Table of Contents Page
1 Applications ..............................................................3
2 Operation .................................................................. 4
2.1 Battery Test ................................................................ 4
2.2 Taking Measurements ................................................. 4
2.3 Special Functions ........................................................4
2.4 Overload Display ......................................................... 5
2.5 Switching the Measuring Instrument Off ....................... 5
2.6 Measuring Luminance (accessory required) .................. 5
2.7 Tips for Taking Correct Measurements ......................... 5
2.8 Ever-Ready Case ........................................................6
3 Accessories .............................................................. 6
4 Technical Data .......................................................... 7
5 Maintenance and Calibration ....................................8
6 Illumination Regulations ........................................... 9
7 For Lighting and Illumination Technicians ..............10
8 Fundamental Light Theory ...................................... 12
9V(λ) Matching ........................................................ 12
10 Product Support ..................................................... 13
11 Repair, Replacement Parts and
1 Applications
The MAVOLUX 5032C luxmeter and Footcandle
meter is a handy, easy to use and h ig h ly accurate
measuring instrument. It allows for the measurement of illumination in either lux or footcandles as
well as luminance in cd per square meter with
optional luminance attachments which can be
screwed onto the sensor, and are available as
The instrument is equ i pped with color correction ,
i.e. its spectral response has been matched to that
of the human eye, V(λ), in accordance with
DIN 5032, part 7, class C.
The correction filter is integr a te d in to the sensor. All
important light characteristics can thus be accu rately measured without taking correction factors
into consideratio n.
Integrated cosine correction is included as well in
order to assure that oblique, inciden t light is also
evaluated correctly.
Even very intense light (e.g. dayl ight or headlights)
can be measured without additional accessories.
Calibration Service .................................................13
First instal l th e inc lu d e d bat t er y (one 1.5 V mignon,
alkaline-manganese cell per IEC LR6) into the battery holder. Open the snap-fastener at the battery
compartment at the back pan el o f t he m e as u r in g
instrument. Be certai n that the battery is correctly
poled when inserted according to the poling indication in the battery compartment.
2.1 Battery Test
Battery testin g is pe rfor med auto matica lly. If the
symbol appears at the display, the battery must be
2.2 Taking Measurements
Switch the measuring instrument on by pr essing the
“on/off” key.
After the instrument has been switched on, automatic measuring range selection is always active.
The currently selected measuring range can be
locked by briefly pressing the „Auto
key (range hold). Browsing up or down
through additional measuring ranges is accomplished by briefly pressing the scroll keys in a
repeated fashion. If both the „Auto
keys are pressed and held simultaneo u s l y,
the instrument is re turned f r om manua l to aut omat ic
measuring r an g e se le ct io n .
↕“ or the
↕“ and the
2.3 Special Functions
After the MAVOLUX 5032C has been switched on,
the “auto-mode” is al ways a ctive , i.e . th e measu r ing
range with the best resolution is selected automatically, and the display is refreshed at a frequency
which is equal to the measuring rate of the A-D
converter (appro x . 2.5 measurements per se co nd).
Hold Key
When the hold key is activated, the current measurement value is frozen at the display.
“ ”
The hold functio n is ca ncelled if the key is act iv at e d
a second time.
Maximum illumination or lum in anc e ca n be det e rmined by activating the MAX function, after which
the highest det ected value is st o red t o memory.
The MAX function is cancelled if the key is activated
a second time.
lx/fc Key
The “lx/fc” is used to select the desired unit of
measure, eith er lux or fo ot can dles. Whe n one of the
luminance attachments is scr ewed to the sensor
(see chapter 3, page 6), the i nstr ument will automa tically switch over to reading the corresponding units
of cd/m
Combining Special Functions
The hold and MAX functions ar e mutua lly in co mpat ible. If one is selected, the other is automatically disabled. If a measurement value has been obtained with
the hold or the MAX function, it cannot be converted
into the other unit of measure by activating the “lx/fc”
key . The hold or MAX function is exited in such cases.
2.4 Overload Display
If a measuring range is exceeded, “OL.” (overload)
appears at the display.
2.5 Switching the Measuring Instrument Off
Switch the measuring in strum ent off by pres sing the
“on/off” key. The instrument is switched off automatically if none of its keys are activated for a period of
approximately 2 minutes.
2.7 Tips for Taking Correct Measurements
Make sure that the illuminated surface is lit up in a
complete and uniform fashion (e.g. no shadows
cast by hand or body). Hold the sensor parallel to
the surface to be evaluated, if illu mination of the surface is to be measured (e.g. workstation lig hting).
Please observe the following:
– Artificial sources of light do not reach full power
until after they have be en on fo r a lengthy peri od
of time, and should therefore be switched on
15 minutes before measurements are taken.
– Mains voltage influences the intensity of light
generated by artificial light sources.
Check the main s vo lt a g e w i th a v o lt meter. We
recommend the handy METRAVOLT
10D from
2.6 Measuring Luminance (accessory required)
Illumination defines the am ount of li ght whi ch stri kes
a surface, and lumi nance is a measure of the
amount of light refle cted from a surface.
When the luminance attachment has been screwed
onto the sensor, the measuring instrument is automatically switched to the luminance mode and indicates the measurement value with the correct
numeric value at the display (you do not have to
convert the value as is the case with older measuring instruments!).