PUBLICATION NUMBER MR--04301 July 10, 1995
All Materials And Voltages
eCopyright by the Gorman-Rupp Company
Thank You for purchasing a Gorman-Rupp S
Series Pump. Read this manual carefully to learn howt o safelymaintainand serviceyourpump. Fail­ure to do so could resultin personal injury or dam­age to the pump.
A set of three manuals accompanies your pump. TheInstallation/Operation Manual tial information on installing and operating the pump, and on making electrical connections. The PartsList Manual pump model cross-section drawing, and parts list foryourpump.
This Maintenance and Repair Manual provides troubleshooting and maintenance instructions re­quiredtoproperlydiagnose operationalproblems, andtoservicethepumpcomponents.Pumpmotor maintenance may be performed only by a Gor­man-Rupp authorized Submersible repair facility, orthe factory.Otherwise,thepumpwarrantywillbe negated, and damage to the pump, and injury or death to personnel can result. Contact the factory for the authorized repair facility closest to you.
As described on the following page, this manual willalertpersonnel to knownprocedures which re-
provides a performance curve, a
quire special attention, to those w hich could dam­age equipment, and to those which couldbe dan­gerousto personnel. However,this manual cannot possibly anticipate and provide detailed precau­tions for every situation that might occur during maintenanceoftheunit.Therefore,itistherespon­sibilityof the owner/maintenance personnel to en­sure that only safe, established maintenance pro­ceduresareused, and that any procedures notad­dressedinthismanualareperformedonlyafteres­tablishingthat neitherpersonalsafetynorpumpin­tegrity are compromised by such practices.
If there are any questions regarding the pump which are not covered in this manual or in otherlit­erature accompanying the unit, please contact your Gorman-Rupp distributor or the Gorman­Rupp Company:
The Gorman-Rupp Company
P.O. Box 1217
Mansfield, Ohio 44901--1217
Gorman-Rupp of Canada Limited
70 Burwell Road
St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3R7
ELECTRICAL TESTING PAGE B --- 3........................................................
Test Equ ipment PA GE B --- 3...........................................................
Volt age Imbalance PAGE B --- 3........................................................
Motor and Power Cable Continuity PAGE B --- 4..........................................
Insulation Resistance PAGE B --- 4......................................................
GENERAL INFORMATION PAGE C --- 1.....................................................
Lifting PA GE C --- 1....................................................................
TYPICAL PUMP ASSEMBLY PA GE C --- 2....................................................
PUMP ASSEMBLY PARTS IDENTIFICATION LIST PAGE C --- 3.................................
TERMINAL HOUSING AND CABLE ASSEMBLY PAGE C --- 4...................................
PUMP END DISASSEMBLY PAGE C --- 6....................................................
PUMP END REASSEMBLY PAGE C --- 8.....................................................
MOTOR DISASSEMBLY PAGE C --- 11......................................................
MOTOR REASSEMBLY PAGE C --- 14.......................................................
FINAL ASSEMBLY PA GE C --- 19...........................................................
VACUUM/PRESSURE TESTING PAGE C --- 20...............................................
LUBRICATION PA GE C --- 20...............................................................
PAGE I -- 1
Pleaserecordthepumpmodel,serialnumber, volt­age, and motor frame size in the spaces provided below. Your Gorman-Rupp distributor needs this information when you require parts or service.
Pump Model: Serial Number: Voltage: Phase:
The warranty provided with your pump is part of Gorman-Rupp’s support program for customers
The following are used to alert personnel to procedures which require special attention, to those which could damage equipment, and to those which could be dangerous to personnel:
who operate and maintain their equipment as de­scribed in this and the other accompanying litera­ture. The integral electric motor must be operated through the control furnished with the pump as standard equipment. Please note that should the equipment be abused or modified to change its performance beyondthe original factoryspecifica­tions, the warrantywill become void and anyclaim will be denied.
All repairs to the pump motor must be performed bya Gorman-RuppauthorizedSubmersiblerepair facility or the factory. Any repairs to the motor as­semblyperformed by t he customeroran unautho­rized repair facility negates motor warranty.
Immediate hazardswhichWILL resultin severe personal injury or death. These instructions describe the procedure re­quired and the injury which will result from failure to follow the procedure.
Hazards or unsafe practices which COULDresult in severe personal injury or death. These instructions describe the procedure required and the injury which could result from failure tofollow the procedure.
HazardsorunsafepracticeswhichCOULD resultinminorpersonalinjuryorproductor property damage. These instructions de­scribe the requirements and the possible damage which could result from failure to follow the procedure.
Instructions to aid in installation, operation, and maintenance or which clarify a procedure.
