not be dis pos ed of with ho usehold
waste. P lea se recycl e where
facili tie s exist. Ch eck with yo ur
local au tho rity or ret ailer for
recycl ing a dvice.
Full HD Remote Home Surveillance
Please read this user manual carefully before using this product. Failure to
understand operation procedures may result in injury.
10.3 Elimination of common diesel engine malfunctions .........................
812 2HE=G D8122 +GD7122
1. General information
1.1 Welcome
Thank yo u for p urchasi ng our prod uct s. The p rod uct is a high -qualit y fin epositi oni ng digita l monitor ing p roduct de signed an d dev eloped fo r the
securi ty an d protect ion field . Ple ase read th e instruc tio n of produc t
carefu lly b efore use .
1.2 Precautions
1. The rec eiv er shall no t be placed i n the p osition w here it's e asy t o drop or
splash ed wi th liquid ;
2. Pleas e tur n off th e power swi tch o f camera/ receive r whe n don't use t he
produc t for a l ong time;
3. The pow er su pply can be d isconne cte d complet ely only wh en th e charger
is unplu gge d.
4. Do not to uch t he power sw itch and re cei ver with we t hands or go ods t o
avoid el ect ric shock ;
5. If soli d or li quid ente rs the chas sis , please di sconnec t the m achine po wer
and ask qu ali fied tech nicians t o che ck before r estart;
6. When th e rec eiver is sh ut down, do n ot un plug the po wer suppl y dir ectly.
Instea d, pl ease enab le the powe r sup ply of rece iver to be cl ose d
automa tic ally by usi ng the shut dow n button on t he panel so a s to av oid
damage t o mob ile HDD.
7. If the de scr iption of t he produc t or pa rameter s in the inst ruc tion is
incons ist ent with th e materia l obj ect, plea se in kind pr eva il. We r eserve
all the ri ght f or the fina l explana tio n.
1.3 Packing list
① Camera ×(1 -4)
② Receiv er× 1
③ Receiv er po wer×1
④ Camera p owe r×(1-4)
⑤ Remote c ont rol×1
⑥ Wall nai l×4 ×(1-4)
⑦ Screw× 4×( 1-4)
⑧ SD card (o pti onal)×1
⑨ Cable (o pti onal)×1
HDMI lin e (op tional) ×1
① ③②④ ⑤
※ The p ictu res in t he ins truc tion a re for r efer ence o nly,
ple ase in kind prevail.
2. esignationsD
Camera GD GD8122
PIR sensor
Infrared lamp
Camera lens
Rain cover
MIC hole
3. Installation
1. Insta ll th e camera in a s uitable m oni toring po sition an d fix i t with scre ws.
Pair key
Supply hub
2. Insta ll th e receive r in a suitab le ho rizonta l positio n (or h ang it on the w all).
Remote control
10.1-inch touch screen
SD card slot
USB port
Startup /shutdown
Del/LCD, TV change-over switch
Loud speaker
Power switch
Network port
Supply hub
HDMI interface
(Bo ttom)
Display mode
Nail scr ew in to
the appr opr iate
place on t he wa ll,
and then h ang t he
receiv er on t he
3. Inser t the S D card or ext ernal sto rag e device su ch as mobil e HDD .
SD card
Mobile H DD
Attent ion
※ SD card an d ext ernal sto rage devi ce do n ot suppor t hot plug.
※ Extern al st orage dev ice or SD car d onl y support s the Fat32 f orm at.
※ If the SD ca rd or e xternal s torage de vic e used for th is machin e is us ed
before , ple ase forma t it firstl y whe n using.
※ Please u se Cl ass 4 SD card o r above, or i t can not be iden tified.
※ Data in th e SD ca rd or mobil e HDD canno t be re stored af ter forma tti ng,
please b e car eful.
4. Operation
(The fol low ing mainl y introdu ces t he operat ing metho d for r emote con trol,
and oper ati on settin gs can also b e con ducted by c licking o n the t ouch
screen .)
4.1 Basic operation
1. Conne ct th e camera wi th power su ppl y so that the i ndex lamp o f cam era
will be on.
