Goodman RS6200006, ASUF 14 series, ASPT 14 series Installation And Operationg Instructions

ARUF**14**/ARPT**14** ASPT**14**/ASUF**14**
1 Important Safety Instructions..................................................1
2 Shipping Inspection ................................................................2
2.1 Parts..............................................................................2
2.2 Handling ........................................................................3
3 Codes & Regulations..............................................................3
4 Replacement Parts .................................................................3
5 Pre-Installation Considerations..............................................3
5.1 Preparation....................................................................3
5.2 System Matches............................................................3
5.3 Interconnecting Tubing..................................................3
5.4 Clearances ....................................................................3
5.5 Horizontal Applications..................................................3
6 Installation Location...............................................................3
6.1 Upflow Installation .........................................................4
6.2 Horizontal Left Installation.............................................4
6.3 Downflow/Horizontal Right Installation..........................4
7 Refrigerant Lines ....................................................................6
7.1 Tubing Size ...................................................................6
7.2 Tubing Preparation ........................................................6
7.3 Special Instructions .......................................................6
7.4 Tubing Connections for Flowrator Model ......................7
7.5 Tubing Connections for TXV Models.............................7
8 Condensate Drain Lines .........................................................7
9 Ductwork.................................................................................8
9.1 Return Ductwork ...........................................................8
10 Return Air Filters...................................................................8
11 Electric Heat .........................................................................8
11.1 No Electric Heat Installed ............................................9
12 Electrical and Control Wiring ..............................................10
12.1 Building Electrical Service Inspection .......................10
12.2 Wire Sizing ...............................................................10
12.3 Maximum Overcurrent Protection (MOP)..................10
12.4 Electrical Connections – Supply Voltage .................. 11
12.4.1 Air Handler Only (Non-Heat Kit Models) ........ 11
12.4.2 Air Handler - Non-Circuit Breaker Heat Kits.......... 11
12.4.3 Air Handler With Circuit Breaker Heat Kit ............. 11
12.5 Low Voltage Connections ......................................... 11
12.5.1 Thermostats ......................................................... 11
12.6 Speed Tap Adjustment .............................................. 11
13 Achieving 2% Low Leakage Rate.......................................12
14 Start-Up Procedure.............................................................12
15 Regular Maintenance .........................................................12
Airflow Data................................................................................13
Schematics ................................................................................15
Wiring Diagrams ........................................................................21
1 Important Safety Instructions
IO-427G 10/2013
It is your responsibility to install the product safely and to educate the customer on its safe use.
Prior to installation, thoroughly familiarize yourself with this Installation Manual.
Observe all safety warnings. During installation or repair, caution is to be observed.
Disconnect ALL power before servicing. Multiple power sources may be present. Failure to do so may cause property dama ge , personal inju ry or deat h.
Install ati on an d re pa ir of t hi s u ni t sho ul d b e p erf orm ed
by indiv id uals me et in g the re qui re men ts of an
ONLY “entry level technician” as specified by
, at a mini mum,
the Ai r-Co ndi ti on in g, H ea ting a nd Re fri g era ti on Inst i tu te (AHRI). Attempting to install or repair this unit without such ba ck grou nd may re sul t i n p rod uct da mag e, personal inju ry or death.
This product is factory-shipped for use with 208/240/1/60 electrical power supply.
DO NOT reconfigure this air handler to operate with any othe r power supply.
To avoid property damage, personal injury or death due to electrical shock, this unit MUST have an uninterrupted, unbroken
electrical ground. The electrical ground circuit may consist of an appropriately sized electrical wi re connecting the ground lug in the unit control box to the b uilding electrical service panel. Other meth ods of gro unding are permitte d i f perfo r med in accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC) /Amer ican National Stan dard s Inst itut e (ANSI)/ Nati onal Fire P rotec tion Assoc iation (NFP A) 70 and local /s ta te c ode s. I n Canad a, e lect ri ca l gro unding is to be in accordance w it h t he Cana di an El ec tri c C ode (CSA) C22.1.
When installing or servicing this equipment, safety clothing, including hand and eye protection, is strongly recommended. If installing in an area that has special safety requirements (hard hats, etc.), bserve
these requirements.
To prevent the risk of property damage, personal injury , or dea th, do not store comb ustible m aterials or use gasoline or other flammable liquids or vapors in the vicin ity of this unit.
