GpC14H and GpH14H
UP TO 14 seer

COMPaCT, aLL-in-One UniTS
heLP Save vaLUaBLe SPaCe
Keep your family in energy-efficient comfort for years to come. The
Goodman® brand GPC14H Packaged Air Conditioners and GPH14H
Packaged Heat Pumps provide value and indoor comfort to homeowners
and small businesses while helping to lower energy bills as compared to
lower SEER units.
ReLiaBiLiTy and LOng LiFe
Goodman brand packaged units sit on the
ground or rooftop outside your home or business
and deliver quiet, year-round cooling and heating
comfort from a single, self-contained unit. The
energy efficient Goodman brand
Packaged Unit operates as an air conditioner
during the summer and in winter delivers electric
or heat pump-generated warmth.
One of the most critical components of a packaged air conditioner or heat pump unit
is the compressor. Our GPC14H/GPH14H Packaged Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps
boast high-performance, high-efficiency compressors, which operate in tandem
with our high-efficiency coil. The coil is made of refrigeration-grade copper tubing
and aluminum fins in a design that maximizes surface area. These high-quality
components together cool your home effectively while saving you money on
energy bills as compared to lower SEER units.
exCePTiOnaL qUaLiTy
You can depend on well-designed, top-quality,
thoroughly tested products.
Our production facilities are focused on strict,
quality-driven processes. This quality focus
ensures a trouble-free installation and long
product life.