Google Android - 2.2.1 User Manual

Android 2.2.1
User’s Guide
October 23, 2010 AUG-2.2.1-101 Android™ mobile technology platform 2.2.1
stylized Nexus One logo, Android Market, the stylized Android Market logo, Gmail, Google Apps, Google Calendar, Google Checkout, Google Earth, Google Goggles, Google Latitude, Google Maps, Google Talk, Picasa, SafeSearch, and YouTube are trademarks of Google Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.
Availability of Google applications, services, and features may vary by country, carrier, phone model, and manufacturer.
For more information about the Android mobile technology platform and your phone, contact your carrier or visit
AUG-2.2.1-101 Android User’s Guide
About this guide 11
Android basics 15
Starting Android for the first time 16
If you don’t have a SIM card in your GSM phone 16 Your Google Account 16 Additional accounts 18 Google services 18
Getting to know the Home screen 19 Using the touchscreen 22 Using the phone’s buttons 23 Using the Trackball 24 Working with menus 25
Options menus 25 Context menus 26
Monitoring your phone’s status 27
Status icons 27
Managing notifications 29 Using the onscreen keyboard 31 Entering text by speaking 34 Editing text 36 Opening and switching applications 38 Locking your screen 40 Customizing the Home screen 41 Connecting quickly with your contacts 43 Optimizing battery life 44
Connecting to networks and devices 47
Connecting to mobile networks 48 Connecting to Wi-Fi networks 50 Connecting to Bluetooth devices 53 Connecting to a computer via USB 56
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Sharing your phone’s mobile data connection 58 Connecting to virtual private networks 61 Working with secure certificates 63
Placing and receiving calls 65
Placing and ending calls 66 Answering or rejecting calls 68 Working with the Call log 70 Calling your contacts 72 Listening to your voicemail 73 Dialing by voice 74 Options during a call 75 Managing multiple calls 77
Searching by text and voice 79
Searching your phone and the web 80 Changing Google Search settings 85
Search settings screen 85 Google Search settings screen 85
Using Voice Actions 86 Voice Action commands 89
Contacts 93
Opening your contacts 94 Adding contacts 96 Importing, exporting, and sharing contacts 97 Adding a contact to your favorites 99 Searching for a contact 100 Editing contact details 101 Communicating with your contacts 104 Changing which contacts are displayed 106 Joining contacts 108 Separating contact information 109
Accounts 111
Adding and removing accounts 112 Configuring account sync and display options 115
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Gmail 119
Gmail is different 120 Opening Gmail and your Inbox 121 Reading your messages 123 Composing and sending a message 126 Replying to or forwarding a message 128 Working with conversations in batches 130 Labeling a conversation 131 Starring a message 132 Viewing conversations by label 133 Copying text from messages 134 Reporting spam 135 Searching for messages 136 Archiving conversations 137 Synchronizing your messages 138 Appending a signature to your messages 140 Changing Gmail settings 141
General Settings 141 Notification settings 142
Calendar 143
Viewing your calendar and events 144 Working in Agenda view 146 Working in Day view 147 Working in Week view 148 Working in Month view 149 Viewing event details 150 Creating an event 151 Editing or deleting an event 152 Setting an event reminder 153 Responding to an event reminder 154 Synchronizing and displaying calendars 155 Changing Calendar settings 156
Google Voice 157
Opening Google Voice and your Inbox 158 Reading or listening to your voicemail 160 Exchanging text (SMS) messages 162
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Starring messages 163 Viewing messages by label 164 Configuring Google Voice 165 Placing calls with Google Voice 167 Changing Google Voice settings 168
General Settings 168 Sync and notifications settings 169
Google Talk 171
Signing in and opening your Friends list 172 Chatting with friends 174 Changing and monitoring online status 177 Managing your Friends list 179 Changing Google Talk settings 181
Email 183