PAGE I -- 2
The following information applies throughout this manual to Gorman­Rupp S Series submersible motor driv­en pumps.
This manual will alert personnel to known procedures which require spe­cial attention, to those whic h could damage equipment,and to thosewhich could be dangerous to personnel.How­ever,thismanualcannotpossiblyantici­pate and provide detailed instructions and precautionsfor every situationthat might occur during maintenance of the unit.Therefore,itis the responsibilityof the owner/maintenance personnel to ensurethat onlysafe,established main­tenance procedures are used, and that any procedures not addressed in this manual are performed only after estab­lishing that neither personal safety nor pump integrity are compromised by such practices.
4. Close the discharge valve (if used).
This pump is not designedto pump vol­atile,explosive,orflammable materials. Do not
attempt to pump any liquids for which your pump is not approved, or which may damage the pump or endan­ger personnel as a result of pump fail­ure. Consult the factory for specific application data.
Beforeconnectinganycable tothe con­trol box, be sure to ground the control box.Refer tothe ControlBox manualfor the suggested grounding methods.
Thismanual containsessentialinforma­tion on troubleshooting and maintain­ingthe pump.In additionto thismanual, see the separate literature covering in­stallation and operation, pump parts, and any optional equipment shipped with the pump.
Beforeattemptingtoopen orservicethe pump:
1. Familiarize yourself with thisman­ual.
2. Lock out incoming power to the control box to ensure that the pump will remain inoperative.
3. Allow the pump tocompletely cool if overheated.
The pump motor isdesignedto be oper­ated through the control box furnished withthepump. Thecontrolboxprovides overload protection and power control. Do not connect the pump motordirectly to the incoming power lines.
The electrical power used to operate this pump is high enough to cause inju­ry or death. Obtain the services of a qu­alified electrician to make all electrical connections. Make certain that the pump and enclosure are properly grounded; never use gas pipe as an electricalground.Besurethatthein-
PAGE A --1
coming powermatches the voltage and phase of the pump and control before connecting the power source. Do not run the pump if the voltage is not within the limits. If the overload unit is tripped during pump operation, correct the problem before restarting the pump.
The electrical power used to operate this pump is high enough to cause inju­ryordeath.Makecertainthat thecontrol handle on the control box is in the OFF position and locked out, orthat the pow­er supply to the control box has been otherwise cut off and locked out, before attempting to open or service the pump assembly. Tag electrical circuits to pre­vent accidental start-up.
Never attempt to alter the length or re­pair any power cable with a splice. The pump motor and cable must be com­pletely waterproof. Injury or death may result from alterations.
Allelectrical connectionsmustbe inac ­cordance with The National Electric Code and all local codes. If there is a conflict between the instructions pro ­vided and N.E.C. Specifications, N.E.C. Specifications shall take precedence. All electrical equipment supplied with this pump was in conformance with N.E.C. requirements in effect on the date of manufacture. Failure to follow applicable specifications, or substitu-
tion of electrical parts not supplied or approved by the manufacturer, can re­sult in severe injury or death and void warranty.
Afterthepumphasbeeninstalled,make certain that the pump and all piping or hoseconnections aresecure before op­eration.
Approach the pump cauti ously after it hasbeen running.Although the motoris cooledbytheliquidbeing pumped,nor­maloperating temperaturescan be high enough to cause burns. The tempe ra­ture will be especially high if operated againsta closeddischargevalve.Never operate against a closed discharge valve for long periods of time.
Donotattempttoliftthepumpbythe motorpower cable orthe piping. Attach proper lifting equipment to the lifting device fitted to the pump. If chains or cable are wrapped around the pump to lift it, make certain that they are posi­tioned so as not to damage the pump, and so that the load will be balanced.
Obtain the services of a qualified elec­trician to troubleshoot, test and/or ser­vice the electrical components of this pump.
PAGE A -- 2
Review all SAFETY information in Section A.
The following precautions should be taken before attempting to service the pump; otherwise, injury or death could result.
1. Familiarize yourself with thisman­ual and with all other literature shipped with the pump.
2. Lock out incoming power to the pump or control box to ensure that the pump will remain inoperative.
3. Allow the pump tocompletely cool if overheated.
4. Check the temperature before opening any covers, plates or plugs.
5. Close the discharge valve (if used).
The electrical power used to operate this pump is high enough to cause inju­ry or death. Obtain the services of a qu­alified electrician to troubleshoot, test and/or service the electrical compo­nents of this pump.
Many of the probable remedies listed below re­quire use ofelectricaltestinstruments;for specific procedures, seeELECTRICALTESTINGfollowing the chart.