Special Warning for Installation of Furnace or Air Handling Units in Enclosed Areas such as Garages, Utility Rooms or Parking Areas
Carbon monoxide producing devices (such as an automobile, space heater, gas water heater, etc.) should not be operated in enclosed areas such as unventilated garages, utility rooms or parking areas because of the danger of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning resulting from the exhaust emissions. If a furnace or air handler is installed in an enclosed area such as a garage, utility room or parking area and a carbon monoxide producing device is operated therein, there must be adequate, direct outside ventilation.
This ventilation is necessary to avoid the danger of CO poisoning which can occur if a carbon monoxide producing device continues to operate in the enclosed area. Carbon monoxide emissions can be (re)circulated throughout the structure if the furnace or air handler is operating in any mode.
CO can cause serious illness including permanent brain damage or death.
Keep this literature in a safe place for future reference.
2 Shipping Inspection
Always transport the unit upright; laying the unit on its side or top during transit may cause equipment damage. The installer should inspect the product upon receipt for shipping damage and subsequent investigation is the responsibility of the car­rier. The installer must verify the model number, specifica­tions, electrical characteristics, and accessories are correct prior to installation. The distributor or manufacturer will not accept claims from dealers for transportation damage or in­stallation of incorrectly shipped units.
2.1 Parts
Do not connect to or use any device that is not design­certified by the manufacturer for use with this unit. Serious property damage, personal injury, reduced unit performance and/or hazardous conditions may result from the use of such non-approved devices.
Also inspect the unit to verify all required components are present and intact. Report any missing components immediately to the manufacturer or to the distributor. Use only factory authorized replacement parts (see Section
5). Make sure to include the full product model number and serial number when reporting and/or obtaining ser­vice parts.
2.2 Handling
5.2 System Matches
Use caution when transporting/carrying the unit. Do not move unit using shipping straps. Do not carry unit with hooks or sharp objects. The preferred method of carry­ing the unit after arrival at the job site is to carry via a two­wheel hand truck from the back or sides or via hand by carrying at the cabinet corners.
3 Codes & Regulations
This product is designed and manufactured to comply with applicable national codes. Installation in accordance with such codes and/or prevailing local codes/regulations is the respon­sibility of the installer. The manufacturer assumes no respon­sibility for equipment installed in violation of any codes or regu­lations.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued various regulations regarding the in­troduction and disposal of refrigerants. Failure to follow these regulations may harm the environment and can lead to the imposition of substantial fines. Should you have
any questions please contact the local office of the EPA and/ or refer to EPA’s website
4 Replacement Parts
When reporting shortages or damages, or ordering repair parts, give the complete product model and serial numbers as stamped on the product. Replacement parts for this prod­uct are available through your contractor or local distributor. For the location of your nearest distributor consult the white business pages, the yellow page section of the local telephone book or contact:
(877) 254-4729
5 Pre-Installation Considerations
5.1 Preparation
Keep this document with the unit. Carefully read all in­structions for the installation prior to installing product. Make sure each step or procedure is understood and any special considerations are taken into account before start­ing installation. Assemble all tools, hardware and sup­plies needed to complete the installation. Some items may need to be purchased locally. Make sure everything needed to install the product is on hand before starting.
The entire system (combination of indoor and outdoor sections) must be manufacturer approved and Air-Con­ditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) listed. NOTE: Installation of unmatched systems is not permitted and will void the product warranty.
5.3 Interconnecting Tubing
Give special consideration to minimize the length of re­frigerant tubing when installing air handlers. Refer to Re­mote Cooling/Heat Pump Service Manual RS6200006, and TP-107 Long Line Set Application R-410A for tub­ing guidelines. If possible, allow adequate length of tub­ing such that the coil may be removed (for inspection or cleaning services) from the cabinet without disconnect­ing the tubing.
5.4 Clearances
The unit clearance from a combustible surface may be 0". However, service clearance must take precedence. A minimum of 24" in front of the unit for service clear­ance is required. Additional clearance on one side or top will be required for electrical wiring connections. Con­sult all appropriate regulatory codes prior to determining final clearances. When installing this unit in an area that may become wet (such as crawl spaces), elevate the unit with a sturdy, non-porous material. In installations that may lead to physical damage (i.e. a garage) it is advised to install a protective barrier to prevent such dam­age. Always install units such that a positive slope in condensate line (1/4" per foot) is allowed.
