Gorman-Rupp Pumps 04B3-F4L User Manual

March 18, 2002
ECopyright by the Gorman-Rupp Company
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State ofCaliforniato cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.


INTRODUCTION PAGE I --- 1.................................................
SAFETY - SECTION A PAGE A --- 1............................................
IN S TA LLATIO N --- SE C TION B PA G E B --- 1....................................
Pump Dimensions PAGE B --- 1.....................................................
PREINSTALLATION INSPECTION PAGE B --- 1............................................
Battery Specifications And Installation PAGE B --- 2....................................
POSITIONING PUMP PA GE B --- 2.......................................................
Lifting PA GE B --- 2.................................................................
Alignment PA GE B --- 2.............................................................
Mounting PA GE B --- 2.............................................................
SUCTION AND DISCHARGE PIPING PAGE B --- 3.........................................
Materials PA GE B --- 3..............................................................
Line Configuration PAGE B --- 3......................................................
Connections to Pump PAGE B --- 3..................................................
Gauges PA GE B --- 3...............................................................
SUCTION LINES PAGE B --- 3...........................................................
Fittings PA GE B --- 3...............................................................
Strainers PA GE B --- 3..............................................................
Sealing PAGE B --- 3...............................................................
Suction Line Positioning PAGE B --- 4................................................
FLOAT SWITCHES PA GE B --- 4.........................................................
Installation PA GE B --- 4............................................................
DISCHARGE LINES PA GE B --- 5........................................................
Siphoning PAGE B --- 5.............................................................
Valves PA GE B --- 5................................................................
OP E R AT ION --- SEC T ION C PA G E C --- 1......................................
PRIMING PA GE C --- 1.................................................................
STARTING PA GE C --- 1................................................................
Manual Starting PAGE C --- 2........................................................
Automatic Starting PAGE C --- 2.....................................................
OPERATION PA GE C --- 3..............................................................
Lin es W ith a Bypa ss PA GE C --- 3....................................................
Lines Without a Bypass PAGE C --- 3.................................................
Leakage PAGE C --- 3..............................................................
Liquid Temperature And Overheating PAGE C --- 3.....................................
Strainer Check PAGE C --- 3.........................................................
Pump Vacuum Check PAGE C --- 3..................................................
STOPPING PA GE C --- 4................................................................
Manual Stopping PAGE C --- 4.......................................................
Automatic Stopping PAGE C --- 4....................................................
Safety Shutdown System PAGE C --- 4...............................................
OPERATIONINEXTREMEHEAT PAGEC---4............................................
BEARING TEMPERATURE CHECK PAGE C --- 5..........................................
Cold Weather Preservation PAGE C --- 5..............................................
TROU BLESH OOT I NG --- SE CTIO N D PA G E D --- 1..............................
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PAGE D --- 3...............................................
STANDARD PERFORMANCE CURVE PAGE E --- 1........................................
Pump Model PA GE E --- 3..........................................................
Pump End Assembly PAGE E --- 5...................................................
Drive Assembly PAGE E --- 6........................................................
Pump Disassembly PAGE E --- 7.....................................................
Impeller Removal P AGE E --- 8......................................................
Seal Removal and Disassembly PAGE E --- 8..........................................
Separating Intermediate and D rive Assembly From Engine PAGE E --- 8..................
Shaft and Bearing Removal and Disassembly PAGE E --- 8.............................
Shaft and Bearing Reassembly and Installation PAGE E --- 9............................
Securing Intermediate and Drive Assembly To Engine PAGE E --- 11......................
Seal Reassembly and Installation P AGE E - -- 11........................................
Impeller Installation P AGE E - -- 13.....................................................
Pump Reassembly PAGE E --- 13.....................................................
Final Pump Assembly PAGE E --- 14..................................................
LUBRICATION PA GE E --- 14.............................................................
Seal Assembly PAGE E --- 14.........................................................
Engine PA GE E --- 14................................................................


This Installation, Operation, and Maintenance manual is designed to help you achieve the best performance and longest life from your Gorman­Rupp pump.
Thispumpisan 0Series,closedimpeller,self-prim­ing centrifugal model, designed with straigh-in suction, without a suction check valve. It is de­signed tohandleclearliquids containingspecified entrained solids. The basic material of construc­tionforwettedparts isgray iron,withbronzeimpel­ler and gray iron wear rings.
