Gossen MetraWatt METRAHIT ENERGY TRMS System Multimeter, METRAHIT ENERGY, METRAHIT ENERGY M249A Operating Instructions Manual

TRMS System Multimeter
Operating Instructions
2 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Standard Equipment – Contact Persons
1 TRMS system multimeter METRAHIT ENERGY (M249A) 1 KS29 measurement cable set (Z229A) 2 Batteries 1 Condensed operating instructions 1 CD ROM (with operating instructions, data sheet and more) 1 DKD calibration certificate 1 Rubber holster and carrying strap
16 Mbit = 2048 kByte = up to 300,000 measured values,
sampling rate adjustable from 0.5 second to 9 hours
Function Power measurement W (Var, VA, PF) Energy measurement Wh (varh, VAh) Events recording DC / AC events Power disturbance recording PQ Harmonic analysis V, A Voltage (Ri 17 M) V
Voltage (Ri 9 M) V
Voltage (Ri 9 ... 17 M) V
Crest factor (1 CF 11) 3 Frequency in Hz with V
... 300 kHz
Low-pass filter 1 kHz with VAC Bandwidth for V
or V
100 kHz
Pulse frequency in MHz at 5V
TTL 1 Hz...1 MHz Duty cycle as % 2.0% ... 98% Voltage level measurement in dB 3 Resistance Conductivity nS Low-resistance measurement
where I
= 3 mA
Continuity test where I
= 1 mA
Diode test where I
= 1 mA
Temperature °C/°F with T
Type K
Temperature °C/°F R
Capacitance in F 3 Cable length in m 3 Current A
Bandwidth for A
or A
10 kHz
Frequency in Hz for A
... 60 kHz
Current clamp measurement with adjustable transformation ratio
mV / A mA / A
Relative value measurement (ref. value measurement) REL
Zero point 3 Data logger function
(memory) 16 MBit Min-Max / data hold 3 IR interface (38.4 kBd) 3 Power pack socket 3 Rubber holster 3 Fuse 10 A / 1000 V Protection
IP 52
Measuring Category 600 V CAT III
300 V CAT IV
Calibration DKD
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 3
Standard Equipment – Contact Persons
Accessories (sensors, plug inserts, adapters, consumable materials)
The accessories available for your instrument are checked for compliance with currently valid safety regulations at regular inter­vals, and are amended as required for new applications. Currently up-to-date accessories which are suitable for your measuring instrument are listed at the following web address along with photo, order number, description and, depending upon the scope of the respective accessory, data sheet and operating instructions: www.gossenmetrawatt.com
See also section 10 on page 89.
Product Support
Technical queries (use, operation, software registration)
If required please contact:
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Product Support Hotline
Phone: +49 911 8602-0 Fax: +49 911 8602-709
e-mail support@gossenmetrawatt.com
Software Enabling for METRAwin10 (as of version 6.xx)
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Front Office
Phone: +49 911 8602-111 Fax: +49 911 8602-777 e-mail info@gossenmetrawatt.com
4 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Standard Equipment – Contact Persons
Recalibration Service
Our service center calibrates and recalibrates (e.g. after one year as part of your test equipment monitoring system, prior to use etc.) all instruments from GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH and other manu­facturers, and offers free test equipment management.
Repair and Replacement Parts Service Calibration Center* and Rental Instrument Service
If required please contact:
GMC-I Service GmbH
Service Center Thomas-Mann-Str. 20 90471 Nürnberg, Germany Phone: +49 911 817718-0 Fax: +49 911 817718-253 e-mail: service@gossenmetrawatt.com
This address is only valid in Germany. Please contact our representatives or subsidiaries for service in other countries.
* Calibration laboratory for measured electrical quantities,
DKD – K – 19701, accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Accredited quantities: direct voltage, direct current value, direct current resistance, alternating voltage, alternating current value, AC active power, AC apparent power, DC power, capacitance, frequency, temperature
Competent Partner
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.
Our DKD calibration laboratory is accredited by the Deutscher Kalibrierdienst (German Calibration Service) under registration number DKD–K–19701 in accordance with DIN EN ISO/ IEC 17025:2005. We offer a complete range of expertise in the field of metrology: from test reports and proprietary calibration certificates right on up to DKD calibration certificates. Our spectrum of offerings is rounded out with free test equipment management. As a full service calibration laboratory, we can calibrate instru­ments from other manufacturers as well.
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 5
Table of Contents
Contents Page Contents Page
1 Safety Features and Precautions ........................................ 7
1.1 Use for Intended Purpose .................................................................9
1.2 Meanings of Danger Symbols ........................................................... 9
1.3 Meanings of Acoustic Warning Signals .............................................. 9
2 Operating Overview – Connections, Keys, Rotary Switch, Symbols . 10
3 Initial Start-Up ................................................................... 14
3.1 Inserting Batteries or Rechargeable Batteries ................................... 14
3.2 Switching the Instrument On ...........................................................14
3.3 Setting the Operating Parameters ................................................... 14
3.4 Switching the Instrument Off ..........................................................15
4 Control Functions ..............................................................16
4.1 Selecting Measuring Functions and Measuring Ranges ....................16
4.1.1 Automatic Measuring Range Selection (auto-ranging) ....................... 16
4.1.2 Manual Measuring Range Selection ................................................ 16
4.1.3 Peak Value Monitoring
for Automatic and Manual Measuring Range Selection ..................... 17
4.1.4 Quick Measurements (MAN or DATA function) ................................. 18
4.2 Zero Offset / Relative Measurements – ZERO/Delta REL Function ..... 18
4.3 Display (LCD) .................................................................................19
4.4 Measured Value Storage: DATA (auto-hold / compare) ..................... 20
4.4.1 Saving Minimum and Maximum Values – Min/Max Function ............. 21
4.5 Measurement Data Recording – Memory Mode Operation, STORE Menu
Function ........................................................................................ 22
4.5.1 Rapid Momentary Value Acquisition for U DC and I DC ..................... 24
4.5.2 Power and Energy Measurement in the Memory Mode ..................... 24
5 Measurements ..................................................................25
5.1 Voltage Measurement .................................................................... 25
5.1.1 Direct Voltage, Pulsating Voltage and Crest Factor Measurement
– V DC, V (DC+AC) and CF ............................................................ 26
5.1.2 Alternating Voltage and Frequency Measurement V AC and Hz
with Selectable Low-Pass Filter, V AC + FILTER and dB V AC ........... 30
5.1.3 Mains Monitoring / Mains Disturbance Recording – PQ .................... 33
5.1.4 Mains Disturbance Recording in Memory Mode Operation ................ 35
5.1.5 Harmonic Analysis (voltage measurement) ..................................... 36
5.1.6 Frequency and Duty Cycle Measurement ........................................ 38
5.2 Resistance, Conductivity and Low-Resistance Measurement ............ 39
5.2.1 Conductivity Measurement ............................................................. 40
5.2.2 Low-Resistance Measurement with Constant Current (RPE) .............. 40
5.3 Continuity Test with Constant Current of 1 mA ............................... 41
5.4 Diode Testing with Constant Current of 1 mA ................................. 42
5.5 Temperature Measurement ............................................................ 43
5.5.1 Measurement with Thermocouples, Temp TC .................................. 43
5.5.2 Measurement with Resistance Sensors ........................................... 44
5.6 Measuring Capacitance and Cable Length in km ............................ 45
5.6.1 Cable Length Measurement in m .................................................... 46
Measurement of Active, Apparent and Reactive power – W, VA, VAr Measurement of Active, Apparent and Reactive Energy – Wh, VAh, VArh 47
5.8 Current measurement .................................................................... 52