5.5 Horizontal Applications
If installed above a finished living space, a secondary drain pan (as required by many building codes), must be installed under the entire unit and its condensate drain line must be routed to a location such that the user will see the condensate discharge.
6 Installation Location
NOTE: These air handlers are designed for indoor installa-
tion only. The ARUF**14**, ARPT**14**, ASPT**14** and ASUF**14**
product lines may be installed in one of the upflow, downflow, horizontal left or horizontal right orientations as shown in Fig­ures 2, 3, 4 and 5. The unit may be installed in upflow or horizontal left orientation as shipped (refer to specific sec­tions for more information).
Minor field modifications are necessary to convert to downflow or horizontal right as indicated in below sections.
6.1 Upflow Installation
No field modifications are mandatory however to obtain maximum efficiency, the horizontal drip shield must be removed.
Drip Shield Removal: Refer to Figure 1, remove the two (2) screws that secure the drip shield support brackets to the condensate collectors (one screw per side). Remove the two (2) screws that secure the drip shield to the drain pan. The drip shield and drip shield brackets may now be removed.
The bottom left drain connection is the primary drain for this application and condensate drain line must be at­tached to this drain connection. The top connection of the three drain connections on the drain pan must re­main plugged for this application. The bottom right drain connection is for the secondary drain line (if used).
Downflow Kit
ARUF18B14** ARUF30C14** ARUF48D14** ARUF24B14** ARUF36C14** ARUF60D14** ARUF30B14** ARUF42C14** ARPT36D14** ARPT18B14** ARPT36C14** ARPT42D14** ARPT24B14** ASPT30C14** ARPT48D14** ARPT30B14** ASPT36C14** ARPT60D14** ASPT24B14** ASUF39C14** ASUF59D14** ASUF29B14** ASUF49C14** ASPT42D14**
Downflow Kit
Downflow Kit
ASPT48D14** ASPT60D14**
Table 1
Refer to Figure 6 and 7 for the location of the compo­nents referenced in the following steps.
1. Before inverting the air handler, remove blower access panel and coil access panel. The coil access panel and tubing panel may remain screwed together during this procedure. Remove and retain the seven (7) screws se­curing the coil access panel to the cabinet and the six (6) screws securing the blower access panel to the cabi­net.
2. Slide the coil assembly out using the drain pan to pull the assembly from the cabinet.
Figure 1
6.2 Horizontal Left Installation
No field modifications are permissible for this applica­tion.
The bottom right drain connection is the primary drain for this application and condensate drain line must be at­tached to this drain connection. The top connection of the three drain connections on the drain pan must re­main plugged for this application. The bottom left drain connection is for the secondary drain line (if used).
6.3 Downflow/Horizontal Right Installation
IMPORTANT NOTE: In the downflow application, to pre­vent coil pan “sweating”, a downflow kit (DFK) is avail­able through your local distributor. The DFK is not sup­plied with the air handler and is required by the manufac­turer on all downflow installations. See Table 1 for the correct DFK and follow the instructions provided for in­stallation.
3. Removal of the center support is required on units with 21" wide cabinet. Remove and retain the two (2) screws that secure the center support to the cabinet. Remove the center support.
4. Using the drain pan to hold the coil assembly, slide the coil assembly back into the cabinet on the downflow brackets as shown in Figure 8.
5. Re-install the center support (if removed) using the two (2) screws removed in Step 4.
6. Re-install the access panels removed in Step 1 as shown in Figure 9.
7. The bottom left drain connection is the primary drain for this application and condensate drain line must be at­tached to this drain connection. The top connection of the three drain connections on the drain pan must re­main plugged for this application. The bottom left drain connection is for the secondary drain line (if used).
Figure 2 Figure 3
Upper Tie Plate
Control Deck
Downflow Bracket
Center Support
Filter Bracket
Filter Access Panel
Figure 6
NOTE: If removing only the coil access panel from the unit, the filter access panel must be removed first. Failure to do so will result in panel damage.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Blower Access Panel
Coil Access Panel
Secondary Drain Port for Hori zont al Application
Thumb Screw
Secondary Drain Port for Upflow/Downflow Application
Figure 7
Tubing Panel
Ensure coil slides on the rails along the groove provided on the drain pan side walls. Failure to do so will result in improper condensate drainage.
