Gossen Metrawatt METRAwin 90 User guide

Operating Instructions
METRA win 90
Calibration Software
METRAwin 90 - Operating Instructions
Purpose of the Program
METRAwin 90 calibrators for electrical quantities calibration results.
Contents of these Operating Instructions
This document describes the use of the general program functions provided by the software.
The program
eparate documents whic h
can be accessed, depending on the currently selected device type, by clicking
Device Functions
Further information regarding device instructions for the respective de
Target Group
These instructions are intended for users of the software. The software is designed for use with the Microsoft Windows
interface. Users must be familiar with basic Windows
Scope of Validity
These instructions
The version number can be displayed by clicking
If you have any questions about using this software, please contact:
e-mail: support@gossenmetrawatt.com
Copyright © 2003 - 2013 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH. All rights reserved. These operating instructions, as well as the software described herein, are protected by copyright.
Duplication of this document and/or the software is prohibited without previous express consent. Violators are liable for compensation of damages.
METRAwin®90 is a registered trademark of GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH. Products from other manufacturers are mentioned in these operating instructions for strictly
informational purposes, and their mention does not represent any misuse of the respective trademarks.
Exclusion of Liability
The texts and illustrations included herein have been compiled with the greatest of care. Despite all of these efforts, errors can never be entirely prevented. For this reason, no guarantee can be made for the correctness of the contents of this document. We assume no legal responsibility or liability of any sort for incorrect entries or their consequences. We appreciate your suggestions for improvement, as well as any information regarding errors.
We make every effort to keep these instructions up-to-date in accordance with the latest software version. It is nevertheless possible that differences may exist between the software and the instructions. Further information may be provided in a
README.TXTfile included on the provided
data storage medium, or in the program directory after the software has been installed. Subject to change without notice.


calibration software is a Windows program for controlling various
with the help of a PC, and for documenting
’s device-specific functions are described in s
in the Help menu.
-specific functions is included in the operating
are valid for METR Awin 90 as of version 4.00.
Your GOSSEN METRAWATT sales partner The address which can be accessed by clicking About in the Help menu
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Product Support Hotline Phone : +49 911 8602-0
About in the Help menu.
graphic user
METRAwin 90 - Operating Instructions

Table of Contents

Preface ................................................................................................................................ 2
Table of Contents............................................................................................................... 3
1 Product Description ...................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Variants and Their Use ............................................................................................................................. 4
METRAwin® 90-2 ................................................................................................................................... 4
METRAwin® 90-F ................................................................................................................................... 4
METRAwin® 90-FJ ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Common Features .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 System Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 6
Operating System .................................................................................................................................. 6
Hardware Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 6
Other Required Software ....................................................................................................................... 6
2 Installing, Registering and Uninstalling the Program ................................................ 7
2.1 Installation ................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Registration ............................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Uninstalling the Software ......................................................................................................................... 8
3 Operation ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Starting and Exiting the Program ............................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Structure of the User Interface .............................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Overview of Menu Functions ................................................................................................................. 11
3.3.1 File Menu Functions ............................................................................................................................... 12
New ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
Open .................................................................................................................................................... 12
Save ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Print test report .................................................................................................................................... 14
Printer settings ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Export test data .................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.2 Help Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 18
Program Functions ............................................................................................................................... 18
Device Functions ................................................................................................................................. 18
Online Support ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Display License Agreement ................................................................................................................. 18
Info ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Basic Program Settings ......................................................................................................................... 18
3.4.1 Changing the User Interface Language ................................................................................................. 18
3.4.2 Selecting the Type of Calibrator to be Controlled .................................................................................. 18
3.4.3 Port Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 19
a) For METRAtop 90C / FLUKE D9000, D9100, 5100A, 5500A, 5520A and 5700A
multifunction calibrators ............................................................................................... 19
b) For METRAHit CAL and METRACAL MC process calibrators ..................................... 19
c) For METRAHit 28C and 28C light process calibrators ................................................. 20
d) For METRAHit 18C process calibrator ......................................................................... 20
3.4.4 Showing and Hiding the Multimeter Display ........................................................................................... 21
3.4.5 Showing and Hiding the Command Line ................................................................................................ 21
3.4.6 Showing and Hiding the Toolbar ............................................................................................................ 21
3.4.7 Specifying the Temperature Unit of Measure ......................................................................................... 21
3.4.8 Specifying the Thermocouple Cold Junction .......................................................................................... 22
3.5 DIRECT Operating Mode for Interactive Calibrator Operation ........................................................... 23
3.6 TEST Operating Mode ............................................................................................................................ 24
3.6.1 Creating a Cali brat ion Pr ocedure ........................................................................................................... 24
3.6.2 Executing a Calibration Procedure ......................................................................................................... 26
METRAwin 90 - Operating Instructions