Opening Email and the Accounts screen 184 Reading your messages 187 Responding to a message 188 Starring messages 189 Working with message in batches 190 Composing and sending email 191 Working with account folders 192 Appending a signature to your messages 193 Adding and editing email accounts 194 Changing email account settings 197
Account settings 197 Incoming server settings 198 Outgoing server settings 200
Messaging 203
Opening Messaging 204 Exchanging messages 205 Changing Messaging settings 210
Storage settings 210 Text message (SMS) settings 210 Multimedia message (MMS) settings 210 Notification settings 211
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Browser 213
Opening Browser 214 Navigating within a webpage 217 Navigating among webpages 219 Working with multiple Browser windows 221 Downloading files 222 Working with bookmarks 224 Changing Browser settings 226
Page content settings 226 Privacy settings 227 Security settings 228 Advanced settings 228
Maps 229
Opening Maps and viewing your location 230 Obtaining details about a location 232 Starring a location 234 Changing map layers 236 Searching for locations and places 238 Getting directions 239 Navigating with spoken, turn-by-turn directions 241 Finding your friends with Google Latitude 247
Camera 251
Opening Camera and taking pictures 252 Changing Camera settings 255
Camera mode settings 256 Video mode settings 257
Gallery 259
Opening Gallery and viewing your albums 260 Working with albums 262 Working with pictures 266 Working with videos 270
Goggles 273
Opening Goggles and searching with pictures 274 Working with your search history 276
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YouTube 277
Opening YouTube and watching videos 278 Discovering videos 281 Rating videos 283 Uploading and sharing videos 284 Working with playlists 286 Working with channels 287 Changing YouTube settings 288
Music 289
Transferring music files to your phone 290 Opening Music and working with your library 291 Playing music 293 Working with playlists 296
News & Weather 299
Checking the news and weather 300 Changing News & Weather settings 303
News & Weather settings 303 Weather settings 303 News settings 303 Refresh settings 304
Clock 305
Viewing the date, time, and other information 306 Setting alarms 308 Changing Clock alarm settings 310
Car Home 311
Opening Car Home 312 Customizing Car Home 314 Starting Car Home with a Bluetooth Device 316 Changing Car Home settings 317
Calculator 319
Using the Calculator 320
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Market 321
Opening Android Market and finding applications 322 Downloading and installing applications 325 Managing your downloads 327
Settings 331
Opening Settings 332 Wireless & networks 333
Wireless & Network settings screen 333 Wi-Fi settings screen 333 Advanced Wi-Fi settings screen 334 Bluetooth settings screen 334 Tethering & portable hotspot settings screen 335 VPN settings screen 335 Mobile networks settings screen 335
Call settings 337
Call settings screen 337 Other call settings 337 Fixed Dialing Numbers screen 338
Sound settings 339 Display settings 340 Location & security settings 341 Applications settings 343
Applications settings screen 343 Application Info screen 343 Development screen 344
Accounts & sync settings 345
Accounts & sync settings screen 345 Account screen 345
Privacy settings 346 SD card & phone storage settings 347 Language & keyboard settings 348
Language & Keyboard screen 348 Android Keyboard settings screen 348 Device Keyboard settings screen 349
Voice input & output settings 350
Google Voice Recognition settings screen 350 Text-to-Speech settings screen 350
Accessibility settings 351 Dock settings 352
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Date & time settings 353 About phone 354
About Phone screen 354
AUG-2.2.1-101 Android User’s Guide
This guide describes how to use release 2.2.1 of the Android™ mobile technology platform, including updates to Android applications that have been released on the Android Market™ downloadable applications service.
This guide does not describe the physical features of your phone (its parts and accessories, how to replace its battery, turn it on , and so on) or its specifications; for that information, refer to your phone’s owner’s guide.
Chapter Describes