5. After su cce ssful cod e matchin g, th e real-ti me monito rin g image wil l
occur as f oll ows
Picture display area Picture display area
Time stamp
6. Click a t the l eft botto m of the touc h scr een with fi nger to pop u p a
settin g men u, and clic k a single ic on to e nter the se tting:
Picture display area Picture display area
2. Conne ct th e receive r with powe r sup ply.
3. Start up: U nder the sh utdown st ate , press on th e receive r or re mote
contro l and r elease it a fter abou t 2s to s tart up the r eceiver.
Shutdo wn: U nder the st artup sta te, p ress on the r eceiver a nd re lease
it after 5 s to sh ut down the r eceiver. O r pre ss on th e rem ote contr ol
and rele ase i t after 2s to s hut down th e rec eiver.
4. Match t he co des of came ra and rece ive r (4 camera s can be conn ect ed
simult ane ously at mo st). Th e codes hav e been matc hed a lready as
factor y def ault. If no t, please m atc h the codes a ccordin g to th e "Code
matchi ng" d escript ion on Page 1 6.
A: A setting m enu w ill be popp ed up by a sing le cl ick and pac ked up when
clicki ng ag ain;
B: Full im age d isplay of a s ingle cam era : Sequent ial click w ill c irculat e
from CH1 , CH2 , CH3 and Ch4 ;
C: Circu lat ion displ ay: switc hov er is trigg ered betw een c irculat ion
displa y and d is enable d circula tio n after cli cking;
D: Click t o ent er the four -image di spl ay; (Only d isplay wh en co nnectin g
multip le ca meras)
E: Click t o ent er the one- large thr ee- small ima ge displa y; (O nly displ ay
when con nec ting mult iple came ras )
F: Setti ng: C lick to ent er the main m enu s etting;
G: Vi deo r ecordin g: Video re cording w ill s tart by a sin gle click a nd st op
when cli cki ng again.
H: Playb ack : Click to en ter the pla yba ck interf ace;
I: Volume : The volum e will be circul arly set fr om 0, 1 , 2, 3, 4 an d 5 by
sequen tia l click, bu t it defaul ts to b e 3.
Note: App ly a li ttle forc e when swip ing o r clickin g the touch s cre en with fin ger.
(Since t he pr oduct ado pts resis tan ce screen , gentle fo rce m ay have no
reacti on on t he touch sc reen, but l arg e force may h urt your fi nge r or damage
the scre en, s o please ap ply appro pri ate force .)
7. Press o n the r emote con trol to swi tch a mong the 3 di splay mod es:
Picture display areaPicture display area
Picture display areaPicture display area
Four pictures
8. Press o n the r emote con trol to ent er the circula tion mode d isp lay.
The c irc ulation i nterval t ime i ncludes 5 , 10, 15, 20 an d 30s a nd can be set
under th e "Sy stem sett ings".
One picture
Picture display area
Picture display area
One large and three small
Picture display area
Picture display area
Picture display area
Meanin gs of i cons on the r eal-tim e mon itoring s creen:
Suc cessful mobile HDD
Suc cessful SD card inser tion
Pro mpt app ears wh en SD car d
or mo bile HD d oes not a ccess
Pro mpt appears when S D
Ful l
car d or mobi le HD is full
Pro mpt ap pear s when S D car d or mobi le HD is lo cked
UPn P is not s tart ed or router
fir ewall is blocke d
Network switch failure
Suc cessful network swi tch
Suc cessful network swi tch
The c amera is the
cur rent camera
Vid eo rec ordi ng sta te
Sig nal intensity
Camera name
Sil ence
1080 P
4.2 Record mode
Manual recording
1. Under t he re al-time m onitori ng st ate, pres s and on the re mot e control
to choos e the c amera rec ording vi deo s as the curr ent camer a;
2. Press t he re cording /stop rec ord ing key on th e remote co ntr ol. Th e
record ing i con will oc cur on the di spl ay screen t o indicat e the
record ing s tarts;
3. Press o n rem ote contr ol again to s top r ecordin g.
Timer recording
Users ca n set t he starti ng and endi ng ti me of recor ding on the m enu
"Recor d", t he device w ill make re cor ding auto matical ly ac cording t o the
set star tin g and endin g time, and v ide os will be sa ved autom ati cally aft er
record ing . Specifi c steps are a s fol lows:
1. Press M ENU o n remote co ntrol or cl ick o n the touch s creen to en ter
the sett ing i nterfac e;
2. Press o r to ch oose "Rec ord", and t hen p ress OK to en ter;
3. Press o r to ch oose “Time r rec ording" a nd th en press "O K" to enter ;
4. Press o r to ch oose "New s chedule " and t hen press " OK" to ente r
and set th e sta rting and e nding tim e:
5. After s ett ing, the de vice will r eco rd automa tically a cco rding to th e set
starti ng an d ending ti me.