5.8.1 Direct Current Measurement .......................................................... 53
5.8.2 Current Measurement with Current Clamp Sensor ........................... 56
5.8.3 Current Measurement with Current Clamp Transformer ................... 58
6 Device and Measuring Parameters ...................................60
6.1 Paths to the Various Parameters .................................................... 61
6.2 List of all Parameters, Main Menus and Submenus ......................... 62
6 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Table of Contents
Contents Page Contents Page
6.3 Querying Parameters – InFo Menu (as moving letters) ................63
6.4 Entering Parameters – SETUP Menu ................................................64
6.4.1 SYSTEM Submenu .........................................................................64
6.4.2 EVEntS Submenu ...........................................................................65
6.4.3 General Parameters ........................................................................66
6.4.4 EnErGY Submenu ...........................................................................68
6.4.5 MAinS Submenu ............................................................................69
6.4.6 HArM Submenu ..............................................................................71
6.4.7 StorE Submenu – Parameters for Memory Mode Operation ...............72
6.5 Default Settings (factory settings) – Reset ........................................74
7 Interface Operation ........................................................... 75
7.1 Activating the Continuous Transmission Mode ..................................75
7.2 Configuring Interface Parameters ....................................................76
8 Technical Data .................................................................. 77
9 Maintenance and Calibration ........................................... 85
9.1 Displays – Error Messages .............................................................85
9.2 Batteries ........................................................................................85
9.3 Fuse ..............................................................................................86
9.4 Housing Maintenance .....................................................................87
9.5 Return and Environmentally Sound Disposal .....................................87
9.6 Recalibration ..................................................................................87
9.7 Manufacturer’s Guarantee ..............................................................88
10 Accessories ...................................................................... 89
10.1 General ..........................................................................................89
10.2 Technical Data for Measurement Cables
(KS17-2 safety cable set included with instrument) .......................... 89
10.3 NA X-TRA Power Pack (Z218G: not included) ...................................89
10.4 PMA 16 Power Measuring Adapter (Z228A: not included) .................90
10.5 Interface Accessories (not included) ................................................90
11 Glossary – Abbreviations of Measuring Functions and Mea-
suring Parameters with their Meanings ........................... 92
12 Index ................................................................................. 96
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 7
Safety Precautions
1 Safety Features and Precautions
You have selected an instrument which provides you with high levels of safety.
This instrument fulfills all requirements of applicable European and national EC directives. We confirm this with the CE mark. The relevant declaration of conformity can be obtained from GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH.
The TRMS digital multimeter has been manufactured and tested in accordance with the following safety regulations: IEC 61010–1:2001 / DIN EN 61010–1/VDE 0411–1:2002. When used for its intended purpose (see page 9), safety of the operator, as well as that of the instrument, is assured. Their safety is howe­ver not guaranteed, if the instrument is used improperly or handled carelessly.
In order to maintain flawless technical safety conditions, and to assure safe use, it is imperative that you read the operating instructions thoroughly and carefully before placing your instrument into service, and that you follow all instructions contained therein.
The multimeter is equipped with an automatic socket blocking mechanism for your safety, and in order to safeguard your instru-
ment. This mechanism is linked to the rotary switch and only allows access to those jacks which are actually required for the selected function (exception: the voltage jack is open during cur­rent measurement, but a visible red ring warns the user of possi­ble incorrect connection). The socket blocking mechanism also prevents the user from turning the rotary switch to impermissible functions after the measurement cables have already been plugged in.
If dangerous voltages are applied in the high-impedance voltage measuring functions (switch position V or PQ), switching to low­impedance measuring functions (switch position MHz, , conti­nuity, temperature or capacitance) causes “HiVoLt” to appear at the display and the respective measurement is disabled.
Hazardous contact voltages are not detected when the ohm or capacitance measurement is selected.
If the instrument switches itself off in the event that hazardous contact voltage is applied (only possible during memory mode operation), the high-voltage warning symbol remains visible at the display.
Measuring Categories and their Significance per IEC 61010-1
The measuring category and the associated maximum rated vol­tage which are printed on the device apply to your measuring ins­trument, e.g. 600 V CAT III.
Observe the following safety precautions:
• The multimeter may not be used in potentially explosive
• The multimeter may only be operated by persons who are ca-
pable of recognizing contact hazards and taking the appropriate safety precautions. Contact hazards according to the standard exist anywhere, where voltages of greater than 33 V TRMS or 70 V DC may occur. Avoid working alone when taking mea­surements which involve contact hazards. Be certain that a second person is present.
CAT Definition
Measurements in electrical circuits which are not directly connected to the mains, e.g. electrical systems in motor vehicles and aircraft, batteries etc.
Measurements in electrical circuits which are directly connected to the low­voltage mains via plug, e.g. in household, office and laboratory applications etc.
Measurements in building installations: Stationary consumers, distributor terminals, devices connected permanently to the distributor
Measurements at power sources for low-voltage installations: meters, mains terminals, primary overvoltage protection devices
8 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Safety Precautions
Maximum permissible voltage between the voltage measuring sockets or all connector sock­ets and ground is 600 V for measuring category III and 300 V for measuring category IV.
• Be aware of the fact that dangerous voltage peaks with signifi­cant frequency components of greater than 1 kHz are not dis­played when the low-pass filter is activated. We recommend measuring voltage without the low-pass filter first, in order to be able to detect any dangerous voltages.
• Be prepared for the occurrence of unexpected voltages at de­vices under test (e.g. defective devices). For example, capaci­tors may be dangerously charged.
• Make certain that the measurement cables are in flawless con­dition, e.g. no damage to insulation, no interruptions in cables or plugs etc.
• No measurements may be made with this instrument in electri­cal circuits with corona discharge (high-voltage).
• Special care is required when measurements are made in HF electrical circuits. Dangerous pulsating voltages may be pres­ent.
• Measurements under moist ambient conditions or with an in­strument with condensation are not permissible
• Be absolutely certain that the measuring ranges are not over­loaded beyond their allowable capacities. Limit values are in­cluded in section 8, “Technical Data”, in the table entitled “Measuring Functions and Measuring Ranges” in the “Over­load Capacity” column.
The multimeter may only be operated with installed batteries or re­chargeable batteries. Dangerous currents and voltages are otherwise not indicated, and the instrument may be damaged.
• The instrument may not be operated if the fuse cover or the battery compartment lid has been removed, or if its housing is open.
