Goscam GD8816 User Manual

3G IP Camera
EU Environmental Protection
Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your local authority or retailer for recycling advice.
Please read this user manual carefully before using this product.
Failure to understand operation procedures may result in injury.
Model: GD8816
Version 1.0
Safety Precautions
Product Overview
Brief Introduction
Examples of Application Scenarios
Use and Operations
Packing List
Support installation diagram
Indicator Description
Quick Installation Guide
Operation Guide of the Mobile Phone
IPhone/IPad Operation Guide
PC Operation Guide
1. Management Interface
2. Login Management Interface
3. Running Status
4. Network Options
5. Media Options
6. Alarm Settings
7. Advanced Options
8. Device Options
9. System Tools
Querying and controlling the
device state by sending an SM
Operation problems of the 3G
video surveillance camcorder
Safety Information
Your ne w WCDMA 3G IP ca mera is a smar t WCDMA terminal. It can be used in a WCDMA network for surveillance of your home, office, or any other place that may need video/audio monitoring; anytime,anywhere.
Thank you for selecting our 3G video surveillance camcorder. To use
this prod uct bett er, please careful ly read th rough th is user manual beforehand.
Due to the product version upgrade or other reasons, this manual is subject to upd ate irregularly. This manual is used as a user guide only unl ess othe rwise ag reed. Al l the statements, infor mation, and su gg es ti on s i n t hi s m an ua l s ha ll no t m ake an y e xp li ci t o r i mp li ci t guarantee
Before using this wireless de vice, ple ase caref ully read the conte nt in this section to ensure that you can use this wireless device correctly and safely.
Safety Precautions
Turn o ff the wi re les s d ev ice in th e pl ac e w her e u se of a wireless device is prohibited or use of a wireless device will lead to interference or danger.
Do not use th e wireless device in driving, les t safe driving would be affected.
Observe the related regulations or rules in a medical site. Turn of f th e wi rel ess devic e in the are a cl ose to m edi cal equipment.
Turn off the wireless device before boarding the plane, lest the ra dio signal would inte rfere with signa l control o f the plane.
Turn off the wire less dev ice in th e area near to elec tronic equip ment with high prec ision . Oth erwi se, t he el ectro nic equipment may fail.
Do not disassemble this wireless device or its accessories by y our sel f. On ly t he q ual if ied mai nta iner c an r epa ir t hi s wireless device.
Do not place this wirel ess dev ice or i ts acce ssorie s in an instrument with a strong electromagnetic field.
Keep this wir eless dev ice far aw ay from a m agnetic d evice,
be ca us e r ad ia ti on of th is wi re le ss de vi ce may er as e t he information stored in the magnetic device.
Do n o t u s e t h i s w i rel e s s d e vi c e a t a pl a c e w i th a h i g h tempera ture or an infla mmable g as, for example, nearby a gas station.
Place this wireless device and its accessories in a place out of reach of children. Do not let a child use this wireless device without supervision.
Use the fittings specified by our company.
When using this wireless device, please observe the related laws and regulations and respect the privacy and legal rights of others.
Product Overview
Brief Introduction
The 3G video surveillance camcorder is a WCDMA-based wireless video surveillance terminal provided for industrial or home customers. It su ppo rts a dap tiv e swi tch ing betw een the W CDM A networ k an d GSM netwo rk. Through a mobi le phone w here the GHOME cli ent is installed, the customer can view the real-time video in any place within WCDMA sign al co ve ra ge su ch as th e o ff ic e, ho me , o r t he st or e anytime and anywhere.
The 3G video surveillance camcorder provides the following four main functions:
1. Remote real-time surveillance through a mobile phone Through a mobile phone where the GHOME client is installed, the user can view the real-time condition in the surveilled site anytime and anywhere.