METRAwin® 90-2

Calibration Software for the Following GOSSEN METRAWATT Process Calibrators: METRACAL MC, METRAHIT CAL, METRAHIT 28C, METRAHIT 28C light and METRA
These calibra instruments and equipment in the field of process measuring and control technology. They include the following functions: direct voltage simulator, current source and sink, as well as PTCs). The METRACAL MC and METRAHIT 28C versions also include a TRMS multimeter (V, mA, functions, or by incorporating a separate METRAHIT) 18S, 28S, 29S, 30M, X with infrared interface into the calibration system, automated calibration of buffer amplifiers,
The software executes interactive
(TEST operating mode)
the help of the BD232 or SI232 the USB values entered manually or read in from the multimeter via the port, and documentation and archiving of calibration results in a calibration report.
Calibration procedures for tested with the program in an uncomplicated fashion. In the case of the METRAHIT 18C and 28C, procedures can also be transferred to the calibrator’s memory module, from which they can be executed auto mA) acquired by the METRAHIT 28C can be saved to memory automatically and subsequently read out and displayed at a PC, and inserted into a calibration report.

METRAwin® 90-F

Calibration Software for FLUKE D9100, 5100B, 5500A, 5520A and 5700A Multifunction Calibrators
The above mentioned calibrators are used primarily for the calibration of indicating measuring instruments such as multimeters, laboratory recorders, current clamps, panel
etc., and include the various electrical quantities required to this end. By incorporating a separate METRA METRAHIT) 18S, 28S, 29S, 30M, X with infrared interface into the calibration sys amplifiers,
The software executes interactive
(TEST operating mode)
interface, automatic analysis of measured values entered manually or read in from the multimeter via an RS results in a calibration report. The program calculates the test uncertainty ratio (TUR) for each calibration point based upon the calibrators are integrated into the software, or overall measuring uncertainty in accordance with directive DKD
A calibration procedure for the tested in an uncomplicated fashion. Tested calibration procedures for numerous multimeters from our current and previous product spectrum are included with the software.

1 Product Description

1.1 Variants and Their Use

METRAwin®90 calibration software is a multilingual Windows program for controlling various calibrators for electrical quantities with the help of a PC, and for documenting calibration results.
The program is available in the following variants:
Hit 18C
tors are used primarily for testing and calibrating electrical measuring
simulation of resistors and temperature sensors (thermocouples and
, F, Hz, °C/°F). Thanks to inclusion of these multimeter
METRAHit (in some cases written
-TRA, EXTRA or ENERGY precision multimeter
temperature measuring transducers and the like can be performed.
(DIRECT o per ati n g mode ) or sequence-
setup of the calibrator from the PC via an RS 232 port (with
-II interface adapter) or a USB port (with the help of
-HIT or USB-XTRA interface adapter), automatic analysis of measured
each respective calibration object can be generated and
nomously (without PC). Measured values (V,
-mount measuring instruments
-TRA, EXTRA or ENERGY precision multimeter tem, automated calibration of buffer
isolating transformers, measuring transducers and the like can be performed.
(DIREKT o per ati n g mode ) or sequence-
-3 (WECC 19-1990).
setup of the calibrator from the PC via an IEEE488
232 port, and documentation and archiving of calibration
respective calibration object can be generated and
Hit (in some cases written
’ accuracy specifications which
METRAwin 90 - Operating Instructions

METRAwin® 90-FJ

Calibration and Adjusting Software for FLUKE D9100, 5100B, 5500A, 5520A and 5700A Multifunction Calibrators
Above and beyond this, METRA automatically adjusted via t heir inf r ared inter f ace (suitable procedures required to this end are included with the software.
Convenient, interactive control of the calibrator which is connected to the PC with
analog measured value
the calibration system, as well as a tabular list of calibration values and associated

1.2 Common Features

direct data entry as an individual value
Uncomplicated and fast generation, testing and execution of calibration
Simple operation: even semiskilled workers can execute qualified calibration
Display of procedural instructions which have been generated automatically or
defined by the user before execution of the respective procedure step
With interconnected multimeter: display and continuous refreshing of the
measured value read in via the port
Outstanding flexibility with calibration signal correction (for
indicators, recorders etc.) by entering a displayed measured value with the keyboard, or by querying the measured value from the multimeter via the port
ISO-9000 compliant calibration documentation as a standardized or user
configured report with all necessary entries regarding the calibration object and
Hit 22-29S/M handheld multimeters can be
with the METRAwin®90-FJ version
calibrators: 5500A and 5520A). Type and function-specific adjusting
evaluations for each calibration point
Dynamic data transfer to report templates created by the user with Micros of t®
™ or Microsoft® Word™ (e.g. with company logo)
Secure archiving of procedures to an external data storage medium
METRAwin 90 - Operating Instructions

