HD WiFi Camera
Quick Start Guide
Model : T58 86HCB
Before u sing the pr oduct, pl ease read t he gu ide ca ref ully t o avo id
any dama ges to the pr oduct in vi rtue of fau lty o pera tio n or mis use .
-1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8-
Light sensor
Camera Lens
Thermo sensitive induction
Note: Th ere is no sensor whi ch the
produ ct is without the te mperatur e
contr ol inductio n.
Micro SD card slot
SET key
Indicator light
Power adapter port
P re par ation pri or t o In sta lla tion
1. 2.4G wi reless ro uter is req uired.
2. su ppo rt Android 4 .4 and abov e, iOS 8.0 an d abo ve
3. Do wnl oad and ins tall the APP :
A. Op en th e App Store , se arch “GOS COM” and in stall.
B. Op en th e Google Pl ay Store , se arch “GOS COM” and in stall.
4. He re is a n operati on exampl e of Android AP P, and
it ca n ser ve as a refer ence for th e iOS APP.
5. power -on Camer a and there w ill be prom pt so und
ind ica ting powe r on succee d
Power Adapter
Wall Socket
R eg ist er/Lo gin
Step 1: Tap the “GOSCOM” APP icon to open it (figure 1);
Step 2: Use email address for user ID registration (figure 2-3);
Step 3: After registration, enter the email address and then
password to log in (figure 2)
No Servi ce 11:50
Enter pa sswor d
Regist er
Rememb er pass word
Logi n
Forge t passw ord
TIP : For u ser ID regi stratio n, please u se an effec tive e mai l
addres s, (examp le XXXX@q q.com), i n ord er to re tri eve th e
passwo rd.
No Servi ce 11:50
Quick Re giste r
Enter ad dress
pleas e enter ve rific ation c ode sen t to
your em ail(c ase sen sitive )
Enter pa sswor d
Enter pa sswor d again
Password f ormat : 8-16 ch aracte rs in le ngth, c ontain a t least
two kinds a mong nu mbers ,capi tal let ters an d lowerc ase
Regis ter
I have raed this Agreem ent and agree to the
terms and conditi ons User agreeme nt
Get code
Scan QR Co de to Ad d
1.C lic k “Add Came ra” → “sc an th e QR code to ad d”
(fi gur e 5)
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Devic e List
Add dev ice
Exper ience C enter
(fi gur e 4) Click
No Servic e 11:50
Add dev ice
scan the Q R code to a dd
Add by WiF i
Add by net work ca ble
Add frie nds sha re
(4) (5)
2.Conf igure WIF I, enter Wi Fi name and p assword , and
“Confi rm” after t hat. (fig ure 6)P.S:D evic e doe s not su ppo rt 5G
Wi- Fi ne twork; if t his is not yo ur desire d network , tap t o togg le.
(fi gur e 7)
No Servic e 11:50
WiFi se tting
Camera do es not su pport 5 G Wi-Fi ;if thi s is not th e
network y ou want ,clic k to chan ge
please confirm the SSID and password arecorrect,
and SSID matches the WiFi of device
Confi rm
No Servic e 11:50
WiFi se tting
Camera do es not su pport 5 G Wi-Fi ;if thi s is not th e
network y ou want ,clic k to chan ge
please confirm the SSID and password arecorrect,
and SSID matches the WiFi of device
Confi rm
(6) (7)
3.Plea se press th e “SET” key f or 1 second , and then
you will h ear a “Beep ” sound(f igure 8)
4.C lic k the QR code i con (Figu re 9) , switc h to the QR cod e
sca nni ng mode, an d scan the ID Q R code
●QR Code on t he camera s ticker (F igure 10) ;
●Or ch oos e the QR code p icture fr om the albu m for ID scan nin g
(Fi gur e 11)
No Servic e 11:50
Add Dev ice
Press and hold the SET key for 1 second and then
you will hear Start Configurtion Mode
Devic e Name:Ca mera
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Scan QR C ode
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(9) (10) (11)
5.When t he APP Sw itc h to the p rec auti on pa ge bef ore s cann ing ,
please r ead the pro mpts care fully and c lic k "Nex t ste p"(F igu re 12)
Whe n the m obile pho ne shows a QR c ode inter fac e, ple ase a lign
the Q R cod e to the came ra, with a di stance of a bout 10 ~ 20c m
(Fi gur e 13); if sca nning suc ceeds, yo u wil l hear “ Bee p”tw ice .