2. PTZ remote control of infrared night vision Th e us er c an r emotely control the camer a th rou gh t he m obi le pho ne t o rea liz e ov eral l su rveilla nce , for exam ple , contro l vi deo rec ord ing , di rectly c apt ure the scre en, fre ely adjust t he a ngl e, control the camera to rotate horizontally , upward, or downward, an d a dj ust li gh t. In a dd it io n, t he ca mer a p ro vi des th e i nfrar ed function. Even if the environment is dark, the camera can transmit clear surveillance video and provide the user with more professional video surveillance service.
3. Automatic security alarm and video recording After th e security functi ons are ar med at the mobile p hone, the device can se nd an alarm message to the user-specified number upon finding any exception, and trigger automatic video recording. In addition, the user can select to store the video file at the device.
4. Plug and play, without wiring The d evic e can b e used conv eniently a fter b eing conne cted to a power supply Wiring is not required.
The following table d escrie s the specific f unctio ns (dep ending on the real subjects):
Audio and video
1. Surveillance
2. Night vision function
3. Motion detection
4. Video recording
5. Message alarm
6. Management functions
PTZ control
Equipped with the infrared night vision function
Motion detection switch
Image change detection
Video recording triggered by motion detection
Remote control on video recording
Remote viewing and playing of video record
Message alarm of motion detection
Configuration and management
Version upgrade
Sup po rt ing pl ay ing of th e au di o a nd vid eo surve illa nce r ecord at th e mob ile p hone o r PC client
Con tro ll ing the ca mer a to rot at e up war d, downward, le ftward, and ri ghtward thro ugh the management page and the mobile phone or PC client
Automat ically s tarting the inf rared fu nction when the env iro nme nt b ecom es d ark , an d implementing surveillance within 3m
Arming and disarming through the management page and the mobile phone or PC client
Det ect ing ima ge cha nge s, w ith ad jus tab le sensitivity
St art in g v id eo re co rd in g w he n t he ima ge changes; the pre-recording time is more than 8 seconds.
The mo bil e p hon e c lie nt ca n co nt rol vi deo recording at a remote end.
The m obi le p hon e cl ien t can pla y th e vi deo record at a remote end.
Sending a message notice if the image changes when the security functions are armed
Managing and configuring the device through the PC management interface
Up g r a d in g t h e ve r s i on t h r o ug h t h e PC management interface
Physical parameters
Use environment
Physical interface
power consumption
Operating environment
Transportation environment
Installation mode
Audio interface
Network interface
3G antenna
Power supply
RESET button
Storage card interface
Infrared lights
Visual angle
1 Kg (±0.2 Kg)
110 x 108 x 135 mm
Temperature: 0°C ~ 40°C
Humidity: 20% ~ 80%
Temperature: -20°C ~ 60°C
Humidity: 15% ~ 85%
• Desktop installation
• Ceiling installation
• Wall mounting
Built-in MIC (select MIC IN) External interface: 2.54 mm audio interface (select LINE IN) Level: -20 ~ -3 Dbv; impedance: 1 Kohm
Rj45 interface, with shielding, state indicator, and data indicator: 10baseT Ethernet/100baseTXFast Ethernet
Frequency 1: 2010 MHz ~ 2025 MHz Frequency 2: 1880 MHz ~ 1920 MHz Frequency 3: 900 MHz Frequency 4: 850 MHz
1. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR): < 2.5:1 Gain: GSM ≥ 1 dBi; DCS/UMTS ≥ 2 dBi
Input impedance: 50 Ω Maximum power: 50 W Polarization mode: vertical polarization
DC5V / 4A
• A side button, used to restore factory parameters of the device
• Self-eject TFLASH socket, supporting the
SDHC protocol and the maximum capacity of 32 GB
• Input: photoelectric isolation input (I, G), 0 VDC ~ 5 VDC
Output: relay output (A, B), 0.5 A at 125
• VAC; 1 A at 24 VDC
5V UART interface, 5V TTL level The maximum bit rate of 128 Kbps
• 1/5-inch CMOS camera, 4.5-mm focus
• Day and night lens
• Video size: VGA (480 × 600)
• Frame rate: 30 frames
• Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR): 50 dB
• When the illumination is lower than 5 lux,
the infrared lights are turned on completely. The infrared night vision range is 3 m.