About this guide

“Android basics” on page 15
“Connecting to net­works and devices” on page 47
“Placing and receiving calls” on page 65
“Searching by text and voice” on page 79
“Contacts” on page 93 Organizing and finding contact information for the people you know.
“Accounts” on page 111 Adding and synchronizing email and other accounts, including Google
“Gmail” on page 119 Sending and receiving messages using Gmail™ webmail service.
“Calendar” on page 143 Viewing and creating events on your calendar and synchronizing them
“Google Voice” on page 157
Starting Android the first time, signing into your Google™ Accounts so you can take full advantage of Google Apps™, and performing basic Android tasks.
Configuring how your phone connects to mobile and Wi-Fi™ net­works, to Bluetooth™ devices, and to a computer, and it describes how to share your phone’s mobile data connection via USB or as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. This chapter also describes how to secure your con­nections to virtual private networks (VPNs) and other networks.
Using your phone to place, receive, and manage multiple calls.
Using Google Search to search your phone and the web by typing or speaking.
Accounts and Microsoft™ Exchange ActiveSync™ accounts.
with the Google Calendar™ calendaring service on the web.
Checking your voicemail and placing calls with Google Voice.
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About this guide 12
Chapter Describes
“Google Talk” on page 171
Communicating with friends by using the Google Talk™ instant mes­saging service.
“Email” on page 183 Configuring your phone so you can send and receive email via a con-
ventional email service.
“Messaging” on
Exchanging text and multimedia messages with other phones.
page 203
“Browser” on page 213 Browsing the web on your phone.
“Maps” on page 229 Discovering the world with street and satellite data from the Google
Earth™ mapping service, getting directions, finding your location, sharing your location through the Google Latitude™ user location ser­vice, navigating with spoken turn-by-turn directions from Google Maps Navigation, and the many other features available on your phone in the Google Maps™ mapping service
“Camera” on page 251 Taking and previewing photos and videos.
“Gallery” on page 259 Viewing, sharing, and uploading your photos and videos to the
Picasa™ photo organizing software service and the YouTube™ user­generated content website.
“Goggles” on page 273 Using the Google Goggles™ visual search service to search the web
for information about the subjects of photos you take or to get infor­mation about nearby businesses.
“YouTube” on page 277 Viewing YouTube videos.
“Music” on page 289 Listening to music by the song, album, or playlist.
“News & Weather” on
Checking the news and weather on your Home screen or in detail.
page 299
“Clock” on page 305 Checking the time and setting alarms.
“Car Home” on page 311 Using your phone effectively in the car.
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About this guide 13
Chapter Describes
“Calculator” on
Calculating the solutions to math problems.
page 319
“Market” on page 321 Finding new applications on Android Market, purchasing paid applica-
tions with Google Checkout™ payment and billing service, and install­ing them.
“Settings” on page 331 Opening the Settings application and its many tools for configuring
and customizing your phone.
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About this guide 14
AUG-2.2.1-101 Android User’s Guide

Android basics

When you first turn on your phone, you have the opportunity to learn more about it and to sign into your Google Account. Then it’s a good idea to become familiar with the basics of your phone and how to use it—the Home screen, the touchscreen and buttons, menus, applications, entering text, and so on.
In this section
“Starting Android for the first time” on page 16 “Getting to know the Home screen” on page 19 “Using the touchscreen” on page 22 “Using the phone’s buttons” on page 23 “Using the Trackball” on page 24 “Working with menus” on page 25 “Monitoring your phone’s status” on page 27 “Managing notifications” on page 29 “Using the onscreen keyboard” on page 31 “Entering text by speaking” on page 34 “Editing text” on page 36 “Opening and switching applications” on page 38 “Locking your screen” on page 40 “Customizing the Home screen” on page 41 “Connecting quickly with your contacts” on page 43 “Optimizing battery life” on page 44
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Touch the android to begin.

Starting Android for the first time

The first time you power on your phone (after setting it up, as described in your phone’s owner’s guide), you’re prompted to touch the Android logo to begin using your phone.
Then you’re offered a chance to learn about your phone, you’re prompted to create or to sign into your Google Account, and you’re asked to make some initial decisions about how you want to use Android and Google features.

If you don’t have a SIM card in your GSM phone

If your GSM phone doesn’t have a SIM card installed, you can’t connect to mobile networks for voice and data services, but you can connect to a Wi-Fi network to sign into your Google Account and to use all the features of your phone, except voice calling. (CDMA phones don’t rely on a SIM card to connect to mobile networks.)
If you start Android the first time without a SIM card, you’re asked if you want to touch Connect to Wi-Fi to connect to a Wi-Fi network (instead of to a mobile network) to set up your phone. To learn more, see “Connecting to Wi-Fi networks” on page 50.