• The input for the current measuring range is equipped with a fuse link. Use specified fuses only (see page 84)! The fuse must have a breaking capacity of at least 30 kA.
• Observe optical and acoustic warning signals (see section 1.2 and section 1.3).
Repair and Parts Replacement
When the instrument is opened, voltage conducting parts may be exposed. The instrument must be disconnected from the measu­ring circuit before performing repairs or replacing parts. If repair of a live open instrument is required, it may only be carried out by trained personnel who are familiar with the dangers involved.
Defects and Extraordinary Strains
If it may be assumed that the instrument can no longer be opera­ted safely, it must be removed from service and secured against unintentional use. Safe operation can no longer be relied upon:
• If the device demonstrates visible damage
• If the instrument no longer functions, or if malfunctioning occurs
• After long periods of storage under unfavorable conditions (e.g. humidity, dust or extreme temperature (see “Ambient Condi­tions” on page 84).
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 9
Safety Precautions
1.1 Use for Intended Purpose
• The multimeter is a portable device which can be held in the hand during the performance of measurements.
• Only those types of measurements described in section 5 may be performed with the measuring instrument.
• The measuring instrument, including measurement cables and plug-on test probes, may only be utilized up to the maximum specified measuring category (see page 84 and the table on page 7 regarding significance).
• Overload limits may not be exceeded. See technical data on page 77 for overload values and overload limits.
• Measurements may only be performed under the specified ambient conditions. See page 84 regarding operating temper­ature range and relative humidity.
• The measuring instrument may only be used in accordance with the specified degree of protection (IP code) (see page 84).
1.2 Meanings of Danger Symbols
Warning concerning a source of danger (attention: observe documentation!)
Warning at the display regarding dangerous contact voltage at the voltage measuring input (jacks 8 and 10, see page 10): U > 30 V AC or U > 35 V DC
For safety reasons, the instrument cannot be switched off when dangerous contact voltages are being applied.
Electrical discharge or high frequency interference may cause incorrect displays to appear. To reset the instrument, switch it off and then back on again. See also section 6.5 with regard to restoring the factory settings.
1.3 Meanings of Acoustic Warning Signals
Voltage warning: > 600 V (intermittent acoustic signal)
Current warning: > 10 A (intermittent acoustic signal)
Current warning: > 16 A (continuous acoustic signal)
10 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Operating Overview – Connections, Keys, Rotary Switch, Symbols
Operating Overview – Connections, Keys, Rotary Switch, Symbols
1 Display (LCD) (see page 12 for significance of symbols) 2 MAN/AUTO: shift key for manual/automatic measuring range selection
Increase parameter values
Operating mode menu:
selection of indiv. menu entries against direction of flow
: key for switching device and display illumination on and off
4 FUNC | ENTER Multifunction key
Operating mode menu: acknowledge entry (ENTER)
Increase measuring range or move decimal point to the right (MAN function) Power measurement: change displayed unit of measure
6 Rotary switch
for meas. functions
(see significance of symbols on
page 13) 7 DKD calibration mark 8 Connector socket for ground / connected to ground 9 Socket connector for direct current measurement and current clamp
transformer, with automatic blocking
10 Connector socket for voltage, resistance, temperature, diode and capacitance
measurement, and current
11 DATA/MIN/MAX: key for freezing, comparing and deleting measured value,
and for Min-Max function
Decrease values
Operating mode menu: s
election of indiv. menu entries in direction of flow
12 MEASURE | SETUP: key for switching back and forth between measuring
and menu function
Key for zero balancing Operating mode menu: Exit current menu level and
return to a higher level. Exit parameters entry function without saving.
Reduce meas. range or move decimal point to the left (MAN function)
Power measurement: change displayed unit of measure 15 Power pack connector jack 16 Infrared interface
sec. 4.3
sec. 3 sec. 5
sec. 7
sec. 6
sec. 3 ff.
sec. 3
sec. 4.1
sec. 4.1.2
Max. 600 V!
sec. 4.1
sec. 4.4
sec. 6
sec. 3
sec. 6
sec. 3.1
sec. 1.2
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 11
Operating Overview – Connections, Keys, Rotary Switch, Symbols
Symbols Used in the Digital Display 1 Battery level indicator
2 ON: continuous operation (automatic shutdown deactivated) 3 DATA: display memory, “freeze measured value” 4 STORE: memory mode active 5 TRIG: synchronized storage 6 FILTER: low-pass filter active 7 EVENTS: events measurement 8 IR: infrared interface indicator 9 Auxiliary display: digital display with decimal point and polarity display
10 Transformation ratio (factor for current clamp sensorc and transformers) 11 dB: alternating voltage level measurement 12 Selected type of current 13 TRMS measurement 14 Unit of measure
15 Warning regarding dangerous voltage: U > 30 V AC or U > 35 V DC
16 Main display: digital display with decimal point and polarity display 17 Continuity test with acoustic signal active 18 Pt100/Pt1000: selected platinum resistance sensor with automatic
selection of Pt100 / Pt1000 19 TC: temperature measurement with type K thermocouple (NiCr-Ni) 20 h (hours): unit of time 21 MAN: manual measuring range selection active 22 ZERO: zero balancing active 23 REL: relative measurement with reference to offset 24 min: minimum value storage 25 Diode measurement selected 26 max: maximum value storage 27 Stopwatch active or time since beginning of measurement 28 ON: together with the symbol in item 27: elapsed time since activation of the
respective function 29 sec (seconds): unit of time
Battery full
Battery OK
Battery weak
Battery (almost) dead, U < 1.8 V
Data transmission to / from multimeter, active
IR interface active (ready to receive starting commands)
Battery Level Indicator
Interface Indicator
1 28
54 6
24 272120
22 23 26 2829
12 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Operating Overview – Connections, Keys, Rotary Switch, Symbols
Symbols and Functions for Rotary Switch Positions (MD: main display, AD: auxiliary display, MR: measuring range)
Display Measuring function Sub-Function
V~ 0/4 V~AC TRMS / HZ
A~AC TRMS (0/2)
CLiP=OFF: alternating voltage, AC TRMS, full bandwidth CLiP=ON: alternating current via current clamp sensor, TRMS AC value
V~ 1 Hz ~AC TRMS / (1) CLiP=oFF: voltage frequency, to 300 kHz / CLiP=ON current frequency sensor DATA/MIN/MAX, MAN/AUTO, ZERO V~ 2 V filter ~AC TRMS / Hz man Alternating voltage, AC TRMS, with low pass filter (1 kHz) DATA/MIN/MAX, MAN/AUTO, ZERO dB 3 dB ~AC TRMS Alternating voltage level measurement DATA/MIN/MAX V 0/4 V DC / (0/2) CLiP=OFF: direct voltage measured directly / CLiP=ON: via current clamp sensor DATA/MIN/MAX, MAN/AUTO, ZERO V 1 V DC+ AC TRMS / CF / (1)