6. Durin g rec ording, i f pressin g the r ecordin g/stop re cor ding key on t he
device , the r ecordin g will stop .
Press or t o cho ose the
items to b e set ;
Press or t o set ;
Press OK t o con firm the
settin g and e xit.
Motion detection
When an ob jec t moves in th e visual an gle r ange of cam era, the de vic e
record ing c an be trigg ered. Spe cif ic steps ar e as follow s:
1. Press M ENU o n remote co ntrol or cl ick o n the touch s creen to en ter
the sett ing i nterfac e;
2. Press ◄ o r ► to ch oose "Rec ord", and t hen p ress OK to en ter;
3. Press o r to ch oose "Mot ion detec tio n " and then pr ess "OK" to e nte r;
4. Press o r to ch oose the ca mera to be se t;
5. Press ◄ o r ► to ch oose "ON" ;
6. Press o r to ch oose the it ems to be cha nge d;
7. Press o r to ma ke adjust ment;
8. Press O K to co nfirm the s etting an d exi t.
"Sensi tiv ity", "St op condit ion " and "Area s etting" c an al so be set in th e
motion d ete ction set ting:
Sensit ivi ty: "High , medium
and low" a re ad justabl e
The time c an be s et in secon d
Please c lic k the range t o be set:
V : Indica tin g to choose t he
curren t ran ge
Yell ow "V": Ind ica ting to act ivate
region al mo tion dete ction
The spac e unt icked rep resents
closed .
Area set tin g
4.3 Video playback
1. Under t he re al-time m onitori ng st ate, pres s the playb ack k ey on the
remote c ont rol or clic k on the touc h scr een to ente r the playb ack
interf ace :
2. Press o r on th e remote co ntrol to ch oos e the date fo lder; Pre ss OK t o
confir m it an d enter;
3. Press o r on th e remote co ntrol to ch oos e camera; P ress OK to co nfi rm
it and ent er;
4. When SD c ard a nd mobile H DD coexis t, pl ease clic k the icon on t he to p
right co rne r to switch t he storag e dev ice.
SD Card
07/2 2/201 6
07/2 3/201 6
1 / 2
07/22/ 2016
C1 06- 11
C2 06- 11
1 / 1
6. Press ◄ o r ► for R EW or FF; Pre ss or to adju st th e volume; P ress
OK again t o pau se the vide o; Press ME NU to e xit the pla y mode.
4.4 Video deletion
1. Under t he re al-time m onitori ng st ate, pres s the playb ack k ey on the
remote c ont rol or clic k on the touc h scr een to ente r the playb ack f older:
2. Press o r on th e remote co ntrol to ch oos e the video o r video fol der t o
be delet ed;
3. Press o n the e quipmen t to delete i t.
Folder s can b e deleted o nly when th ey ar e empty.
4.5 Video output
Connec t the r eceiver t o a larger di spl ay /TV to see t he monito rin g video
clearl y.
HDMI lin e
5. Main Menu Setting
5. Press o r on th e remote co ntrol to ch oos e the video t o be played ; Pre ss
OK to play i t;
Click th is ic on on
the scre en to
pop up the p lay
Play/P aus e
Click to enter the
full-scree n disp lay,
click again to e nter
the 1-big & 3-sm all
screen displ ay
5.1 System settings
(The fol low ing mainl y introdu ces t he operat ing metho d for r emote con trol,
and oper ati on settin gs can also b e con ducted by c licking o n the t ouch scre en.)
Under th e rea l-time mo nitorin g sta te, press " MENU" on th e rem ote contr ol
or click o n the t ouch scre en to enter t he fo llowing i nterfac e:
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