Your Google Account

You must sign into a Google Account to use Gmail, Google Talk, Google Calendar, and other Google Apps; to download applications from Android Market; to back up your settings to Google servers; and to take advantage of other Google services on your phone.
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When you’re finished, touch Done on the keyboard (or press the phone’s
Back button) to close the onscreen
keyboard, so you can touch the Sign in button at the bottom of the screen.
Touch to open the onscreen keyboard, to enter your Google Account username.
Touch to enter your password.
Important If you want to restore your settings to this phone, from another phone that was run-
ning Android release 2.0 or later, you must sign into your Google Account now, during setup. If you wait until after setup is complete, your settings are not restored. (See “Google services” on page 18.)
If you don’t have a Google Account, you’re prompted to create one. If you have an enterprise Gmail account through your company or other organization,
your IT department may have special instructions on how to sign into that account. When you sign in, your contacts, Gmail messages, Calendar events, and other
information from these applications and services on the web are synchronized with your phone.
If you don’t sign into a Google Account during setup, you are prompted to sign in or to create a Google Account the first time you start an application that requires one, such as Gmail or Android Market.
When you sign in, you’re prompted to enter your username and password, using the onscreen keyboard. For information about navigating the touchscreen and entering text, see “Using the touchscreen” on page 22 and “Using the onscreen keyboard” on page 31.
If you have a Google Account but have forgotten your password, you must reset it before you can sign in. Go to, click Sign In, click “Can’t access your account?” in the sign-in box, and then follow the instructions for resetting your password.
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Additional accounts

After setup, you can add Google, Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, Facebook, conventional email, and other kinds of accounts to your phone, and sync some or all of their data, as described in “Accounts” on page 111. However, only the first Google Account you sign into is backed up to Google servers. Some applications that only work with a single account display data only from the first account that you sign into.

Google services

When you sign in, you’re asked whether you want to take advantage of the following Google services.
Location You can choose whether to take advantage of Google’s location service,
which provides applications with your approximate location without using GPS, and whether to use your location for Google search results and other Google services. For information about changing these settings later, see “Location & security settings” on page 341 and “Privacy settings” on page 346.
Backup You can choose to back up some of your data, such as your bookmarks,
your user dictionary, your Wi-Fi passwords, and many other settings, to your Google Account, on Google servers. Some third-party applications may also take advantage of this feature. That way, when you need to replace your phone (when you upgrade or replace a lost phone), or if you reinstall an application, you can restore your settings and other data. For information about changing this setting later, see “Privacy settings” on page 346.
Date and time If you aren’t connected to a mobile network, you’re prompted to set
the date and time on your phone. See “Date & time settings” on page 353.
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The Status bar shows the time, signal strength, battery status, and other information. It also displays notification icons.
Widgets are applications that you can use directly on the Home screen.
Touch items on the Home screen to open them. Touch & hold an empty spot to add a shortcut to an application, a widget, and so on.
Touch the Launcher icon to open the Launcher and view all your applications.

Getting to know the Home screen

When you sign in, the Home screen opens. The Home screen is your starting point to access all the features on your phone. It
displays application icons, widgets, shortcuts, and other features. You can customize the Home screen with different wallpaper and display the items you want. See “Customizing the Home screen” on page 41.
At the top of the screen, the Status bar displays the time, information about the status of your phone, and icons for notifications that you’ve received. To learn more, see “Monitoring your phone’s status” on page 27 and “Managing notifications” on page 29.
Touch the Launcher icon at the bottom of the screen to view all installed applications. See “Opening and switching applications” on page 38.
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To wake up the phone

If you don’t use the phone for a while, the Home screen or other screen you are viewing, is replaced with the lock screen and then the screen darkens, to conserve the battery.
1 Press the Power button.
If you’ve locked your screen, you must draw an unlock pattern or enter a PIN or password to unlock it. See “Locking your screen” on page 40.
If you haven’t locked your screen, this lock screen appears.
2 Drag the lock icon to the right.
The last screen you were working on opens.