Table 1. Trouble Shooting Chart
Power source incompatible withcon­trol box.
No voltage at line side of circuit breaker.
Open circuit in motor windings or power cable.
Defective motor power cable. Motor defective. Liquid level device or control circuits
improperly connected to main con­trol box.
Level sensing device(s) improperly positioned.
Level sensing device(s) fouled with mud or foreign material.
Correct power source.
Check power source for blown fuse, open overload unit, broken lead, or loose connection.
Check continuity.
Replace cable. Check for and replacedefective unit. Check wiring diagrams; correct or
tighten connections.
Position device(s) at proper level.
Clean sensing device(s).
Table 1. Trouble Shooting Chart (cont.)
Float type sensing device(s) tangled or obstructed.
Check installation for free move­ment of float.
Defective liquid level sensing de­vice(s) or control panel.
OVERLOAD UNIT TRIPS Loworhighvoltage,orexcessive
voltage drop between pump and control box.
Defective insulation in motor wind­ings or power cable; defective wind­ings.
Impeller jammed due to debris or insufficient clearance.
Bearing(s) frozen.
Discharge head too high.
Low or incorrect voltage.
Discharge throttling valve partially closed; check valve is installed im­properly.
Repair or replace defective unit(s).
Measure voltage at control box. Check that wiring is correct type, size, and length. (See Field Wiring Connections,SectionB).
Check insulation resistance; check continuity.
Disassemble pump and check im­peller.
Disassemble pump and check bearing(s).
Reduce discharge head, or install staging adaptor and additional pump.
Measure control box voltage, both when pump is running and when shut-off.
Open discharge valve fully; check piping installation.
Dischargelinecloggedorre­stricted; hose kinked.
Liquid being pumped too thick. Strainer screen or impeller clogged.
Insufficient liquid in sump or tank. Worn impeller vanes; excessive im-
peller clearance. Pump running backwards.
Check discharge lines; straighten hose.
Dilute liquid by heating if possible. Clear clog(s). Stop pump; back flow
may flush away debris. Stop pump until liquid level rises. Check impeller and clearance. See
PUMP END DISASSEMBLY. Check direction of rotation and cor-
rect by interchanging any two motor leads at control box. (See Pump
Table 1. Trouble Shooting Chart (cont.)
Pumping entrained air.
Check liquid level in sump; check position of pump and liquid level
sensing device(s). Damagedorunbalancedimpeller. Discharge piping not properly sup-
ported. Impellerjammedorloose. Motor shaft or bearings defective.
Pump cavitation.
If you suspect that pump malfunctions are caused bydefects inthemotor, power cableorcontrolbox, performthefollowingchecks to helpisolatethede­fective part.
Replace impeller.
Check piping installation.
Check impeller.
Disassemble pump and check mo-
tor and bearings.
Reduce discharge head, or restrict
flow on low head applications.
Equipment Use
Ammeter To check AC Voltage
and current (amperage)
Ohmeter To measure resistance
(ohms) to ground
Voltage Imbalance
Obtain the services of a qualified elec­trician to troubleshoot, test and/or ser­vice the electrical components of this pump.
Be certain to refer to the wiring diagram(s) intheInstallationSectionofthismanualbe­fore reconnecting any electrical compo­nents which have been disconnected.
Test Equipment
A volt/amp/ohmmeter and megohmeter of ade­quaterangeandqualitywillberequired toconduct thefollowingelectricaltests.The suggestedequip­ment indicated below is commercially available, or an equivalent substitute may be used.
Each phas e of the incoming three-phase power must be balancedwiththe othertwo a s accurately as a commercial voltmeter w ill read. If the phases are balanced, check out the motor as described below. If the phases are out of balance, contact yourpowercompanyand requestthat theycorrect the condition.
a. Useavoltmeter,amprobe,or equivalentme-
ter to read the voltage across terminals 1 & 2,2&3,and1 & 3 inthe controlbox.Allthree measured voltages must be the same, as accuratelyasthemeterwillread.Ifpossible, measure the voltage with the pump off,with the pump running but out of the water, and with the pump running in the water at full load. All themeasuredvoltagesateach con­dition must be the same.
b. Use an amprobe or equivalent meter to
measure the current draw of each phase while the pump isrunning at full loadand at no load. All three amperage readings must
bethe sameat each condition,as accurate­lyas the meterwillread. Nominalamperage values are listed in Table 1, but these apply onlywhen theactualvoltageatthesiteisthe nominal voltage listed.
c. If the voltages are balanced with the pump
off, but are unbalanced when the pump is running, a thorough check of the power source, all interconnecting cables, and the pumpmotorisrequiredtoisolatethedefect.
