Google H2G2 42 User Manual

H840 Media Device
Important Product Information
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1. H84 0 Media Device.
Your H84 0 Media Device plugs i nto any HDMI port on your T V, and uses your exis ting Wi-F i network to stre am video from the inter net to you r TV. The H84 0 Media Device is controlled from devices on the same Wi-Fi network, such as smart phones, tablets, or c ompute rs, and is powered using the USB cable (#2, included).
2. US B cable. T he USB cable provides power to your H8 40 Media Device. One end p lugs into your H84 0 Media Device, and the oth er end plugs in to
either a USB por t on your
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TV, or the power supply (#3). DO NO T PLUG THE
3. Powe r supply. The power s upply is optional, and can be used with the USB cab le to powe r your H84 0 Media Device if your TV do es not have a USB port.
4. HDMI extender. The HDMI ex tender is optional, and can be used if y our H84 0 Media Device does
not t dir ectl y into your
TV. The H840 M edia Device app may also recommend using it to improve your Wi- Fi recep tion. Plug one end int o your H8 40 Medi a Devi ce, and th e other en d into your TV.
5. HDMI adapter. The HDMI ad apter is not used, and is on ly inclu ded for regulatory compliance.
For additional info, visit:
H84 0 Media Devic e may get hot to the t ouch; this is no rmal. Unplug H 840 Media D evice’s power s ource and let it c ool befor e removing it f rom your television.
Use onl y the cables pr ovided with yo ur device to pl ug H840 Media De vice into a pow er source . Using other ca bles may damage H 840 Media De vice and/or your television.
Do not ex pose H840 M edia Devic e to water or ex treme condit ions (heat , cold, dust) , as H84 0 Media Devi ce may malfu nction or cea se to work when exposed to such elements.
Do not attempt to disassemble or repai r H840 Medi a Device yours elf. Doing so vo ids the limited warranty and could harm you, yo ur televisio n, and/or H84 0 Media Devic e.
H84 0 Media Devic e is an entertainment device; it is not designed, manufactured or intend ed for use in haz ardous environments requiring fail-safe
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perf ormance in wh ich the failur e of H84 0 Media Devi ce could lead dir ectly to dea th, person al injur y, or severe phy sical or environmental damage.
Google Inc. (“Google”) warrants the H8 40 Media Dev ice (which includ es the H840 M edia Device device and the ancillary parts packa ged with it) ag ainst defec ts in materials and workmanship under no rmal use for on e year from th e date the H84 0 Media
Devic e is rst purcha sed by
an end user (collectively, the “Limited Warranty” ).
This Li mited Warran ty is only valid and enforceable in count ries where t he H840 Media De vice is sold. T his Limited Warranty only applies to hardware components, and Googl e does not prov ide any warranty for damage caused by normal wear and tear, accidents, misuse (including failure to follow product documentation and plug ging the dev ice or other included parts into the wrong t ype of por t), neglec t, disassembly, alterations and exte rnal causes s uch as but not limited to extreme thermal or environmental conditions (including but not limited to
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