To return to the Home screen

S Press the Home button at any time, in any application.
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To view other parts of the Home screen

S Slide your finger left or right across the Home screen.
These extensions to the Home screen provide more space for widgets, shortcuts, and other items. For more on sliding, see “Using the touchscreen” on page 22.
Small dots at the lower left and right indicate which screen you’re viewing.
S Touch & hold the small dots on the lower left or right of the screen to view
thumbnails of the Home screen and its extensions, which you can touch to open.
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Using the touchscreen

The main way to control Android features is by using your finger to manipulate icons, buttons, menu items, the onscreen keyboard, and other items on the touchscreen. You can also change the screen’s orientation.

Touch To act on items on the screen, such as application and settings icons, to type

letters and symbols using the onscreen keyboard, or to press onscreen buttons, you simply touch them with your finger.

Touch & hold Touch & hold an item on the screen by touching it and not lifting

your finger until an action occurs. For example, to open a menu for customizing the Home screen, you touch an empty area on the Home screen until the menu opens.

Drag Touch & hold an item for a moment and then, without lifting your finger, move

your finger on the screen until you reach the target position. You drag items on the Home screen to reposition them, as described in “Customizing the Home screen” on page 41, and you drag to open the Notifications panel, as described in “Managing notifications” on page 29.

Swipe or slide To swipe or slide, you quickly move your finger across the surface

of the screen, without pausing when you first touch it (so you don’t drag an item instead). For example, you slide the screen up or down to scroll a list, and in some Calendar views you swipe quickly across the screen to change the range of time visible.

Double-tap Tap quickly twice on a webpage, map, or other screen to zoom. For

example, you double-tap a section of a webpage in Browser to zoom that section to fit the width of the screen. You can also double-tap to control the Camera zoom, in Maps, and in other applications. Double-tapping after pinching to zoom in some applications, such as Browser, reflows a column of text to fit the width of the screen.

Pinch In some applications (such as Maps, Browser, and Gallery), you can zoom in

and out by placing two fingers on the screen at once and pinching them together (to zoom out) or spreading them apart (to zoom in).

Rotate the screen On most screens, the orientation of the screen rotates with the

phone as you turn it from upright to its side and back again. You can turn this feature on and off, as described in “Sound settings” on page 339.
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Using the phone’s buttons

The phone’s physical buttons and soft buttons offer a variety of functions and shortcuts. Refer to your phone’s owner’s guide for details about the location of the buttons on your phone.
Button Press Press & hold
Back Opens the previous screen you were
working in. If the onscreen keyboard is open, closes the keyboard.
Menu Opens a menu with items that affect
the current screen or application.
Home Opens the Home screen. If you’re view-
ing the left or right extended Home screen, opens the central Home screen.
Search On the Home screen, opens Google
search for searching your phone and the web. In many applications, opens a search box for searching within the application.
(top left)
Volume Up / Down
(left side)
Turns off the screen. Opens a menu with options for
When a call is in progress, increases or decreases the call volume. When the phone is ringing, silences the ringer. On the Home screen when no call is in progress, increases or decreases the ringtone volume, or sets the phone to be silent or to vibrate instead of ringing. In other applications, controls the vol­ume of music, spoken directions, and other audio.
Opens the most recently used applications screen.
Opens Google search by voice.
Airplane mode, for Silent mode, and for powering off the phone.
Quickly increases the ringtone volume to maximum or mini­mum.
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Items that you select with the
Trackball are highlighted in orange.

Using the Trackball

Some actions are easier using the Trackball than your finger, such as:
G Opening an event in a crowded calendar G Selecting a link or form field on a web page G Selecting text to edit

To use the Trackball

S Roll the Trackball to select items on the screen.
The selected item is highlighted in orange.
S Pressing the Trackball is equivalent to touching the selected item with your
S Pressing & holding the Trackball is equivalent to touching & holding the selected
item with your finger.
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Touch to open more menu items.
Options menus contain items that apply to the current screen or to the application as a whole.

Working with menus

There are two kinds of Android menus: options menus and context menus.

Options menus

Options menus contain tools that apply to the activities of the current screen or application, not to any specific item on the screen. You open options menus by pressing the Menu button . Not all screens have options menus; if you press Menu on a screen that has no options menu, nothing happens.
Some screens have more options menu items than can fit in the main menu; you touch More to open a menu of additional items.
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When you touch & hold some items on a screen, a context menu opens.

