Meet your new Pixel
Power buon
Volume up/down
Active Edge (squeeze
for Google Assistant)
USB-C po
SIM card tray
Pixel Imprint

Before you sta
Set up your new Pixel
Switching from an iPhone
To bring all your texts and data (like contacts,
music, les, and apps) with you to your new
Pixel, turn o
• iMessage and Device Management
(ifneeded) in your iPhone Seings
• iTunes encryption in the iTunes app
onyour computer
For iPhone help, go to g.co/imessagehelp
and g.co/datatransferhelp
Switching from Android or another phone
Go straight to setup. Or, follow the full
transferguide for your old phone at
Inse your SIM card from your carrier using
the provided SIM tool.
To turn on, press and hold the power buon
for 5 seconds. Follow the on-screen steps to
begin setup.