• When the illumination is higher than 15 lux,
the infrared lights are turned off completely. Normally, the best video distance is from 5m to 7m.
Circuit module
Battery (optional)
Video coding
3G communication mode
Wired network
Network protocol
User Interface (UI)
Communication module
Lithium battery
Video coding resolution
Video coding mode
Video coding bit rate
Frame rate size per second
Video quality
Module operating band
Transmission rate
Output power
One RJ45 interface
Transfer protocol
Operation interface
• Supporting PTZ operations of upward,
downward, leftward, rightward, center, horizontal, and vertical scanning, and multi-step angle selection; restoring the preset position after the device is restarted: the center position or the position before the device is turned off
• Horizontal PTZ rotation angle of 270°,
vertical PTZ rotation angle of 60°, and multi-level rotation speed settings
• Horizontal PTZ rotation life: ≥ 10000 cycles
• Vertical PTZ rotation life: ≥ 10000 cycles
Hardware structure based on TI Da Vinci series SOC (ARM + DSP) chips
Built-in WCDMA module, supporting the dual modes of WCDMA and GSM
Capacity: 1200 mAh
• Continuous operating time (coding transmissi
on state) when only the battery is used as a power supply: more than 15 minutes
• Battery life: charge/discharge times more than 300
• TIVC QVGA320 × 240 (default)
• TIVC 240 × 180 (optional)
• H.264 CIF (352 × 288) (optional)
CBR: Constant Bit Rate
25 kbps ~ 100 kbps;
≥ 12 fps
≥ 33 dB
• HSPA/UMTS 850/1900/2100
• EDGE/GPRS/GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz
• Supporting automatic detection and selection
of a network
Uplink rate of HSUPA up to 2.0 Mbps
• Downlink rate of HSUPA up to 7.2 Mbps
• Uplink rate of WCDMA (UMTS) up to 384Kbps
• Downlink rate of EDGE up to 237 Kbps and uplink rate up to 118 Kbps
• Downlink rate of GPRS up to 85.6 Kbps and uplink rate up to 42.8 Kbps
• Supporting concurrency of Short Message (SM) and data services
• Class 3 for UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA
• Class 4 for GSM 900
• Class 1 for GSM 1800
• Class E2 for EDGE 900/1800
10BaseT/100BaseTXwith Auto-MDIX IEEE
Embedded WEB server pages or client software, supporting device configuration and maintenance
• One yellow system indicator
• One red alarm indicator
• One yellow 3G network indicator
• One red 2G network indicator
Examples of Application Scenarios
Care the elderly and children
1) Care the elderly and children at home, turning your family into your visible concern. It is a happy th ing to ensure se curity of your family.
Check the housework progress
of the nursemaid
3) You can check the housework progress of the nursemaid and how the nursemaid takes car e of your kid s to witn ess the happy growth process of your kids.
View the real-time video at home
anytime and anywhere
2) When you go f or an ou ting wi th your famil y, you ca n vie w the real- time vide o at home anytime and anywhere through yo ur mo b il e p ho n e, th us kn o wi ng th e actual condition at home.
Check the real-time video in the
garage and office
4 ) Yo u c a n c o n t r o l s e c u r i t y o f t h e enterprise by implementing real-time video surveillance in the garage and office. The pr o d u c t m e e t s y ou r p r a ct i c a l vi d e o requi remen ts in many a spect s, ma king you more satisfied with your work.
1. Re mo t e s ur vei ll an c e m an ag e me nt of s to re s : L ei su re - st yl e mana geme nt on mult iple chain stor es or stal l free s you from exhausting work. With this product, you can implement surveillance anyt ime an d any where through yo ur mob ile p hone a nd rea lize management easily.