Context menus

Context menus contain tools that apply to a specific item on the screen. You open a context menu by touching & holding an item on the screen. Not all items have context menus. If you touch & hold an item that has no context menu, nothing happens. You can also open a context menu for an item by selecting it with the Trackball and then pressing the Trackball.
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Notification icons

Status icons

Monitoring your phone’s status

The Status bar appears at the top of every screen. It displays icons indicating that you’ve received notifications (on the left) and icons indicating the phone’s status (on the right), along with the current time.
If you have more notifications than can fit in the status bar, a plus icon prompts you to open the Notifications panel to view them all. See “Managing notifications” on page 29.
Status icons
The following icons indicate the status of your phone. To learn more about the different kinds of mobile networks, see “Connecting to networks and devices” on
Notification icons
page 47.
Connected to GPRS mobile network Roaming
GPRS in use No signal
Connected to EDGE mobile network No SIM card installed
EDGE in use Vibrate mode
Connected to 3G mobile network Ringer is silenced
3G in use Phone microphone is mute
Mobile network signal strength Battery is very low
Connected to a Wi-Fi network Battery is low
Bluetooth is on Battery is partially drained
Connected to a Bluetooth device Battery is full
Airplane mode Battery is charging
Alarm is set GPS is on
Speakerphone is on Receiving location data from GPS
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The following icons indicate that you’ve received a notification. See “Managing notifications” on page 29 for information about responding to these notifications. In addition these icons, applications you install on your phone may use their own notification icons.
New Gmail message 3 more notifications not displayed
New text or multimedia message Call in progress
Problem with text or multimedia message delivery
Call in progress using a Bluetooth headset
New Google Talk message Missed call
New voicemail Call on hold
Upcoming event Call forwarding is on
Data is syncing Song is playing
Problem with sign-in or sync Uploading data
SD card is full Downloading data
An open Wi-Fi network is available Download finished
Phone is connected via USB cable Connected to VPN
Phone is sharing its data connection
Disconnected from VPN
via USB (USB tethering)
Phone is sharing its data connection as a Wi-Fi hotspot (Wi-Fi tethering)
Carrier data use threshold approach­ing or exceeded
Phone is tethered in multiple ways Application update available
System update available
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Touch a notification to open it in its application.

Managing notifications

Notification icons report the arrival of new messages, calendar events, and alarms, as well as ongoing events, such as when call forwarding is on or the current call status.
When you receive a notification, its icon appears in the Status bar, along with a summary that appears only briefly. For a table of notification icons, see “Notification icons” on page 27.
The Trackball light pulses once or repeatedly when you receive a new notification. Depending on your settings and the model of your phone, you may also hear a notification sound, the phone may vibrate, and LEDs may blink. These settings and adjusting sound volume and other general notifications settings is described in “Sound settings” on page 339.
You can open the Notifications panel to view a list of all your notifications. Applications whose activities produce notifications, such as Gmail and Google Talk,
have their own settings, which you can use to configure whether and how they send notifications, whether they sound a ringtone, vibrate, and so on. See the sections on those applications for details.

To open the Notifications panel

S Drag the Status bar down from the top of the screen.
On the Home screen, you can also press Menu and touch Notifications. The Notifications panel displays your wireless provider and a list of your current
notifications. Notifications about ongoing activities are listed first, followed by Notifications about events, such as new mail notifications or Calendar reminders.
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To respond to a notification

1 Open the Notifications panel.
Your current notifications are listed in the panel, each with a brief description.
2 Touch a notification to respond to it.
The Notifications panel closes. What happens next depends on the notification. For example, new voicemail notifications dial your voicemail box, and network disconnect notifications open the list of configured networks so you can reconnect.

To clear all notifications

1 Open the Notifications panel. 2 Touch Clear at the top right of the panel.
All event-based notifications are cleared; ongoing notifications remain in the list.

To close the Notifications panel

S Drag the tab at the bottom of the Notifications panel to the top of the screen. Or
just press the Back button. The panel also closes when you touch a notification to respond to it.
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+ 324 hidden pages