Gospell Smarthome Electronic GD8005, GD7006 Users Manual

Made in China
Four-Channel Wireless Digital
Surveillance System
Model 8005BU:
Thank you for your purchasing of our product. Please read the instructions carefully before use of the produc
Version: 1.0
Table of Contents
Packing List
Install and Connect
System Settings
Recording Settings
Alarm Settings
Technical Parameters
This product is a home surveillance video recording device. It consists of a camera installed in each of the home's entrances and exits and a receiver with its own 7-inch LCD display. The receiver can simultaneously access the monitoring images of 4 cameras at the same time. It has a human detection function, thus forming a set of home closed monitoring system.
The fou r-chan ne l wirel es s camer a recor di ng syst em reco rds 108 0P real -t ime video s on a ll chan ne ls, cle arer th an t raditio nal DVR; Each FH D ca mera ca pt ure s in credi bl y clear images record s eve ry det ai l day and night ; Playb ack of im port ant evi de nce or in te res ti ng vide os o n four ch an nels al lo ws you to kn ow actu al d evelo pm ent of th e entir e event ; No wiri ng , easy in st allat io n, auto ma tic pai ring, p lu g and pla y, up t o 20m nig ht visib il ity; Suppo rt 4T1 R for bar ri er-f re e trans mi ssion o f 400 met er s in open s pace, a nd suppo rt ext ernal 1 28 G SD card f or vide o st orage ; Suppo rt rem ote v ie wing on IOS /A ndroi d app and C MS c omput er c lient ; A var ie ty of r ecord ing modes a re avai lable : ma nual re cordi ng , sched ul ed rec ordin g an d motion de tecti on record ing; 24/7 lo op reco rding by fo ur-cha nn el 1920 *1 080P fu ll H D camer as , with ra in pro te ction ( IP 55); The rec eiver c om es with a 7 -i nch mat te LC D, allowin g for 1024* 600 displ ay, camer a resol ut ion 192 0* 1080P ; Sof tw are upd at e for rec eiver a nd c amera t hroug h a SD c ard ins er te d into th e rec ei ver
Packing List
① Camera x (1~4) 7-inch LCD monitor x 1 ③ Micro USB to RJ45 adapter x 1 ④ Network cable x 1 ⑤ Camera power adapter x (1~4) Receiver power adapter x1 ⑦ SD card (optional) x 1 Monitor bracket (optional) x 1
Anchor x 7-16
Screw x 7-16
Pictures in the manual are for reference only. Please refer to the actual product.
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IR Light
USB Port
SD Card Slot
MicroUSB Power Interface
Install and Connect
1. Install the cameras in place for ideal monitoring and fasten with screws.
2. Install the receiver in place. The receiver comes with two types of brackets, so there are two ways to install it:
Fasten the bracket to the wall with screws and slide the receiver to snap onto the bracket.
Stand it on a flat surface Mount it to wall
7-inch LCD
Power Indicator
Pairing Indicator
Manual Recording Button
Images Display Switch Button
File Delete Button
Scan Playback Button ON/OFF button OK button
3. Insert the SD card.
※ The SD card or external storage device does not allow hot swapping. ※ Maximum storage capacity is up to 128GB. ※ If the SD card to be used in this unit has already been used, format it first before use. ※ Please use an SD card with a card speed class of 4 or higher. Otherwise, it cannot be
Wireless Connection
This me th od is use d fo r Wirel ess con ne ction. Af te r conne ct ion, it c an b e opera ted on a Wi re less or m ob ile pho ne .
1. In the effective range of wireless connection, the cameras can be connected to the receiver. If the distance is too far or there is an obstacle, wired connection is required.
2. The receiver cannot be connected to the router wirelessly. A network cable is required for their connection.
Basic Operations
1. Connect the camera to mains.
2. Connect the receiver to mains.
3. After Poweron, the cameras and receiver will automatically start up, and then real-time monitoring screen appears as follows:
Image display area
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Image display area
2013/11/15/09:30 2013/11/15/09:30
Image display area Image display area
Note: The receiver can only connect up to 4 cameras; pairing has been completed by default at the factory. If they have not been paired, please complete pairing according to the description of “Pairing” on page 15.
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