The pump is close-coupledtoa four cylinder Deutz dieselengine, modelF4L912D. Refer tothemanu­al accompanying the engine before installing or operating the pump.
If there are any questions regarding t he pump or its application which are not covered in this man­ual or in other literature accompanying this unit, please contact your Gorman-Rupp distributor, or write:
The Gorman-Rupp Company P.O. Box 1217 Mansfield, Ohio 44901--1217
Gorman-Rupp of Canada Limited 70 Burwell Ro ad St. Thomas, Ontario N5P 3R7
equipment must be installed and operated ac- cording to all national, local and industry stan ­dards.
The following are used to alert maintenance per­sonnel toprocedureswhich require specialatten­tion, tothosewhichcoulddamage equipment, and to those which could be dangerous to personnel:
Immediate hazards whichWILL result in severe personal injury or death. These instructions describe the procedure re­quired and the injury which will result from failure to follow the procedure.
Hazards or unsafe practices which COULDresult in severe personal injury or death. These instructions describe the procedure required and the injury which could result from failure to follow the procedure.
For information or technical assistance on the en­gine, contact the engine manufacturer’s local dealer or representative.
Because pump installations are seldom identical, this manual cannot possibly provide detailed in­structions and precautions for every aspect of each specific application. Therefore, it is the re­sponsibility of the owner/installer of the pump to ensure that applications not addressed in this manual are performed only after establishing that neither operator safety norpumpintegrity are com­promised by the installation. Pumps and related
HazardsorunsafepracticeswhichCOULD result in minor personal injury or product or property damage. These instructions describe the requirements and the possi­ble damagewhich could result from failure to follow the procedure.
Instructions to aid in installation, operation,and maintenance, or which clarify a procedure.
This information applies to 0 Series en­gine driven pumps. Refer to the manual accompanying the engine before at­tempting to begin operation.
Because pump installations are seldom identical, this manual cannot possibly provide detailed instructions and pre­cautions for each specific application. Therefore, it is the owner/installer’s re­sponsibility to ensure that applications not addressed in this manual are per­formed only after establishing that nei­ther operator safety nor pump integrity are compromised by the installation.
Beforeattemptingto openorservicethe pump:
1. Familiarize yourself with this man ­ual.
2. Switch off the engine ignition and disconnect the positive battery cable. Take precautions to ensure that the pump will remain inopera­tive.
3. Allow the pump to completely cool if overheated.
4. Check the temperature before opening any covers, plates, or plugs.
5. Close the suction and discharge valves.
6. Vent the pump slowly and cau­tiously.
7. Drain the pump.
vent injury during automatic operation. Disconnect the positive battery cable before performing any maintenance. Failuretodosomayresultinserious personal injury.
This pump is designed to handle clear liquids containing specified entrained solids.Donotattempttopumpvolatile, flammable or corrosive materials, or any liquids which may damage the pumporendange r personnelas a result of pump failure.
Use lifting and moving equipment in good repair and with adequate capacity toprevent injuriestopersonnelordam­age to equipment. Suction and dis­charge hoses and piping must be re­moved from the pump before lifting.
Afterthepumphasbeen installed,make certain that the pump and all piping or hose connections are tight, properly supportedandsecurebeforeoperation.
Ifthe pump is equipped with the option­al automatic starting system, it is sub­ject to automatic restart. Keep hands and clothing away from the unit to pre-
Do not operate the pump against a closeddischarge valve for longperiods oftime.Ifoperatedagainstacloseddis­charge valve, pump components will deteriorate, and the liquid could come to a boil, build pressure, and cause the pump casing to rupture or explode.
Do not remove plates, covers, gauges, pipe plugs, or fittings from an over­heated pump. Vaporpressure withinthe pump can cause parts being disen­gagedtobe ejectedwithgreat force.Al­low the pump to cool before servicing.
Do not operate an i n ternal combustion engine in an explosive atmosphere. When operating internal combustion engines in an enclosed area, make ce r­tain that exhaust fumes are piped to the outside. These fumes contain carbon monoxide, a deadly gas that is color­less, tasteless, and odorless.
Fuel used by internal combustion en­gines presents an extreme explosion and fire hazard. Make certain that all fuel lines are securely connected and free of leaks. Never refuel a hot or run­ning engine. Avoid overfilling the fuel tank.Alwaysusethe correcttype offuel.