Motor And Motor Power Cable Continuity
placethetubingorpottingandallowadequatedry­ing timebefore putting the pump back into service. (See Power Cable Reassembly,SectionE).
c. If an open circuit still exists after each lead
(terminal) has been tested and tightened, then the entire motor power cable must be replaced. Splicing or other means of repair are not recommended.
d. If no break is found in the power cable,
check the motor leads for continuity. I f the test reading indicates an openor brokencir­cuit, there is an open circuit in the motor.
To check continuity, zero-balance the ohmmeter set at the RX1 scale, and test as follows:
a Disconnect the motor power cable leads
from the control box and connect the test leadstoanytwoofthethreepowercable leads(nottothegreengroundleadoryellow ground check lead). If there is a high resis­tance reading on the ohmmeter, there is an open or broken circuit caused by a break in the power cable or motor windings, or by a bad connectionbetween the motor and the power cable. Switch one test lead to the third power lead, and test again.
b. If an open or broken circuit is indicated,
check the power cableforobviousdamage, and replace as necessary (see MAINTE- NANCE AND REPAIR).If thereis no appar­ent damage to the motorcable, removethe terminal housing (see MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR) and check the continuity of each power cablelead atthe terminalposts.
Whenshippedfrom thefactory,theconnections be­tweenthepowercable leadsandtheterminal posts were encapsulated in heat shrink tubing and bonded to the terminalplate to provideawater tight seal. In service, these connections may have been potted by the pump operator .Do not cut the tubing or potting away unless absolutely necessary. Check the continuity of each lead from the motor side of the terminal plate. If the continuity is good, thereisno need to removethe tubingor pottingma­terial. If there is no continuity through the lead, re­move the tubing or potting from only that terminal, and check for a loose connection. Be sure to re-
Itis recommendedthatapump withadefectivemo­tor be returned to Gorman-Rupp, or to one of the Gorman-Rupp authorized Submersible Repair Centers.
Insulation Resistance
To check insulation, zero-balance the ohmmeter set at the RX100K scale, and test as follows:
a. Disconnect the motor power cable leads
from the control box. Connect one test lead to the power cable green ground lead, and touchthe other t est leadtoeach of t he three power leads in turn.
b. The reading obtained will indicate resis-
tancevaluesinboththepowercableandthe motor windings. If the resistance reading is infinity (1), the insulation is in good condi­tion. If the reading is between infinity (1) and 1 megohm,theinsulation is acceptable but should be rechecked periodically. If the reading is less than 1 megohm, the insula­tion should be checked more closely; a reading of zero indicates that the power cable or the motor is grounded.
c. To determine whether the power cable or
the motor is grounded, remove the terminal housing (see MAINTENANCE AND RE- PAIR), disconnect the motor leads from the motor terminals, and test the power cable leads and motor leads separately.
Thestartcapacitoris designedtosplittheelectrical phase during the initialpower surge at motor star-
tup. The start capacitor is controlled by the start relay at motor startup. When the motor reaches loadspeed, thestartrelaycuts out and permitsthe run capacitor to maintain operation. Both the start and run capacitors are located in the control box.
Before disconnecting the capacitor leads, discharge the capacitors using a screw­driver with an insulated handle, and place the blade across the two terminals of each capacitor to short the terminals.
Zero-balance the ohmmeter set to read RX100K, and test the capa citors as follows:
a. Disconnect the capacitorleads and remove
the resistor from the start capacitor.
b. Place a test lead against each of the termi-
nalsof the startcapacitorforafew seconds. If the ohmmeter needle moves toward zero thenslowlydrifts back tothe left, thecapaci­tor is good. If the needle remains at infinity (1) the capacitor is open; if the needle re­mains atzero, thecapacitoris shorted. Inei­ther case, the capacitor must be replaced.
c. Test the run capacitor as in b. In addition,
test the metal run capacitor for shorts to ground by touching on etest leadto theca­pacitor case and the other lead to each of the capacitor terminals in turn. The ohmme­ter should read infinity(1);if it does not,the capacitor is grounded and must be re­placed.
Start Relay
The start relay is located in the control box.
Disconnect the two wires from relay terminals 2. Use a zero-balanced ohmmeter set to read RX100K,andtouchoneleadtorelayterminal2and the other to relay terminal 5. The resistance read­ingshould be between 1000 and1500 ohms; if the readingis not in this range, the start relay isdefec­tive and should be replaced.
With the exception of the motor assembly, repair of individual electrical components is not recom­mended. Replace defective and/or malfunctioning components.
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