4. Touch “Forget” to remove network records. Then, reconnect to the network using the
previous WiFi connection methods.
Operations for Android system client
In st al la ti on AP P so ft wa re
To install software for your smart mobile device that runs an Android system:
1. Turn on interlligent mobile device and enter Google Play store.
Search for the software “Ulife tools”, and download.
2. Touch Install. The software can be installed on your device.
3. After the installation is complete, the icon of the software is
displayed on the home screen, as shown in the following figure.
Uli fe tool s
ULIF E TEAM / Me dia and v ideo
Wi Fi C on ne ct io n
Touch “Settings” on the home screen of your device.
Touch “WLAN” and select your camera (The initial SSID is “ ”)
and connect the WiFi with default password ( ).
: When the WIFI connection problem, the user can turn on / off the power switch of
handle to select WIFI channels. then reconnect the WIFI.

De vi ce O pe ra ti on
Open the APP, if the wifi connection is successful,
the video could be seen in the APP as shown below.
Touch this icon to display the settings menu.
You can set a new SSID or password for your WiFi network.
a photo
Not e: If the W iFi int errup tion oc curs wh en you vi ew an ima ge, or th e pi ctu re vi ewing
stops . In this case, exit the appl ication and check wheth er the WiFi connection is prope r.
a video
Change the WiFi channel.