Never tamper with the governor to gain more power. The governor establishes safe operating limits that should not be exceeded. The maximum continuous operating speed for this pump is 2400 RPM.
PAGE A -- 2
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Review all SAFETY information in Section A.
Since pump installations are seldom identical,this section offers only general recommendations and practices required to inspect, position, and ar­range the pump and piping.
Most of the information pertains to a standard staticlift application where the pump ispositioned above the free level of liquid to be pumped.
If installed ina flooded suction application where the liquid is supplied to the pump under pressure, some of the information such as mounting, line
configuration, and priming must be tailored to the specific application. Since the pressure supplied to the pump is critical to performance and safety, besuretolimitthe incomingpressureto50%ofthe maximum permissible operating pressure a s shown on the pump performance curve.
Forfurtherassistance, contact yourGorman-Rupp distributor or the Gorman-Rupp Company.
Pump Dimensions
Figure 1. Pump Model 04B3--F4L
Thepump assemblywas inspectedandtested be­foreshipment from the factory. Before installation, inspect the pump for damage which may haveoc ­curred during shipment. Check as follows:
a. Inspect the pump and engine for cracks,
dents, damaged threads, and other obvious damage.
b. Check for and tighten loose attaching hard-
ware. Since gaskets tend to shrink after dry­ing, check for loose hardware at mating sur­faces.
c. Carefully read all tags, decals, and markings
onthepumpassembly,and performallduties indicated.
d. Check levels and lubricate as necessary. Re-


OM--01216 0SERIES
AND REPAIR section of thismanualandper-
form duties as instructed.
e. If the pump and engine have been stored for
more than 12 months, some of the compo­nents or lubricants may have exceeded their maximumshelflife.These mustbeinspected or replaced to ensure maximum pump serv­ice.
If the maximum shelf life has been exceeded, or if anything appears to be abnormal, contact your Gorman-Rupp distributor or the factory to deter­minethe repair or updating policy. Donotput the pump into service until appropriate action has been taken.
Battery Specifications And Installation
Unlessotherw ise specified on the pump order,the engine battery wa s not included with the unit. Re­fer to the following specifications when selecting a battery.
age to equipment. Suction and dis­charge hoses and piping must be re­moved from the pump before lifting.
Use lifting equipment with a capacity of at least 7,650 pounds (3540 kg.). The pump weighs ap­proximately1,560pounds (708kg.), notincluding the weight of any customer installed options.Cus­tomerinstalledequipmentsuchas suctionanddis­chargepipingmustbe removedbefore attempting to lift.
Thepumpassemblycanbeseriously damagedifthecablesorchainsused tolift andmovetheunitare improperlywrapped around the pump.
Table 1. Battery Specifications
12 Volts
Cold Crank Amps
_ F
960 ---975
_ F
20.5L x
8.75W x
Refer tothe information accompanyingthe battery and/or electrolytesolutionfor activationandcharg­ing instructions.
Beforeinstalling thebattery,cleanthe positive and negative cable connectors, and the battery termi­nals. Secure the battery by tightening the holddown brackets. The terminals and clamps maybecoated with petroleumjellyto retard corro­sion. Connect and tighten the positive cable first, then the negative cable.
Use lifting and moving equipment in good repair and with adequate capacity toprevent injuriestopersonnelordam-
Thealignmentofthe pumpendand enginearecrit­ical for trouble-free performance. During repair of thepumpend, refertoSecuring Intermediateand
Drive Assembly to Engine in MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR, Section E for Details.
Locatethepump inanaccessibleplaceascloseas practicalto the liquidbeingpumped. Levelmount­ing is essential for proper operation.
The pump may have to be supported or shimmed to provide for level operation or to eliminate vibra­tion.
If the pump has been mounted on a moveable base,makecertainthebaseisstationarybysetting the brakeandblocking thewheelsbefore attempt­ing to operate the pump.
To ensure sufficient lubrication and fuel supply to the engine, do not position the pump and engine morethan 15_ off horizontal for continuousopera­tion. The pump and engine may be positioned up to 30_ off horizontal for intermittent operation only;however,the enginemanufacturershouldbe consulted for continuous operation at angles greater than 15_.
0SERIES OM--01216
Pump performance is adversely effected by in­creased suction lift, discharge elevation, and fric­tion losses. Contact the factory to be sure your overall application allows pump to operate within thesafeoperationrange.