Operating System


Hardware Requirements

respective operating system:
232 COM port for the connection of 1 to 3 BD232 interface

Other Required Software

For registering the software:
For the creation of individualized calibra
report layouts:
For viewing and/or printing out the integrated help files in PDF format:

1.3 System Requirements

CD ROM drive Microsoft compatible mouse or other pointing device
For controlling METRAHit 18C, 28C or 28C light process calibrators and for reading in measured values from METRAHIT 2X multimeters with METRAwin
A least 1 free serial RS
adapters or SI232-II memory adapters
Or USB port(s) for the connection of 1 to 3 USB-HIT interface adapters
For controlling METRAHit CAL or METRACAL MC process calibrators and for reading in measured values from METRAHIT Starline multimeters with METRAwin
USB port(s) for the connection of 1 to 3 USB-XTRA interface adapters
For controlling FLUKE multifunction calibrators with METRAwin®90-F/-FJ:
1 installed or external GPIB controller interface (IEEE488) with National
Instruments for example: National Instruments PCI-GPIB NI-488.2 or National Instruments GPIB-USB-B NI-488.2
For printing reports:
Local or network printer which is supported by Windows
90 can be run with Microsoft® Windows XP, Vista and 7 (32 or 64-bit). 90 can be used on PCs which fulfil the minimum requirements of the
™ compatible protocol and drivers suitable for the Windows system,
Microsoft® Word 97, 2000, 2003, 2007 or 2010 or another word processing
program for the automatic creation of a fax form in RTF file format (rich text format)
Or Microsoft® Outlook or another e-mail program for the automatic creation of an
e-mail with registration data
tion reports with company logo and/or modified
Microsoft® Word 97, 2000, 2003, 2007 or 2010 Or Microsoft® Excel 97, 2000, 2003, 2007 or 2010
Adobe® Acrobat™ Reader – available free of charge from
METRAwin 90 - Operating Instructions
METRAwin 90 software is available in a variety of versions for various calibrators. These software variants can be instal respective version numbers vary from each other (e.g. 4.04 and 4.01). However, the version with the highest number must be installed last. The version number can be displayed by clicking
Setup Menu: Re
Opens the dialog box for entering the registration data:
along with your
The license key can be requested by fax or e

2 Installing, Registering and Uninstalling the Program

2.1 Installation

A Setup.exe file is included on the supplied CD ROM. The program is installed in dialog with the user by executing this file. The installation directory and the program file folder can be selected as desired.
led to the same directory, as long as only the last digits of the
About in the Help menu.

2.2 Registration

The software can be tested for 30 days without a license key. In order to be able to use the software with its full scope of functions after this trial period a license must be purchased, the software must be registered with the licensor and it must be permanently enabled by entering the license key (password).
The assigned password depends on the entered company name and the type of calibrator. Registration must thus be repeated for each type of calibrator.
Enter your address information to the corresponding fields. Be certain to enter
the company name correctly because the registration code is generated from it, as well as other factors.
Enter the serial number which appears on the included program CD under “CD
Serial”. If you’ve received the software as a download or by e-mail and don’t
have a CD serial number, you’ registration (copy of the invoice or delivery note as a PDF or image file).
ll have to submit proof of purchase
Note 1
Registration is only possible for a single company, but for any desired nu with a single software license (branch office license). Detailed information regarding licensing can be viewed by clicking
Note 2
Save the returned e
METRAwin 90 - Operating Instructions
Click the corresponding button: [Create Fax] or [Create Mail]. Select the device type(s) for which the software will be registered in the dialog
box which then appears and acknowledge with [OK]. The selection option depends on the purchased software variant.
Send the fax form or e-mail which then appears to the specified address. You’ll receive the password with which the program can be permanently ena
for the specified device type(s) without delay.
Open the dialog box for entering the registration information once again to this
end, enter the password to the corresponding field and click the [Register] button.
The program is then permanently enabled. You can check this in the
information field. Your company name is displayed in the title bar of the program window after the program has been restarted.
mber of installations,
Show License Agreement in the Help menu.
-mail with the password in case reinstallation should become necessary!

2.3 Uninstalling the Software

If desired, the program can be uninstalled by selecting Programs from the Start menu and then clicking Gossen-Metrawatt / METRAwin / Uninstall.
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