Xmini has a modular structure. It has a number of internal “modules”, like oscillators, samplers,
analog filter and effects processors, that all has a number of inputs and outputs.
These inputs and outputs are divided into 3 categories:
-Modulation (Mod Bus on the structure drawing)
-Audio (Audio Bus on the structure drawing)
Any trigger output can be connected to any trigger input, any modulation output can be connected
to any modulation input and any audio output can be connected to any audio input.
Many of the audio outputs of the Xmini modules are also connected to the modulation bus, to make
audio frequency modulation (often referred to as “FM”) possible of any parameter.
The oscillators, samplers and the noise generator, all outputs their audio signal to both the
modulation bus and the audio bus. They also outputs a low frequency version of themselves to the
modulation bus, so these audio generators can be used as both audio generators/audio frequency
modulators and as low frequency modulators at the same time.
Additionally the 4 Ring VCA’s can be used as “bus converters”. Since they take their inputs from
the modulation bus, and outputs to both the modulation and the audio bus at the same time, it is
possible to route any modulation signal to the audio bus through these. You could, for instance, add
pitch shifting to an LFO…
In order to trigger anything on Xmini, either via MIDI, the internal sequencer or the 4 trigger
buttons, it has to be done through the “Triggers” section, so this must be set up properly for each
preset, depending on what you want.
It is though also possible to get sound out of Xmini, without any triggering if needed, simply by
turning up the “Drone” parameter in any of the 4 VCA’s, and connect some sound generators to
Only the 4 VCA’s can be connected to the audio output, so all sounds must output through a VCA.
The 4 track Note Sequencer always has track 1 connected to Trigger 1, track 2 connected to trigger
2 and so on…
Each trigger is then set up, to what each sequencer track should control, and it is possible to control
both internal modules an external MIDI devices.
The 8 tracks of the Controller sequencer all appear as modulation sources, and for each track, it is
possible to set a CC number and a MIDI transmit channel, to make it control external MIDI devices.