CLiP=OFF: pulsating voltage, direct, TRMS / CLiP=ON: via current clamp sensor
DATA/MIN/MAX, MAN/AUTO, ZERO V 2 V DC EVENTS Direct voltage events DATA/MIN/MAX, MAN/AUTO V 3 V~AC TRMS EVENTS Alternating voltage events DATA/MIN/MAX, MAN/AUTO PQ 0/2 MAinS: V DC+AC TRMS Mains quality: events (type, start time, date, duration, value) Event querying:   keys
1 thd % ~AC TRMS / V /
thd % ~AC TRMS / A / (0/2)
Main display: total harmonic distortion relative to fundamental frequency as % Auxiliary display: RMS value for the total signal in V
Query harmonics 1 through 15: RMS values
and distortion via  keys
MHz 0/2 MHz (High) Frequency at 5 V~ up to 1 MHz DATA/MIN/MAX, MAN/AUTO % 1 % Duty cycle at 5 V~ DATA/MIN/MAX 0/3 (DC) resistance DATA/MIN/MAX, MAN/AUTO, ZERO nS 1 nS Conductivity (in nano-Siemens) DATA/MIN/MAX
2RPE Low-resistance measurement with acoustic signal where Iconst = 3 mA DATA/MIN/MAX, ZERO
0/2 Continuity test, , with acoustic signal where Iconst = 1 mA DATA/MIN/MAX, ZERO 1 V DC Diode voltage up to max. 6 V where Iconst = 1 mA DATA/MIN/MAX
Temp . TC 0/2
C, type K
Temperature, type K thermocouple DATA/MIN/MAX
Temp . RT D Pt100 Temperature with Pt100 / Pt1000 resistance sensor DATA/MIN/MAX, MAN/AUTO, ZERO
0/2 nF Capacitance DATA/MIN/MAX, MAN/AUTO, ZERO m 1 km Cable length DATA/MIN/MAX, MAN/AUTO, ZERO W 0/2 W DC+ AC TRMS / V+A / PF Power (active, reactive, apparent power) / voltage + current / power factor
, W – VA – VAr: vw
Wh 1 Wh DC+ AC TRMS energy time Energy: energy (active, reactive, apparent energy) / on-time
Mean: average power / max: maximum power
MAN/AUTO, Wh – VAh – VArh:
Energy – Mean – max: , ZERO = reset
A 0/4 A DC+ AC TRMS / (2)
CLiP=OFF: pulsating current, direct, TRMS AC+DC, CLiP=ON: current clamp transformer
A/~ 1A DC / (3)
CLiP=OFF: direct voltage, direct, CLiP=ON: direct voltage via current clamp trans.
A~ 2 A~AC TRMS / Hz / (0/4) CLiP=OFF: alternating current direct, TRMS AC / current frequency,
CLiP=ON: alternating current via current clamp trans. // temperature: MB 6 A and 10 A
A/~ 3 thd % ~AC TRMS / A (1) Main display: total harmonic distortion relative to fundamental frequency as %
Auxiliary display: RMS value for the total signal in A
Query harmonics 1 through 15: RMS values and distortion via  keys
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 13
Operating Overview – Connections, Keys, Rotary Switch, Symbols
User Interface Symbols in the Following Sections
 ...  Scroll through main menu  ...  Scroll through submenu   Select decimal point  Increase/decrease value
time Submenu/parameter (7-segment font) 1nFo Main menu (7-segment font, boldface)
Symbols on the Device
Warning concerning a source of danger (attention: observe documentation!)
CAT III / IV Measuring category III or IV device, see also
“Measuring Categories and their Significance per IEC 61010-1” on page 7
Continuous, doubled or reinforced insulation
EC mark of conformity
Position of the infrared interface, window on the top of the instrument
See also section 3.1 regarding location of the power pack adapter socket.
Fuse for current measuring ranges, see section 9.3
This device may not be disposed of with the trash. Further information regarding the WEEE mark can be accessed on the Internet at www.gossenmetrawatt.com under the search term WEEE (see also section 9.5).
Calibration seal (red seal):
See also “Recalibration” on page 87.
Consecutive number
Registration number Date of calibration (year – month)
German Calibration Service – calibration laboratory
14 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Initial Start-Up – Setup
3 Initial Start-Up
3.1 Inserting Batteries or Rechargeable Batteries
Be certain to refer to section 9.2 regarding correct battery installation.
Momentary battery voltage can be queried in the Info menu (see section 6.3).
Disconnect the instrument from the measuring circuit before open­ing the battery compartment lid in order to replace the batteries.
Operation With Power Pack (not included, see section 10.3)
Installed batteries are disconnected electronically if the NA X-TRA power pack is used, and need not be removed from the instru­ment. If rechargeable batteries are used, they must be recharged externally. If the external power supply is switched off, the device is switched to battery operation without interruption.
3.2 Switching the Instrument On
Switching the Instrument On Manually
Ð Press the ON / OFF | LIGHT key until the display appears.
Power-up is acknowledged with a brief acoustic signal. As long as the key is held depressed, all of the segments at the liquid crystal display (LCD) are illuminated. The LCD is depicted on page 11. The instrument is ready for use as soon as the key is released.
Display Illumination
After the instrument has been switched on, background illumina­tion can be activated by briefly pressing the ON / OFF | LIGHT key. Illumination is switched back off by once again pressing the same key, or automatically after approximately 1 minute. If necessary, automatic deactivation of background illumination can be disab­led with the appropriate parameter setting (see bLiGht parameter in SYStEM submenu) or via the interface.
Switching the Instrument On with a PC
The multimeter is switched on after transmission of a data block from the PC, assuming that the “irStb” parameter has been set to “on” (see section 6.4).
However, we recommend using the power saving mode: “off”.
Electrical discharge and high frequency interference may cause incorrect displays to appear, and may disable the measuring sequence. Disconnect the device from the measuring circuit. Switch the instrument off and back on again in order to reset. If the problem persists, briefly dislodge the battery from the con­nector contacts (see also section 9.2).
3.3 Setting the Operating Parameters
Setting Time and Date
See the “t iME” and “dAtE” parameter in section 6.4.
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 15
Initial Start-Up – Setup
3.4 Switching the Instrument Off
Switching the Instrument Off Manually
Ð Press the ON / OFF | LIGHT key until 0FF appears at the display.
Shutdown is acknowledged with a brief acoustic signal. If hazardous contact voltage has been detected (HV symbol
appears), the instrument cannot be switched off.
Automatic Shutdown
The instrument is switched off automatically if the measured value remains unchanged for a long period of time (maximum measured value fluctuation of approx. 0.8% of the measuring range per minute or 1C or 1F per minute), and if none of the keys or the rotary switch have been activated before a selected period of time in minutes has elapsed (see “APoFF” parameter on page 64). Shut­down is acknowledged with a brief acoustic signal. Automatic shutdown is disabled in the following operating modes: continuous operation, mains analysis, power or energy measure­ment and whenever dangerous contact voltage has been detec­ted (exception: memory mode).
Disabling Automatic Shutdown
The instrument can be set to continuous operation. Ð Simultaneously press the
and keys to this end.
The “Continuous On” function is indicated at by means of the
display to the right of the battery symbol.