No Servic e 11:50
Scan QR C ode
Put this QR c ode at 10 -20cm f rom the
camera, a nd when y ou hear a " beep"
prompt so und, cl ick “I ha ve heard i t”
No prompt s ound
Confi rm
I Have He ard It
10- 20cm
(12) (13)
6. Afte r scan th e QR Code , and whe n you hea r "Beep " twice C lick “I
Hav e Heard I t”(Fi gur e 14), and no w the ca mera i s conn ectin g to the
rou ter WiF i. When y ou see th at the in dicat or on the d evice t urns fr om
bli nking g reen to b e stead y on, it in dicat es that t he devi ce is con necte d
and w ill aut omati cally s kip to th e devic e list. ( Fig ure 15 )
Cli ck the de vice to e nter th e real- time mo nitor ing int erfac e.(Fi gur e 16)
No Servic e 11:50
Scan QR C ode
Did you hea r a “beep” s ound?
I have he ard it
Did not he ar any so und?
No Servic e 11:50
Devic e List
Living Ro om
Add dev ice
Exper ience C enter
No Servic e 11:50
2017/04/ 21 13:00
Livin g Room
Snapsho t
Add b y WIF I
1.C lic k “Add Came ra” → “Ad d by WI FI”
Fig ure 1 8)→ Confi gure WIFI , enter WiF i name and pa ssw ord,
and clic k “Confir m” after th at.(Fig ure 19)P.S: Devi ce do es not
suppor t 5G Wi-Fi ne twork; if t his is not yo ur desire d net work ,
Click to t oggle
No Servic e 11:50
Devic e List
Add dev ice
Exper ience C enter
(Fi gur e 17) Click (
No Servic e 11:50
Add dev ice
scan the Q R code to a dd
Add by net work ca ble
Add frie nds sha re
Add by WiF i
No Servic e 11:50
WiFi se tting
Camera do es not su pport 5 G Wi-Fi ;if thi s is not th e
network y ou want ,clic k to chan ge
please confirm the SSID and password arecorrect,
and SSID matches the WiFi of device
Confi rm
(17) (18) (19)
2.P lea se press an d hold the “S ET” key for 1 s econd, an d the n
you will h ear a “Beep ” sound(F igure 20)
3.C lic k the QR code i con (Figu re 21) , swit ch to the QR co de
sca nni ng mode, an d scan the ID Q R code
●QR Code on t he camera s ticker (F igure 22) ;
●Or ch oos e the QR code p icture fr om the albu m for ID scan nin g
(Fi gur e 23)
No Servic e 11:50
Add Dev ice
Press and hold the SET key for 1 second and then
you will hear Start Configurtion Mode
Devic e Name:Ca mera
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Scan QR C ode
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(21) (22) (23)
Aft er yo u click “Co nfirm”, w hen you wil l hear “Bee p”t wice ,
indica tes that th e camera is c onnecti ng to the rou ter. (Fig ure 2 4)
Whe n you s ee that the i ndicato r on the devi ce tu rns fr om bl inki ng
green to b e steady on , it indica tes that th e device is c onn ecte d
and will a utomati cally ski p to the devi ce li st. (F igu re 25)
Click th e device to e nter the re al-time m oni tori ng in terf ace .
(Fi gur e 26)
No Servic e 11:50
Add by Wi Fi
It will tak e about 1 -2 minu tes to Wi Fi netw ork,
please wa it
Step 1: Con necti ng
Step 2: Bin ding
Step 3: Con nect su cceed ed
connec ting fa ilde in o ver 2 min utes
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Devic e List
Living R oom
Add dev ice
Exper ience C enter
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Livin g Room
Snapsho t
(24) (25) (26)
View Monitoring and Operate
Aft er th e device is c onnecte d, you can vi ew real-t ime
monito ring, and t ake a pictu re, recor d a vid eo, sp eak , set
up and mak e other ope rations o n your mobi le ph one.
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Livin g Room
2017/04/ 21 13:00
Snapsho t
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Livin g Room
2017/04/ 21 13:00
(27) (28)
1. Voice bu tton: Cli ck to close /disclo se th e voic e
2. Talk bac k butt on: p ress a nd ho ld thi s but ton to t alk w ith th e
cam era .
3. Ca ptu re button : click to fa st captur e (save in th e set ting s
dir ect ory Album Bo ok option ).
4. Pl ayb ack butto n: Click to e nter the pl ayb ack pa ge, y ou can
vie w the c amera SD ca rd video fi le.
5. Re cor d button: C lick to sta rt record ing, clic k the b utto n aga in
(st ore d in the set th e directo ry of the alb um option ).