Either pipe or hose maybe used for suction and discharge lines; however, the materials must be compatiblewiththe liquidbeingpumped. Ifhoseis used in suction lines, it must be therigid-wall, rein­forcedtype to prevent collapseunder suction.Us­ing piping couplings in suction lines is not recom­mended.
Line Configuration
Keep suction and discharge lines as straight as possible to minimize friction losses. Make mini­mum use of elbows and fittings, which substan­tiallyincreasefriction loss.If elbowsarenecessary, use the long-radius type to minimize friction loss.
Connections to Pump
Before tightening a connecting flange, align it ex­actlywith the pump port. Never pulla pipe lineinto place by tightening the flange bolts and/or cou­plings.
Lines near the pump must be independently sup­ported to avoid strain on the pump which could cause excessive vibration, decreased bearing life, and increased shaft and seal wear. If hose-type linesare used,they shouldhaveadequatesupport to secure them when filled with liquid and under pressure.
Most pumps are drilled and tapped for installing discharge pressure and vacuum suction gauges. If these gauges are desired for pumps that a re not tapped, drill and tap the suction and discharge lines not less than 18 inches from the suction and discharge ports and install the lines. Installation closer to the pump may result in erratic readings.
Toavoidair pocketswhichcould affectpump prim­ing, thes uction line must be as short and direct as possible.Whenoperationinvolvesasuctionlift,the line must always slope upward to the pump from the source of the liquid being pumped; if the line slopes down to the pump at any point along the suction run, air pockets will be created.
Suction lines should be the same size as the pump inlet. If reducers are used in suction lines, they should be the eccentric type, and should be in­stalledwith the flat part of the reducers uppermost to avoid creating air pockets. Valves are not nor­mally used in suction lines, but if a valve is used, install it with the stem horizontal to avoid air pock­ets.
If a strainer is furnished with the pump, be certain touse it;any sphericalsolidswhichpassthrougha strainer furnished with the pump will also pass through the pump itself.
If a strainer is not furnished with the pump, but is installed by the pump user, make certain that the total area of the openings in the strainer is at least three or four times the cross section of the suction line,and that the openings willnot permit passage of solids larger than the solids handling capability of the pump.
Thispump isdesignedtohandle up to 1/2-inchdi­ameter spherical solids.
Since even a slight leak will affect priming, head, and capacity, especially when operating with a high suction lift, all connections in the suction line should be sealed with pipe dope to ensure an air­tight seal. Follow the sealant manufacturer’s rec­ommendations when selecting and applying the pipe dope. The pipe dope should be compatible with the liquid being pumped.
Suction Lines In Sumps
If a single suction line is installed in a sump, it should be positioned away from the wall of the sumpata distance equal to1 1/2 times the diame­ter of the suction line.
OM--01216 0SERIES
If there is a liquid flow from an open pipe into the sump, the flow should be kept away from the suc­tioninlet because theinflowwillcarryair downinto the sump, and air entering the suction line will re­duce pump efficiency.
Ifitis necessary to positioninflowclose to the suc­tioninlet, installa bafflebetween theinflowandthe suctioninlet at a distance 1-1/2 times the diameter of the suction pipe. The baffle will allow entrained air to escape from the liquid before it is drawn into the suction inlet.
If two suction lines are installed in a single sump, theflow pathsmay interact,reducing theefficiency of one or both pumps. To avoid this, position the suction inlets so that they are separated by a dis­tance equal to at least 3 times the diameter of the suction pipe.
Suction Line Positioning
The depth of submergence of the suction line is critical toefficient pump operation. Figure 2 shows recommended minimum submergence vs. veloc-
The pipe submergence required may be reduced by installing a standard pipe increaserfitting at the endof the suctionline. The largeropening size will reduce the inlet velocity. Calculate the required submergence using the following formula based on the increased opening size (area or diameter).
Figure 2. Recommended Minimum Suction Line Submergence vs. Velocity
The standard pump is not furnished with a means to automatically regulate liquid level. However, if the unit is equipped with the optional auto-start control system, the pump can be conformed to
start a nd stop as the liquid level in the wet well or sump risesand falls. Theautostartoptionemploys eitherasingle ordoublefloatswitch system,where a bulb raises or lowers (floats) with the liquid level, thus activating an enclosed miniature switch. The floats are equipped with a socket type connector that plugs into a matching receptacle on the auto ­start control box.
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