The “Continuous On” setting can only be canceled by changing the res­pective parameter (see “APoFF” on page 64 regarding instrument shut­down via parameter) or by switching the instrument off manually. In this case, the parameter is reset to 10 minutes.
Illumination On
Illumination Off
Long (1 s)
16 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Control Functions
4 Control Functions
4.1 Selecting Measuring Functions and Measuring Ranges
The rotary switch is linked to an automatic socket blocking mech­anism which only allows access to two jacks per function (excep­tion: the voltage jack is open during current measurement, but a visible red ring warns the user of possible incorrect connection). Be certain to remove the appropriate plug from its respective jack before switching to and from the “A” functions. The socket block­ing mechanism prevents the user from inadvertently turning the selector switch to impermissible functions after the measurement cables have been plugged in to the instrument.
Presence of Dangerous Contact Voltages
If dangerous volt­ages are applied in the high-imped­ance voltage mea­suring functions (switch position V or PQ), switching to low-impedance measuring func­tions (switch posi­tion MHz, , conti- nuity, temperature or capacitance) causes “HiVoLt” to appear at the dis­play and the respective mea­surement is dis­abled. The mea­suring function is not switched until dangerous contact voltage is no longer applied to the input.
If the instrument switches itself off in the event that hazardous contact voltage is applied (during memory mode operation with large sampling period), the high-voltage warning symbol remains visible at the display.
4.1.1 Automatic Measuring Range Selection (auto-ranging)
The multimeter is equipped with auto-ranging for most measuring functions. Auto-ranging is active as soon as the instrument is switched on. The instrument automatically selects the measuring range which allows for highest possible resolution of the applied quantity. When the instrument is switched to frequency measure­ment, the previously selected voltage measuring range remains active.
AUTO-Range Function
The multimeter is switched automatically to the next higher range at (61000 d + 1 d 06100 d) and to the next lower range at (05400 d - 1 d 53999 d).
Exceptions: capacitance and cable length measurement
The multimeter is switched automatically to the next higher range at (6100 d + 1 d 00 610 d) and to the next lower range at (0540 d 5399 d).
4.1.2 Manual Measuring Range Selection
Auto-ranging can be deactivated and measuring ranges can be selected manually in accordance with the following table by pressing the
MAN / AUTO butt
on. The desired measuring range can
then be selected with the
or scroll key (exceptions: power
and energy measurement, see next page).
U > 35 V:
Te mp
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 17
Control Functions
The instrument is automatically returned to automatic range selection when the MAN / AUTO key is pressed, the rotary switch is activated or the instrument is switched off and back on again.
Overview: Auto-Ranging and Manual Range Selection
* Via manual measuring range selection only
“Intelligent” MAN Function
If a small measurement value occurs, the instrument can be switched to a measuring range with higher resolution by pressing the MAN / AUTO key.
Power and Energy Measurements
In the power meaurement function of Metrahit Energy, you can choose between automatic measuring range selection or fixed voltage and current measuring ranges. In contrast to the other measuring functions, however, manual measuring range selection is not possible in this case, as the instrument cannot distinguish whether the voltage or current measuring range is to be changed. The practical procedure is therefore to start by applying the highest anticipated voltage and
current values in the case of automatic measuring range selection and then to lock in the resulting measuring ranges by pressing the MAN / AUTO key. Locking is disabled by pressing the key once again.
The voltage and current measuring ranges can be selected indi­vidually when the multimeter is remote-controlled via its IR inter­face by using the USB X-TRA adapter (and the METRAwin10-Hit software or control command via terminal program).
Mains and Harmonic Analysis
The measuring range for mains analysis (switch position PQ) is specified in the menu (Set > MAinS > rAnGE).
The measuring range for harmonic analysis can be selected as a fixed setting in the menu (Set > HArM > U.rAnGE and Set > HArM > I.rAnGE, clamp factor is not taken into consideration!), or auto­ranging can be activated.
4.1.3 Peak Value Monitoring for Automatic and Manual Measuring Range Selection
The peak value is measured in addition to RMS measurement in the V / A DC, AC and AC+D functions, as well as for power mea­surement. If the peak value exceeds the valid range of the corre­sponding measuring path, the instrument is switched up one range, even if the displayed measured value has not yet reached the threshold value. If the momentary range is manually selected, (-)OL is displayed.
This assures that, in these functions, measurement is always per­formed in the correct range (e.g. during measurement of a signal with a high crest factor or measurement of the DC component of a mixed signal with a large AC component).
Function Display
Manual mode active:
utilized measuring range is fixed
Range switching sequence for:
60 mV*  600 mV*  6 V  60 V  600 V
600 mV*  6 V  60 V  600 V
Hz (V AC):
600 Hz  6 kHz  60 kHz  600 kHz
600 Hz  6 kHz  60 kHz  600 kHz  1 MHz
600 W  6 kW  60 kW  600 kW  6 MW  60 MW
600 mA  6 mA  60 mA  600 mA  6 A  10 A (16 A)
Hz (A AC):
600 Hz  6 kHz  60 kHz  600 kHz
60 nF  600 nF  6 mF  60 mF  600 mF
6 km  60 km
Return to automatic measuring range selection
18 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Control Functions
4.1.4 Quick Measurements (MAN or DATA function)
Measurements performed using a suitable fixed measuring range are executed more quickly than those which utilize automatic range selection. Quick measurement is made possible with the following two functions:
Manual measuring range selection, i.e. selection of the measuring range with the best resolution (see section 4.1.2)
•With the DATA function (see section 4.4) In this way, the appro- priate measuring range is selected automatically after the first measurement and the second measurement is executed more quickly.
The selected measuring range remains active for the subsequent series of measurements with these two functions.
4.2 Zero Offset / Relative Measurements – ZERO/Delta REL Function
Zero offset or a reference value for relative measurements can be stored to memory depending upon deviation from the zero point:
The relevant reference or correction value is deducted individually for the respective measuring function as an offset from all future measurements and remains in memory until deleted, or until the multimeter is switched off.
Zero balancing and reference value adjustment can be used for auto-ranging, as well as for manual measuring range selection.
Zero Balancing
Ð Plug the measurement cables into the instrument and connect
the free ends to each other, except for capacitance measurement in which case the ends of the cables are not connected to each other.
Ð Briefly press the ZERO | ESC key.
The instrument acknowledges zero balancing with an acoustic signal, and the “ZERO REL” symbol appears at the LCD. The value measured at the moment the key is pressed serves as a reference value.
Ð Zero balancing can be cleared by once again pressing the
ZERO | ESC key.
Deviation from Zero Point – with short-circuited measurement cables
for V, , R
, , A
– with open input for capacitance unit of measure (F)
(0 ... 200) digits ZERO REL
(200 ... 25000) digits
(10 A measuring range: up to 5000 digits)
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 19
Control Functions
Setting the Reference Value
Ð Plug the measurement cables into the instrument and measure
a reference value (max. 25,000 digits, or 5000 digits in 10 A range)
Ð Briefly press the ZERO | ESC key.