Coil Slides
on the downflow bracket
Figure 8
7 Refrigerant Lines
This product is factory-shipped with R410A and dry nitrogen mixture gas under pressu re. Use appr opria te service tools and follow these instructions to prevent injury .
A quenching cloth is strongly recommended to prevent scorching or marring of the equipment finish when brazing close to the painted surfaces. Use brazing alloy of 5% minimum silver content.
NOTE: Refrigerant tubing must be routed to allow adequate
access for servicing and maintenance of the unit. Do not install the air handler in a location that violates the
instructions provided with the condenser. If the unit is located in an unconditioned area with high ambient temperature and/ or high humidity, the air handler may be subject to nuisance sweating of the casing. On these installations, a wrap of 2" fiberglass insulation with a vapor barrier is recommended.
7.1 Tubing Size
For the correct tubing size, follow the specification for the condenser/heat pump.
7.2 Tubing Preparation
All cut ends are to be round, burr free, and clean. Failure to follow this practice increases the chances for refriger­ant leaks. The suction line is spun closed and requires tubing cutters to remove the closed end.
Figure 9
NOTE: To prevent possible damage to the tubing joints, do not handle coil assembly with manifold or flowrator tubes. Always use clean gloves when handling coil as­semblies.
Applying too much heat to any tube can melt the tube. T orch heat required to braze tubes of various sizes mu st be proportional to the s ize of t h e tub e . S er v ice p e rso n n el m u st use the appropriate heat level for the size of the tube being brazed.
7.3 Special Instructions
Units without a factory installed TXV come equipped with a flowrator piston for refrigerant expansion. For most installations with matching applications, no change to the flowrator piston is required. However, in mix-matched applications, a flowrator piston change may be required. See the piston kit chart (provided in the literature packet) or consult your local distributor for details regarding mix-matched flowrator piston siz­ing. If the mix-match application requires a different flowrator piston size, change the flowrator piston in the flowrator body on the indoor coil before installing the coil and use the procedure in section 8.4.
NOTE: The use of a heat shield is strongly recom­mended when brazing to avoid burning the serial plate or the finish of the unit.
Heat trap or wet rags must be used to protect heat sensitive components such as ser­vice valves and TXV valves sensing bulb.
7.4 Tubing Connections for Flowrator Model
1. Loosen the 13/16 nut 1 TURN ONLY to allow high pres­sure tracer gas to escape. No gas indicates a possible leak.
2. After the gas has been expelled, remove the nut and discard the black or brass cap plastic seal.
3. Remove the flowrator piston to verify it is the correct size for the outdoor unit being installed and then replace the piston (changing size, if needed). See piston kit chart in the literature kit for appropriate piston size.
4. Remove the spin closure on the suction line using a tube cutter and deburr the tube.
5. Insert the suction line into the connection, slide the in­sulation and the rubber grommet at least 18" away from the braze joint.
7. Braze tailpiece to the line set liquid tube and braze suc­tion line connection. Quench all brazed joints with a damp rag upon completion of brazing. Do not allow water to enter the inside of the tubing.
8. AFTER THE TAILPIECE HAS COOLED, confirm posi­tion of the white Teflon® seal and hand tighten the 13/16 nut.
9. Torque the 13/16 nut to 7-25 ft-lbs. or tighten 1/6 turn.
Excessive torque can cause orifices to stick. Use the proper torque settings when tightening orifices.
7.5 Tubing Connections for TXV Models
TXV models come with factory installed TXV with the
bulb pre-installed on the vapor tube.
1. Remove refrigerant tubing panel or coil (lower) access panel.
2. Remove access valve fitting cap and depress the valve stem in access fitting to release pressure. No pressure indicates possible leak.
Figure 10
6. Remove the tailpiece clamped to the exterior of the cabi­net or in the literature kit packet and slide the 13/16 nut
into place.
13/16” NUT
Figure 11
3. Replace the refrigerant tubing panel.
4. Remove the spin closure on both the liquid and suction tubes using a tubing cutter.
5. Insert liquid line set into liquid tube expansion and slide grommet about 18" away from braze joint.
6. Insert suction line set into suction tube expansion and slide insulation and grommet about 18" away from braze joint.
7. Braze joints. Quench all brazed joints with water or a wet rag upon completion of brazing.
8 Condensate Drain Lines
The coil drain pan has a primary and a secondary drain with 3/4" NPT female connections. The connectors required are 3/4" NPT male, either PVC or metal pipe, and should be hand tightened to a torque of no more than 37 in-lbs. to prevent damage to the drain pan connection. An insertion depth of approximately 3/8” to 1/2” (3-5 turns) should be expected at this torque.
