, agricultural, and recreational products. We succeed because we provide customers with innovative, reliable, safe, timely, and competitively-priced products. We pride ourselves in conducting our business with integrity and professionalism. We are proud to provide you with a quality product and the support you need to obtain years of safe, dependable service.
President Great Plains Industries, Inc.
General Information ...................................2
Installation Maintenance Troubleshooting
This manual will assist you in installing and maintaining your GPI G Series Turbine. For best results, take the time to fully acquaint yourself with all information about all com­ponents of your G Series Turbine. If you need assistance, contact the distributor from whom you purchased your turbine.
Product Description
GPI G Series Turbine owmeters are volu-
metric flow measurement devices. The
moving uid is used to turn a rotor, which is suspended in the ow stream. The rotating speed of the rotor is proportional to the uid velocity or owrate. As the blades from a
spinning rotor pass by a magnetic sensor, an AC voltage pulse is generated and transmit­ted to the readout instrument. Each pulse is equal to a given volume of liquid, therefore “x” number of pulses are equal to a gallon, litre, pound, barrel, etc.
Turbine Sizing
GPI G Series Turbines are identied by the
internal diameter of the inlet and outlet. Model 050 1/2 inch (0.6-6.0 GPM)
Model 051 1/2 inch (0.8-6.0 GPM) Model 075 3/4 inch (1.6-16 GPM) Model 075E 3/4 inch (2.3-23 GPM) Model 100 1 inch (6.7-67 GPM) Model 150 1-1/2 inch (17.7-177 GPM) Model 200 2 inch (33-330 GPM) Model 300 3 inch (60-600 GPM)
Turbine owmeters should be sized in ac-
cordance to the actual owrate and not the process pipe size. For example: a process having a owrate of 10-20 GPM in a 1-1/2"
process line requires either a Model 075E or
Model 100 turbine owmeter.
Another important factor to take into con-
sideration when sizing a turbine owmeter is instantaneous owrate. This is extremely important when sizing a turbine owmeter
where the volume is measured per hour or per day. For example, an application where the total output is 500 barrels per day, occurring
in a 5 hour period; the recommended turbine
owmeter should be sized according to the instantaneous owrate:
. .
(500 – 5) x 24 or 2,400 barrels per day Thus, requiring an 1-1/2 inch turbine ow-
1. Install magnetic pickup (See Figure 1).
2. Make sure that the new or correct K­factor is entered into the readout device.
NOTE: The K-factor is printed on the turbine
body. The calibration report included with the product provides several points
along the ow curve.
Turbine flowmeters are affected by both
upstream and downstream process congu-
rations. Turbine owmeters should always
be installed with a minimum of 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream. The only exception is the placement of the pumps, valves, etc., on the upstream end. When this occurs, 20 diameters of straight pipe should be used. The direc-
tion of ow is indicated by the arrow on the turbine. All turbine owmeters are designed to measure ow in only one direction.
Check the items that follow once the turbine
owmeter is installed in the process line. This
will ensure a successful start-up.
Figure 1
Initial Start-Up
Turbine owmeters can be installed in the
horizontal or vertical position. When install­ing a turbine owmeter in the vertical posi-
tion, it is important that the direction of ow be up through the turbine owmeter.
A spool should be installed in place of the turbine owmeter during initial start-up of a
new process line. The process line should be purged, thus eliminating any solids contained in the line. Once this is completed, the spool
can be removed and the turbine owmeter
NOTE: Control valves should always be
installed downstream of the turbine
Industrial version is illustrated.
Service procedures are identical for Sanitary versions.
The turbine owmeter should be installed in
a location where the process line will remain full of liquid at all times. Otherwise, when the process line becomes empty and a valve
is opened, the high velocity uid hitting the turbine owmeter rotor can cause severe
damage. When there is trapped air in the process line,
an air eliminator should be used. This trapped air causes air pockets and these air pockets will cause the rotor to spin at a faster rate than liquid, thus resulting in incorrect readings, which results in an overstatement of actual flowrate and volume. This condition can
damage the owmeter.
If liquid being measured contains large
solids, install a lter or strainer. Without the use of a lter or strainer, damage can
occur to the internal components.
In process lines where particulates are pres-
ent, a lter/strainer should be used. Refer
to the table below for the recommended
mesh size.