The instrument acknowledges storage of the reference value with an acoustic signal, and the “ZERO REL” or the “REL” symbol appears at the LCD. The value measured at the mo­ment the key is pressed serves as a reference value.
Ð The reference value can be cleared by once again pressing the
ZERO | ESC key.
Notes Regarding Relative Measurement
• Relative measurement effects the main display only.
• In the case of relative measurement, , F or AC quantities may
also appear as negative values.
4.3 Display (LCD)
Measured Value, Unit of Measure, Type of Current, Polarity
The measured value with decimal and plus or minus sign appears at the digital display. The selected unit of measure and current type are displayed as well. A minus sign appears to the left of the value during the measurement of zero-frequency quantities, if the plus pole of the measured quantity is applied to the “” input.
0L” (overload) is displayed as of 61,000 digits. Exceptions: “OL” appears at the display as of 6100 digits for mea­suring functions with a measuring range span of 6000 digits.
20 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Control Functions
4.4 Measured Value Storage: DATA (auto-hold / compare)
An individual measured value can be automatically “frozen” with the DATA function (auto-hold). This is useful, for example, when contacting the measuring points with the test probes requires your full attention. After the measuring signal has been applied and the measured value has settled in in accordance with the “condition” listed in the table below, the measured value is frozen at the digital display and an acoustic signal is generated. The test probes can now be removed from the measuring points, and the measured value can be read from the digital display. If the mea­suring signal falls below the value specified in the table, the func­tion is reactivated for storage of the next value.
Measured Value Comparison (DATA compare)
If the currently frozen value deviates from the first saved value by less than 100 digits, the acoustic signal is generated twice. If deviation is greater than 100 digits, only a brief acoustic signal is generated.
The selected measuring range cannot be manually changed as long as the DATA function is active.
The DATA function is deactivated by pressing and holding the DATA/MIN/MAX key (approx. 1 second), when the measuring func­tion is changed, or when the instrument is switched off and back on again.
DATA Function in Memory Mode Operation (rAtE parameter = dAtA)
If dAtA is selected as the storage rate under the StorE > rAtE mea­suring parameter setting, and if memory mode operation is then started, measured values “frozen” with activated DATA function are automatically saved to permanent memory with time stamp.
Reactivation results from falling short of specified measured value limits.
Two acoustic signals are generated the first time a measured value is saved as a reference value. For subsequent data hold, two acoustic signals are only generated if the currently frozen value deviates from the first saved value by less than 100 digits.
Key: MV = measured value, MR = measuring range
Condition Response from Instrument
Activate Brief Blinks Once
Save (stabilized measured
V, A, Hz, dB,
F, M H z, %
> 10%
Twi ce
V, A, Hz, dB,
F, M H z, %
< 10%
= 0L
Change to
Brief See table in section 4.4.1
Exit Long
Twi ce
V, A , Hz
t [s]
dB, F, MHz, %
100% of measuring range
10% of measuring range
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 21
Control Functions
The voltage measuring range is set manually to 6 V. The first mea­sured value is 3 V and is stored to memory because it is greater than 10% of the measuring range (6000 digits = 0.6 V), and is thus reliably above the background noise level. As soon as the measured value drops to less than 10% of the measuring range (6000 digits), i.e. amounts to less than 6 V which corresponds to removal of the test probes from the measuring point, the instru­ment is ready to store a new value.
4.4.1 Saving Minimum and Maximum Values – Min/Max Function
Minimum and maximum measured values applied to the measur­ing instrument’s input after the Min-Max function has been acti­vated can be “frozen” at the auxiliary display along with time of occurrence. The most important use of this function is the deter­mination of minimum and maximum values during long-term mea­sured value observation.
Except during power measurement, the Min-Max function has no effect on the main display, at which the current measured value continues to appear.
Apply the measured quantity to the instrument and set the mea­suring range with the MAN / AUTO key before activating the Min- Max function.
The Min-Max function is deactivated by pressing and holding the DATA/MIN/MAX key (approx. 1 second), when the measuring func­tion is changed, or when the instrument is switched off and back on again.
Extreme values can be reset by pressing the ZERO key.
Power Measurement (special case)
Instantaneous power is displayed with the switch in the W setting. The Min-Max function is activated with the DATA/MIN/MAX key. The minimum and maximum values for active, reactive and apparent power are displayed as of the beginning of the power measure­ment, along with time of occurrence (date and time). Previous Min-Max values can be cleared without exiting the func­tion by pressing the ZERO key. This function differs from the general Min-Max function insofar as measurement is performed continuously in the background, even if the Min-Max display is not shown, and while the instrument is in the energy measuring mode
Min-Max Function
Min. and Max.
Measured Values
Response from Instrument
Valu e
and save
1 x brief
Save and
Storage continues in the back-
ground, new min. and max.
values are displayed together
with time.
Saved min.
Min. Once
Saved max.
Max. Once
Are deleted
Saved min.­max. values
are deleted
and function is exited
Is dele-
Twi ce
22 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Control Functions
4.5 Measurement Data Recording – Memory Mode Operation, STORE Menu Function
The system multimeter is capable of recording measurement data using an adjustable sampling rate for long periods of time in the form of measurement series. Data are stored to permanent mem­ory, an68: EnErGY Submenud are retained even after the multi­meter is switched off, as well as after battery replacement.
Stored measured values can subsequently be read out at the computer. The only prerequisite is a PC which is connected by means of an interface cable to the USB X-TRA bidirectional inter­face adapter, which is plugged onto a system multimeter. See also section 7, “Interface Operation”.
Memory Parameters Overview
Preparing for Recording – Parameter Settings
Ð First set the sampling rate for memory mode operation (see
section 6.4 the rAtE parameter).
Ð Set hysteresis for efficient use of available memory space.
During memory mode operation, new measured data are only saved if they deviate from the previously stored value by an amount which exceeds the selected hysteresis value (see section 6.4, “hyst” parameter).
Ð Set “t.StorE” in order to limit recording duration.
Ð First select the desired measuring function and an appropriate
measuring range.
Ð Check the battery charge level before starting long-term mea-
surement recordings (see section 6.3). Connect the NA X-TRA power pack if applicable.
Starting Recording via Menu Functions
Ð Switch to the “SET” mode by pressing MEASURE | SETUP and
select the “StorE” menu.
 ...  StorE store off StArt (blinks)
Ð Memory mode operation is started by acknowledging the
blinking “start” prompt at the main display with the FUNC | ENTER key. The
STORE display segment appears in the header
and indicates that the memory mode has been activated. “store” appears at the main display.
Ð Press the MEASURE | SETUP key in order to return to the measur-
ing function.
Parameter Page: Header
23: Clear Memory
dEMAnd tiME
66: tEMP unit – Select a Unit of Measure for Temperature
23: Clear Memory – appears after CLEAr
73: HYSt – Hysteresis (parameter for memory mode operation)
23: Querying Memory Occupancy
68: EnErGY Submenu
22: Starting Recording via Menu Functions
23: Ending Recording
74: tStorE – Recording Time (parameter for memory mode operation)
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 23
Control Functions
The StorE > StArt and StorE > CLEAr menu functions can only be selected a long as memory is not completely full (StorE > StArt), or not completely empty (StorE > CLEAr).