1. Ensure drain pan hole is not obstructed.
2. To prevent potential sweating and dripping on to finished space, it may be necessary to insulate the condensate drain line located inside the building. Use Armaflex® or similar material.
A secondary condensate drain connection has been provided for areas where the building codes require it. Pitch all drain lines a minimum of 1/4" per foot to provide free drainage. Provide required support to the drain line to prevent bowing. If the secondary drain line is required, run the line separately from the primary drain and end it where condensate discharge can be easily seen.
NOTE: Water coming from secondary line means the coil primary drain is plugged and needs immediate attention.
Insulate drain lines located inside the building or above a finished living space to prevent sweating. Install a conden­sate trap to ensure proper drainage.
NOTE: When units are installed above ceilings, or in other locations where damage from condensate overflow may occur, it is MANDATORY to install a field fabricated auxiliary drain pan under the coil cabinet enclosure.
If secondary drain is not inst a lled, the seconda ry access must be plugged.
The installation must include a “P” style trap that is located as close as is practical to the evaporator coil. See Figure 12 for details of a typical condensate line “P” trap.
NOTE: Trapped lines are required by many local codes. In the absence of any prevailing local codes, please refer to the requirements listed in the Uniform Mechanical Building Code.
A drain trap in a draw-through application prevents air from being drawn back through the drain line during fan operation thus preventing condensate from draining, and if connected to a sewer line to prevent sewer gases from being drawn into the airstream during blower operation.
Field experience has shown condensate drain traps with an open vertical Tee between the air handler and the conden­sate drain trap can improve condensate drainage in some applications, but may cause excessive air discharge out of the open Tee. The manufacturer does not prohibit this type of drain but we also do not recommend it due to the resulting air leakage. Regardless of the condensate drain design used, it is the installer’s responsibility to ensure the condensate drain system is of sufficient design to ensure proper conden­sate removal from the coil drain pan.
Air Handler
2" MIN.
3" MIN.
Use of a condensate removal pump is permitted when nec­essary. This condensate pump should have provisions for shutting off the control voltage should a blocked drain occur. A trap must be installed between the unit and the conden­sate pump.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The evaporator coil is fabricated with oils that may dissolve styrofoam and certain types of plastics. Therefore, a removal pump or float switch must not contain any of these materials. Tip: Priming the “P” trap may avoid improper draining at the initial installation and at the beginning of the cooling season.
9 Ductwork
This air handler is designed for a complete supply and return ductwork system.
To ensure correct system performance, the ductwork is to be sized to accommodate 350-450 CFM per ton of cooling with the static pressure not to exceed 0.5" in w.c. Refer to ACCA Manual D, Manual S and Manual RS for information on duct sizing and application. Flame retardant ductwork is to be used and sealed to the unit in a manner that will prevent leak­age.
NOTE: A downflow application with electric heat must have an L-shaped sheet metal supply duct without any outlets or registers located directly below the heater.
9.1 Return Ductwork
DO NOT LOCATE THE RETURN DUCTWORK IN AN AREA THAT CAN INTRODUCE TOXIC, OR OBJEC­TIONABLE FUMES/ODORS INTO THE DUCTWORK. The return ductwork is to be connected to the air han­dler bottom (upflow configuration).
Do not operate this product without all the ductwork attached.
10 Return Air Filters
Each installation must include a return air filter. This filtering may be performed at the air handler using the factory filter rails or externally such as a return air filter grille. When using
the factory filter rails, a nominal 16x20x1”, 20x20x1” or 24x20x1” (actual dimension must be less than 23-½”x20”) filter can be installed on a B, C and D cabinet respectively (the cabinet size is the seventh letter of the model number).
11 Electric Heat
Refer to the installation manual provided with the electric heat kit for the correct installation procedure. All electric heat must be field installed. If installing this option, the ONLY heat kits that are permitted to be used are the HKS series. Refer to the air handler unit’s Serial and Rating plate or the HKS speci­fication sheets to determine the heat kits compatible with a given air handler. No other accessory heat kit besides the HKS series may be installed in these air handlers.
Figure 12
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