Turbine Flowmeter Size Mesh Size
1/2 inch 40 3/4 inch 40 1 inch 40 1-1/2 inch 18 2 inch 14 3 inch 14
Cleaning Procedures
G Series Sanitary Turbines are designed to be compatible with commercially accepted methods of both CIP (Cleaned-In-Place) mechanical cleaning as well as intermittent SIP (Steam-In-Place) cleaning methods.
If CIP or SIP cleaning methods are not avail­able, manual COP (Cleaning-Out-of-Place) methods can be used.
Care must be taken during system start-up, chemical cleaning, air purge or steam clean­ing processes to ensure that the turbine rotor does not over speed as damage can result to the rotor and/or bearing. Maximum allowable over range for G Series Turbines is 125%
of maximum rated owrate for intermittent
A minimum uid velocity of 5 foot per sec-
ond (1.5 meter per second) must be main­tained during the CIP process to ensure adequate cleaning.
Reference: 3-A Accepted Practices for
Permanently Installed Product and Solu­tion Pipelines and Cleaning Systems Used in Milk and Milk Product Processing Plants, Number 605-XX as amended for
procedures and recommended owrates.
The following owrates are recommended by the 3-A Recommended Practices 605-XX to
achieve 5 FPS or 1.5 MPS in the respective
Sanitary Tube size:
Sanitary Tube Size
O.D. I.D. Flowrate
1.0 .875 9.4 GPM
1.5 1.375 24 GPM
2.0 1.875 43 GPM
2.5 2.22 35.6 LPM
3.8 3.50 90.8 LPM
5.1 4.75 163 LPM
Temperature limit for SIP cleaning is primar­ily limited by the temperature rating on the magnetic pickup. If the pickup temperature rating will be exceeded during SIP cleaning, remove it during the cleaning process or a higher temperature rated pickup should
be specied. Internal components of the G
Series Sanitary Turbine must be limited to less than 285°F (140°C). The temperature and pressure rating of gaskets and clamps used in the installation must also be taken into consideration when determining clean­ing parameters.
Minimum requirements for effective ster-
ilization with SIP cleaning are to maintain
250°F (121°C) at the coldest point in the system for a minimum of 30 minutes. This requires a minimum of 15.3 psig (106 kPa) saturated steam pressure. Normal recom­mended maximums for SIP cleaning on G Series meters is 285°F (140°C) and 39 psig (269 kPa) saturated steam pressure.
Disassembling the Turbine
1. Disconnect the turbine owmeter cable
from the magnetic pickup. Refer to Figure 1.
2. Remove the magnetic pickup.
3. Ensure that the process line is depressur-
ized and empty prior to removal of the turbine owmeter. Remove the turbine owmeter from the process line.
4. Using a small screwdriver or similar tool, insert it into the radius notch of the retaining ring, pull away from the groove and up, removing the retaining ring
from one end of the turbine owmeter.
This will allow the support to slide out
of the turbine owmeter body. Remove
the rotor before proceeding to the other support.
NOTE: To remove the other support, simply
repeat this operation.
5. Once the turbine flowmeter is taken apart, inspect the turbine flowmeter body for signs of wear or defects. The body bore should be smooth and show no evidence of wear.
NOTE: Do not install a new replacement kit
into a turbine owmeter body that shows signicant signs of wear.
6. Examine the rotor for broken and/or bent blades. Remove any foreign matter.
7. Examine the supports for signs of de­terioration, such as wear marks and/or burrs along the outer edge of the support vanes.
8. When the rotor or the supports show any sign of deterioration, a new replacement kit should be installed. Do not install a new replacement kit into a defective
turbine owmeter body.
Replacement Kits
A replacement kit is comprised of all the
internal component parts within the turbine
owmeter. A replacement kit consists of the following:
Parts Description Quantity
Rotor Assembly 1
Support Assembly* 2
Retaining Ring 2
* The support assemblies come complete with
bushings and thrust balls, which are factory installed. Proper selection of bearing material is critical when ordering a new replacement kit.
GPI supports are identical in design, thus eliminating assembly error. Each support incorporates a thrust bearing, which allows
for bidirectional ow and prevents damage
to the rotor and/or supports in the event the
turbine owmeter is installed backwards with respect to the direction of ow.
Notice that the direction of ow is displayed on the body of the turbine owmeter. This is
important when installing the rotor and also denotes the direction in which the turbine
owmeter was calibrated.
NOTE: GPI rotors are tapered on one end
(except 1/2" and 3/4"). The tapered end
should be installed on the inlet side.
See Figure 1. The 1/2" and 3/4" rotors
are marked with a point on the hub and should be installed with the marked side of the rotor hub on the inlet side.
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