6. PT Z but ton: Clic k this butt on, APP pop- up PTZ c ont rol in ter face
for H ead l evel \ vert ical angl e to adjust ( Figure 28 ).
7. Sh arp ness butt on: Click t o adjust th e Res olut ion p ixel f or
rea l-t ime video m onitori ng (HD/SD )
8.Ther mometer : Real-ti me temper ature det ect ion
9.Set bu tton: Cli ck this but ton to set th e camera- rel ated f unc tion s.
Sof twa re Upgrad e
1. Cl ick “ Setting s” icon → Clic k “Device I nformat ion”
(Fi gur e 30) Clic k “Sy stem F irm ware ” (Fi gure 3 1) Click “Upd ate
Now” (Fi gure 32)( It can only b e upgrade d if there is a s mal l red sp ot
on th e top r ight corn er of the app licatio n fir mwar e)
No Servic e 11:50
2017/04/ 21 13:00
No Servic e 11:50
→ →
Livin g Room
Updat e
Can Upd ate to 00. 00.00 .01
1.Optim ize APP n etwor k pairi ng
procedu re
2.Optim ize…
3.Optim ize…
Another T ime
Update No w
(Fi gur e 29)
No Servic e 11:50
Settin g
Status in dica tor
Rotate vi deo 180 d egree s
Snapsho t
(29) (30)
Night vi sion
Share wi th frien ds
Camera ti me che ck
WiFi sett ing
Device i nform ation
Delet e devic e
No Servic e 11:50
(32) (31)
Device U nbindin g
Click (Fi gur e 33) C lick (Fi gur e 34)
1. “S ett ings” ico n → “De let e Device”
APP w ill a utom ati call y swi tch to c ame ra lis t, de lete t he ca mera y ou
want to Un bundled i t from the APP
No Servic e 11:50
Livin g Room
2017/04/ 21 13:00
Snapsho t
No Servic e 11:50
Settin g
Status in dicat or
Rotate vi deo 180 d egree s
Night vis ion
Share wi th frie nds
Camera t ime che ck
WiFi sett ing
Device i nform ation
(33) (34)
Delet e devic e
Add F rie nds to Shar e
Gen era te a QR code fo r sharing (can shar e thi s QR Cod e to
multi- u sers)
1. Cl ick ”settin g” icon(F igure 35) → C lick "share wi th friend s"
(Fi gur e 36)→ you can h ave the QR co de(Figu re 37 )
No Servic e 11:50
Livin g Room
2017/04/ 21 13:00
No Servic e 11:50
Settin g
Status in dicat or
Rotate vi deo 180 d egre es
Night vi sion
Share wi th frie nds
Camera t ime che ck
WiFi set ting
Snapsho t
Device i nform ation
Delet e devic e
(35) (36) (37)
No Servic e 11:50
share w ith fri ends
Steps to share wi th friends
Step 1:Open“Add Camera”on the mobile phone of
a friend
Step 2:Select the fourth way to add,and scan QR
If ot her u sers want t o add the cam era, Clic k "Add Came ra" →
se lect " Add F rien ds to S hare " mod e(Fi gur e 38)→ Cl ick t he QR
code ico n (Figure 3 9) , switch t o the QR code s canning
mode→ sca n the QR code s hared by fr iends→ Ent er the Devi ce
List(F igure 40)
No Servic e 11:50
Add dev ice
scan the Q R code to a dd
Add by net work ca ble
Add frie nds sha re
Add by WiF i
No Servic e 11:50
Add Dev ice
Scan the QR c ode for s harin g with fr iends
No Servic e 11:50
Devic e List
Living R oom
Add dev ice
Exper ience C enter
(38) (39) (40)
Red indi cator
remain s
Red indi cator
fla she s
Gre en
indica tor
fla she s
Gre en
indica tor
remain s
Camera Indicator Instruction
Ind icate s that po wer fai lure or n etwor k not
con necte d.
Ind icate s that ca mera is c onnec ting to
net work.
Ind icate s the rou ter con necte d
suc cessf ully (n o Inter net).
Ind icate s the cam era is co nnect ed to ser ver
and w orkin g well.
6 7
No additional notice will be made i n cas e of an y
minor change. Our company reserves the right o f
final interpretation.
Product Specifications
Function Features
24/7 live video st rea min g
HD provides exce lle nt vi deo q ual ity
Smart motio n det ect ion a nd no tif ica tion
Advanced video r eco rdi ng on m icr o-S D card (Maximally
support the c ycl ic re cor din g of 64 GB mi cro SD card.)
