Env – Off, On. Selects if the selected samplings level should be controlled by a decay envelope, or
Dec – 0 to 255. Sample envelope decay. The decay will be relative to the length of the sampling.
Mode – poly, mono. In poly mode, 4 samplings can play back at the same time, in mono mode only
one sampling can play back at a time, and samplings will cut each other off. The mono mode is very
useful in conjunction with the sample trigger system mentioned later, for creating a kind of
Chop – Off, 1-63. Selects what chop frame should play back. This can only be adjusted, if a
sampling is chopped, using the ”auto chop” or manual chop functions mentioned later. If the
sampling is not chopped, this parameter will have no function.
#chp – 1 to 64. Adjusts how many chop frames should be played back in a row. Like the Chop
parameter, this will have no function, if the selected sampling is not chopped.
Strt – 0 to 255. The selected samplings start point. When triggering the sampling, playback will
start from the adjusted point. This parameter is relative to the selected samplings length.
Fine – 0 to 255. Fine adjustment of the selected samplings start point. . This parameter is relative to
the selected samplings length.
Lngt – 0 to 255. The selected samplings playback length. When triggering the sampling, it will play
back for the adjusted amount of time. This parameter is relative to the selected samplings length.
Fine – 0 to 255. Fine adjustment of the selected samplings playback length. . This parameter is
relative to the selected samplings length.
Loop – Off, On, Togl.
Off – When the sampling is triggered, it will play back one time from the adjusted start point.
On – When the sampling has played back one time, after triggering, it will loop back to the start
point, and start playing back again, for as long as the step button is held.
Togl – When the step button is pushed, the sampling will play back like in loop mode, and keep
playing back, until the step button is pushed again.´
Trig – Off, 1 to 255. Selects a point in the selected samplings playback time, where it shall trigger
another sampling. At a setting of 1, it will trigger the other sampling immediately after it is
triggered, at a setting of 128 it will trigger the other sampling, when it has played back half of its
time and at a setting of 255, it will trigger the other sampling, when it has reached its end point.
This parameter is relative to the selected samplings length.
Smpl – 1 to 16. Selects which sampling it should trigger.
Bus – 1 to 4. Selects which one of 4 busses the selected samplings audio output should be routed to.