Ending Recording
Ð If the instrument is in the measuring mode, return to the menu
function by pressing the MEASURE | SETUP key. Select “StorE” again and acknowledge by pressing the FUNC | ENTER key. “StoP” blinks at the main display.
store on StoP store
Ð Acknowledge the “StoP” display by pressing FUNC | ENTER.
STORE display segment in the header is cleared, indicating
that recording has been ended.
Ð Press the MEASURE | SETUP key in order to return to the measur-
ing function.
Ð Memory mode operation can also be exited by switching the
multimeter off.
Querying Memory Occupancy
Memory occupancy can be queried during recording with the help of the “1nFo” menu (see also section 6.3).
Memory occupancy range: 000.1% to 099.9%.
x.x V
0CCvP :
Clear Memory
This function deletes all measured values from memory! (blinks) It’s advisable to execute this function before starting a new
measurement data recording.
 ...  StorE store off StArt (blinks)
store CLEAr noyes empty store
Storage of Individual Values Using the SAMPLE or dAtA Sampling Rate
If only individually selected values need to be saved, the SAMPLE value must be selected as the StorE > rAtE sampling value. If memory mode operation is then started, a single measured value is saved to permanent memory with time stamp when the DATA/ MIN/MAX key is pressed and held until two rapidly repeating acoustic signals are generated (not in the case of mains analysis).
If dAtA is selected as the StorE > rAtE sampling rate, and if mem­ory mode operation is then started, measured values ascertained with activated DATA function are automatically saved to perma­nent memory with time stamp.
24 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Control Functions
4.5.1 Rapid Momentary Value Acquisition for U DC and I DC
Rapid momentary value acquisition is only activated during mem­ory mode operation in the U DC and I DC functions, and only after selecting a sampling period of 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 or 50 ms: All trigger and hysteresis functions are available, although the momentary value is acquired with a separate measuring circuit.
This allows for the recording of the waveshapes of low-frequency signals with reduced resolution and accuracy (typically < 1% of the measuring range under reference conditions, not specified). Roughly 300,000 measured values can be saved in this mode. Values of up to about 1.9 x Umax or Imax are recorded (with fixed range, range-dependent fluctuations), and thus the range limit can be exceeded by approximately 90%.
The ZERO/REL function is not taken into consideration for rapid momentary value acquisition!
4.5.2 Power and Energy Measurement in the Memory Mode
The value selected for the SEt > EnErGY > StorE menu parameter specifies which values from power and energy measurements will be saved during memory mode operation:
• SEt > EnErGY > StorE = normal (default setting): Momentary values for current, voltage, active, reactive and apparent power, as well as power factor, are acquired and saved to memory at the selected sampling rate (at least 0.5 s).
• SEt > EnErGY > StorE = demand: The instrument only saves mean power values at the end of the dEMAnd tiME observation period (see section 6.4.4, “dEMAnd tiME” parameter).
• SEt > EnErGY > StorE = all: Momentary values are saved at the selected sampling rate and mean power values are saved at the end of each dEMAnd tiME observation period (see section 6.4.4, “dEMAnd tiME” parameter).
Ð Set the dEMAnd tiME interval for memory mode operation
before you start recording.
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 25
Measurements: V/Hz/dB – PQ/ – MHz/% – /nS/RSL
– / –
Temp – /m – W/Wh – A/Hz/thd
5 Measurements
5.1 Voltage Measurement
Notes Regarding Voltage Measurement
• The multimeter may only be operated with installed batteries or re­chargeable batteries. Dangerous voltages are otherwise not indicated, and the instrument may be damaged.
• The multimeter may only be operated by persons who are capa­ble of recognizing contact hazards and taking the appropriate safety precautions. Contact hazards exist anywhere, where volt­ages of greater than 33 V (RMS) may occur. The test probes may only be only gripped up to the finger guard. Do not touch the metallic test probes under any circumstances.
• Avoid working alone when taking measurements which involve contact hazards. Be certain that a second person is present.
Maximum permissible voltage between the connector sockets, (9 and 10) and ground (8) is 600 V for measuring category III and 300 V for measuring category IV. An acoustic signal is generated at a display value of greater than 600.0 V in the 600 V range (in­termittent acoustic signal: 250 ms on, 250 ms off).
Power limiting: < 6 x 10
Volts x Hertz.
• Be prepared for the occurrence of unexpected voltages at devices under test (e.g. defective devices). For example, capacitors may be dangerously charged.
• No measurements may be made with this instrument in electri­cal circuits with corona discharge (high-voltage).
• Special care is required when measurements are made in HF electrical circuits. Dangerous pulsating voltages may be present.
• Be aware of the fact that dangerous voltage spikes are not displayed during measurement with the low-pass filter. We recommend measuring voltage without the low-pass filter first, in order to be able to detect any dangerous voltages.
• Be absolutely certain that the measuring ranges are not over­loaded beyond their allowable capacities. Limit values are in­cluded in section 8, "Technical Data”, in the table entitled “Measuring Functions and Measuring Ranges” in the “Overload Capacity” column.
• With the rotary switch in the V position, the instrument is always in the 6 V measuring range immediately after it’s switched on. As soon a the MAN / AUTO key is pressed, and as­suming the measured value is less than 600 mV, the instrument is switched to the mV measuring range.
Scope of Functions, Voltage Measurement
A 1 kHz low-pass filter can be used in this case, in order to filter out high frequency pulses of greater than 1 kHz, for example when performing measurements at pulsed motor drives.
V AC / Hz TRMS, dB (Ri 9 M)
V AC / TP-Filter 1 kHz
(Ri 9 M) TRMS
V DC (Ri 17 M)
MHz at 5 V AC
Duty cycle as %
Frequency bandwidth
100 kHz
26 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Measurements: V/Hz/dB – PQ/ – MHz/% – /nS/RSL
– / –
Temp – /m – W/Wh – A/Hz/thd
5.1.1 Direct Voltage, Pulsating Voltage and Crest Factor Measurement – V DC, V (DC+AC) and CF
Set the CL iP parameter to 0FF in the current clamp setup menu. Otherwise all measured values are displayed in amperes, corrected by the amount resulting from the selected transformation ratio for an interconnected current clamp sensor. The clamp symbol is also displayed. Refer to section 6.4, "Entering Parameters – SETUP Menu”
regarding adjustment.
Ð In accordance with the voltage to be measured, turn the rotary
switch to V or V .
Ð Connect the measurement cables as shown.
The “” connector jack should be grounded.
An intermittent acoustic signal warns the operator if the mea­sured value exceeds the upper range limit in the 600 V range.
Make sure that a current measuring range (“A”) has not been acti­vated when the multimeter is connected for voltage measurement! If the fuse’s blowing limits are exceeded as a result of operator error, both the operator and the instrument are in danger!