Motorized P an/ Tilt
Night vision (5m v isi bil ity )
Two-way voice tra nsm it
Quick & easy to s et up
Packing List
USB cabl e
adapte r
Scr ews
Qui ck Gu ide
The p ictu re is onl y for ref erenc e and the r eal obj ect sha ll prev ail
1.Suggest using qualified micro-S D car d to av oid
incompatibility. Format micro-SD card before using.
2.Movement detection: when movement is d ete cte d
within the scope of camera, the camera will reco rd vi deo
and take photos automatically. Vi deo s and p hot os wi ll
be saved in micro-SD card.
3.Share your camera to friends: Share QR code of th e
device with your friends.
4.The main account to delete the camera, this tim e fri end s
to share Will be deleted together.
(You h ave t o re- add t he ca mer a to us e it ag ain )
5.Push message: when movement is detected, al arm
message can be sent to server and pushed to your
6.Remote monitoring: after the camera is conn ect ed to
Internet successfully, app can view the monitor via
Internet, anytime, anywhere.
7.Temperature alarm: In case that the temperature
detected by the device is higher than the set valu e,
audible alarm will be activated on cel l pho ne (o nce
every 2 minutes).
Note: There is no function which the product is wi tho ut
the temperature control induction
8.Only support the special characters i n Eng lis h mod e,
such as: " @, #, &, *, ~, {, }, -, =, +, /, ?, (, )",
Dont support the special characters, su ch as :"% ", "\ ",
9.When this mach ine h as a cr ash f aul t or ot her a bnormal
conditions inf lue nci ng th e usa ge, i t is re commended to
cut out the power an d res tar t; or p res s SET k ey fo r 10
seconds, which c an re sto re fa cto ry se tti ngs , and then
please reconne ct th e rou ter.
1. Wi -Fi cann ot be connecte d
a) Ensure that the an tenna o f camer a is fixed well.
b) Ensure that cam era is in range of rou ter. Keep t he di stanc e
less t han 40ft s betwe en rout er and ind oor cam era, les s than
65ft s for outd oor cam era.
c) Ens ure that S SID and pa sswor d of Wi-Fi contai ns no special
char acter s. Modi fy the SSI D and pass word of W i-Fi wit h only
Engl ish cha racte rs, no spe cial ch aract ers.
d) Ens ure that SSID and pa sswor d are no lon ger tha n 16 chara cters
e) Ensure that SSI D is broad caste d.
f ) Ensur e that the DHCP is ena bled on ro uter.
g) Ensure that W i-Fi en crypt ion meth od is WPA2- PSK/
h) Ensure that Wi- Fi signa l is 2.4G Hz.
i ) Ensur e that th ere is no MAC filter o n router o r add MAC ad dress
to rou ter whit elist
We sugg est reb ootin g the rout er, and the " secur ity settings,
encr yptio n metho d" of WiFi p asswo rd should never c hoose
"aut o-sel ect".
Rese t the camera to set up c onnec tion ag ain. Pre ss and hold
SET key f or 5 secon ds.
2. Re d ind icator re mains, ne twork con nec tion i s fai led.
a) En sur e that the pa ssword of W i-Fi is cor rect.
b) En sur e that the ne twork con nects to In ternet fr eel y.
c) En sur e that the ca mera is in ra nge of Wi-F i hotspot .
3. Gre en indi cator fl ashes , conne ction to server f ailed .
a) Ens ure tha t Wi-Fi si gnal is st rong enough and
bandw idth is en ough fo r connec tion. M ove near t o Wi-Fi ho tspot
or inc rease th e bandw idth.
b) Ens ure tha t camera i s not unde r inter feron of o ther 2.4 GHz sig nal.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation.
FCC/CE Certification Information
This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if
not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) level has been calculated based
on a distance of d=20 cm between the device and the human body. To maintain
compliance with RF exposure requirement, use product that maintain a 20cm
distance between the device and human body. Hereby, we declares that this
device is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU.
Notice: Observe the national local regulations in the location where the device I
s to be used. This device may be restricted for use in some or all member states
of the European Union (EU)
The o perat ed freq uency i s 2.4G~ 2.483 5G with B /G/N2 0/N40 .
The M ax outp ut powe r on 802. 11b is 1 6.96d Bm.
The M ax outp ut powe r on 802. 11g is 1 4.98d Bm.
The M ax outp ut powe r on 802. 11n- 20 is 15. 12dBm .
The M ax outp ut powe r on 802. 11n- 40 is 14. 67dBm
EU Environmental Provisions
E-wast e cannot be mixed with hou sehold
garbag e; correspon ding local govern ment
sector or rec ycling stati ons shall be
respon sible for circul ar process.