2. Remote care of a patient: What can you do if you are far away fro m hom e and cann ot timel y vis it a s ick r elat ive or fr iend on the site due to inconvenient transportation? Our product enables you to know the latest information and surgery progress of the sick relat ive or frie nd thr ough y our m obile phone in real tim e. Your care is reachable anytime and anywhere.
3. ……
Use and Operations
Packing List
Wireless camera
Antenna Audio cable
Power adapter
* The pictures are for reference only, please refer to real subjects.
Support installation diagram
Small resetting tool
Network cable
Indicator Description
1. SYS indicator (a single color/yellow)
Blinking (off for 1s every 3s)
2. ALARM indicator (a single color/red)
3. 3G indicator (a single color/yellow)
4. 2G indicator (a single color/red)
Two “beep” sounds (at an interval of 2s)
5. Horn
Three “beep” sounds (continual, short, and quick)
Constantly on
Blinking (once every 0.3s)
Constantly on
Constantly on
Blinking (once every 0.3s)
Constantly on
Blinking (once every 0.3s)
One “beep” sound (1.5s)
The system is starting. The indicator is constantly on after the system starts and the domain name server or center server is registered successfully. The device system operates normally.
The device system is starting, or the domain name server or center server is being registered.
A client logs in to the device.
The device fails.
The securities functions are armed when the system starts. Armed successfully
The securities functions are not armed when the system starts. Disarmed successfully
The device is recording. You cannot pull out the SD card.
Dialing succeeds and the device operates in the WCDMA mode.
2G indicator on: The device operates in a non-3G mode (when neither the 2G indicator nor the 3G indicator is on, the device operates in the wired mode).
2G indicator off: The SIM card is not detected.
Dialing succeeds and the device operates in the GSM mode.
3G indicator on: The device operates in a non-2G mode.
3G indicator off: The SIM card is not detected.
Armed successfully (motion detection and wired sensor arming and disarming)
Disarmed successfully
The horn sends three “beep” sounds at an internval of 1s, and howls cyclically every minute, indicating low power (when a battery is configured).
Quick Installation Guide
Interface Description
1. Antenna
2. Button for restoring default settings
3. SIM card slot
4. Power interface
5. Storage card slot
6. Power switch
7. Network cable interface
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦
Quick Installation
Step 1: Install the antenna. Turn to tighten the antenna clockwise by aligning it with the antenna interface.
Step 2: Install the SIM card and the storage card. Use the small resetting tool to press the button of the SIM card slot, take out the SIM card holder, place in the SIM card, then insert the SIM card and the card holder into the card slot. Insert the TF card into the TF card slot.
Step 3: Connect the device to the power supply .
Remarks: T o reset the device, set the power switch to the OFF position, and use the small resetting tool to press the resetting b u t t o n . A t t h e s a m e t i m e , s e t t h e p o w e r s w i t c h t o t h e O N p o s it i o n . Release the resetting button after 5s. Then, the device is reset.
Step 4: Start the camera. Set the camera switch to the ON position to start the camera. Now , you can use the 3G video surveillance camcorder .
Operation Guide of the Mobile Phone
Note: Due to the software upgrade or mobile phone model is different,
y o u r c l ie nt i n te r fa ce m a y di f fe r f r om t h at d e sc r ib ed i n t h e u s er m a nu al . Please refer to the actual interface.
Step 1: Download and install the Ghome client of general version.
First make sure that your mobile phone can access Internet.
1) For the iPhone/iP ad version, first open App Store, log in to the iT unes account, and search and download
2) If you cannot find the corresponding client of your mobile phone model, your mobile phone model does not support i n s t a l l a ti o n o f t h e G c l i e n t. P l e a s e c ha n g e y o u r mo b i l e p h o ne h o m e model. W e will constantly make more models adaptive.
1) Enter and open the downloading site.
2) Download and install the client.
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