With the rotary switch in the V position (auto-ranging), the multime­ter is always in the 6 V measuring range immediately after it’s swit­ched on. As soon a the MAN / AUTO key is pressed, and assuming the measured value is less than 600 mV, the instrument is swit­ched to the 600 mV measuring range. Press the
key in order to
switch to the 60 mV measuring range.
V Tem p
– (+)
+ (–)
V= : 60 mV 600 V
> 30 V AC or > 35 V DC:
> 600 V:
Warnings regarding dangerous
max. 600 V (< 10 kHz)
V: 600 mV 600 V
max. 100 V (> 10 kHz)
= 6 x 106 V x Hz
Measuring ranges:
20.000 00:00:00
Cf: 01.0
00.000 00:00:00
CL ip = 0FF
CF: 1.0 ... 11.0
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 27
Measurements: V/Hz/dB – PQ/ – MHz/% – /nS/RSL
– / –
Temp – /m – W/Wh – A/Hz/thd
60 mV range:
Thermovoltages occur in the event of temperature fluctua­tion, which appear as additional voltage offset. It may be necessary to repeat zero offsetting in order to achieve the specified degree of accuracy.
Crest Factor Display
Crest factor is displayed for voltages in the V (AC+DC) function along with the measured voltage value. The voltage value is mea­sured simultaneously in a separate measuring circuit to this end, and crest factor is displayed within a range of 1.0 to 11.0.
This value indicates the quality of the applied signal. The only pre­requisite is a periodic signal with a valid frequency (see table).
Measuring range: 1.0
CF 11.0; resolution: 0.1
Typical (not specified) maximum deviation for U 5% of the measuring range:
Frequency CF 3.0 3.0 < CF 5.0 5.0 < CF 10.0
10 to 70 Hz 02 02 05
70 to 440 Hz 02 05 Not valid
440 Hz to 1 kHz 05 Not valid Not valid
> 1 kHz: Not valid Not valid Not valid
28 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Measurements: V/Hz/dB – PQ/ – MHz/% – /nS/RSL
– / –
Temp – /m – W/Wh – A/Hz/thd
Events Recording “EVEntS” Events recording can be activated with DC or AC coupling in the
V DC switch position. The auto-ranging function is deactivated, and the respective valid measuring range must be selected manu­ally in the left-hand auxiliary display.
The following can be measured and displayed:
• Number of events
An event is recorded whenever at least 1 measured value has fallen short of the L-trig threshold and subsequently at least 1 measured value has exceeded the H-trig threshold.
Voltage signals with a repetition frequency of less than 500 Hz or 2 Hz are recorded (event rate or period of 0.001 s or 0.5 s).
• Total time for all events
Time during which measured voltage was above the upper trigger threshold.
• Total time elapsed since event recording was started
Event Recording Parameter with DC Coupling – DC Sampling Rate
Ð Enter the desired sampling rate in the parameter settings
1nFo ... SET system ... events
events trig / events rate DC 
events rate : 0 ..001 /0..5 s
20,000 00:00:00
Cf: 01.0
00,000 00:00:00
CL ip = 0FF
Number of elements
Time elapsed since recording start
Event value
DC coupling
Number of elements
Time elapsed since recording start
Event value
AC coupling
(sampling rate: 0.5 s / 1 ms)
(sampling rate: 0.5 s)
Total time for all eventsOn
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH 29
Measurements: V/Hz/dB – PQ/ – MHz/% – /nS/RSL
– / –
Temp – /m – W/Wh – A/Hz/thd
1 ms sampling is executed with reduced resolution and accuracy (approx. 1% of the measuring range under refer­ence conditions).
Events Measurement Parameter – Trigger Thresholds
Ð Enter upper threshold H-trig and lower threshold L-trig in digits in
the parameter settings menu (see table with examples below):
 ...  SET system  ...  events
events rate DC / events trig
h-trig set : -60000 ... +60000
l-trig set : -60000 ... +60000
Examples of Trigger Threshold Entries
Selecting the Measurement
Ð In accordance with the voltage to be measured, turn the rotary
switch to V or V .
Ð Manually select the measuring range for the event value in the
left-hand auxiliary display.
Ð Apply the signal as you would for a voltage measurement.
Ð Repeatedly press the multifunction key (FUNC | ENTER) until
EVENTS (DC) or EVENTS (AC) appears at the display.
You can switch back and forth between two times with the DATA/ MIN/MAX key:
Total time elapsed since event recording was started ON Total time of all events (voltage above H-triG)
Entered Value: H-trig or L-trig Trigger Threshold in Digits
20 000 02 000 00 200
Meas. range Effective trigger threshold
600 mV 200 mV 20 mV 2 mV
6 V 2 V 200 mV 20 mV
60 V 20 V 2 V 200 mV
600 V 200 V 20 V 2 V
30 GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Measurements: V/Hz/dB – PQ/ – MHz/% – /nS/RSL
– / –
Temp – /m – W/Wh – A/Hz/thd
5.1.2 Alternating Voltage and Frequency Measurement V AC and Hz with Selectable Low-Pass Filter, V AC + FILTER and dB V AC
Set the CL iP parameter to 0FF in the current clamp setup menu. Otherwise all measured values are displayed in amperes, corrected by the amount resulting from the selected trans­formation ratio for an interconnected current clamp sensor. The clamp symbol is also displayed. Refer to
6.4, "Entering Parameters – SETUP Menu”
regarding adjustment.
Ð In accordance with the voltage or frequency to be measured,
turn the rotary switch to V~.
Ð Connect the measurement cables as shown.
The “” connector jack should be grounded.
Voltage measurement
An intermittent acoustic signal warns the operator if the mea­sured value exceeds the upper range limit in the 600 V range.
Make sure that a current measuring range (“A”) has not been acti­vated, when the multimeter is connected for voltage measurement! If the fuse’s blowing limits are exceeded as a result of operator error, both the operator and the instrument are in danger!
Ð You can switch back and forth between voltage measurement
with and without low-pass filter.
Ð Repeatedly press the multifunction key (FUNC | ENTER) until the
unit of measure V, or V and FILTER, appears at the display.
Frequency Measurement
Signal frequency appears at the left-hand auxiliary display when the instrument executes alternating voltage measurements. A separate frequency measurement can be additionally performed by pressing the FUNC | ENTER key, which allows for use of the DATA and Min-Max functions.
If the measuring signal is too low, switch manually to a lower range.
Lowest measurable frequencies and maximum allowable voltages are listed in section 8, "Technical Data”.
For measurements close to the trigger threshold: display error or zero. Select a lower voltage measuring range. In the case of measured values which are many times greater than the expected results, the input signal may be distorted. If this is the case, perform a measurement with activated 1 kHz low-pass filter.
Measurement with Low-Pass Filter
Be aware of the fact that dangerous voltage spikes are not displayed during this type of measurement (see also “Voltage Comparator”. We recommend measuring voltage without the low-pass filter first, in order to be able to detect any dangerous voltages.
A 1 kHz low-pass filter can be activate if required, in order to filter out high frequency pulses of greater than 1 kHz, for example when performing measurements at pulsed motor drives, i.e. undesired voltages of greater than 1 kHz can be suppressed.
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