Tur n on/off the displa y (press for 2s )
Slee p button. Press t his button, t he screen is off, pre ss i t
agai n, the screen t ur ns on. (this bu tton does not
infl uence autom at ic sleep setu p. Auto matic sleep sti ll
func ti ons norma ll y.)
In rea l-time view in g, by pressin g this button , th e camera
can be c ontrolled t o tu rn left.
In men u interface, by p ressing thi s button, the men u
curs or shifts left.
In sho rtcut interfa ce, press thi s button to turn do wn
volu me.
In rea l-time view in g, by pressin g this button , th e image
size i s doubled.
In men u interface, pr essing this b utton to confir m.
In rea l-time view in g, by pressin g this button , th e camera
can be c ontrolled t o tu rn upward.
In men u interface, by p ressing thi s button, the men u
curs or shifts upwar d.
In sho rtcut interfa ce, by pressi ng this button, b rightness
of the d isplay is inc re ased
Pres s the button to jum p to Menu, pres s the button agai n,
exit f rom Menu. The butto n al so has the func tion of
retu rning to prev io us step.
Function introduction of buttons for monitor
Stat us i ndicator LE D:
03 04
In rea l-time view in g, by pressin g this button , ju mp to
talk back function ; releasing t he button, talk back functi on
is off. The voice fr om camera end c annot be hear d ti ll the
butt on i s released.
Shor tcut button. By p ressing thi s button, short cut
inte rface pops up, vo lume and brig htness of
the mo nitor can be adju sted.
In rea l-time view in g, by pressin g this button , th e camera
can be c ontrolled t o tu rn right.
In men u interface, by p ressing thi s button, the men u
curs or shifts right .
In sho rtcut interfa ce, press thi s button to turn up v olume.
In rea l-time view in g, by pressin g this button , th e camera
can be c ontrolled t o tu rn downward .
In men u interface, by p ressing thi s button, the men u
curs or shifts downw ard.
In sho rtcut interfa ce, by pressi ng this button, b rightness
of the d isplay is dec re ased
Function introduction of buttons for camera
Indi cator LED. When g reen LED flas he s slowly,
star tu p is successf ul, or the came ra is disconn ec ted
with t he m onitor. When g reen LED flas he s quickly,
the ca mera and moni to r are being pai red. When
gree n LE D is on constan tly, the came ra a nd monitor
are pa ired succes sf ully.
SET button . Short press it fo r 1s, jump to pai ri ng
mode ; long press for 5s , factory res et .
The fi rs t green LED lig hts constantl y: indicate s that
the ca mera and moni to r are connect ed successf ully
The fi rs t green LED fla shes slowly (on ce per second ):
indi cates that it is st arting, wit ho ut connecti ng the camera
The fi rs t green LED fla shes quickly (3 t imes per
seco nd ): indicate s code matchi ng